
0.15.5 • Public • Published


Validate, sanitize and assert: the silver bullet of data!

Beta version.

/!\ This documentation is still a Work In Progress /!\

Basic validation

  • sanitize Array of string the sanitizer's name to apply before any type checking
  • optional boolean the data can be null or undefined, if so the data validate immediately
  • default (anything) the data can be null or undefined, if so it is overwritten by the default value and it validates immediately
  • type string the name of the type checker
  • instanceOf
  • min
  • max
  • length
  • minLength
  • maxLength
  • match
  • in
  • notIn
  • when
  • properties object of schema, it iterates through each properties and checks that they all match their own schema
  • elements Array same than properties but for arrays
  • only boolean used in conjunction with properties or elements, it checks that no properties other than those listed are present
  • of object contains one schema that will check each elements of an array or each properties

Type Checkers

Javascript primitive types:

  • undefined: the data should be undefined
  • null: the data should be null
  • boolean: the data should be a boolean, i.e. true or false
  • number: the data should be a number. NOTE that Infinity and NaN are ok, so you may consider using real instead of number in almost all cases
  • string: the data should be a string
  • object: the data should be an Object
  • function: the data should be a Function

Javascript/Node.js built-in types:

  • array: the data should be an Array
  • error: the data should be an instance of Error
  • date: the data should be an instance of Date
  • buffer: the data should be a Node.js Buffer

Common meta types:

  • real: a number that is not NaN nor +/- Infinity
  • integer: a number that is not NaN nor +/- Infinity, and that do not have decimal part


  • toNumber: try to convert a string to a number
  • trim: trim a string, removing whitespace at the beginning and the end


Assertion utilities

doormen.shouldThrow() should throw if the callback has not throw, and catch if it has throw.

var thrown ;
thrown = false ;
try {
	doormen.shouldThrow( () => {} ) ;
catch ( error ) {
	thrown = true ;
if ( ! thrown ) { throw new Error( 'It should throw!' ) ; }
thrown = false ;
try {
	doormen.shouldThrow( () => { throw new Error( 'Fatal error' ) ; } ) ;
catch ( error ) {
	thrown = true ;
if ( thrown ) { throw new Error( 'It should *NOT* throw' ) ; }

doormen.not() should throw if the data validate, and catch if it has throw.

var thrown ;
thrown = false ;
try {
	doormen.not( { type: 'string' } , 'text' ) ;
catch ( error ) {
	thrown = true ;
if ( ! thrown ) { throw new Error( 'It should throw' ) ; }
thrown = false ;
try {
	doormen.not( { type: 'string' } , 1 ) ;
catch ( error ) {
	thrown = true ;
if ( thrown ) { throw new Error( 'It should *NOT* throw' ) ; }

Equality checker

Equality of simple type.

doormen.equals( undefined , undefined ) ;
doormen.equals( null , null ) ;
doormen.equals( true , true ) ;
doormen.equals( false , false ) ;
doormen.not.equals( undefined , null ) ;
doormen.not.equals( true , false ) ;
doormen.not.equals( null , false ) ;
doormen.not.equals( undefined , false ) ;
doormen.equals( NaN , NaN ) ;
doormen.not.equals( NaN , null ) ;
doormen.not.equals( NaN , undefined ) ;
doormen.equals( Infinity , Infinity ) ;
doormen.equals( -Infinity , -Infinity ) ;
doormen.not.equals( Infinity , -Infinity ) ;
doormen.equals( 0 , 0 ) ;
doormen.equals( 123 , 123 ) ;
doormen.equals( 0.123 , 0.123 ) ;
doormen.equals( "" , "" ) ;
doormen.equals( "abc" , "abc" ) ;
doormen.equals( "   abc" , "   abc" ) ;
doormen.equals( "abc  " , "abc  " ) ;
doormen.equals( "     abc  " , "     abc  " ) ;
doormen.not.equals( 0 , "" ) ;
doormen.not.equals( false , "" ) ;

Equality of objects.

var o = {} ;
doormen.equals( {} , {} ) ;
doormen.equals( o , o ) ;
doormen.equals( { a: 2 , b: 5 } , { a: 2 , b: 5 } ) ;
doormen.not.equals( { a: 2 , b: 6 } , { a: 2 , b: 5 } ) ;
doormen.equals( { b: 5 , a: 2 } , { a: 2 , b: 5 } ) ;
doormen.not.equals( { a: 2 , b: 5 , c: null } , { a: 2 , b: 5 } ) ;
doormen.not.equals( { a: 2 , b: 5 } , { a: 2 , b: 5 , c: null } ) ;
doormen.not.equals( { a: 2 , b: 5 , c: {} } , { a: 2 , b: 5 } ) ;
doormen.equals( { a: 2 , b: 5 , c: {} } , { a: 2 , b: 5 , c: {} } ) ;
doormen.equals( { a: 2 , b: 5 , c: { d: 'titi' } } , { a: 2 , b: 5 , c: { d: 'titi' } } ) ;
doormen.not.equals( { a: 2 , b: 5 , c: { d: 'titi' } } , { a: 2 , b: 5 , c: { d: 'toto' } } ) ;
	{ a: 2 , b: 5 , c: { d: 'titi' , e: { f: 'f' , g: 7 } } } ,
	{ a: 2 , b: 5 , c: { d: 'titi' , e: { f: 'f' , g: 7 } } }
) ;

when a property is undefined in the left-side and non-existant in the right-side, they should be equals.

doormen.equals( { a: 2 , b: 5 , c: undefined } , { a: 2 , b: 5 } ) ;
doormen.equals( { a: 2 , b: 5 } , { a: 2 , b: 5 , c: undefined } ) ;
doormen.equals( { a: 2 , b: 5 , c: undefined } , { a: 2 , b: 5 , c: undefined } ) ;
doormen.equals( { a: 2 , b: 5 , c: undefined } , { a: 2 , b: 5 , d: undefined } ) ;
doormen.equals( { a: 2 , b: 5 , c: { d: 'titi' } } , { a: 2 , b: 5 , c: { d: 'titi' , e: undefined } } ) ;

Equality of functions.

var o = {} ;
var fn = function() {} ;
var fn2 = function() {} ;
doormen.equals( fn , fn ) ;
doormen.not.equals( fn , fn2 ) ;
doormen.equals( { a: fn } , { a: fn } ) ;
doormen.equals( { b: 2 , a: fn } , { a: fn , b: 2 } ) ;
doormen.equals( [ fn ] , [ fn ] ) ;
doormen.equals( [ 1 , 2 , fn ] , [ 1 , 2 , fn ] ) ;
doormen.not.equals( [ 1 , 2 , fn ] , [ 1 , 2 ] ) ;

Equality of arrays.

var o = [] ;
doormen.equals( [] , [] ) ;
doormen.equals( o , o ) ;
doormen.equals( [ 1 ] , [ 1 ] ) ;
doormen.not.equals( [ 1 , undefined ] , [ 1 ] ) ;
doormen.not.equals( [ 1 ] , [ 1 , undefined ] ) ;
doormen.not.equals( [ 1 ] , [ 2 ] ) ;
doormen.equals( [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] , [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] ) ;
doormen.equals( [ 1 , [] , 3 ] , [ 1 , [] , 3 ] ) ;
doormen.equals( [ 1 , [ 2 ] , 3 ] , [ 1 , [ 2 ] , 3 ] ) ;
doormen.equals( [ 1 , [ 2 , 'a' ] , 3 ] , [ 1 , [ 2 , 'a' ] , 3 ] ) ;
doormen.not.equals( [ 1 , [ 2 , 'a' ] , 3 ] , [ 1 , [ 2 , 'b' ] , 3 ] ) ;
doormen.equals( [ 1 , [ 2 , [ null ] , 'a' ] , 3 ] , [ 1 , [ 2 , [ null ] , 'a' ] , 3 ] ) ;
doormen.not.equals( [ 1 , [ 2 , [ undefined ] , 'a' ] , 3 ] , [ 1 , [ 2 , [ null ] , 'a' ] , 3 ] ) ;

doormen.equals( [ [ 'one' ] , [ 'two' ] ] , [ [ 'one' ] , [ 'two' ] ] ) ;
doormen.not.equals( [ [ 'one' ] , [ 'two' ] ] , [ [ 'one' ] , [ 'twoa' ] ] ) ;

Equality of nested and mixed objects and arrays.

doormen.not.equals( {} , [] ) ;
	{ a: 2 , b: 5 , c: [ 'titi' , { f: 'f' , g: 7 } ] } ,
	{ a: 2 , b: 5 , c: [ 'titi' , { f: 'f' , g: 7 } ] }
) ;
	[ 'a' , 'b' , { c: 'titi' , d: [ 'f' , 7 ] } ] ,
	[ 'a' , 'b' , { c: 'titi' , d: [ 'f' , 7 ] } ]
) ;

Circular references: stop searching when both part have reached circular references.

var a , b ;
a = { a: 1 , b: 2 } ;
a.c = a ;
b = { a: 1 , b: 2 } ;
b.c = b ;
doormen.equals( a , b ) ;
a = { a: 1 , b: 2 , c: { a: 1 , b: 2 } } ;
a.c.c = a ;
b = { a: 1 , b: 2 } ;
b.c = b ;
doormen.equals( a , b ) ;


var date1 = new Date( '2019-06-18' ) ,
	date2 = new Date( '2019-08-21' ) ,
	date3 = new Date( '2019-08-21' ) ;

doormen.not.equals( date1 , date2 ) ;
doormen.equals( date2 , date3 ) ;


var buf , buf2 , i ;
buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe( 80 ) ;
buf2 = Buffer.allocUnsafe( 80 ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 80 ; i ++ ) { buf[ i ] = i ; }
buf.copy( buf2 ) ;
doormen.equals( buf , buf2 ) ;
buf2[ 4 ] = 117 ;
doormen.not.equals( buf , buf2 ) ;

Basic types

should validate undefined accordingly.

doormen( { type: 'undefined' } , undefined ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'undefined' } , null ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'undefined' } , false ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'undefined' } , true ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'undefined' } , 0 ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'undefined' } , 1 ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'undefined' } , '' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'undefined' } , 'text' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'undefined' } , {} ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'undefined' } , [] ) ;

should validate null accordingly.

doormen.not( { type: 'null' } , undefined ) ;
doormen( { type: 'null' } , null ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'null' } , false ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'null' } , true ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'null' } , 0 ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'null' } , 1 ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'null' } , '' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'null' } , 'text' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'null' } , {} ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'null' } , [] ) ;

should validate boolean accordingly.

doormen.not( { type: 'boolean' } , undefined ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'boolean' } , null ) ;
doormen( { type: 'boolean' } , false ) ;
doormen( { type: 'boolean' } , true ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'boolean' } , 0 ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'boolean' } , 1 ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'boolean' } , '' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'boolean' } , 'text' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'boolean' } , {} ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'boolean' } , [] ) ;

should validate number accordingly.

doormen.not( { type: 'number' } , undefined ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'number' } , null ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'number' } , false ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'number' } , true ) ;
doormen( { type: 'number' } , 0 ) ;
doormen( { type: 'number' } , 1 ) ;
doormen( { type: 'number' } , Infinity ) ;
doormen( { type: 'number' } , NaN ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'number' } , '' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'number' } , 'text' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'number' } , {} ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'number' } , [] ) ;

should validate string accordingly.

doormen.not( { type: 'string' } , undefined ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'string' } , null ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'string' } , false ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'string' } , true ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'string' } , 0 ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'string' } , 1 ) ;
doormen( { type: 'string' } , '' ) ;
doormen( { type: 'string' } , 'text' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'string' } , {} ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'string' } , [] ) ;

should validate object accordingly.

doormen.not( { type: 'object' } , undefined ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'object' } , null ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'object' } , false ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'object' } , true ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'object' } , 0 ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'object' } , 1 ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'object' } , '' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'object' } , 'text' ) ;
doormen( { type: 'object' } , {} ) ;
doormen( { type: 'object' } , { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) ;
doormen( { type: 'object' } , [] ) ;
doormen( { type: 'object' } , [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] ) ;
doormen( { type: 'object' } , new Date() ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'object' } , () => {} ) ;

should validate function accordingly.

doormen.not( { type: 'function' } , undefined ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'function' } , null ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'function' } , false ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'function' } , true ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'function' } , 0 ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'function' } , 1 ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'function' } , '' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'function' } , 'text' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'function' } , {} ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'function' } , [] ) ;
doormen( { type: 'function' } , () => {} ) ;

Optional, default and forced data

when a data is null, undefined or unexistant, and the optional flag is set the schema, it should validate.

doormen.not( { type: 'string' } , null ) ;
doormen( { optional: true , type: 'string' } , null ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'string' } , undefined ) ;
doormen( { optional: true , type: 'string' } , undefined ) ;
doormen( { type: 'string' } , 'text' ) ;
doormen( { optional: true , type: 'string' } , 'text' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'string' } , 1 ) ;
doormen.not( { optional: true , type: 'string' } , 1 ) ;
doormen.not( { properties: { a: { type: 'string' } } } , {} ) ;
doormen( { properties: { a: { optional: true , type: 'string' } } } , {} ) ;
doormen( { properties: { a: { optional: true , type: 'string' } } } , { a: null } ) ;
doormen( { properties: { a: { optional: true , type: 'string' } } } , { a: undefined } ) ;

if 'nullIsValue' and 'optional' flags are set, null values should validate instead being considerate a non-value.

doormen.not( { nullIsValue: true , type: 'string' } , null ) ;
doormen.not( { nullIsValue: true , optional: true , type: 'string' } , null ) ;
doormen.not( { nullIsValue: true , type: 'string' } , undefined ) ;
doormen( { nullIsValue: true , optional: true , type: 'string' } , undefined ) ;
doormen.not( { properties: { a: { nullIsValue: true , type: 'string' } } } , {} ) ;
doormen( { properties: { a: { nullIsValue: true , optional: true , type: 'string' } } } , {} ) ;
doormen.not( { properties: { a: { nullIsValue: true , optional: true , type: 'string' } } } , { a: null } ) ;
doormen( { properties: { a: { nullIsValue: true , optional: true , type: 'string' } } } , { a: undefined } ) ;

if 'nullIsUndefined' is set null values are turned to 'undefined' before applying anything else.

doormen.equals( doormen( { nullIsUndefined: false } , null ) , null ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( { nullIsUndefined: true } , null ) , undefined ) ;

doormen.not( { nullIsUndefined: true , type: 'string' } , null ) ;
doormen( { nullIsUndefined: true , optional: true , type: 'string' } , null ) ;
doormen.not( { nullIsUndefined: true , type: 'string' } , undefined ) ;
doormen( { nullIsUndefined: true , optional: true , type: 'string' } , undefined ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( { properties: { a: { nullIsUndefined: true , optional: true , type: 'string' } } } , { a: null } ) , { a: undefined } ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( { properties: { a: { nullIsUndefined: true , optional: true , type: 'string' } } } , { a: null } ) , {} ) ;

missing optional properties should not be created (i.e. with undefined)..

var result ;
result = doormen( { properties: { a: { optional: true , type: 'string' } } } , {} ) ;
// {a:undefined} is equals to {} for doormen.equals() (this is the correct behaviour), but here we want to know for sure
// that a key is not defined, so we have to check it explicitly
doormen.equals( 'a' in result , false ) ;
result = doormen(
		properties: {
			a: { optional: true , type: 'string' } ,
			b: { optional: true , type: 'string' } ,
			c: {
				optional: true ,
				properties: {
					d: { optional: true , type: 'string' }
	} ,
) ;
doormen.equals( 'a' in result , false ) ;
doormen.equals( 'b' in result , false ) ;
doormen.equals( 'c' in result , false ) ;
result = doormen(
		properties: {
			a: { optional: true , type: 'string' } ,
			b: { optional: true , type: 'string' } ,
			c: {
				optional: true ,
				properties: {
					d: { optional: true , type: 'string' }
	} ,
	{ c: undefined }
) ;
doormen.equals( 'a' in result , false ) ;
doormen.equals( 'b' in result , false ) ;
doormen.equals( 'c' in result , true ) ;
doormen.equals( result.c , undefined ) ;
result = doormen(
		properties: {
			a: { optional: true , type: 'string' } ,
			b: { optional: true , type: 'string' } ,
			c: {
				optional: true ,
				properties: {
					d: { optional: true , type: 'string' }
	} ,
	{ c: null }
) ;
doormen.equals( 'a' in result , false ) ;
doormen.equals( 'b' in result , false ) ;
doormen.equals( 'c' in result , true ) ;
doormen.equals( result.c , null ) ;
result = doormen(
		properties: {
			a: { optional: true , type: 'string' } ,
			b: { optional: true , type: 'string' } ,
			c: {
				optional: true ,
				properties: {
					d: { optional: true , type: 'string' }
	} ,
	{ c: {} }
) ;
doormen.equals( 'a' in result , false ) ;
doormen.equals( 'b' in result , false ) ;
doormen.equals( 'c' in result , true ) ;
doormen.equals( 'd' in result.c , false ) ;

when a data is null, undefined or unexistant, and a default value is specified in the schema, that default value should overwrite the original one.

doormen.equals( doormen( { type: 'string' , "default": 'default!' } , null ) , 'default!' ) ;
		{ properties: { a: { type: 'string' , "default": 'default!' } } } ,
		{ a: null } ) ,
	{ a: 'default!' }
) ;
		{ properties: { a: { type: 'string' , "default": 'default!' } , b: { type: 'object' , "default": { c: 5 } } } } ,
		{ a: null , b: undefined } ) ,
	{ a: 'default!' , b: { c: 5 } }
) ;
		{ properties: { a: { type: 'string' , "default": 'default!' } , b: { type: 'object' , "default": { c: 5 } } } } ,
		{} ) ,
	{ a: 'default!' , b: { c: 5 } }
) ;

// verify that default value can be a function (regression of v0.10.9)
var fn = () => null ;
		{ properties: { a: { type: 'string' , "default": fn } } } ,
		{ a: null } ) ,
	{ a: fn }
) ;

when the 'defaultFn' is specified in the schema and is a string, that builtin default function is executed and its return-value is used as the default.

