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A simple implementation of apollo datasource for soap requests

Connect the SOAP based services to your Apollo server using Data Sources

apollo-datasource-soap versions:

  • 1.x => apollo server 2.x
  • 2.x => apollo server 3.x

Soap Data Source


npm install --save apollo-dataSource-soap


yarn add apollo-dataSource-soap


Define a data source by extending the SOAPDataSource class. You can invoke the soap method with param by invoking invoke method.

class TestSoapDataSource extends SOAPDataSource {
  constructor() {

  async willSendRequest(options) {
    // override the soap endpoint for all requests
    options.endpoint = 'http://www.thomas-bayer.com/axis2/services/BLZService';
    // these will be used for all soap calls
    options.wsdl_headers = {
      Authorization: token,

  async getBank() {
    return await this.invoke('getBank', {blz: 37050198});

SOAP Cache utility

SOAP is sent as HTTP POST and its a non-idempotent. Thus it can not be cached at HTTP level.

This is draft verison of document for response caching for SOAP, but did not found any implementaion of it.

Thus it make sense to client decide to cache it or not and for how much duration.

Specify the ttl to cache the SOAP response.

class TestSoapDataSource extends SOAPDataSource {
  constructor() {

  async willSendRequest(options) {
    // override the soap endpoint for all requests
    options.endpoint = 'http://www.thomas-bayer.com/axis2/services/BLZService';
    // these will be used for all soap calls
    options.wsdl_headers = {
      Authorization: token,

  async getBank() {
    // cache the response for 1 hour
    return await this.invoke('getBank', {blz: 37050198}, {ttl: 3600});

Decide when to cache

There might be a situation where client needs to decide the response should be cached based on response code. This can be achieved overriding the method shouldCache method. shouldCache method returns a boolean flag to indicate if response can be cached or not. Please take a look at below example:

class TestSoapDataSource extends SOAPDataSource {
  constructor() {

  async willSendRequest(options) {
    // override the soap endpoint for all requests
    options.endpoint = 'http://www.thomas-bayer.com/axis2/services/BLZService';
    // these will be used for all soap calls
    options.wsdl_headers = {
      Authorization: token,

  async getBank() {
    // cache the response for 1 hour
    return await this.invoke('getBank', {blz: 37050198}, {ttl: 3600});

  shouldCache(response) {
    return response.code === 0 ? true : false;

Issue or need a new feature?

If you are experiencing a issue or wanted to add a new feature, please create a github issue here.


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For impatient here are quick steps:

  • Fork the repository
  • Create Branch in you local repository
  • while(youFinish) { Commit }
  • Squash related commits.
  • Write unit test cases for your work.
  • Check the Build on your local.
  • Raise a Pull Request (aka PR)

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