
1.11.2 • Public • Published

NodeJS Arguments Parser(s)

This module provides various ways of easily parsing arguments given to a program (or any array of strings actually).


npm add @twilcynder/arguments-parser

Quick Start

You can parse arguments either by passing instances or various Parsers to the parseArguments() function, but the simplest solution is to use a single ArgumentsManager and its methods.

import { ArgumentsManager } from "@twilcynder/arguments-parser";

let {parameter, switch, switch2, option, number, files, props} = new ArgumentsManager()
    .addParameter("parameter", {description: "A parameter"})
    .addSwitch("-s", {dest: "switch", description: "A Switch (mandatory)"})
    .addSwitch(["-S", "--switch2"], {dest: "switch", description: "Another switch (optional)"}, false)
    .addOption(["-o", "--option"], {description: "An Option"})
    .addOption(["-n", "--number"], {description: "Needs a number", type: "number"})
    .setAbstract("A test program")
    .setMissingArgumentBehavior("Missing mandatory argument", null, false)

    node test.js -s --option ye -n 12 prop=value file1 file2 * 

Basically, you add named parameters called "parsers", that will each take a value according to different behaviors (take any argument, check if a switch is present, etc).

Explanations for everything in these snippets below.



The most basic way to use this library. An instance of ArgumentsManager can :

  • be configured with parsers, that will each handle different arguments
  • parse a set of arguments with those parser

Each parser has a destination, which is a name that will be used to identify the result of that parser (whether a certain witch was found, the value of a certain parameter, etc). Parsing will always return an object / dictionnary, associating each destination name to its value. This means that using JavaScript's destructuring assigment, you can place them in variables like this

let {param1, param2} = new ArgumentsManager()
    //and then you parse, we'll see how in a minute


Universal options

All the "add" methods take an "option" parameter, used to fine-tune the behavior of the added parser. There are some options that work on all parsers; only the options that are specific to each parser will be listed below.

  • "default" : specifies the default value retrurned by the parser is it did not catch anything (and was optional)
  • "description" (string) : gives a description to the parser, used by the manual feature (see the --help/-h parameter)
.addParameter(dest, options = {}, optional = true)

Adds a parameter parser, that will simply take the value of an basic argument. A "basic argument" is defined as any argument that did not match any option or switch parser (see below) and is not a property (also see below) The first argument is the destination name.
Options can be :

  • "last" (boolean) : if false, this parser will take the first basic argument and then stop parsing anything. If true, this parser will take every argument and save the last. This means that any parameter parser added after this one will be unable to read anything, as a single argument cannot be saved by multiple parser.
  • type (string) :
    • "number" : value will be converted to a number (NaN if not convertible).

If "optional" is false, parsing methods will raise an error if this parser did not have anything to save.

.addMultiParameter(dest, options = {})

Works like the parameter parser, except instead of saving a single argument it will save all basic arguments that aren't a switch, option or property.

As a single argument cannot be saved by multiple parsers, any parameter parsers added after this method is called will be unable to parse anything.

This parser does not take a "default" option, and simply returns an empty array if no arguments matched the conditions.

.addSwitch(triggers, options = {}, optional = true)

Adds a switch parser. This parser takes one or many "triggers", and ignores anything that is not exactly one of these triggers. Is one of the triggers is ever encountered, the value returned by this parser will be true ; if not, it will be false.
The "triggers" parameter can either be a string or an array of strings.

The destination name for this parser can be specified in the options (as "dest"), but if any of the triggers starts with "--", the rest of the trigger (i.e. the trigger without the initial "--" will be used as the destination name).

If "optional" is false, parsing methods will raise an error if none of the triggers were seen. Note that making a switch mandatory is very rarely relevant.

.addOption(triggers, options = {}, optional = true)

Adds an option parser. This parser takes one or many "triggers", and ignores anything that is not exactly one of these triggers. Is one of the triggers is ever encountered, the value of the next argument will be saved.
The "triggers" parameter can either be a string or an array of strings.

The destination name for this parser can be specified in the options (as "dest"), but if any of the triggers starts with "--", the rest of the trigger (i.e. the trigger without the initial "--" will be used as the destination name).

If "optional" is false, parsing methods will raise an error if none of the triggers were seen.

.enablePropertyArguments(dest = "properties", description)

Enables property arguments parsing. This means that all "property arguments", which are all the arguments of form name=value will be collected in a single object / dictionnary.

Example :

let {props} = new ArgumentsManager()
    .parseProcessArguments() //see below


Running this propgram like this

node test.js prop1=foo prop2=bar

will produce the following result (content of the props variable)

{"prop1": "foo", "prop2": "bar"}

Note that if you do not call this method, "property arguments" will just be treated as basic arguments

.enableHelpParameter(noEffect) and .setAbstract(abstract)

Adds a special switch parser that detects either -h or --help.

  • If "noEffect" is false, when -h or --help are parsed it will display a help message ; the program will then exit with code 0.
  • If it is true, the parser will simply behave like a normal switch parser, with "help" as the destination, allowing you to control more accurately what happens when the user requested help.

This help message is composed of

  • A summary of all the parameters in the form of a "usage" string ("Usage : node program.js ...")
  • Optionnaly, a short text configured with setAbstract
  • A list of the parsers, with their description.
.setMissingArgumentBehavior(message, errorCode, throw_ = true)

Configures the behavior of the parsing methods in case a mandatory argument is missing.

  • "message" (string) will set the text message displayed or raised, depending on the next arguments. Note that this message will be followed by " : " and the destination name of the parameter that's missing.
  • "errorCode" (number), if specified, will make the program exit with the given error code.
  • "throw" (boolean) sets whether an exception is raised if an argument is missing. Pointless if "errorCode" is specified, as the program will exit before anything can be raised.
  • "log" (boolean) sets whether the "message" is logged to stderr on if an argument is missing


After calling all the relevant configuration methods, and settings up what arguments you want to save in which destination, you can call on of these methods to parse arguments following your configuration.


Parses any array of arguments ("args").


Parses the arguments of the current process.



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