//doormen.equals( doormen( { type: 'date' , defaultFn: 'now' } , null ) , new Date() ) ;
		{ properties: { a: { type: 'date' , defaultFn: 'now' } } } ,
		{ a: null } ) ,
	{ a: new Date() }
) ;

when the 'defaultFn' is specified in the schema and is a function, that function is executed and its return-value is used as the default.

var date , count = 0 ;
doormen.equals( doormen( { type: 'date' , defaultFn: () => date = new Date() } , null ) , date ) ;
		{ properties: { a: { type: 'date' , defaultFn: () => date = new Date() } } } ,
		{ a: null } ) ,
	{ a: date }
) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( { type: 'integer' , defaultFn: () => ++ count } , null ) , 1 ) ;
		{ properties: {
			a: { type: 'integer' , defaultFn: () => ++ count } ,
			b: { type: 'integer' , defaultFn: () => ++ count }
		} } ,
		{ a: null } ) ,
	{ a: 2 , b: 3 }
) ;

if 'nullIsValue' is set and a 'default' value is set, null values are not replaced by the default value.

doormen.not( { type: 'string' , nullIsValue: true , "default": 'default!' } , null ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( { nullIsValue: true , "default": 'default!' } , null ) , null ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( { nullIsValue: true , "default": 'default!' } , undefined ) , 'default!' ) ;

	{ properties: { a: { type: 'string' , nullIsValue: true , "default": 'default!' } } } ,
	{ a: null } ) ,
{ a: null }
		{ properties: { a: { nullIsValue: true , "default": 'default!' } } } ,
		{ a: null } ) ,
	{ a: null }
) ;
		{ properties: { a: { nullIsValue: true , "default": 'default!' } } } ,
		{ a: undefined } ) ,
	{ a: 'default!' }
) ;
		{ properties: { a: { nullIsValue: true , "default": 'default!' } , b: { type: 'object' , nullIsValue: true , "default": { c: 5 } } } } ,
		{ a: null , b: undefined } ) ,
	{ a: null , b: { c: 5 } }
) ;

when the schema has a forced value, it should validate the data and set it to that value.

var schema ;

schema = { value: 'forced!' } ;
doormen.equals( doormen( schema , null ) , 'forced!' ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( schema , undefined ) , 'forced!' ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( schema , 'bob' ) , 'forced!' ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( schema , {} ) , 'forced!' ) ;

schema = { properties: { a: { value: 'forced!' } } } ;
doormen.equals( doormen( schema , {} ) , { a: 'forced!' } ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( schema , { a: undefined } ) , { a: 'forced!' } ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( schema , { a: null } ) , { a: 'forced!' } ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( schema , { a: 'bob' } ) , { a: 'forced!' } ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( schema , { a: { jack: 'bob' } } ) , { a: 'forced!' } ) ;

schema = { properties: { a: { value: 'forced!' } , b: { value: { c: 5 } } } } ;
doormen.equals( doormen( schema , { a: null , b: undefined } ) , { a: 'forced!' , b: { c: 5 } } ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( schema , {} ) , { a: 'forced!' , b: { c: 5 } } ) ;

Built-in types

should validate 'unset' accordingly (undefined or null).

doormen( { type: 'unset' } , undefined ) ;
doormen( { type: 'unset' } , null ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'unset' } , false ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'unset' } , true ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'unset' } , 0 ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'unset' } , 1 ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'unset' } , '' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'unset' } , 'text' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'unset' } , {} ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'unset' } , [] ) ;

should validate array accordingly.

doormen.not( { type: 'array' } , undefined ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'array' } , null ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'array' } , false ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'array' } , true ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'array' } , 0 ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'array' } , 1 ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'array' } , '' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'array' } , 'text' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'array' } , {} ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'array' } , { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) ;
doormen( { type: 'array' } , [] ) ;
doormen( { type: 'array' } , [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'array' } , () => {} ) ;

should validate date accordingly.

doormen( { type: 'date' } , new Date() ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'date' } , undefined ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'date' } , null ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'date' } , false ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'date' } , true ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'date' } , 0 ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'date' } , 1 ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'date' } , '' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'date' } , 'text' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'date' } , {} ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'date' } , { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'date' } , [] ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'date' } , [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'date' } , () => {} ) ;

should validate error accordingly.

doormen( { type: 'error' } , new Error() ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'error' } , undefined ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'error' } , null ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'error' } , false ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'error' } , true ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'error' } , 0 ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'error' } , 1 ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'error' } , '' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'error' } , 'text' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'error' } , {} ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'error' } , { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'error' } , [] ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'error' } , [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'error' } , () => {} ) ;

should validate arguments accordingly.

var fn = function() { doormen( { type: 'arguments' } , arguments ) ; } ;	// eslint-disable-line prefer-rest-params
fn() ;
fn( 1 ) ;
fn( 1 , 2 , 3 ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'arguments' } , undefined ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'arguments' } , null ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'arguments' } , false ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'arguments' } , true ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'arguments' } , 0 ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'arguments' } , 1 ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'arguments' } , '' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'arguments' } , 'text' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'arguments' } , {} ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'arguments' } , { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'arguments' } , [] ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'arguments' } , [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'arguments' } , () => {} ) ;

Mixed types

should validate 'strictObject' accordingly, i.e. objects that are NOT arrays.

doormen.not( { type: 'strictObject' } , undefined ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'strictObject' } , null ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'strictObject' } , false ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'strictObject' } , true ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'strictObject' } , 0 ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'strictObject' } , 1 ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'strictObject' } , '' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'strictObject' } , 'text' ) ;
doormen( { type: 'strictObject' } , {} ) ;
doormen( { type: 'strictObject' } , { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'strictObject' } , [] ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'strictObject' } , [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'strictObject' } , () => {} ) ;

should validate 'regexp' accordingly, i.e. RegExp instance or string convertible to RegExp.

doormen( { type: 'regexp' } , /Random/ ) ;
doormen( { type: 'regexp' } , new RegExp( "Random" ) ) ;
doormen( { type: 'regexp' } , "Random" ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'regexp' } , "(Random" ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'regexp' } , undefined ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'regexp' } , null ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'regexp' } , false ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'regexp' } , true ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'regexp' } , 0 ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'regexp' } , 1 ) ;
doormen( { type: 'regexp' } , '' ) ;
doormen( { type: 'regexp' } , 'text' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'regexp' } , {} ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'regexp' } , { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'regexp' } , [] ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'regexp' } , [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'regexp' } , () => {} ) ;

should validate 'classId' accordingly, i.e. function (constructor) or non-empty string.

doormen.not( { type: 'classId' } , undefined ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'classId' } , null ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'classId' } , false ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'classId' } , true ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'classId' } , 0 ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'classId' } , 1 ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'classId' } , '' ) ;
doormen( { type: 'classId' } , 'text' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'classId' } , {} ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'classId' } , { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'classId' } , [] ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'classId' } , [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] ) ;
doormen( { type: 'classId' } , () => {} ) ;

Top-level filters

'instanceOf' should validate object accordingly.

function MyClass() {}
if ( doormen.isBrowser ) { window[ 'MyClass' ] = MyClass ; }
else { global[ 'MyClass' ] = MyClass ; }
doormen( { instanceOf: Date } , new Date() ) ;
doormen( { instanceOf: Array } , new Array() ) ;
doormen( { instanceOf: MyClass } , new MyClass() ) ;
doormen( { instanceOf: Object } , new MyClass() ) ;
doormen( { instanceOf: 'MyClass' } , new MyClass() ) ;
doormen( { instanceOf: 'Object' } , new MyClass() ) ;
doormen.not( { instanceOf: Date } , new Array() ) ;
doormen.not( { instanceOf: 'Date' } , new Array() ) ;

min filter should validate accordingly, non-number should throw.

doormen( { min: 3 } , 10 ) ;
doormen( { min: 3 } , 3 ) ;
doormen.not( { min: 3 } , 1 ) ;
doormen.not( { min: 3 } , 0 ) ;
doormen.not( { min: 3 } , -10 ) ;
doormen( { min: 3 } , Infinity ) ;
doormen( { min: Infinity } , Infinity ) ;
doormen.not( { min: 3 } , -Infinity ) ;
doormen.not( { min: 3 } , NaN ) ;
doormen.not( { min: 3 } , true ) ;
doormen.not( { min: 3 } , false ) ;
doormen.not( { min: 3 } , undefined ) ;
doormen.not( { min: 0 } , undefined ) ;
doormen.not( { min: -3 } , undefined ) ;
doormen.not( { min: 3 } , '10' ) ;

max filter should validate accordingly, non-number should throw.

doormen.not( { max: 3 } , 10 ) ;
doormen( { max: 3 } , 3 ) ;
doormen( { max: 3 } , 1 ) ;
doormen( { max: 3 } , 0 ) ;
doormen( { max: 3 } , -10 ) ;
doormen.not( { max: 3 } , Infinity ) ;
doormen( { max: 3 } , -Infinity ) ;
doormen( { max: -Infinity } , -Infinity ) ;
doormen.not( { max: 3 } , NaN ) ;
doormen.not( { max: 3 } , true ) ;
doormen.not( { max: 3 } , false ) ;
doormen.not( { max: 3 } , '1' ) ;

min + max filter should validate accordingly, non-number should throw.

doormen.not( { min: 3 , max: 10 } , 15 ) ;
doormen( { min: 3 , max: 10 } , 10 ) ;
doormen( { min: 3 , max: 10 } , 5 ) ;
doormen( { min: 3 , max: 10 } , 3 ) ;
doormen.not( { min: 3 , max: 10 } , 1 ) ;
doormen.not( { min: 3 , max: 10 } , 0 ) ;
doormen.not( { min: 3 , max: 10 } , -10 ) ;
doormen.not( { min: 3 , max: 10 } , Infinity ) ;
doormen.not( { min: 3 , max: 10 } , -Infinity ) ;
doormen.not( { min: 3 , max: 10 } , NaN ) ;
doormen.not( { min: 3 , max: 10 } , true ) ;
doormen.not( { min: 3 , max: 10 } , false ) ;
doormen.not( { min: 3 , max: 10 } , '6' ) ;

'length' filter should validate accordingly, data that do not have a length should throw.

doormen( { length: 3 } , "abc" ) ;
doormen.not( { length: 3 } , "abcde" ) ;
doormen.not( { length: 3 } , "ab" ) ;
doormen.not( { length: 3 } , "" ) ;
doormen.not( { length: 3 } , 1 ) ;
doormen.not( { length: 0 } , 1 ) ;
doormen.not( { length: 3 } , NaN ) ;
doormen.not( { length: 3 } , true ) ;
doormen.not( { length: 3 } , false ) ;

minLength filter should validate accordingly, data that do not have a length should throw.

doormen( { minLength: 3 } , "abc" ) ;
doormen( { minLength: 3 } , "abcde" ) ;
doormen.not( { minLength: 3 } , "ab" ) ;
doormen.not( { minLength: 3 } , "" ) ;

doormen( { minLength: 3 } , [ 1,2,3 ] ) ;
doormen( { minLength: 3 } , [ 1,2,3,4 ] ) ;
doormen.not( { minLength: 3 } , [ 1,2 ] ) ;
doormen.not( { minLength: 3 } , 1 ) ;
doormen.not( { minLength: 0 } , 1 ) ;
doormen.not( { minLength: 3 } , NaN ) ;
doormen.not( { minLength: 3 } , true ) ;
doormen.not( { minLength: 3 } , false ) ;

maxLength filter should validate accordingly, data that do not have a length should throw.

doormen( { maxLength: 3 } , "abc" ) ;
doormen.not( { maxLength: 3 } , "abcde" ) ;
doormen( { maxLength: 3 } , "ab" ) ;
doormen( { maxLength: 3 } , "" ) ;
doormen( { maxLength: 3 } , [ 1,2,3 ] ) ;
doormen.not( { maxLength: 3 } , [ 1,2,3,4 ] ) ;
doormen( { maxLength: 3 } , [ 1,2 ] ) ;
doormen.not( { maxLength: 3 } , 1 ) ;
doormen.not( { maxLength: 0 } , 1 ) ;
doormen.not( { maxLength: 3 } , NaN ) ;
doormen.not( { maxLength: 3 } , true ) ;
doormen.not( { maxLength: 3 } , false ) ;

minLength + maxLength filter should validate accordingly, data that do not have a length should throw.

doormen( { minLength: 3 , maxLength: 5 } , "abc" ) ;
doormen( { minLength: 3 , maxLength: 5 } , "abcd" ) ;
doormen( { minLength: 3 , maxLength: 5 } , "abcde" ) ;
doormen.not( { minLength: 3 , maxLength: 5 } , "abcdef" ) ;
doormen.not( { minLength: 3 , maxLength: 5 } , "ab" ) ;
doormen.not( { minLength: 3 , maxLength: 5 } , "" ) ;
doormen.not( { minLength: 3 , maxLength: 5 } , 1 ) ;
doormen.not( { maxLength: 0 } , 1 ) ;
doormen.not( { minLength: 3 , maxLength: 5 } , NaN ) ;
doormen.not( { minLength: 3 , maxLength: 5 } , true ) ;
doormen.not( { minLength: 3 , maxLength: 5 } , false ) ;

'match' filter should validate accordingly using a RegExp.

doormen( { match: "^[a-f]*$" } , "" ) ;
doormen.not( { match: "^[a-f]+$" } , "" ) ;
doormen( { match: "^[a-f]*$" } , "abc" ) ;
doormen( { match: "^[a-f]*$" } , "abcdef" ) ;
doormen.not( { match: "^[a-f]*$" } , "ghi" ) ;
doormen.not( { match: /^[a-f]*$/ } , "ghi" ) ;
doormen.not( { match: "^[a-f]*$" } , 1 ) ;
doormen.not( { match: "^[a-f]*$" } , NaN ) ;
doormen.not( { match: "^[a-f]*$" } , true ) ;
doormen.not( { match: "^[a-f]*$" } , false ) ;

'in' filter should validate if the value is listed.

doormen.not( { in: [ 1 , 5 , 7 ] } , 10 ) ;
doormen( { in: [ 1 , 5 , 7 ] } , 5 ) ;
doormen( { in: [ 1 , 5 , 7 ] } , 1 ) ;
doormen.not( { in: [ 1 , 5 , 7 ] } , 0 ) ;
doormen.not( { in: [ 1 , 5 , 7 ] } , -10 ) ;
doormen.not( { in: [ 1 , 5 , 7 ] } , Infinity ) ;
doormen( { in: [ 1 , 5 , Infinity , 7 ] } , Infinity ) ;
doormen.not( { in: [ 1 , 5 , 7 ] } , -Infinity ) ;
doormen.not( { in: [ 1 , 5 , 7 ] } , NaN ) ;
doormen( { in: [ 1 , 5 , NaN , 7 ] } , NaN ) ;
doormen( { in: [ 1 , true , 5 , 7 ] } , true ) ;
doormen.not( { in: [ 1 , 5 , 7 ] } , true ) ;
doormen( { in: [ 1 , false , 5 , 7 ] } , false ) ;
doormen.not( { in: [ 1 , 5 , 7 ] } , false ) ;
doormen.not( { in: [ 1 , 5 , 7 ] } , "text" ) ;
doormen( { in: [ 1 , "text" , 5 , 7 ] } , "text" ) ;
doormen( { in: [ "string" , "text" , "bob" ] } , "text" ) ;
doormen.not( { in: [ "string" , "text" , "bob" ] } , "bobby" ) ;
doormen( { in: [ "string" , "text" , "" ] } , "" ) ;
doormen.not( { in: [ "string" , "text" , "bob" ] } , "" ) ;

'notIn' filter should validate if the value is listed.

doormen( { notIn: [ 1 , 5 , 7 ] } , 10 ) ;
doormen.not( { notIn: [ 1 , 5 , 7 ] } , 5 ) ;
doormen.not( { notIn: [ 1 , 5 , 7 ] } , 1 ) ;
doormen( { notIn: [ 1 , 5 , 7 ] } , 0 ) ;
doormen( { notIn: [ 1 , 5 , 7 ] } , -10 ) ;
doormen( { notIn: [ 1 , 5 , 7 ] } , Infinity ) ;
doormen.not( { notIn: [ 1 , 5 , Infinity , 7 ] } , Infinity ) ;
doormen( { notIn: [ 1 , 5 , 7 ] } , -Infinity ) ;
doormen( { notIn: [ 1 , 5 , 7 ] } , NaN ) ;
doormen.not( { notIn: [ 1 , 5 , NaN , 7 ] } , NaN ) ;
doormen.not( { notIn: [ 1 , true , 5 , 7 ] } , true ) ;
doormen( { notIn: [ 1 , 5 , 7 ] } , true ) ;
doormen.not( { notIn: [ 1 , false , 5 , 7 ] } , false ) ;
doormen( { notIn: [ 1 , 5 , 7 ] } , false ) ;
doormen( { notIn: [ 1 , 5 , 7 ] } , "text" ) ;
doormen.not( { notIn: [ 1 , "text" , 5 , 7 ] } , "text" ) ;
doormen.not( { notIn: [ "string" , "text" , "bob" ] } , "text" ) ;
doormen( { notIn: [ "string" , "text" , "bob" ] } , "bobby" ) ;
doormen.not( { notIn: [ "string" , "text" , "" ] } , "" ) ;
doormen( { notIn: [ "string" , "text" , "bob" ] } , "" ) ;

'in' filter containing object and arrays.

doormen( { in: [ 1 , { a: 2 } , 5 , 7 ] } , { a: 2 } ) ;
doormen.not( { in: [ 1 , { a: 2 } , 5 , 7 ] } , { a: 2 , b: 5 } ) ;
doormen.not( { in: [ 1 , { a: 2 } , { b: 5 } , 7 ] } , { a: 2 , b: 5 } ) ;
doormen( { in: [ 1 , { a: 2 } , { a: 2 , b: 5 } , { b: 5 } , 7 ] } , { a: 2 , b: 5 } ) ;
doormen( { in: [ 1 , [ 'a' , 2 ] , 5 , 7 ] } , [ 'a' , 2 ] ) ;
doormen.not( { in: [ 1 , [ 'a' , 2 , 3 ] , 5 , 7 ] } , [ 'a' , 2 ] ) ;


'greaterThan' and aliases ('gt' and '>') filter should validate accordingly, non-number should throw.

