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1.0.4 • Public • Published


A view providing helpers to initialize and manage the main view of your single-page app.

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There is a fair amount that happens every time I start up a new ampersandjs project. This aims to be a starting point for a basic main view that you would have in your app. It handles link clicks, navigation, intial rendering to the body, routing, page switching, and navigation link activating.

What does it do?

Glad you asked! When you initialize an ampersand-main-view it will:

  1. Create an amperand-router with the router options you pass in
  2. Add a helper funciton to the router called triggerPage
  3. Render itself
  4. Initialize an ampersand-view-switcher for the pageRegion
  5. Start the router

After all that is done, the newly created router will start the clientside routing flow. You can call this.triggerPage(pageInstance) from inside any router function, and it will initialize that pageInstance inside the pageRegion.

That's a high-level overviewg of what it does. Check out the API reference below to see what each function does.



// Defaults
new MainView({
    pageEvent: 'newPage',
    pageRegion: '[data-hook="page"]',
    pageOptions: {},
    navRegion: '[data-hook="navigation"]',
    navItem: 'a',
    navActiveClass: 'active',
    router: {}

pageEvent (String, default: newPage)

This is the event that will be trigged on the router when router.triggerPage is called. You shouldn't have to change this unless it is conficting with an already existing event on the views in your app.

pageRegion (selector String or HTMLElement, default: [data-hook=page])

This is the element on the page where the view switcher will swap out pages.

pageOptions (Object, default: {})

These options will be passed as the second argument to the view switcher. Check out the ampersand-view-switcher API for more reference.

navRegion (selector String or HTMLElement, default: [data-hook=navigation])

This is the element on the page with navItems. navItems will be toggled with the navActiveClass based on if their pathname matches the current page's pathname. Set to a falsy value to cancel all nav updating.

navItem (selector String, default: a)

This is the selector that will be used to find all the navigation links within the navRegion. Set to a falsy value to cancel all nav updating.

navActiveClass (String, default: 'active')

This is a class name which will be added to navItems in the navRegion. Set to a falsy value to cancel all nav updating.

router (Object or Router, default: {})

This object will be passed directly to Router.extend and then initialized. If you pass in a Router, it won't be initiliazed again.

Router Methods


This method can be called on the router to make a new page. This allows you to do something like this in the router options that you pass to the main view:

new MainView({
    router: {
        routes: {
            '': 'index',
            'users': 'users'
        index: function () {
            this.triggerPage(new HomePage());
        users: function () {
            this.triggerPage(new UsersPage());

View Methods

The main idea behind ampersand-main-view is to have some sane defaults for the main view of your app. All the methods below can be overridden with extend should you need more flexibility.

Initialization Methods


Page Handling Methods


Navigation Methods


Route Handling Methods


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  • lukekarrys