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A better storage wrapper

This library adds a nice api wrapper for many storage methods.

This library now defaults to promise based returns for all methods. Synchronous methods are available via import { BetterStroage } from 'betterstorage'.

Basic Usage

import BetterStorage from 'betterstorage';
const BasicStore = new BetterStorage();
BasicStore.set('Test', { test: 'test' }).then(() =>{
  BasicStore.has('Test').then((has) => {
    if (has) {
      BasicStore.get('Test').then((value) => {
        console.log(value); // { test: 'test' }

You can prefix your items in the store

import { BetterStorage } from 'betterstorage';
const AwesomeStore = new BetterStorage('Awesome');
AwesomeStore.set('Test', { test: 'test' });
AwesomeStore.has('Test') // true
AwesomeStore.get('Test'); // { test: 'test' }

This will prefix Test with Awesome like so Awesome-Test.

Changing from local storage

By defualt the store uses local storage. To change this pass the name or the object as the second parameter.

import { BetterStorage } from 'betterstorage';
const AwesomeLocalStore = new BetterStorage('Awesome', 'local');
const AwesomeSessionStore = new BetterStorage('Awesome', 'session');

All methods

contructor new BetterStorage(prefix = '', kind = 'local', overrides = {}) See Overrides section for more details on that param

setPrefix setPrefix(prefix = '', changeExisting = false) Allows for changing the prefix of the store. If changeExisting is true and you currently have a prefix all items that were prefixed will have their prefix changed.

setKind setKind(kind, migrateData = false) This method allows you to change the type of storage that is being used. This is the same as the second param in the constructor. If migrateData is true and you currently have a prefix all items that were prefixed will be moved to the new storage type.

set set(key, value) Sets a item into the store

get get(key) Gets an item from the store

remove remove(key) Removes an item from the store

has has(key) Checks if key exists in the store

clear clear(full = false) Clears the store of items you have set. If there is no prefix set or if full is true then the entire store is cleared.

getLength getLength() This return the number of items with the set prefix.

getFullLength getFullLength() This returns the number of all items in the store.

key key(n) This returns the key at index out of prefixed items.

fullKey_ fullKey(n) This returns the key at index out of all items in the store.


You can pass in methods to override the default actions for betterstorage. This is most useful if you need a different storage type then the default 'local' and 'session'. When using the default async storage api then these methods must return promises. When using synchronous these methods should not return promises

The methods that you can override are

  • doSet
  • doGet
  • doRemove
  • doClear
  • doLength
  • doFullLength
  • doKey
  • doFullKey
  • doHas


import BetterStorage from 'betterstorage';
import { setItem, getItem, removeItem, clear } from 'redux-effects-localStorage';
const ReduxEffectsStore = new BetterStorage('Effects', 'local', {
  doGet: (key) => dispatch(getItem(key)),
  doSet: (key, value) => dispatch(setItem(key, value)),
  doRemove: (key) => dispatch(removeItem(key)),
  doClear: () =>  dispatch(clear()),
ReduxEffectsStore.set('Test', { test: 'test' }).then(() => {
  ReduxEffectsStore.has('Test').then(has => {
    if (has) {
      ReduxEffectsStore.get('Test').then((data) => { console.log(data); });

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  • jcgertig