doormen( { filter: { greaterThan: 3 } } , 10 ) ;
doormen( { filter: { greaterThan: 3 } } , 3.00001 ) ;
doormen.not( { filter: { greaterThan: 3 } } , 3 ) ;
doormen.not( { filter: { greaterThan: 3 } } , 1 ) ;
doormen.not( { filter: { greaterThan: 3 } } , 0 ) ;
doormen.not( { filter: { greaterThan: 3 } } , -10 ) ;
doormen( { filter: { greaterThan: 3 } } , Infinity ) ;
doormen.not( { filter: { greaterThan: Infinity } } , Infinity ) ;
doormen.not( { filter: { greaterThan: 3 } } , -Infinity ) ;
doormen.not( { filter: { greaterThan: 3 } } , NaN ) ;
doormen.not( { filter: { greaterThan: 3 } } , true ) ;
doormen.not( { filter: { greaterThan: 3 } } , false ) ;
doormen.not( { filter: { greaterThan: 3 } } , undefined ) ;
doormen.not( { filter: { greaterThan: 0 } } , undefined ) ;
doormen.not( { filter: { greaterThan: -3 } } , undefined ) ;
doormen.not( { filter: { greaterThan: 3 } } , '10' ) ;
doormen( { filter: { gt: 3 } } , 3.00001 ) ;
doormen.not( { filter: { gt: 3 } } , 3 ) ;
doormen( { filter: { '>': 3 } } , 3.00001 ) ;
doormen.not( { filter: { '>': 3 } } , 3 ) ;

'lesserThan' and aliases ('lt' and '<') filter should validate accordingly, non-number should throw.

doormen.not( { filter: { lesserThan: 3 } } , 10 ) ;
doormen( { filter: { lesserThan: 3 } } , 2.999 ) ;
doormen.not( { filter: { lesserThan: 3 } } , 3 ) ;
doormen( { filter: { lesserThan: 3 } } , 1 ) ;
doormen( { filter: { lesserThan: 3 } } , 0 ) ;
doormen( { filter: { lesserThan: 3 } } , -10 ) ;
doormen.not( { filter: { lesserThan: 3 } } , Infinity ) ;
doormen( { filter: { lesserThan: 3 } } , -Infinity ) ;
doormen.not( { filter: { lesserThan: -Infinity } } , -Infinity ) ;
doormen.not( { filter: { lesserThan: 3 } } , NaN ) ;
doormen.not( { filter: { lesserThan: 3 } } , true ) ;
doormen.not( { filter: { lesserThan: 3 } } , false ) ;
doormen.not( { filter: { lesserThan: 3 } } , '1' ) ;
doormen( { filter: { lt: 3 } } , 2.999 ) ;
doormen.not( { filter: { lt: 3 } } , 3 ) ;
doormen( { filter: { '<': 3 } } , 2.999 ) ;
doormen.not( { filter: { '<': 3 } } , 3 ) ;

Children and recursivity

'of' should perform the check recursively for each children, using the same given schema for all of them..

var schema ;
		schema = {
			of: { type: 'string' }
		} ;
		// Object
		doormen( schema , { b: 'text' } ) ;
		doormen.not( schema , { a: 1 } ) ;
		doormen.not( schema , { a: 1 , b: 'text' } ) ;
		doormen.not( schema , { a: 'text' , b: 3 } ) ;
		doormen( schema , { a: 'text' , b: 'string' } ) ;
		doormen.not( schema , { A: 'TEXT' , b: 'text' , c: undefined } ) ;
		// Array
		doormen( schema , [ 'text' ] ) ;
		doormen( schema , [] ) ;
		doormen( schema , [ 'text' , 'string' ] ) ;
		doormen.not( schema , [ 'text' , 'string' , null ] ) ;
		doormen.not( schema , [ 1 , 'text' , 'string' ] ) ;
		doormen.not( schema , [ 'text' , 'string' , null ] ) ;
		doormen.not( schema , [ true ] ) ;

when 'properties' is an array, it should check if the value has all listed properties, no extra properties are allowed.

var schema = {
			properties: [ 'a' , 'b' ]
		} ;
		doormen( schema , { a: 1 , b: 'text' } ) ;
		doormen( schema , { a: 'text' , b: 3 } ) ;
		doormen.not( schema , {
			A: 'TEXT' , a: 1 , b: 'text' , c: 5
		} ) ;
		doormen.not( schema , { b: 'text' } ) ;
		doormen.not( schema , { a: 1 } ) ;

when 'properties' is an array and 'extraProperties' is set, it should allow non-listed extra-properties.

var schema = {
			properties: [ 'a' , 'b' ] ,
			extraProperties: true
		} ;
		doormen( schema , { a: 1 , b: 'text' } ) ;
		doormen( schema , { a: 'text' , b: 3 } ) ;
		doormen( schema , {
			A: 'TEXT' , a: 1 , b: 'text' , c: 5
		} ) ;
		doormen.not( schema , { b: 'text' } ) ;
		doormen.not( schema , { a: 1 } ) ;

when 'properties' is an object, it should perform the check recursively for each listed child, no extra properties are allowed.

var schema = {
			properties: {
				a: { type: 'number' } ,
				b: { type: 'string' }
		} ;
		doormen( schema , { a: 1 , b: 'text' } ) ;
		doormen.not( schema , { a: 'text' , b: 3 } ) ;
		doormen.not( schema , {
			A: 'TEXT' , a: 1 , b: 'text' , c: 5
		} ) ;
		doormen.not( schema , { b: 'text' } ) ;
		doormen.not( schema , { a: 1 } ) ;

when 'properties' is an object and 'extraProperties' is set, it should allow extra-properties.

var schema = {
			properties: {
				a: { type: 'number' } ,
				b: { type: 'string' }
			} ,
			extraProperties: true
		} ;
		doormen( schema , { a: 1 , b: 'text' } ) ;
		doormen.not( schema , { a: 'text' , b: 3 } ) ;
		doormen( schema , {
			A: 'TEXT' , a: 1 , b: 'text' , c: 5
		} ) ;
		doormen.not( schema , { b: 'text' } ) ;
		doormen.not( schema , { a: 1 } ) ;

'elements' should perform the check recursively for each children elements, using a specific schema for each one, extra-element are not allowed.

var schema = {
			elements: [
				{ type: 'string' } ,
				{ type: 'number' } ,
				{ type: 'boolean' }
		} ;
		doormen( schema , [ 'text' , 3 , false ] ) ;
		doormen.not( schema , [ 'text' , 3 , false , 'extra' , true ] ) ;
		doormen.not( schema , [] ) ;
		doormen.not( schema , [ 'text' , 3 ] ) ;
		doormen.not( schema , [ true ] ) ;

when 'elements' is used in conjunction with 'extraElements', extra-elements are allowed.

var schema = {
			elements: [
				{ type: 'string' } ,
				{ type: 'number' } ,
				{ type: 'boolean' }
			] ,
			extraElements: true
		} ;
		doormen( schema , [ 'text' , 3 , false ] ) ;
		doormen( schema , [ 'text' , 3 , false , 'extra' , true ] ) ;
		doormen.not( schema , [] ) ;
		doormen.not( schema , [ 'text' , 3 ] ) ;
		doormen.not( schema , [ true ] ) ;


should mask data using a tier-level.

var schema = {
	properties: {
		a: {
			type: 'number' ,
			tier: 1
		} ,
		b: {
			type: 'boolean' ,
			tier: 3
		} ,
		c: {
			type: 'string' ,
			tier: 2
} ;
var data = {
	a: 1 ,
	b: true ,
	c: 'blah!'
} ;
	doormen.tierMask( schema , data , 0 ) ,
) ;
	doormen.tierMask( schema , data , 1 ) ,
	{ a: 1 }
) ;
	doormen.tierMask( schema , data , 2 ) ,
	{ a: 1 , c: 'blah!' }
) ;
	doormen.tierMask( schema , data , 3 ) ,
	{ a: 1 , b: true , c: 'blah!' }
) ;
	doormen.tierMask( schema , data , 4 ) ,
	{ a: 1 , b: true , c: 'blah!' }
) ;

should mask nested data using a tier-level.

var schema = {
	properties: {
		a: {
			type: 'number' ,
			tier: 1
		} ,
		b: {
			type: 'boolean' ,
			tier: 3
		} ,
		c: {
			type: 'string' ,
			tier: 2
		} ,
		d: {
			type: 'strictObject' ,
			properties: {
				e: {
					type: 'number' ,
					tier: 1
				} ,
				f: {
					type: 'boolean' ,
					tier: 3
				} ,
				g: {
					type: 'string' ,
					tier: 2
		} ,
		d2: {
			type: 'strictObject' ,
			tier: 2 ,
			extraProperties: true ,
			properties: {
				e: {
					type: 'number' ,
					tier: 1
				} ,
				f: {
					type: 'boolean' ,
					tier: 3
				} ,
				g: {
					type: 'string' ,
					tier: 2
} ;
var data = {
	a: 1 ,
	b: true ,
	c: 'blah!' ,
	d: {
		e: 7 ,
		f: false ,
		g: 'bob'
	} ,
	d2: {
		e: 7 ,
		f: false ,
		g: 'bob'
} ;
	doormen.tierMask( schema , data , 1 ) ,
	{ a: 1 , d: { e: 7 } }
) ;
	doormen.tierMask( schema , data , 2 ) ,
		a: 1 , c: 'blah!' , d: { e: 7 , g: 'bob' } , d2: { e: 7 , g: 'bob' }
) ;
	doormen.tierMask( schema , data , 3 ) ,
		a: 1 , b: true , c: 'blah!' , d: { e: 7 , f: false , g: 'bob' } , d2: { e: 7 , f: false , g: 'bob' }
) ;

// Test extra-properties
data.d.extra = 'val' ;
data.d2.extra = 'val' ;
	doormen.tierMask( schema , data , 2 ) ,
		a: 1 , c: 'blah!' , d: { e: 7 , g: 'bob' } , d2: { e: 7 , g: 'bob' , extra: 'val' }
) ;

// Test submasking = true ;
	doormen.tierMask( schema , data , 2 ) ,
		a: 1 , c: 'blah!' , d: { e: 7 , g: 'bob' } , d2: { e: 7 , f: false , g: 'bob' , extra: 'val' }
) ;

should mask data using tags.

var schema = {
	properties: {
		_id: { tags: [] } ,
		slug: { tags: [ 'internal' , 'meta' ] } ,
		access: { tags: [ 'internal' ] } ,
		title: { tags: [ 'meta' ] } ,
		post: { tags: [ 'content' ] }
} ;
var data = {
	_id: '1978f09ac3e' ,
	slug: 'ten-things-about-nothing' ,
	access: 'public' ,
	title: '10 things you should know about nothing' ,
	post: 'blah blah blah blah'
} ;
	doormen.tagMask( schema , data , [ 'meta' ] ) ,
		_id: '1978f09ac3e' ,
		slug: 'ten-things-about-nothing' ,
		title: '10 things you should know about nothing'
) ;
// Test the non-array syntax
	doormen.tagMask( schema , data , 'meta' ) ,
		_id: '1978f09ac3e' ,
		slug: 'ten-things-about-nothing' ,
		title: '10 things you should know about nothing'
) ;
	doormen.tagMask( schema , data , [ 'internal' ] ) ,
		_id: '1978f09ac3e' ,
		slug: 'ten-things-about-nothing' ,
		access: 'public'
) ;
	doormen.tagMask( schema , data , [ 'internal' , 'content' ] ) ,
		_id: '1978f09ac3e' ,
		slug: 'ten-things-about-nothing' ,
		access: 'public' ,
		post: 'blah blah blah blah'
) ;
	doormen.tagMask( schema , data , [ 'internal' , 'meta' , 'content' ] ) ,
		_id: '1978f09ac3e' ,
		slug: 'ten-things-about-nothing' ,
		access: 'public' ,
		title: '10 things you should know about nothing' ,
		post: 'blah blah blah blah'
) ;

should mask nested data using tags.

var schema = {
	properties: {
		_id: {} ,
		slug: { tags: [ 'internal' , 'meta' ] } ,
		accesses: {
			of: {
				properties: {
					userId: {} ,
					accessLevel: { tags: [ 'internal' ] }
		} ,
		title: { tags: [ 'meta' ] } ,
		post: { tags: [ 'content' ] }
} ;
var data = {
	_id: '1978f09ac3e' ,
	slug: 'ten-things-about-nothing' ,
	accesses: [
			userId: 'bob' ,
			accessLevel: 2
		} ,
			userId: 'bill' ,
			accessLevel: 3
	] ,
	title: '10 things you should know about nothing' ,
	post: 'blah blah blah blah'
} ;
	doormen.tagMask( schema , data , [ 'meta' ] ) ,
		_id: '1978f09ac3e' ,
		slug: 'ten-things-about-nothing' ,
		accesses: [ { userId: 'bob' } , { userId: 'bill' } ] ,
		title: '10 things you should know about nothing'
) ;
	doormen.tagMask( schema , data , [ 'internal' ] ) ,
		_id: '1978f09ac3e' ,
		slug: 'ten-things-about-nothing' ,
		accesses: [
			{ userId: 'bob' , accessLevel: 2 } ,
			{ userId: 'bill' , accessLevel: 3 }
) ;
	doormen.tagMask( schema , data , [ 'internal' , 'content' ] ) ,
		_id: '1978f09ac3e' ,
		slug: 'ten-things-about-nothing' ,
		accesses: [
			{ userId: 'bob' , accessLevel: 2 } ,
			{ userId: 'bill' , accessLevel: 3 }
		] ,
		post: 'blah blah blah blah'
) ;
	doormen.tagMask( schema , data , [ 'internal' , 'meta' , 'content' ] ) ,
		_id: '1978f09ac3e' ,
		slug: 'ten-things-about-nothing' ,
		accesses: [
			{ userId: 'bob' , accessLevel: 2 } ,
			{ userId: 'bill' , accessLevel: 3 }
		] ,
		title: '10 things you should know about nothing' ,
		post: 'blah blah blah blah'
) ;

tag-masking and 'noSubmasking' behavior.

var schema = {
	properties: {
		_id: {} ,
		slug: { tags: [ 'internal' , 'meta' ] } ,
		accesses: {
			of: {
				properties: {
					userId: {} ,
					accessLevel: { tags: [ 'internal' ] } ,
					details: {
						tags: [ 'internal' ] ,
						properties: {
							k1: { type: 'string' , tags: [ 'nope' ] } ,
							k2: { type: 'string' }
		} ,
		title: { tags: [ 'meta' ] } ,
		post: { tags: [ 'content' ] }
} ;
var data = {
	_id: '1978f09ac3e' ,
	slug: 'ten-things-about-nothing' ,
	accesses: [
			userId: 'bob' ,
			accessLevel: 2 ,
			details: { k1: 'one' , k2: 'two' }
		} ,
			userId: 'bill' ,
			accessLevel: 3 ,
			details: { k1: 'three' , k2: 'four' }
	] ,
	title: '10 things you should know about nothing' ,
	post: 'blah blah blah blah'
} ;
	doormen.tagMask( schema , data , [ 'meta' ] ) ,
		_id: '1978f09ac3e' ,
		slug: 'ten-things-about-nothing' ,
		accesses: [ { userId: 'bob' } , { userId: 'bill' } ] ,
		title: '10 things you should know about nothing'
) ;
	doormen.tagMask( schema , data , [ 'internal' ] ) ,
		_id: '1978f09ac3e' ,
		slug: 'ten-things-about-nothing' ,
		accesses: [
			{ userId: 'bob' , accessLevel: 2 , details: { k2: 'two' } } ,
			{ userId: 'bill' , accessLevel: 3 , details: { k2: 'four' } }
) ; = true ;
	doormen.tagMask( schema , data , [ 'internal' ] ) ,
		_id: '1978f09ac3e' ,
		slug: 'ten-things-about-nothing' ,
		accesses: [
			{ userId: 'bob' , accessLevel: 2 , details: { k1: 'one' , k2: 'two' } } ,
			{ userId: 'bill' , accessLevel: 3 , details: { k1: 'three' , k2: 'four' } }
) ;

depthLimit with mask and nested data.

var schema = {
	properties: {
		title: { tags: [ 'meta' ] } ,
		post: { tags: [ 'meta' ] } ,
		accesses: {
			of: {
				properties: {
					userId: { tags: [ 'meta' ] } ,
					accessLevel: { tags: [ 'internal' ] }
} ;
var data = {
	title: '10 things you should know about nothing' ,
	post: 'blah blah blah blah' ,
	accesses: [
			userId: 'bob' ,
			accessLevel: 2
		} ,
			userId: 'bill' ,
			accessLevel: 3
} ;
	doormen.tagMask( schema , data , [ 'meta' ] ) ,
		title: '10 things you should know about nothing' ,
		post: 'blah blah blah blah' ,
		accesses: [ { userId: 'bob' } , { userId: 'bill' } ]
) ;
	doormen.tagMask( schema , data , [ 'meta' ] , 1 ) ,
		title: '10 things you should know about nothing' ,
		post: 'blah blah blah blah' ,
		accesses: [ { userId: 'bob' , accessLevel: 2 } , { userId: 'bill' , accessLevel: 3 } ]
) ;
	doormen.tagMask( schema , data , [ 'meta' ] , 2 ) ,
		title: '10 things you should know about nothing' ,
		post: 'blah blah blah blah' ,
		accesses: [ { userId: 'bob' , accessLevel: 2 } , { userId: 'bill' , accessLevel: 3 } ]
) ;
	doormen.tagMask( schema , data , [ 'meta' ] , 3 ) ,
		title: '10 things you should know about nothing' ,
		post: 'blah blah blah blah' ,
		accesses: [ { userId: 'bob' } , { userId: 'bill' } ]
) ;


var schema = {
	type: 'strictObject' ,
	properties: {
		a: {
			type: 'number' ,
			tier: 3
		} ,
		b: {
			type: 'string' ,
			tier: 1
		} ,
		c: {
			type: 'string' ,
			tier: 4
		} ,
		embedded: {
			type: 'strictObject' ,
			tier: 3 ,
			extraProperties: true ,
			properties: {
				d: {
					type: 'number' ,
					tier: 2
				} ,
				e: {
					type: 'string' ,
					tier: 4
} ;
doormen.equals(  doormen.patchTier( schema , {} )  ,  1  ) ;
doormen.equals(  doormen.patchTier( schema , { a: 'some' , b: 'useless' , c: 'values' } )  ,  4  ) ;
doormen.equals(  doormen.patchTier( schema , { a: 'some' } )  ,  3  ) ;
doormen.equals(  doormen.patchTier( schema , { b: 'some' } )  ,  1  ) ;
doormen.equals(  doormen.patchTier( schema , { a: 'some' , c: 'values' } )  ,  4  ) ;
doormen.equals(  doormen.patchTier( schema , { a: 'some' , b: 'useless' } )  ,  3  ) ;
doormen.equals(  doormen.patchTier( schema , { embedded: 'useless' } )  ,  3  ) ;
doormen.equals(  doormen.patchTier( schema , { b: 'some' , 'embedded.e': 'useless' } )  ,  4  ) ;
doormen.equals(  doormen.patchTier( schema , { b: 'some' , 'embedded.unexistant': 'useless' } )  ,  3  ) ;
doormen.equals(  doormen.patchTier( schema , { 'embedded.e': 'useless' } )  ,  4  ) ;
doormen.equals(  doormen.patchTier( schema , { 'embedded.d': 'useless' } )  ,  3  ) ;
doormen.equals(  doormen.patchTier( schema , { 'embedded.unexistant': 'useless' } )  ,  3  ) ;


var schema = {
	properties: {
		_id: {} ,
		slug: { tags: [ 'internal' , 'meta' ] } ,
		accesses: {
			of: {
				properties: {
					userId: {} ,
					accessLevel: { tags: [ 'internal' ] }
		} ,
		title: { tags: [ 'meta' ] } ,
		post: { tags: [ 'content' ] }
} ;
doormen.checkPatchByTags( schema , { slug: 'bob' } , 'meta' ) ;
doormen.checkPatchByTags( schema , { slug: 'bob' } , 'internal' ) ;
doormen.checkPatchByTags( schema , { slug: 'bob' } , [ 'meta' , 'content' ] ) ;
doormen.shouldThrow( () => doormen.checkPatchByTags( schema , { slug: 'bob' } , 'content' ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrow( () => doormen.checkPatchByTags( schema , { slug: 'bob' } , [ 'content' , 'unknown' ] ) ) ;

doormen.checkPatchByTags( schema , { title: 'bob' } , 'meta' ) ;
doormen.checkPatchByTags( schema , { title: 'bob' } , [ 'content' , 'meta' ] ) ;
doormen.shouldThrow( () => doormen.checkPatchByTags( schema , { title: 'bob' } , 'content' ) ) ;

doormen.checkPatchByTags( schema , { "accesses.public.accessLevel": 5 } , 'internal' ) ;
doormen.shouldThrow( () => doormen.checkPatchByTags( schema , { "accesses.public.accessLevel": 5 } , 'meta' ) ) ;
doormen.checkPatchByTags( schema , { slug: 'bob' , title: 'bob' } , [ 'meta' , 'unknown' ] ) ;
doormen.checkPatchByTags( schema , { slug: 'bob' , "accesses.public.accessLevel": 5 } , [ 'internal' , 'unknown' ] ) ;

doormen.checkPatchByTags( schema , { post: 'my content' } , [ 'content' , 'unknown' ] ) ;
doormen.shouldThrow( () => doormen.checkPatchByTags( schema , { slug: 'bob' , post: 'my content' } , [ 'content' , 'unknown' ] ) ) ;

should validate a patch with the 'allowedTags' option.

var schema ;
schema = {
	type: 'strictObject' ,
	properties: {
		a: { type: 'string' , sanitize: 'toString' , tags: [ 'meta' ] } ,
		b: { type: 'string' , tags: [ 'meta' , 'internal' ] } ,
		c: { type: 'string' , tags: [ 'content' ] }
} ;
doormen.patch( { allowedTags: [ 'meta' , 'content' ] } , schema , { a: 'one' , b: 'two' , c: 'three' } ) ;
doormen.patch( { allowedTags: 'meta' } , schema , { a: 'one' , b: 'two' } ) ;
doormen.shouldThrow( () => doormen.patch( { allowedTags: 'meta' } , schema , { a: 'one' , b: 'two' , c: 'three' } ) ) ;
doormen.patch( { allowedTags: [ 'meta' , 'content' ] } , schema , { a: 1 , b: 'two' , c: 'three' } ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen.patch( { allowedTags: [ 'meta' , 'content' ] } , schema , { a: 1 , b: 'two' } ) , { a: '1' , b: 'two' } ) ;

Numbers meta types

should validate real accordingly.

doormen( { type: 'real' } , 0 ) ;
doormen( { type: 'real' } , 1 ) ;
doormen( { type: 'real' } , -1 ) ;
doormen( { type: 'real' } , 0.3 ) ;
doormen( { type: 'real' } , 18.36 ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'real' } , 1 / 0 ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'real' } , -1 / 0 ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'real' } , Infinity ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'real' } , -Infinity ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'real' } , NaN ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'real' } , undefined ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'real' } , null ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'real' } , false ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'real' } , true ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'real' } , '' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'real' } , 'text' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'real' } , {} ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'real' } , [] ) ;

should validate integer accordingly.

doormen( { type: 'integer' } , 0 ) ;
doormen( { type: 'integer' } , 1 ) ;
doormen( { type: 'integer' } , 123456789 ) ;
doormen( { type: 'integer' } , -1 ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'integer' } , 0.00001 ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'integer' } , -0.00001 ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'integer' } , 123456.00001 ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'integer' } , 123456.99999 ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'integer' } , 0.3 ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'integer' } , 18.36 ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'integer' } , 1 / 0 ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'integer' } , Infinity ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'integer' } , -Infinity ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'integer' } , NaN ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'integer' } , undefined ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'integer' } , null ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'integer' } , false ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'integer' } , true ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'integer' } , '' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'integer' } , 'text' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'integer' } , {} ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'integer' } , [] ) ;

Strings meta types

should validate hex accordingly.

doormen( { type: 'hex' } , '1234' ) ;
doormen( { type: 'hex' } , '12af34' ) ;
doormen( { type: 'hex' } , '12AF34' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'hex' } , '12g34' ) ;

should validate ipv4 accordingly.

doormen( { type: 'ipv4' } , '' ) ;
doormen( { type: 'ipv4' } , '' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'ipv4' } , '127.0000.00.001' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'ipv4' } , '0127.000.00.001' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'ipv4' } , '' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'ipv4' } , '127.0.0.' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'ipv4' } , '' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'ipv4' } , '' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'ipv4' } , '.' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'ipv4' } , '.127.0.0.' ) ;

should validate ipv6 accordingly.

doormen( { type: 'ipv6' } , '2001:0db8:0000:0000:0000:ff00:0042:8329' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'ipv6' } , ':2001:0db8:0000:0000:0000:ff00:0042:8329' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'ipv6' } , 'abcd:2001:0db8:0000:0000:0000:ff00:0042:8329' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'ipv6' } , '2001:0db8:0000:0000:0000:ff00:0042:8329:' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'ipv6' } , '2001:0000:0000:0000:ff00:0042:8329:' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'ipv6' } , ':2001:0000:0000:0000:ff00:0042:8329' ) ;
doormen( { type: 'ipv6' } , '2001:db8:0:0:0:ff00:0042:8329' ) ;
doormen( { type: 'ipv6' } , '2001:db8::ff00:0042:8329' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'ipv6' } , '2001:db8:::0042:8329' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'ipv6' } , '2001:db8::ff00::0042:8329' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'ipv6' } , '2001::ff00::0042:8329' ) ;
doormen( { type: 'ipv6' } , '::1' ) ;
doormen( { type: 'ipv6' } , '1::' ) ;

should validate ip accordingly.

doormen( { type: 'ip' } , '' ) ;
doormen( { type: 'ip' } , '' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'ip' } , '127.0000.00.001' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'ip' } , '0127.000.00.001' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'ip' } , '' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'ip' } , '127.0.0.' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'ip' } , '' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'ip' } , '' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'ip' } , '.' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'ip' } , '.127.0.0.' ) ;
doormen( { type: 'ip' } , '2001:0db8:0000:0000:0000:ff00:0042:8329' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'ip' } , ':2001:0db8:0000:0000:0000:ff00:0042:8329' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'ip' } , 'abcd:2001:0db8:0000:0000:0000:ff00:0042:8329' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'ip' } , '2001:0db8:0000:0000:0000:ff00:0042:8329:' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'ip' } , '2001:0000:0000:0000:ff00:0042:8329:' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'ip' } , ':2001:0000:0000:0000:ff00:0042:8329' ) ;
doormen( { type: 'ip' } , '2001:db8:0:0:0:ff00:0042:8329' ) ;
doormen( { type: 'ip' } , '2001:db8::ff00:0042:8329' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'ip' } , '2001:db8:::0042:8329' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'ip' } , '2001:db8::ff00::0042:8329' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'ip' } , '2001::ff00::0042:8329' ) ;
doormen( { type: 'ip' } , '::1' ) ;
doormen( { type: 'ip' } , '1::' ) ;

should validate url accordingly.

doormen( { type: 'url' } , '' ) ;
doormen( { type: 'url' } , '' ) ;
doormen( { type: 'url' } , '' ) ;
doormen( { type: 'url' } , '' ) ;
doormen( { type: 'url' } , '' ) ;
doormen( { type: 'url' } , '!/massive_attack' ) ;
doormen( { type: 'url' } , 'http://::1/#!/massive_attack' ) ;
doormen( { type: 'url' } , '' ) ;
doormen( { type: 'url' } , 'http://localhost/' ) ;
doormen( { type: 'url' } , 'http://localhost:8080/' ) ;
doormen( { type: 'url' } , 'http://bob@localhost/' ) ;
doormen( { type: 'url' } , 'http://bob:pw@localhost/' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'url' } , ' not allowed' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'url' } , 'http://127.0.0/' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'url' } , '' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'url' } , '' ) ;
doormen( { type: 'url' } , 'file:///home/toto/TODO.txt' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'url' } , 'http:///' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'url' } , '' ) ;

should validate web url accordingly.

doormen( { type: 'weburl' } , '' ) ;
doormen( { type: 'weburl' } , '' ) ;
doormen( { type: 'weburl' } , '' ) ;
doormen( { type: 'weburl' } , '' ) ;
doormen( { type: 'weburl' } , '!/massive_attack' ) ;
doormen( { type: 'weburl' } , '!/massive_attack' ) ;
doormen( { type: 'weburl' } , 'http://::1/#!/massive_attack' ) ;
doormen( { type: 'weburl' } , '' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'weburl' } , ' not allowed' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'weburl' } , 'http://127.0.0/' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'weburl' } , '' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'weburl' } , '' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'weburl' } , 'file:///home/toto/TODO.txt' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'weburl' } , '' ) ;

should validate email accordingly.

doormen( { type: 'email' } , '' ) ;
doormen( { type: 'email' } , '' ) ;
doormen( { type: 'email' } , 'cé' ) ;
doormen( { type: 'email' } , 'Cé' ) ;
doormen( { type: 'email' } , 'söm3-2än.dOm+ç' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'email' } , '' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'email' } , '' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'email' } , '' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'email' } , '' ) ;
doormen( { type: 'email' } , '' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'email' } , 'bob' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'email' } , '' ) ;
doormen.not( { type: 'email' } , 'b' ) ;


should sanitize to 'toBoolean' accordingly.

doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'toBoolean' } , 0 ) , false ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'toBoolean' } , '0' ) , false ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'toBoolean' } , 1 ) , true ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'toBoolean' } , '1' ) , true ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'toBoolean' } , 123 ) , true ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'toBoolean' } , "on" ) , true ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'toBoolean' } , "On" ) , true ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'toBoolean' } , "ON" ) , true ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'toBoolean' } , "off" ) , false ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'toBoolean' } , "Off" ) , false ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'toBoolean' } , "OFF" ) , false ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'toBoolean' } , "true" ) , true ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'toBoolean' } , "false" ) , false ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'toBoolean' } , "yes" ) , true ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'toBoolean' } , "no" ) , false ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'toBoolean' } , '123' ) , true ) ;

should sanitize to 'toNumber' accordingly.

doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'toNumber' } , 0 ) , 0 ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'toNumber' } , '0' ) , 0 ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'toNumber' } , 1 ) , 1 ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'toNumber' } , '1' ) , 1 ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'toNumber' } , 123 ) , 123 ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'toNumber' } , '123' ) , 123 ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'toNumber' } , 123.456 ) , 123.456 ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'toNumber' } , '123.456' ) , 123.456 ) ;

should sanitize to 'toInteger' accordingly.

doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'toInteger' } , 0 ) , 0 ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'toInteger' } , '0' ) , 0 ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'toInteger' } , 1 ) , 1 ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'toInteger' } , '1' ) , 1 ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'toInteger' } , 123 ) , 123 ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'toInteger' } , '123' ) , 123 ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'toInteger' } , 123.456 ) , 123 ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'toInteger' } , '123.456' ) , 123 ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'toInteger' } , 123.789 ) , 124 ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'toInteger' } , '123.789' ) , 124 ) ;

should sanitize to 'toArray' accordingly.

// <- function() because we use 'arguments' in the test
	doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'toArray' } , [] ) , [] ) ;
	doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'toArray' } , [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] ) , [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] ) ;
	doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'toArray' } , { a: 'Ah!' , b: 'bee' } ) , [ { a: 'Ah!' , b: 'bee' } ] ) ;
	doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'toArray' } , 0 ) , [ 0 ] ) ;
	doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'toArray' } , 'a' ) , [ 'a' ] ) ;
	var fn = function() { return doormen( { sanitize: 'toArray' } , arguments ) ; } ;	// eslint-disable-line prefer-rest-params
	doormen.equals( fn() , [] ) ;
	doormen.equals( fn( 1 , 2 , 3 ) , [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] ) ;
	doormen.equals( fn( { yeepee: 'yaa' } , 'yeah' , true ) , [ { yeepee: 'yaa' } , 'yeah' , true ] ) ;
	doormen.equals( Array.isArray( fn( 1 , 2 , 3 ) ) , true ) ;
	doormen.equals( Array.isArray( arguments ) , false ) ;	// eslint-disable-line prefer-rest-params

should sanitize to 'toDate' accordingly.

var date = new Date() ;
var timestamp = date.getTime() ;
var dateString = date.toISOString() ;	// .toString() doesn't work: it strips millisecond
doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'toDate' } , date ) , date ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'toDate' } , timestamp ) , date ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'toDate' } , dateString ) , date ) ;
//console.log( doormen( { sanitize: 'toDate' } , 123456789 ) ) ;
//console.log( doormen( { sanitize: 'toDate' } , timestamp ) ) ;
//console.log( doormen( { sanitize: 'toDate' } , dateString ) ) ;
//console.log( doormen( { sanitize: 'toDate' } , 'bob' ) ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'toDate' } , 'bob' ) , 'bob' ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'toDate' } , [] ) , [] ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'toDate' } , [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] ) , [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'toDate' } , { a: 'Ah!' , b: 'bee' } ) , { a: 'Ah!' , b: 'bee' } ) ;

should remove extra properties accordingly.

var schema ;
		schema = {
			sanitize: 'removeExtraProperties' ,
			properties: [ 'a' , 'b' ]
		} ;
		doormen( schema , { a: 1 , b: 'text' } ) ;
		doormen( schema , { a: 'text' , b: 3 } ) ;
		doormen.equals( doormen( schema , {
			A: 'TEXT' , a: 1 , b: 'text' , c: 5
		} ) , { a: 1 , b: 'text' } ) ;
		doormen.equals( doormen( schema , {
			omg: 'noob!' , A: 'TEXT' , a: 1 , b: 'text' , c: 5
		} ) , { a: 1 , b: 'text' } ) ;
		schema = {
			sanitize: 'removeExtraProperties' ,
			properties: {
				a: { type: 'number' } ,
				b: { type: 'string' }
		} ;
		doormen( schema , { a: 1 , b: 'text' } ) ;
		doormen.not( schema , { a: 'text' , b: 3 } ) ;
		doormen.equals( doormen( schema , {
			A: 'TEXT' , a: 1 , b: 'text' , c: 5
		} ) , { a: 1 , b: 'text' } ) ;
		doormen.equals( doormen( schema , {
			omg: 'noob!' , A: 'TEXT' , a: 1 , b: 'text' , c: 5
		} ) , { a: 1 , b: 'text' } ) ;

should trim a string accordingly.

doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'trim' } , 'a' ) , 'a' ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'trim' } , '  a' ) , 'a' ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'trim' } , 'a   ' ) , 'a' ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'trim' } , '  a   ' ) , 'a' ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'trim' } , 'ab  cd' ) , 'ab  cd' ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'trim' } , '   ab  cd' ) , 'ab  cd' ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'trim' } , 'ab  cd   ' ) , 'ab  cd' ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'trim' } , '   ab  cd  ' ) , 'ab  cd' ) ;

should sanitize to 'toUpperCase' accordingly.

doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'toUpperCase' } , 'aBc dE f' ) , 'ABC DE F' ) ;

should sanitize to 'toLowerCase' accordingly.

doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'toLowerCase' } , 'aBc dE f' ) , 'abc de f' ) ;

should sanitize to 'capitalize' accordingly.

doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'capitalize' } , 'oneTWOthree' ) , 'OneTWOthree' ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'capitalize' } , 'one TWO tHRee' ) , 'One TWO THRee' ) ;

should sanitize to 'titleCase' accordingly.

doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'titleCase' } , 'oneTWOthree' ) , 'Onetwothree' ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'titleCase' } , 'one TWO tHRee' ) , 'One TWO Three' ) ;

should sanitize to 'dashToCamelCase' accordingly.

doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'dashToCamelCase' } , 'to-upper-case' ) , 'toUpperCase' ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'dashToCamelCase' } , 'toUpperCase' ) , 'toUpperCase' ) ;

should sanitize to 'latinize' accordingly.

doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'latinize' } , 'éàèùâêîôûÂÊÎÔÛäëïöüÄËÏÖÜæÆŧøþßðđħł' ) , 'eaeuaeiouAEIOUaeiouAEIOUaeAEtothssdhdhl' ) ;

sanitize should work recursively as well.

doormen.equals( doormen( { of: { sanitize: 'trim' } } , {} ) , {} ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( { of: { sanitize: 'trim' } } , { a: ' toto  ' } ) , { a: 'toto' } ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( { of: { sanitize: 'trim' } } , { a: ' toto  ' , b: 'text  ' } ) , { a: 'toto' , b: 'text' } ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen(
	{ of: { sanitize: 'trim' } } ,
	{ a: ' toto  ' , b: 'text  ' } ) ,
{ a: 'toto' , b: 'text' }
) ;
doormen.equals( doormen(
	{ extraProperties: true , properties: { a: { sanitize: 'trim' } } } ,
	{ a: ' toto  ' , b: 'text  ' } ) ,
{ a: 'toto' , b: 'text  ' }
) ;
doormen.equals( doormen(
	{ properties: { a: { sanitize: 'trim' } , b: { sanitize: 'trim' } } } ,
	{ a: ' toto  ' , b: 'text  ' } ) ,
{ a: 'toto' , b: 'text' }
) ;

should resize a string accordingly.

doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'resize' , maxLength: 3 } , 'abcde' ) , 'abc' ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'resize' , maxLength: 3 } , 'abc' ) , 'abc' ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'resize' , maxLength: 3 } , 'ab' ) , 'ab' ) ;

doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'resize' , leftPadding: '-' , minLength: 3 } , 'a' ) , '--a' ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'resize' , rightPadding: '-' , minLength: 3 } , 'a' ) , 'a--' ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'resize' , leftPadding: '-' , minLength: 3 } , 'abc' ) , 'abc' ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'resize' , rightPadding: '-' , minLength: 3 } , 'abc' ) , 'abc' ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'resize' , leftPadding: '-' , minLength: 3 } , 'abcde' ) , 'abcde' ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'resize' , rightPadding: '-' , minLength: 3 } , 'abcde' ) , 'abcde' ) ;

doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'resize' , leftPadding: '-' , length: 3 } , 'a' ) , '--a' ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'resize' , rightPadding: '-' , length: 3 } , 'a' ) , 'a--' ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'resize' , leftPadding: '-' , length: 3 } , 'abc' ) , 'abc' ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'resize' , rightPadding: '-' , length: 3 } , 'abc' ) , 'abc' ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'resize' , leftPadding: '-' , length: 3 } , 'abcde' ) , 'abc' ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'resize' , rightPadding: '-' , length: 3 } , 'abcde' ) , 'abc' ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'resize' , leftPadding: '-' , minLength: 3 , maxLength: 5 } , 'a' ) , '--a' ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'resize' , rightPadding: '-' , minLength: 3 , maxLength: 5 } , 'a' ) , 'a--' ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'resize' , leftPadding: '-' , minLength: 3 , maxLength: 5 } , 'abc' ) , 'abc' ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'resize' , rightPadding: '-' , minLength: 3 , maxLength: 5 } , 'abc' ) , 'abc' ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'resize' , leftPadding: '-' , minLength: 3 , maxLength: 5 } , 'abcde' ) , 'abcde' ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'resize' , rightPadding: '-' , minLength: 3 , maxLength: 5 } , 'abcde' ) , 'abcde' ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'resize' , leftPadding: '-' , minLength: 3 , maxLength: 5 } , 'abcdefg' ) , 'abcde' ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'resize' , rightPadding: '-' , minLength: 3 , maxLength: 5 } , 'abcdefg' ) , 'abcde' ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'resize' , minLength: 3 } , 'a' ) , 'a  ' ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'resize' , leftPadding: '----' , length: 3 } , 'a' ) , '--a' ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( { sanitize: 'resize' , rightPadding: '----' , length: 3 } , 'a' ) , 'a--' ) ;

Sanitize + Patch reporting

sanitize should should report in the provided patch object.

var schema , patch ;
patch = {} ;
	{ patch: patch } ,
	{ properties: { a: { sanitize: 'trim' } , b: { sanitize: 'trim' } } } ,
	{ a: ' toto  ' , b: 'text  ' }
) ;
doormen.equals( patch , { a: 'toto' , b: 'text' } ) ;
patch = {} ;
	{ patch: patch } ,
	{ properties: { a: { sanitize: 'trim' } , b: { sanitize: 'trim' } } } ,
	{ a: 'toto' , b: 'text  ' }
) ;
doormen.equals( patch , { b: 'text' } ) ;
patch = {} ;
	{ patch: patch } ,
	{ properties: { a: { sanitize: 'trim' } , b: { sanitize: 'trim' } } } ,
	{ a: 'toto' , b: 'text' }
) ;
doormen.equals( patch , {} ) ;
schema = {
	properties: {
		a: { sanitize: 'trim' } ,
		sub: {
			properties: {
				b: { sanitize: 'trim' } ,
				sub: {
					properties: {
						c: { sanitize: 'trim' }
} ;
patch = {} ;
	{ patch: patch } ,
	schema ,
	{ a: ' toto  ' , sub: { b: 'text  ' , sub: { c: ' weee! ' } } }
) ;
doormen.equals( patch , { "a": "toto" , "sub.b": "text" , "sub.sub.c": "weee!" } ) ;
patch = {} ;
	{ patch: patch } ,
	schema ,
	{ a: 'toto' , sub: { b: 'text  ' , sub: { c: 'weee!' } } }
) ;
doormen.equals( patch , { "sub.b": "text" } ) ;
patch = {} ;
	{ patch: patch } ,
	schema ,
	{ a: ' toto  ' , sub: { b: 'text' , sub: { c: ' weee! ' } } }
) ;
doormen.equals( patch , { "a": "toto" , "sub.sub.c": "weee!" } ) ;

Full report mode

should return an object with all contained data weither it validates or not, the sanitized data, and an array of errors.

var report , schema ;
		schema = {
			of: { type: 'string' , sanitize: 'trim' }
		} ;
		report = schema , { a: 'abc' , b: '  def  ' } ) ;
		//console.log( report ) ;
		doormen.equals( report.validate , true ) ;
		doormen.equals( report.sanitized , { a: 'abc' , b: 'def' } ) ;
		doormen.equals( report.errors.length , 0 ) ;
		report = schema , { a: true , b: 3 } ) ;
		//console.log( report ) ;
		doormen.equals( report.validate , false ) ;
		doormen.equals( report.sanitized , { a: true , b: 3 } ) ;
		doormen.equals( report.errors.length , 2 ) ;
		schema = {
			properties: {
				a: { type: 'string' , sanitize: 'trim' } ,
				b: { type: 'string' , sanitize: 'trim' } ,
				c: { of: { type: 'string' , sanitize: 'trim' } }
		} ;
		report = schema , { a: '  abc  ' , b: 3 , c: { d: true , e: 'def  ' } } ) ;
		//console.log( report ) ;
		doormen.equals( report.validate , false ) ;
		doormen.equals( report.sanitized , { a: 'abc' , b: 3 , c: { d: true , e: 'def' } } ) ;
		doormen.equals( report.errors.length , 2 ) ;

Patch validation

should validate a patch.

var schema ;
schema = {
	type: 'strictObject' ,
	properties: {
		a: { type: 'string' , sanitize: 'toString' } ,
		b: { type: 'string' } ,
		c: { type: 'string' }
} ;
doormen( schema , { a: 'one' , b: 'two' , c: 'three' } ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( schema , { a: 1 , b: 'two' , c: 'three' } ) , { a: '1' , b: 'two' , c: 'three' } ) ;
doormen.not( schema , { a: 'one' , b: 'two' } ) ;
doormen.patch( schema , {} ) ;
doormen.patch( schema , { a: 'one' , b: 'two' , c: 'three' } ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen.patch( schema , { a: 1 , b: 'two' , c: 'three' } ) , { a: '1' , b: 'two' , c: 'three' } ) ;
doormen.patch( schema , { a: 'one' , b: 'two' } ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen.patch( schema , { a: 1 , b: 'two' } ) , { a: '1' , b: 'two' } ) ;

should validate a patch of an array.

var schema ;
schema = {
	type: 'strictObject' ,
	properties: {
		array: {
			type: 'array' , of: {
				type: 'string' ,
				sanitize: 'toString'
} ;
doormen( schema , { array: [ 'one' , 'two' , 'three' ] } ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( schema , { array: [ 1 , 'two' , 'three' ] } ) , { array: [ '1' , 'two' , 'three' ] } ) ;
doormen.patch( schema , {} ) ;
doormen.patch( schema , { array: [ 1 , 'two' , 'three' ] } ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen.patch( schema , { array: [ 1 , 'two' , 'three' ] } ) , { array: [ '1' , 'two' , 'three' ] } ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen.patch( schema , { 'array.1': 'two' } ) , { 'array.1': 'two' } ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen.patch( schema , { 'array.1': 2 } ) , { 'array.1': '2' } ) ;

forbidden path in a patch should throw.

var schema ;
schema = {
	type: 'strictObject' ,
	properties: {
		a: { type: 'string' , sanitize: 'toString' } ,
		b: { type: 'string' } ,
		c: { type: 'string' }
} ;
doormen.patch.not( schema , { d: 'four' } ) ;
doormen.patch.not( schema , { c: 'three' , d: 'four' } ) ;
// Now allow extra properties, it should be ok
schema.extraProperties = true ;
doormen.equals( doormen.patch( schema , { d: 'four' } ) , { d: 'four' } ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen.patch( schema , { c: 'three' , d: 'four' } ) , { c: 'three' , d: 'four' } ) ;
// Now allow any properties, it should still be ok
schema = {
	type: 'strictObject' ,
	of: { type: 'string' , sanitize: 'toString' }
} ;
doormen.equals( doormen.patch( schema , { d: 'four' } ) , { d: 'four' } ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen.patch( schema , { c: 'three' , d: 'four' } ) , { c: 'three' , d: 'four' } ) ;

opaque object: forbidden path in a patch should throw.

var schema ;
schema = {
	type: 'strictObject' ,
	properties: {
		a: {
			type: 'strictObject',
			of: { type: 'string' }
		} ,
		b: {
			type: 'strictObject' ,
			of: { type: 'string' } ,
			opaque: true
} ;
doormen.patch( schema , { "a.a": 'val' } ) ;
doormen.patch.not( schema , { "b.a": 'val' } ) ;

non-object patch should not validate.

var schema ;
schema = {
	type: 'strictObject' ,
	properties: {
		a: { type: 'string' , sanitize: 'toString' } ,
		b: { type: 'string' } ,
		c: { type: 'string' }
} ;
doormen.patch.not( schema , null ) ;
doormen.patch.not( schema , false ) ;
doormen.patch.not( schema , 'mldjsr' ) ;
doormen.patch.not( schema , 8 ) ;

should validate a patch with deep path.

var schema ;
schema = {
	type: 'strictObject' ,
	properties: {
		a: { type: 'string' , sanitize: 'toString' } ,
		sub: {
			type: 'strictObject' ,
			properties: {
				b: { type: 'string' } ,
				c: { type: 'string' }
} ;
doormen( schema , { a: "one" , sub: { b: "two" , c: "three" } } ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen( schema , { a: 1 , sub: { b: "two" , c: "three" } } ) , { a: "1" , sub: { b: "two" , c: "three" } } ) ;
doormen.not( schema , { a: "one" , sub: { b: "two" } } ) ;
doormen.patch( schema , {} ) ;
doormen.patch( schema , { a: "one" , sub: { b: "two" , c: "three" } } ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen.patch( schema , { a: 1 , sub: { b: "two" , c: "three" } } ) , { a: "1" , sub: { b: "two" , c: "three" } } ) ;
// Shall not pass! This patch means: replace "sub" by { b: "two" }, thus sub.c is missing
doormen.patch.not( schema , { a: "one" , sub: { b: "two" } } ) ;
// Pass: only replace sub.b, but keep existing value for sub.c
doormen.patch( schema , { a: "one" , "sub.b": "two" } ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen.patch( schema , { a: 1 , "sub.b": "two" } ) , { a: "1" , "sub.b": "two" } ) ;
doormen.patch.not( schema , { a: "one" , "sub.d": "four" } ) ;
// Now allow extra-properties = true ;
doormen.patch( schema , { a: "one" , "sub.d": "four" } ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen.patch( schema , { a: 1 , "sub.d": "four" } ) , { a: "1" , "sub.d": "four" } ) ;

should validate a patch with commands.

var schema ;
schema = {
	type: 'strictObject' ,
	properties: {
		object: {
			type: 'object' , of: {
				type: 'string' ,
				sanitize: 'toString'
		} ,
		array: {
			type: 'array' , of: {
				type: 'string' ,
				sanitize: 'toString'
} ;
doormen.patch( schema , { array: { $push: 1 } } ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen.patch( schema , { array: { $push: 1 } } ) , { array: { $push: '1' } } ) ;
doormen.patch( schema , { 'array.0': { $set: 1 } } ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen.patch( schema , { 'array.0': { $set: 1 } } ) , { 'array.0': { $set: '1' } } ) ;
doormen.patch( schema , { 'object.a': { $unset: true } } ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen.patch( schema , { 'object.a': { $unset: true } } ) , { 'object.a': { $unset: true } } ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen.patch( schema , { 'object.a': { $unset: null } } ) , { 'object.a': { $unset: true } } ) ;

Patch application

'keys' attribute

'keys' should perform the check recursively for key itself, using the same given schema for all of them..

var schema = {
			keys: { match: /^[a-z]+$/ }
		} ;
		// Object
		doormen( schema , { a: 'text' } ) ;
		doormen.not( schema , { a2: 1 } ) ;
		doormen( schema , { a: 'text' , b: 'string' } ) ;
		doormen.not( schema , { a: 'text' , b2: 'string' } ) ;

'keys' and sanitizer..

var schema = {
			keys: { sanitize: 'dashToCamelCase' }
		} ;
			doormen( schema , { "camel-case": "?" , "or-not-camel-case": "?" } ) ,
			{ camelCase: "?" , orNotCamelCase: "?" }
		) ;

'keys' should throw in case of overwrite..

var schema = {
			keys: { sanitize: 'dashToCamelCase' }
		} ;
		doormen.not( schema , { camelCase: "!" , "camel-case": "?" } ) ;


Basic schema alternatives.

doormen( [ { type: 'boolean' } , { type: 'number' } ] , true ) ;
doormen( [ { type: 'boolean' } , { type: 'number' } ] , 5 ) ;
doormen.not( [ { type: 'boolean' } , { type: 'number' } ] , 'toto' ) ;

Complex multiple-children constraints

Constraint 'condition' and 'if-then' syntax.

var schema = {
	extraProperties: true ,
	properties: {
		type: { type: 'string' } ,
		c: { type: 'string' }
	} ,
	constraints: [
			enforce: 'condition' ,
			if: {
				extraProperties: true ,
				properties: {
					type: { eq: 'alt1' }
			} ,
			then: {
				extraProperties: true ,
				properties: {
					a: { type: 'string' }
} ;
doormen.not( schema , { type: 'std' , a: 'bob' } ) ;
doormen( schema , { type: 'std' , a: 'bob' , c: 'jack' } ) ;
doormen.not( schema , { type: 'std' , b: 'bob' } ) ;
doormen( schema , { type: 'std' , b: 'bob' , c: 'jack' } ) ;
doormen.not( schema , { type: 'alt1' , a: 'bob' } ) ;
doormen( schema , { type: 'alt1' , a: 'bob' , c: 'jack' } ) ;
doormen.not( schema , { type: 'alt1' , b: 'bob' } ) ;
doormen.not( schema , { type: 'alt1' , b: 'bob' , c: 'jack' } ) ;

Constraint 'switch' and 'switch-case-otherCases' syntax.

var schema = {
	extraProperties: true ,
	properties: {
		type: { type: 'string' } ,
		c: { type: 'string' }
	} ,
	constraints: [
			enforce: 'switch' ,
			source: 'type' ,
			case: {
				alt1: {
					extraProperties: true ,
					properties: {
						a: { type: 'string' }
				} ,
				alt2: {
					extraProperties: true ,
					properties: {
						b: { type: 'string' }
} ;
doormen.not( schema , { type: 'std' , a: 'bob' } ) ;
doormen( schema , { type: 'std' , a: 'bob' , c: 'jack' } ) ;
doormen.not( schema , { type: 'std' , b: 'bob' } ) ;
doormen( schema , { type: 'std' , b: 'bob' , c: 'jack' } ) ;
doormen.not( schema , { type: 'alt1' , a: 'bob' } ) ;
doormen( schema , { type: 'alt1' , a: 'bob' , c: 'jack' } ) ;
doormen.not( schema , { type: 'alt1' , b: 'bob' } ) ;
doormen.not( schema , { type: 'alt1' , b: 'bob' , c: 'jack' } ) ;
doormen.not( schema , { type: 'alt2' , b: 'bob' } ) ;
doormen( schema , { type: 'alt2' , b: 'bob' , c: 'jack' } ) ;
doormen.not( schema , { type: 'alt2' , a: 'bob' } ) ;
doormen.not( schema , { type: 'alt2' , a: 'bob' , c: 'jack' } ) ;
// Add a default to the switch-case
schema.constraints[0].otherCases = {
	extraProperties: true ,
	properties: {
		d: { type: 'string' }
} ;
doormen.not( schema , { type: 'std' , a: 'bob' } ) ;
doormen.not( schema , { type: 'std' , a: 'bob' , c: 'jack' } ) ;
doormen.not( schema , { type: 'std' , b: 'bob' } ) ;
doormen.not( schema , { type: 'std' , b: 'bob' , c: 'jack' } ) ;
doormen( schema , { type: 'std' , c: 'jack' , d: 'jim' } ) ;
doormen.not( schema , { type: 'alt1' , a: 'bob' } ) ;
doormen( schema , { type: 'alt1' , a: 'bob' , c: 'jack' } ) ;
doormen.not( schema , { type: 'alt1' , b: 'bob' } ) ;
doormen.not( schema , { type: 'alt1' , b: 'bob' , c: 'jack' } ) ;
doormen.not( schema , { type: 'alt2' , b: 'bob' } ) ;
doormen( schema , { type: 'alt2' , b: 'bob' , c: 'jack' } ) ;
doormen.not( schema , { type: 'alt2' , a: 'bob' } ) ;
doormen.not( schema , { type: 'alt2' , a: 'bob' , c: 'jack' } ) ;

Schema validation

Validate a schema.

var schema ;
schema = { properties: { a: { optional: true , type: 'string' } } } ;
doormen.validateSchema( schema ) ;
doormen( { type: "schema" } , schema ) ;
schema = { type: true } ;
doormen.shouldThrow( () => { doormen.validateSchema( schema ) ; } ) ;
doormen.not( { type: "schema" } , schema ) ;


Purify a basic schema.

doormen.equals( doormen.purifySchema( { type: 'string' } ) , { type: 'string' } ) ;
doormen.equals( doormen.purifySchema( { type: 'string' , random: 'stuff' } ) , { type: 'string' } ) ;
doormen.equals( 'default' in doormen.purifySchema( { default: null } ) , true ) ;
doormen.equals( 'default' in doormen.purifySchema( { default: undefined } ) , true ) ;
	doormen.purifySchema( {
		extraProperties: true ,
		properties: {
			a: { optional: true , type: 'object' , of: { type: 'string' } } ,
			b: { type: 'array' ,
				sanitize: 'toArray' ,
				of: {
					type: 'integer' , min: 4 , max: 7 , random: 'stuff'
				} } ,
			c: { default: 'default' , type: 'string' } ,
			d: { filter: { blah: 'blih' } } ,
			e: { properties: [ 'one' , 'two' , 'three' ] } ,
			f: { random: 'stuff' , type: 'integer' , sanitize: [ 'some' , 'sanitizers' ] } ,
			g: { in: [ { some: 'data' } , { some: 'other data' } ] } ,
			h: { notIn: [ { some: 'data' } , { some: 'other data' } ] } ,
			i: {
				match: /a regexp/ , minLength: 4 , maxLength: 11 , length: 6
			} ,
			j: { match: "a regexp compatible string" } ,
			k: { instanceOf: 'Date' } ,
			l: { instanceOf: Date } ,
			m: { of: [ { type: 'array' } , { type: 'string' } ] } ,
			n: { properties: { a: [ { type: 'array' } , { type: 'string' } ] } } ,
			o: { elements: [ { type: 'array' } , { type: 'string' } ] } ,
			p: { elements: [ [ { type: 'array' } , { type: 'string' } ] ] } ,
	} ) ,
		extraProperties: true ,
		properties: {
			a: { optional: true , type: 'object' , of: { type: 'string' } } ,
			b: { type: 'array' , sanitize: [ 'toArray' ] , of: { type: 'integer' , min: 4 , max: 7 } } ,
			c: { default: 'default' , type: 'string' } ,
			d: { filter: { blah: 'blih' } } ,
			e: { properties: [ 'one' , 'two' , 'three' ] } ,
			f: { type: 'integer' , sanitize: [ 'some' , 'sanitizers' ] } ,
			g: { in: [ { some: 'data' } , { some: 'other data' } ] } ,
			h: { notIn: [ { some: 'data' } , { some: 'other data' } ] } ,
			i: {
				match: /a regexp/ , minLength: 4 , maxLength: 11 , length: 6
			} ,
			j: { match: "a regexp compatible string" } ,
			k: { instanceOf: 'Date' } ,
			l: { instanceOf: Date } ,
			m: { of: [ { type: 'array' } , { type: 'string' } ] } ,
			n: { properties: { a: [ { type: 'array' } , { type: 'string' } ] } } ,
			o: { elements: [ { type: 'array' } , { type: 'string' } ] } ,
			p: { elements: [ [ { type: 'array' } , { type: 'string' } ] ] } ,
) ;

Export mode

.export() and 'of'.

var data , schema , returned ;
schema = {
	of: { type: 'string' , sanitize: 'trim' }
} ;
data = { a: 'abc' , b: '  def  ' } ;
returned = doormen.export( schema , data ) ;
doormen.equals( data , { a: 'abc' , b: '  def  ' } ) ;
doormen.equals( returned , { a: 'abc' , b: 'def' } ) ;
returned = doormen( schema , data ) ;
doormen.equals( data , { a: 'abc' , b: 'def' } ) ;
doormen.equals( returned , { a: 'abc' , b: 'def' } ) ;

.export() and 'properties'.

var data , schema , returned ;
schema = {
	properties: {
		a: { type: 'string' , sanitize: 'toUpperCase' } ,
		b: { type: 'string' , sanitize: 'trim' }
} ;
data = { a: 'abc' , b: '  def  ' } ;
returned = doormen.export( schema , data ) ;
doormen.equals( data , { a: 'abc' , b: '  def  ' } ) ;
doormen.equals( returned , { a: 'ABC' , b: 'def' } ) ;
returned = doormen( schema , data ) ;
doormen.equals( data , { a: 'ABC' , b: 'def' } ) ;
doormen.equals( returned , { a: 'ABC' , b: 'def' } ) ;
data = { a: 'abc' , b: '  def  ' , c: 'toto' } ;
doormen.shouldThrow( () => {
	returned = doormen.export( schema , data ) ;
} ) ;
schema.extraProperties = true ;
data = { a: 'abc' , b: '  def  ' , c: 'toto' } ;
returned = doormen.export( schema , data ) ;
doormen.equals( data , { a: 'abc' , b: '  def  ' , c: 'toto' } ) ;
doormen.equals( returned , { a: 'ABC' , b: 'def' } ) ;
returned = doormen( schema , data ) ;
doormen.equals( data , { a: 'ABC' , b: 'def' , c: 'toto' } ) ;
doormen.equals( returned , { a: 'ABC' , b: 'def' , c: 'toto' } ) ;

.export() and 'elements'.

var data , schema , returned ;
schema = {
	elements: [
		{ type: 'string' , sanitize: 'toUpperCase' } ,
		{ type: 'string' , sanitize: 'trim' }
} ;
data = [ 'abc' , '  def  ' ] ;
returned = doormen.export( schema , data ) ;
doormen.equals( data , [ 'abc' , '  def  ' ] ) ;
doormen.equals( returned , [ 'ABC' , 'def' ] ) ;
returned = doormen( schema , data ) ;
doormen.equals( data , [ 'ABC' , 'def' ] ) ;
doormen.equals( returned , [ 'ABC' , 'def' ] ) ;
data = [ 'abc' , '  def  ' , 'toto' ] ;
doormen.shouldThrow( () => {
	returned = doormen.export( schema , data ) ;
} ) ;
schema.extraElements = true ;
data = [ 'abc' , '  def  ' , 'toto' ] ;
returned = doormen.export( schema , data ) ;
doormen.equals( data , [ 'abc' , '  def  ' , 'toto' ] ) ;
doormen.equals( returned , [ 'ABC' , 'def' ] ) ;
returned = doormen( schema , data ) ;
doormen.equals( data , [ 'ABC' , 'def' , 'toto' ] ) ;
doormen.equals( returned , [ 'ABC' , 'def' , 'toto' ] ) ;

Expect BDD assertion library

expect a value to be defined/undefined.

doormen.expect( "bob" ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( "bob" ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( "bob" ) ) ;
doormen.expect( null ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( null ) ) ;
doormen.expect( undefined ) ;
doormen.expect( '' ) ;
doormen.expect( false ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( false ) ) ;

expect a value to be truthy/falsy.

doormen.expect( "bob" ) ;
doormen.expect( "" ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( "bob" ) ) ;
doormen.expect( false ) ;
doormen.expect( 0 ) ;
doormen.expect( null ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( {} ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( [] ) ) ;
doormen.expect( {} ) ;
doormen.expect( [] ) ;

expect a value to be true/not true/false/not false.

doormen.expect( "bob" ) ;
doormen.expect( "bob" ) ;
doormen.expect( "" ) ;
doormen.expect( "" ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( "bob" ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( {} ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( {} ) ) ;
doormen.expect( true ) ;
doormen.expect( true ) ;
doormen.expect( false ) ;
doormen.expect( false ) ;

expect a value to be null/not null.

doormen.expect( "bob" ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( "bob" ) ) ;
doormen.expect( undefined ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( undefined ) ) ;
doormen.expect( null ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( null ) ) ;
doormen.expect( '' ) ;
doormen.expect( {} ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( {} ) ) ;

expect a value to be NaN/not NaN.

doormen.expect( "" ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( "bob" ) ) ;
doormen.expect( undefined ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( undefined ) ) ;
doormen.expect( NaN ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( NaN ) ) ;
doormen.expect( Infinity ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( Infinity ) ) ;

expect a value to be finite.

doormen.expect( 0 ) ;
doormen.expect( 9123.345 ) ;
doormen.expect( -9123.345 ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( 123 ) ) ;
doormen.expect( NaN ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( NaN ) ) ;
doormen.expect( Infinity ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( Infinity ) ) ;
doormen.expect( -Infinity ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( -Infinity ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( "trash" ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( "trash" ) ) ;

expect a value to be identical.

doormen.expect( "bob" ) "bob" ) ;
doormen.expect( "bob" ) "bobby" ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( "bob" ) "bobby" ) ) ;
doormen.expect( "" ) "" ) ;
doormen.expect( NaN ) NaN ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( {} ) {} ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( [] ) [] ) ) ;
doormen.expect( {} ) {} ) ;
doormen.expect( [] ) [] ) ;

expect a value to be a shallow clone of.

var o1 = { a: 1 , b: 2 } ,
	o2 = { c: 3 } ,
	a1 = [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] ,
	a2 = [ "one" , "two" , "three" ] ;
doormen.expect( {} ) {} ) ;
doormen.expect( o1 ) o1 ) ;
doormen.expect( { n: o1 } ) { n: o1 } ) ;
doormen.expect( { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) ) ;
doormen.expect( { a: 1 , b: 3 } ) { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( { a: 1 , b: 3 } ) { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) { a: 1 , b: 2 , c: 3 } ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( { a: 1 , b: 2 , c: 3 } ) { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) ) ;
doormen.expect( { a: 1 , b: 2 , c: o1 } ) { a: 1 , b: 2 , c: o1 } ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( { a: 1 , b: 2 , c: { d: 4 } } ) { a: 1 , b: 2 , c: { d: 4 } } ) ) ;
doormen.expect( { a: 1 , b: 2 , c: a1 } ) { a: 1 , b: 2 , c: a1 } ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( { a: 1 , b: 2 , c: [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] } ) { a: 1 , b: 2 , c: [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] } ) ) ;
doormen.expect( [] ) [] ) ;
doormen.expect( a1 ) a1 ) ;
doormen.expect( [ a1 ] ) [ a1 ] ) ;
doormen.expect( [ a1 , a2 , o1 , o2 ] ) [ a1 , a2 , o1 , o2 ] ) ;
doormen.expect( [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] ) [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( [ 0 , 2 , 3 ] ) [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( [ [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] ] ) [ [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] ] ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( [ { a: 1 } ] ) [ { a: 1 } ] ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( [ 0 , [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] ] ) [ 0 , [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] ] ) ) ;

expect a value to be equal (different from identical).

doormen.expect( "bob" ).to.equal( "bob" ) ;
doormen.expect( "bob" ) "bobby" ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( "bob" ) "bobby" ) ) ;
doormen.expect( "" ).to.equal( "" ) ;
doormen.expect( NaN ).to.equal( NaN ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( {} ) {} ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( [] ) [] ) ) ;
doormen.expect( {} ).to.equal( {} ) ;
doormen.expect( [] ) [] ) ;
doormen.expect( { b: 2 , a: 1 } ).to.equal( { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) ;
doormen.expect( { b: 2 , a: 1 , nested: { c: 3 } } ).to.equal( { a: 1 , b: 2 , nested: { c: 3 } } ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( { b: 2 , a: 1 , nested: { c: 3 } } ) { b: 2 , a: 1 , nested: { c: 3 } } ) ) ;
doormen.expect( [ {} , "b" , 3 ] ) [ {} , "b" , 3 ] ) ;
doormen.expect( [ {} , "b" , 3 ] ) [ {} , "b" , 3 , undefined ] ) ;
// not the same prototype
doormen.expect( { b: 2 , a: 1 } ) Object.assign( Object.create( null ) , { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( { b: 2 , a: 1 } ).to.equal( Object.assign( Object.create( null ) , { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) ) ) ;

expect a value to be equal around.

doormen.expect( { b: 2 + 2 * Number.EPSILON , a: 1 - 2 * Number.EPSILON , nested: { c: 3 + 2 * Number.EPSILON } } ) { a: 1 , b: 2 , nested: { c: 3 } } ) ;
doormen.expect( { b: 2 + 2 * Number.EPSILON , a: 1 - 2 * Number.EPSILON , nested: { c: 3 + 2 * Number.EPSILON } } ).to.equal.around( { a: 1 , b: 2 , nested: { c: 3 } } ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( { b: 2 + 2 * Number.EPSILON , a: 1 - 2 * Number.EPSILON , nested: { c: 3 + 2 * Number.EPSILON } } ) { a: 1 , b: 2 , nested: { c: 3 } } ) ) ;

expect a value to be like.

doormen.expect( "bob" ) "bob" ) ;
doormen.expect( "bob" ) "bobby" ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( "bob" ) "bobby" ) ) ;
doormen.expect( "" ) "" ) ;
doormen.expect( NaN ) NaN ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( {} ) {} ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( [] ) [] ) ) ;
doormen.expect( {} ) {} ) ;
doormen.expect( [] ) [] ) ;
doormen.expect( { b: 2 , a: 1 } ) { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) ;
doormen.expect( { b: 2 , a: 1 , nested: { c: 3 } } ) { a: 1 , b: 2 , nested: { c: 3 } } ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( { b: 2 , a: 1 , nested: { c: 3 } } ) { b: 2 , a: 1 , nested: { c: 3 } } ) ) ;
doormen.expect( [ {} , "b" , 3 ] ) [ {} , "b" , 3 ] ) ;
doormen.expect( [ {} , "b" , 3 ] ) [ {} , "b" , 3 , undefined ] ) ;
// not the same prototype
doormen.expect( { b: 2 , a: 1 } ) Object.assign( Object.create( null ) , { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( { b: 2 , a: 1 } ) Object.assign( Object.create( null ) , { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) ) ) ;

expect a value to be like around.

doormen.expect( Object.assign( Object.create( null ) , { b: 2 + 2 * Number.EPSILON , a: 1 - 2 * Number.EPSILON , nested: { c: 3 + 2 * Number.EPSILON } } ) ) { a: 1 , b: 2 , nested: { c: 3 } } ) ;
doormen.expect( Object.assign( Object.create( null ) , { b: 2 + 2 * Number.EPSILON , a: 1 - 2 * Number.EPSILON , nested: { c: 3 + 2 * Number.EPSILON } } ) ) { a: 1 , b: 2 , nested: { c: 3 } } ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( Object.assign( Object.create( null ) , { b: 2 + 2 * Number.EPSILON , a: 1 - 2 * Number.EPSILON , nested: { c: 3 + 2 * Number.EPSILON } } ) ) { a: 1 , b: 2 , nested: { c: 3 } } ) ) ;
doormen.expect( Object.assign( Object.create( null ) , { value: 0.2 - 0.05 } ) ) { value: 0.15 } ) ;
doormen.expect( Object.assign( Object.create( null ) , { value: - 0.2 + 0.05 } ) ) { value: - 0.15 } ) ;

expect a value to be partially equal.

doormen.expect( {} ).to.partially.equal( {} ) ;
doormen.expect( [] ).to.partially.equal( [] ) ;
doormen.expect( { b: 2 , a: 1 } ).to.partially.equal( { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) ;
doormen.expect( { b: 2 , a: 1 , nested: { c: 3 } } ).to.partially.equal( { a: 1 , b: 2 , nested: { c: 3 } } ) ;
doormen.expect( { b: 2 , a: 1 , nested: { c: 3 } } ).to.partially.equal( { nested: { c: 3 } } ) ;
doormen.expect( { b: 2 , a: 1 , nested: { c: 3 } } ).to.partially.equal( { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) ;
doormen.expect( { a: 1 , nested: { c: 3 } } ).to.not.partially.equal( { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( { a: 1 , nested: { c: 3 } } ).to.partially.equal( { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) ) ;
// not the same prototype
doormen.expect( { b: 2 , a: 1 } ) Object.assign( Object.create( null ) , { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( { b: 2 , a: 1 } ).to.partially.equal( Object.assign( Object.create( null ) , { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) ) ) ;

expect a value to be partially equal around.

doormen.expect( { b: 2 + 2 * Number.EPSILON , a: 1 - 2 * Number.EPSILON , nested: { c: 3 + 2 * Number.EPSILON } } ) { a: 1 , nested: { c: 3 } } ) ;
doormen.expect( { b: 2 + 2 * Number.EPSILON , a: 1 - 2 * Number.EPSILON , nested: { c: 3 + 2 * Number.EPSILON } } ).to.partially.equal.around( { a: 1 , nested: { c: 3 } } ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( { b: 2 + 2 * Number.EPSILON , a: 1 - 2 * Number.EPSILON , nested: { c: 3 + 2 * Number.EPSILON } } ) { a: 1 , nested: { c: 3 } } ) ) ;

expect a value to be partially like.

doormen.expect( {} ) {} ) ;
doormen.expect( [] ) [] ) ;
doormen.expect( { b: 2 , a: 1 } ) { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) ;
doormen.expect( { b: 2 , a: 1 , nested: { c: 3 } } ) { a: 1 , b: 2 , nested: { c: 3 } } ) ;
doormen.expect( { b: 2 , a: 1 , nested: { c: 3 } } ) { nested: { c: 3 } } ) ;
doormen.expect( { b: 2 , a: 1 , nested: { c: 3 } } ) { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) ;
doormen.expect( { a: 1 , nested: { c: 3 } } ).to.not.partially.equal( { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( { a: 1 , nested: { c: 3 } } ) { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) ) ;
// not the same prototype
doormen.expect( { b: 2 , a: 1 } ) Object.assign( Object.create( null ) , { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( { b: 2 , a: 1 } ) Object.assign( Object.create( null ) , { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) ) ) ;

expect a value to be partially like around.

doormen.expect( Object.assign( Object.create( null ) , { b: 2 + 2 * Number.EPSILON , a: 1 - 2 * Number.EPSILON , nested: { c: 3 + 2 * Number.EPSILON } } ) ) { a: 1 , nested: { c: 3 } } ) ;
doormen.expect( Object.assign( Object.create( null ) , { b: 2 + 2 * Number.EPSILON , a: 1 - 2 * Number.EPSILON , nested: { c: 3 + 2 * Number.EPSILON } } ) ) { a: 1 , nested: { c: 3 } } ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( Object.assign( Object.create( null ) , { b: 2 + 2 * Number.EPSILON , a: 1 - 2 * Number.EPSILON , nested: { c: 3 + 2 * Number.EPSILON } } ) ) { a: 1 , nested: { c: 3 } } ) ) ;

expect a value to map.

doormen.expect( new Map() ) [] ) ;
doormen.expect( new Map( [ [ "one" , 1 ] ] ) ) [ [ "one" , 1 ] ] ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( new Map( [ [ "one" , 1 ] , [ 2 , "two" ] ] ) ) [ [ "one" , 1 ] ] ) ) ;
doormen.expect( new Map( [ [ "one" , 1 ] , [ 2 , "two" ] ] ) ) [ [ "one" , 1 ] , [ 2 , "two" ] ] ) ;
doormen.expect( new Map( [ [ "one" , 1 ] , [ 2 , { "two": 2 } ] ] ) ) [ [ "one" , 1 ] , [ 2 , { "two": 2 } ] ] ) ;
// Keys and values should be checked with the equal algorithm
doormen.expect( new Map( [ [ { a: 1 } , 1 ] , [ { b: 2 } , { "two": 2 } ] ] ) ) [ [ { a: 1 } , 1 ] , [ { b: 2 } , { "two": 2 } ] ] ) ;
doormen.expect( new Map( [ [ { a: 1 } , 1 ] , [ { a: 1 } , { "two": 2 } ] ] ) ) [ [ { a: 1 } , 1 ] , [ { a: 1 } , { "two": 2 } ] ] ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( new Map( [ [ { a: 1 } , 1 ] , [ { b: 2 } , { "two": 2 } ] ] ) ) [ [ { a: 1 } , 1 ] , [ { a: 1 } , { "two": 2 } ] ] ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( new Map( [ [ { a: 1 } , 1 ] , [ { a: 1 } , { "two": 2 } ] ] ) ) [ [ { a: 1 } , 1 ] , [ { b: 2 } , { "two": 2 } ] ] ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( new Map( [ [ { a: 1 } , 1 ] , [ { b: 2 } , { "two": 2 } ] ] ) ) [ [ { a: 1 } , 1 ] , [ { b: 2 } , { "two": 3 } ] ] ) ) ;

expect a value to be around/close to (epsilon-aware).

// 0.1 + 0.2 is not equal to 0.3 due to epsilon error in floating point numbers
doormen.expect( 0.1 + 0.2 ) 0.3 ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( 0.1 + 0.2 ) 0.3 ) ) ;
doormen.expect( 0.1 + 0.2 ) 0.3 ) ;
doormen.expect( 0.1 + 0.2 ) 0.3 ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( 0.1 + 0.2 ) 0.3 ) ) ;
doormen.expect( 0.1 + 0.2 + 2 * Number.EPSILON ) 0.3 ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( 0.1 + 0.2 + 2 * Number.EPSILON ) 0.3 ) ) ;
// Non-numbers throw
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( "bob" ) 0.3 ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( "0.3" ) 0.3 ) ) ;
doormen.expect( 0 ) 0 ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( 0 ) 0 ) ) ;
doormen.expect( 0 + Number.MIN_VALUE ) 0 ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( 0 + Number.MIN_VALUE ) 0 ) ) ;
doormen.expect( 0 + 4 * Number.MIN_VALUE ) 0 ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( 0 + 4 * Number.MIN_VALUE ) 0 ) ) ;
doormen.expect( 0 + 5 * Number.MIN_VALUE ) 0 ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( 0 + 5 * Number.MIN_VALUE ) 0 ) ) ;
doormen.expect( 0 - Number.MIN_VALUE ) 0 ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( 0 - Number.MIN_VALUE ) 0 ) ) ;
doormen.expect( 0 - 4 * Number.MIN_VALUE ) 0 ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( 0 - 4 * Number.MIN_VALUE ) 0 ) ) ;
doormen.expect( 0 - 5 * Number.MIN_VALUE ) 0 ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( 0 - 5 * Number.MIN_VALUE ) 0 ) ) ;

// Historical bug with negative numbers
doormen.expect( -1 ) -1 ) ;
doormen.expect( 0.2 - 0.05 ) 0.15 ) ;
doormen.expect( - 0.2 + 0.05 ) - 0.15 ) ;

expect a value to be above/below/at least/at most.

doormen.expect( 0.1 ) 0.3 ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( 0.1 ) 0.3 ) ) ;
doormen.expect( 0.1 ) 0.3 ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( 0.1 ) 0.3 ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( 0.3 ) 0.3 ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( 0.3 ) 0.3 ) ) ;
doormen.expect( 0.3 ) 0.3 ) ;
doormen.expect( 0.3 ) 0.3 ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( 0.5 ) 0.3 ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( 0.5 ) 0.3 ) ) ;
doormen.expect( 0.5 ) 0.3 ) ;
doormen.expect( 0.5 ) 0.3 ) ;
// Non-numbers throw
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( "bob" ) 0.3 ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( "0.2" ) 0.3 ) ) ;

expect a value to be within/not within.

doormen.expect( 0.1 ) 0 , 0.3 ) ;
doormen.expect( 0 ) 0 , 0.3 ) ;
doormen.expect( 0.3 ) 0 , 0.3 ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( 0.1 ) 0 , 0.3 ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( 0 ) 0 , 0.3 ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( 0.3 ) 0 , 0.3 ) ) ;
doormen.expect( -0.1 ) 0 , 0.3 ) ;
doormen.expect( 0.4 ) 0 , 0.3 ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( -0.1 ) 0 , 0.3 ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( 0.4 ) 0 , 0.3 ) ) ;
// Non-numbers throw
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( "bob" ) 0 , 0.3 ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( "0.2" ) 0 , 0.3 ) ) ;

expect a value to match/not match.

doormen.expect( "bob" ).to.match( /bob/ ) ;
doormen.expect( "bob" ).to.match( /^[bo]+$/ ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( "bob" ).to.not.match( /^[bo]+$/ ) ) ;
doormen.expect( "bob" ) /^[ba]+$/ ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( "bob" ).to.match( /^[ba]+$/ ) ) ;

expect a value to have a length of/not have a length of.

doormen.expect( "Hello Bob!" ).to.have.length.of( 10 ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( "Hello Bob!" ) 10 ) ) ;
doormen.expect( "Hello Bob!" ).to.not.have.length.of( 8 ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( "Hello Bob!" ).to.have.length.of( 8 ) ) ;
doormen.expect( "" ).to.have.length.of( 0 ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( "" ) 0 ) ) ;
doormen.expect( "" ).to.not.have.length.of( 8 ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( "" ).to.have.length.of( 8 ) ) ;
doormen.expect( [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] ).to.have.length.of( 3 ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] ) 3 ) ) ;
doormen.expect( [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] ).to.not.have.length.of( 8 ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] ).to.have.length.of( 8 ) ) ;
doormen.expect( [] ).to.have.length.of( 0 ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( [] ) 0 ) ) ;
doormen.expect( [] ).to.not.have.length.of( 8 ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( [] ).to.have.length.of( 8 ) ) ;

expect a value to contain/not contain.

// String
doormen.expect( "Hello Bob!" ).to.contain( 'Bob' ) ;
doormen.expect( "Hello Bob!" ).to.include( 'Bob' ) ;
doormen.expect( "Hello Bob!" ).to.include( 'Hello' , 'Bob' ) ;
doormen.expect( "Hello Bob!" ).to.not.have( 'Jack' ) ;
doormen.expect( "Hello Bob!" ).to.not.have( 'Hi' , 'Jack' ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( "Hello Bob!" ).to.contain( 'Bill' ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( "Hello Bob!" ).to.contain( 'Hi' , 'Bill' ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( "Hello Bob!" ).to.contain( 'Hello' , 'Bill' ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( "Hello Bob!" ).to.contain( 'Hi' , 'Bob' ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( "Hello Bob!" ) 'Hi' , 'Bob' ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( "Hello Bob!" ) 'Hello' , 'Bill' ) ) ;

// Array
doormen.expect( [ "Alice" , "Bob" , "Jack" ] ).to.contain( 'Bob' ) ;
doormen.expect( [ "Alice" , "Bob" , "Jack" ] ).to.contain( 'Bob' , 'Jack' ) ;
doormen.expect( [ "Alice" , "Bob" , "Jack" ] ) 'Bobby' ) ;
doormen.expect( [ "Alice" , "Bob" , "Jack" ] ) 'Jacky' , 'Bobby' ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( [ "Alice" , "Bob" , "Jack" ] ).to.contain( 'Bobby' ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( [ "Alice" , "Bob" , "Jack" ] ) 'Jack' ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( [ "Alice" , "Bob" , "Jack" ] ) 'Jack' , 'Bobby' ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( [ "Alice" , "Bob" , "Jack" ] ) 'Bobby' , 'Alice' ) ) ;
doormen.expect( new Set( [ "Alice" , "Bob" , "Jack" ] ) ).to.contain( 'Bob' ) ;
doormen.expect( new Set( [ "Alice" , "Bob" , "Jack" ] ) ).to.contain( 'Bob' , 'Alice' ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( new Set( [ "Alice" , "Bob" , "Jack" ] ) ).to.contain( 'Charlie' ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( new Set( [ "Alice" , "Bob" , "Jack" ] ) ) 'Jack' ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( new Set( [ "Alice" , "Bob" , "Jack" ] ) ) 'Roger' , 'Jack' ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( new Set( [ "Alice" , "Bob" , "Jack" ] ) ) 'Jack' , 'Roger' ) ) ;
doormen.expect( new Map( [ [ 1 , "Alice" ] , [ 2 , "Bob" ] , [ "two" , "Jack" ] ] ) ).to.contain( 'Bob' ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( new Map( [ [ 1 , "Alice" ] , [ 2 , "Bob" ] , [ "two" , "Jack" ] ] ) ).to.contain( 'bob' ) ) ;
// Object
doormen.expect( { a: "Alice" , b: "Bob" , c: "Jack" } ).to.contain( 'Bob' ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( { a: "Alice" , b: "Bob" , c: "Alice" } ).to.contain( 'Bobby' ) ) ;

have vs contain.

doormen.expect( new Map( [ [ "Alice" , 1 ] , [ "Bob" , 2 ] , [ "Jack" , "two" ] ] ) ).to.contain( 'two' ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( new Map( [ [ "Alice" , 1 ] , [ "Bob" , 2 ] , [ "Jack" , "two" ] ] ) ).to.contain( 'Jack' ) ) ;
// Map and 'have' behavior
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( new Map( [ [ "Alice" , 1 ] , [ "Bob" , 2 ] , [ "Jack" , "two" ] ] ) ).to.have( 'two' ) ) ;
doormen.expect( new Map( [ [ "Alice" , 1 ] , [ "Bob" , 2 ] , [ "Jack" , "two" ] ] ) ).to.have( 'Jack' ) ;

expect a value to contain/not contain only.

doormen.expect( [ "Alice" , "Bob" , "Jack" ] ).to.contain.only( 'Jack' , 'Alice' , 'Bob' ) ;
doormen.expect( [ "Alice" , "Bob" , "Jack" , "Bob" ] ).to.contain.only( 'Jack' , 'Alice' , 'Bob' ) ;
doormen.expect( [ "Alice" , "Bob" , "Jack" ] ).to.contain.only( 'Jack' , 'Alice' , 'Bob' , 'Alice' ) ;
doormen.expect( [ "Jack" , "Alice" , "Bob" , "Jack" ] ).to.contain.only( 'Jack' , 'Alice' , 'Bob' , 'Alice' ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( [ "Alice" , "Bob" , "Jack" ] ).to.contain.only( 'Bob' ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( [ "Alice" , "Bob" , "Jack" ] ).to.contain.only( 'Alice' , 'Bob' ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( [ "Alice" , "Bob" , "Jack" ] ).to.contain.only( 'Bob' , 'Bob' , 'Bob' ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( [ "Alice" , "Bob" , "Jack" ] ).to.contain.only( 'Tony' ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( [ "Alice" , "Bob" , "Jack" ] ).to.contain.only( 'Jack' , 'Alice' , 'Bob' , 'Tony' ) ) ;
doormen.expect( new Set( [ "Alice" , "Bob" , "Jack" ] ) ).to.contain.only( 'Jack' , 'Alice' , 'Bob' ) ;
doormen.expect( new Set( [ "Alice" , "Bob" , "Jack" , "Bob" ] ) ).to.contain.only( 'Jack' , 'Alice' , 'Bob' ) ;
doormen.expect( new Set( [ "Alice" , "Bob" , "Jack" ] ) ).to.contain.only( 'Jack' , 'Alice' , 'Bob' , 'Alice' ) ;
doormen.expect( new Set( [ "Jack" , "Alice" , "Bob" , "Jack" ] ) ).to.contain.only( 'Jack' , 'Alice' , 'Bob' , 'Alice' ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( new Set( [ "Alice" , "Bob" , "Jack" ] ) ).to.contain.only( 'Bob' ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( new Set( [ "Alice" , "Bob" , "Jack" ] ) ).to.contain.only( 'Alice' , 'Bob' ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( new Set( [ "Alice" , "Bob" , "Jack" ] ) ).to.contain.only( 'Bob' , 'Bob' , 'Bob' ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( new Set( [ "Alice" , "Bob" , "Jack" ] ) ).to.contain.only( 'Tony' ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( new Set( [ "Alice" , "Bob" , "Jack" ] ) ).to.contain.only( 'Jack' , 'Alice' , 'Bob' , 'Tony' ) ) ;
// Ambigous assertion
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( [ "Alice" , "Bob" , "Jack" ] ) 'Alice' ) ) ;

have only vs contain only.

doormen.expect( new Map( [ [ "Alice" , 1 ] , [ "Bob" , 2 ] , [ "Jack" , "two" ] ] ) ).to.contain.only( 1 , 2 , 'two' ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( new Map( [ [ "Alice" , 1 ] , [ "Bob" , 2 ] , [ "Jack" , "two" ] ] ) ).to.contain.only( 1 , 2 ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( new Map( [ [ "Alice" , 1 ] , [ "Bob" , 2 ] , [ "Jack" , "two" ] ] ) ).to.contain.only( 1 , 2 , 'two' , 'three' ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( new Map( [ [ "Alice" , 1 ] , [ "Bob" , 2 ] , [ "Jack" , "two" ] ] ) ).to.contain.only( "Alice" , "Bob" , "Jack" ) ) ;
// Map and 'have' behavior
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( new Map( [ [ "Alice" , 1 ] , [ "Bob" , 2 ] , [ "Jack" , "two" ] ] ) ).to.have.only( 1 , 2 , 'two' ) ) ;
doormen.expect( new Map( [ [ "Alice" , 1 ] , [ "Bob" , 2 ] , [ "Jack" , "two" ] ] ) ).to.have.only( "Alice" , "Bob" , "Jack" ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( new Map( [ [ "Alice" , 1 ] , [ "Bob" , 2 ] , [ "Jack" , "two" ] ] ) ).to.have.only( "Alice" , "Bob" ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( new Map( [ [ "Alice" , 1 ] , [ "Bob" , 2 ] , [ "Jack" , "two" ] ] ) ).to.have.only( "Alice" , "Bob" , "Jack" , "Jim" ) ) ;

expect a value to only contain unique values.

// Array
doormen.expect( [ "Alice" , "Bob" , "Jack" ] ).to.only.contain.unique.values() ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( [ "Alice" , "Bob" , "Alice" ] ).to.only.contain.unique.values() ) ;

var o = {} ;
doormen.expect( [ {} , {} ] ).to.only.contain.unique.values() ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( [ {} , o , o ] ).to.only.contain.unique.values() ) ;
// Object
doormen.expect( { a: "Alice" , b: "Bob" , c: "Jack" } ).to.only.contain.unique.values() ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( { a: "Alice" , b: "Bob" , c: "Alice" } ).to.only.contain.unique.values() ) ;

var o = {} ;
doormen.expect( { a: {} , b: {} } ).to.only.contain.unique.values() ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( { a: {} , b: o , c: o } ).to.only.contain.unique.values() ) ;
// Map
doormen.expect( new Map( [ [ 'a', "Alice" ] , [ 'b', "Bob" ] , [ 'c', "Jack" ] ] ) ).to.only.contain.unique.values() ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( new Map( [ [ 'a', "Alice" ] , [ 'b', "Bob" ] , [ 'c', "Alice" ] ] ) ).to.only.contain.unique.values() ) ;

var o = {} ;
doormen.expect( new Map( [ [ 'a', {} ] , [ 'b', {} ] ] ) ).to.only.contain.unique.values() ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( new Map( [ [ 'a', {} ] , [ 'b', o ] , [ 'c', o ] ] ) ).to.only.contain.unique.values() ) ;

expect a value to be empty/not empty.

doormen.expect( "" ) ;
doormen.expect( "Bob" ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( "Hello Bob!" ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( "" ) ) ;
doormen.expect( [] ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( [] ) ) ;
doormen.expect( [ 1 ] ) ;
doormen.expect( [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( [ 1 ] ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] ) ) ;
doormen.expect( [ undefined ] ) ;
doormen.expect( {} ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( {} ) ) ;
doormen.expect( { a: 1 } ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( { a: 1 } ) ) ;
doormen.expect( new Set() ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( new Set() ) ) ;
doormen.expect( new Set( [ 1 ] ) ) ;
doormen.expect( new Set( [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( new Set( [ 1 ] ) ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( new Set( [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] ) ) ) ;

expect a value to have keys/not to have keys.

doormen.expect( { a: 1 } ).to.have.key( 'a' ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( { a: 1 } ) 'a' ) ) ;
doormen.expect( { a: 1 } ).to.not.have.key( 'b' ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( { a: 1 } ).to.have.key( 'b' ) ) ;
doormen.expect( { a: 1 , b: 2 } ).to.have.keys( 'a' ) ;
doormen.expect( { a: 1 , b: 2 } ).to.have.keys( 'b' ) ;
doormen.expect( { a: 1 , b: 2 } ).to.have.keys( 'a' , 'b' ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) 'a' ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) 'b' ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) 'a' , 'b' ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) 'a' , 'b' , 'c' ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) 'a' , 'c' ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) 'b' , 'c' ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( { a: 1 , b: 2 } ).to.have.keys( 'a' , 'c' ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( { a: 1 , b: 2 } ).to.have.keys( 'b' , 'c' ) ) ;
var proto = { d: 4 } ;
doormen.expect( Object.assign( Object.create( proto ) , { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) ).to.have.keys( 'a' ) ;
doormen.expect( Object.assign( Object.create( proto ) , { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) ).to.have.keys( 'd' ) ;
doormen.expect( Object.assign( Object.create( proto ) , { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) ).to.have.keys( 'a' , 'd' ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( Object.assign( Object.create( proto ) , { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) ).to.not.have.key( 'd' ) ) ;

expect a value to have own keys/not to have own keys.

doormen.expect( { a: 1 } ).to.have.own.key( 'a' ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( { a: 1 } ) 'a' ) ) ;
doormen.expect( { a: 1 } ).to.not.have.own.key( 'b' ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( { a: 1 } ).to.have.own.key( 'b' ) ) ;
doormen.expect( { a: 1 , b: 2 } ).to.have.own.keys( 'a' ) ;
doormen.expect( { a: 1 , b: 2 } ).to.have.own.keys( 'b' ) ;
doormen.expect( { a: 1 , b: 2 } ).to.have.own.keys( 'a' , 'b' ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) 'a' ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) 'b' ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) 'a' , 'b' ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) 'a' , 'b' , 'c' ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) 'a' , 'c' ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) 'b' , 'c' ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( { a: 1 , b: 2 } ).to.have.own.keys( 'a' , 'c' ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( { a: 1 , b: 2 } ).to.have.own.keys( 'b' , 'c' ) ) ;
var proto = { d: 4 } ;
doormen.expect( Object.assign( Object.create( proto ) , { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) ).to.have.own.keys( 'a' ) ;
doormen.expect( Object.assign( Object.create( proto ) , { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) ) 'd' ) ;
doormen.expect( Object.assign( Object.create( proto ) , { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) ) 'd' ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( Object.assign( Object.create( proto ) , { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) ).to.have.own.key( 'd' ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( Object.assign( Object.create( proto ) , { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) ).to.have.own.keys( 'd' ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( Object.assign( Object.create( proto ) , { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) ).to.have.own.keys( 'a' , 'd' ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( Object.assign( Object.create( proto ) , { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) ) 'a' , 'd' ) ) ;

expect a value to 'only have keys' should throw, suggesting to use 'only have own keys' instead.

doormen.equals( '' + doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( { a: 1 } ).to.only.have.key( 'a' ) ) , "AssertionError: Instead of using assertion 'onlyKeys', you should use assertion 'onlyOwnKeys'." ) ;
doormen.equals( '' + doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( { a: 1 , b: 2 } ).to.only.have.key( 'a' ) ) , "AssertionError: Instead of using assertion 'onlyKeys', you should use assertion 'onlyOwnKeys'." ) ;

expect a value to only have own keys.

doormen.expect( { a: 1 } ).to.only.have.own.key( 'a' ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( { a: 1 , b: 2 } ).to.have.only.own.key( 'a' ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( { a: 1 } ).to.have.only.own.keys( 'a' , 'b' ) ) ;
doormen.expect( { a: 1 , b: 2 } ).to.only.have.own.keys( 'a' , 'b' ) ;
var proto = { d: 4 } ;
doormen.expect( Object.assign( Object.create( proto ) , { a: 1 } ) ).to.have.own.only.key( 'a' ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( Object.assign( Object.create( proto ) , { a: 1 } ) ).to.only.have.own.key( 'd' ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( Object.assign( Object.create( proto ) , {} ) ).to.only.have.own.key( 'd' ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( Object.assign( Object.create( proto ) , { a: 1 } ) ).to.have.only.own.keys( 'a' , 'd' ) ) ;

expect a value to have property/not to have property.

doormen.expect( { a: 1 } ) 'a' ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( { a: 1 } ) 'a' ) ) ;
doormen.expect( { a: 1 } ) 'b' ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( { a: 1 } ) 'b' ) ) ;
doormen.expect( { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) 'a' ) ;
doormen.expect( { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) 'b' ) ;
doormen.expect( { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) 'a' , 1 ) ;
doormen.expect( { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) 'a' , 2 ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) 'a' , 2 ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) 'a' , 1 ) ) ;
var proto = { d: 4 } ;
doormen.expect( Object.assign( Object.create( proto ) , { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) ) 'a' ) ;
doormen.expect( Object.assign( Object.create( proto ) , { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) ) 'd' ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( Object.assign( Object.create( proto ) , { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) ) 'd' ) ) ;
doormen.expect( Object.assign( Object.create( proto ) , { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) ) 'd' , 4 ) ;
doormen.expect( Object.assign( Object.create( proto ) , { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) ) 'd' , 3 ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( Object.assign( Object.create( proto ) , { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) ) 'd' , 4 ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( Object.assign( Object.create( proto ) , { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) ) 'd' , 3 ) ) ;

expect a value to have own property/not to have own property.

doormen.expect( { a: 1 } ) 'a' ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( { a: 1 } ) 'a' ) ) ;
doormen.expect( { a: 1 } ) 'b' ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( { a: 1 } ) 'b' ) ) ;
doormen.expect( { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) 'a' ) ;
doormen.expect( { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) 'b' ) ;
doormen.expect( { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) 'a' , 1 ) ;
doormen.expect( { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) 'a' , 2 ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) 'a' , 2 ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) 'a' , 1 ) ) ;
var proto = { d: 4 } ;
doormen.expect( Object.assign( Object.create( proto ) , { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) ) 'a' ) ;
doormen.expect( Object.assign( Object.create( proto ) , { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) ) 'd' ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( Object.assign( Object.create( proto ) , { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) ) 'd' ) ) ;
doormen.expect( Object.assign( Object.create( proto ) , { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) ) 'd' , 4 ) ;
doormen.expect( Object.assign( Object.create( proto ) , { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) ) 'd' , 3 ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( Object.assign( Object.create( proto ) , { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) ) 'd' , 4 ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( Object.assign( Object.create( proto ) , { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) ) 'd' , 3 ) ) ;

expect a value (function) to throw/to not throw.

doormen.expect( () => { throw new Error( "bob" ) ; } ).to.throw() ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( () => { throw new Error( "bob" ) ; } ) ) ;
doormen.expect( () => 1 ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( () => 1 ).to.throw() ) ;

expect a value (function) to throw/to not throw a specific error.

doormen.expect( () => { throw new SyntaxError( "bob" ) ; } ).to.throw.a( SyntaxError ) ;
doormen.expect( () => { throw new SyntaxError( "bob" ) ; } ).to.throw.a( Error ) ;	// SyntaxError inherit Error
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( () => { throw new SyntaxError( "bob" ) ; } ) SyntaxError ) ) ;
doormen.expect( () => { throw new SyntaxError( "bob" ) ; } ).to.not.throw.a( RangeError ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( () => { throw new SyntaxError( "bob" ) ; } ).to.throw.a( RangeError ) ) ;
doormen.expect( () => 1 ) SyntaxError ) ;
doormen.expect( () => 1 ) Error ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( () => 1 ).to.throw( SyntaxError ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( () => 1 ).to.throw( Error ) ) ;

executing a function with args.

doormen.expect( ( v ) => { if ( v === 3 ) { throw new Error( "bob" ) ; } } ) ;
doormen.expect( ( v ) => { if ( v === 3 ) { throw new Error( "bob" ) ; } } ).with.args( 2 ) ;
doormen.expect( ( v ) => { if ( v === 3 ) { throw new Error( "bob" ) ; } } ).with.args( 3 ).to.throw() ;
doormen.expect( ( v ) => { if ( v === 3 ) { throw new Error( "bob" ) ; } } ).with.args( 2 , 'some' , 'value' ) ;
doormen.expect( ( v ) => { if ( v === 3 ) { throw new Error( "bob" ) ; } } ).with.args( 3 , 'some' , 'value' ).to.throw() ;
doormen.expect( ( v , v2 ) => { if ( v === 3 || v2 === 'some' ) { throw new Error( "bob" ) ; } } ).with.args( 2 , 'some' , 'value' ).to.throw() ;
doormen.expect( ( v , v2 ) => { if ( v === 3 || v2 === 'some' ) { throw new Error( "bob" ) ; } } ).with.args( 3 , 'some' , 'value' ).to.throw() ;
doormen.expect( ( v , v2 ) => { if ( v === 3 && v2 === 'some' ) { throw new Error( "bob" ) ; } } ).with.args( 2 , 'some' , 'value' ).to.not.throw() ;
doormen.expect( ( v , v2 ) => { if ( v === 3 && v2 === 'some' ) { throw new Error( "bob" ) ; } } ).with.args( 3 , 'some' , 'value' ).to.throw() ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( ( v , v2 ) => { if ( v === 3 && v2 === 'some' ) { throw new Error( "bob" ) ; } } ).with.args( 2 , 'some' , 'value' ).to.throw() ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( ( v , v2 ) => { if ( v === 3 && v2 === 'some' ) { throw new Error( "bob" ) ; } } ).with.args( 3 , 'some' , 'value' ).to.not.throw() ) ;

executing a method of an object, passing a either the function or property.

var object = {
	a: 3 ,
	test: function( v ) {
		if ( v !== this.a ) {
			throw new Error( "bob" ) ;
} ;
doormen.expect( object.test ).method.of( object ).to.throw() ;
doormen.expect( object.test ).method.of( object ).with.args( 2 ).to.throw() ;
doormen.expect( object.test ).method.of( object ).with.args( 3 ) ;
doormen.expect( 'test' ).method.of( object ).to.throw() ;
doormen.expect( 'test' ).method.of( object ).with.args( 2 ).to.throw() ;
doormen.expect( 'test' ).method.of( object ).with.args( 3 ) ;

expect a value to be of a type.

doormen.expect( "bob" ) 'string' ) ;
doormen.expect( "bob" ) 'string' ) ;
doormen.expect( "bob" ) 'number' ) ;
doormen.expect( "bob" ) 'number' ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( "bob" ) 'string' ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( "bob" ) 'number' ) ) ;
doormen.expect( "" ) 'url' ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( "" ) 'url' ) ) ;
doormen.expect( "" ) 'url' ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( "" ) 'url' ) ) ;

expect a value to be an instance of.

doormen.expect( {} ) Object ) ;
doormen.expect( {} ) Date ) ;
doormen.expect( new Date() ) Date ) ;
doormen.expect( new Date() ) Object ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( {} ) Object ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( {} ) Date ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( new Date() ) Date ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( new Date() ) Object ) ) ;

force failure.

doormen.equals( '' + doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect().fail( "Failed!" ) ) , 'AssertionError: Failed!' ) ;
doormen.equals( '' + doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( "bob" ).fail( "to do something" ) ) , 'AssertionError: Expected "bob" to do something' ) ;
doormen.equals( '' + doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect( "bob" ).fail( "to do something with" , { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) ) , 'AssertionError: Expected "bob" to do something with { a: 1 , b: 2 }' ) ;

Promise as values.

async () => {
		await doormen.expect( Promise.resolve( 2 ) ) 2 ) ;
		await doormen.expect( resolveTimeout( 2 ) ) 2 ) ;
		await doormen.shouldRejectAssertion( () => doormen.expect( resolveTimeout( 2 ) ) 3 ) ) ;
		await doormen.expect( resolveTimeout( { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) ) { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) ;
		await doormen.expect( resolveTimeout( { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) ).to.equal.eventually( { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) ;
		await doormen.shouldRejectAssertion( () => doormen.expect( resolveTimeout( { a: 1 , b: 2 } ) ).to.equal.eventually( { a: 1 , b: 3 } ) ) ;
		await doormen.expect( rejectTimeout( new Error( 'Reject!' ) ) ) ;
		await doormen.shouldRejectAssertion( () => doormen.expect( resolveTimeout() ) ) ;
		await doormen.expect( resolveTimeout() ) ;
		await doormen.shouldRejectAssertion( () => doormen.expect( rejectTimeout( new Error( 'Reject!' ) ) ) ) ;

Promise-returning functions.

async () => {
		await doormen.expect( () => rejectTimeout( new Error( 'Reject!' ) ) ).to.eventually.throw() ;
		await doormen.expect( () => rejectTimeout( new Error( 'Reject!' ) ) ).to.reject() ;
		await doormen.expect( () => rejectTimeout( new Error( 'Reject!' ) ) ) ;
		await doormen.shouldRejectAssertion( () => doormen.expect( () => resolveTimeout() ).to.eventually.throw() ) ;
		await doormen.shouldRejectAssertion( () => doormen.expect( () => resolveTimeout() ).to.reject() ) ;
		await doormen.shouldRejectAssertion( () => doormen.expect( () => resolveTimeout() ) ) ;
		await doormen.expect( () => resolveTimeout() ) ;
		await doormen.expect( () => resolveTimeout() ) ;
		await doormen.expect( () => resolveTimeout() ).to.fulfill() ;
		await doormen.shouldRejectAssertion( () => doormen.expect( () => rejectTimeout( new Error( 'Reject!' ) ) ) ) ;
		await doormen.shouldRejectAssertion( () => doormen.expect( () => rejectTimeout( new Error( 'Reject!' ) ) ) ) ;
		await doormen.shouldRejectAssertion( () => doormen.expect( () => rejectTimeout( new Error( 'Reject!' ) ) ).to.fulfill() ) ;

'to reject'/'to fulfill' assertion should support both promises and functions returning a promise.

async () => {
		await doormen.expect( () => rejectTimeout( new Error( 'Reject!' ) ) ).to.reject() ;
		await doormen.expect( rejectTimeout( new Error( 'Reject!' ) ) ).to.reject() ;
		await doormen.expect( () => rejectTimeout( new Error( 'Reject!' ) ) ) ;
		await doormen.expect( rejectTimeout( new Error( 'Reject!' ) ) ) ;
		await doormen.shouldRejectAssertion( () => doormen.expect( () => resolveTimeout() ).to.reject() ) ;
		await doormen.shouldRejectAssertion( () => doormen.expect( resolveTimeout() ).to.reject() ) ;
		await doormen.shouldRejectAssertion( () => doormen.expect( () => resolveTimeout() ) ) ;
		await doormen.shouldRejectAssertion( () => doormen.expect( resolveTimeout() ) ) ;
		await doormen.expect( () => resolveTimeout() ) ;
		await doormen.expect( resolveTimeout() ) ;
		await doormen.expect( () => resolveTimeout() ).to.fulfill() ;
		await doormen.expect( resolveTimeout() ).to.fulfill() ;
		await doormen.shouldRejectAssertion( () => doormen.expect( () => rejectTimeout( new Error( 'Reject!' ) ) ) ) ;
		await doormen.shouldRejectAssertion( () => doormen.expect( rejectTimeout( new Error( 'Reject!' ) ) ) ) ;
		await doormen.shouldRejectAssertion( () => doormen.expect( () => rejectTimeout( new Error( 'Reject!' ) ) ).to.fulfill() ) ;
		await doormen.shouldRejectAssertion( () => doormen.expect( rejectTimeout( new Error( 'Reject!' ) ) ).to.fulfill() ) ;

expectation for each value of an iterable using expect.each().

doormen.expect.each( [] ) 'number' ) ;
doormen.expect.each( [ 1,2,3 ] ) 'number' ) ;
doormen.expect.each( { a:1,b:2,c:3 } ) 'number' ) ;
doormen.expect.each( new Set( [ 1,2,3 ] ) ) 'number' ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect.each( [ 1,2,3,"bob" ] ) 'number' ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect.each( [ 1,2,3,"bob",4 ] ) 'number' ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect.each( [ "bob" ] ) 'number' ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect.each( { a:1,b:2,c:"bob" } ) 'number' ) ) ;
doormen.shouldThrowAssertion( () => doormen.expect.each( new Set( [ 1,2,3,"bob" ] ) ) 'number' ) ) ;

expectation for each promise of an iterable using expect.each().

async () => {
		var error = new Error( "Error!" ) ;
		await doormen.expect.each( [ resolveTimeout(1), resolveTimeout(2), resolveTimeout(3) ] ) 'number' ) ;
		await doormen.expect.each( [ resolveTimeout(1), resolveTimeout(2), resolveTimeout(3) ] ).to.fulfill() ;
		await doormen.expect.each( [ rejectTimeout(error), rejectTimeout(error), rejectTimeout(error) ] ).to.reject() ;
		await doormen.shouldRejectAssertion( () => doormen.expect.each( [ resolveTimeout(1), resolveTimeout({}), resolveTimeout(3) ] ) 'number' ) ) ;
		await doormen.shouldRejectAssertion( () => doormen.expect.each( [ resolveTimeout(1), rejectTimeout(error), resolveTimeout(3) ] ) 'number' ) ) ;
		await doormen.shouldRejectAssertion( () => doormen.expect.each( [ rejectTimeout(error), rejectTimeout(error), rejectTimeout(error) ] ).to.fulfill() ) ;
		await doormen.shouldRejectAssertion( () => doormen.expect.each( [ resolveTimeout(1), rejectTimeout(error), resolveTimeout(3) ] ).to.fulfill() ) ;
		await doormen.shouldRejectAssertion( () => doormen.expect.each( [ resolveTimeout(1), rejectTimeout(error), resolveTimeout(3) ] ).to.reject() ) ;

Sub-schema path

should find the sub-schema for a path.

var schema = {
	type: 'strictObject' ,
	properties: {
		key1: {
			type: 'integer' ,
			custom: 'field'
		} ,
		key2: {
			type: 'string' ,
			another: 'custom'
		} ,
		key3: {
			type: 'strictObject' ,
			properties: {
				subkey1: {
					type: 'integer' ,
					some: 'data'
		} ,
		key4: {
			type: 'strictObject' ,
			noSubmasking: true ,
			of: {
				type: 'string' ,
				another: 'custom'
		} ,
		key5: {
			type: 'array' ,
			of: {
				type: 'string' ,
				more: 'data'
		} ,
		key6: {
			type: 'array' ,
			elements: [
				{ type: 'string' , custom: '0' } ,
				{ type: 'number' , custom: '1' } ,
				{ type: 'boolean' , custom: '2' } ,
} ;
	doormen.subSchema( schema , '' ) ,
) ;
	doormen.subSchema( schema , 'key1' ) ,
) ;
	doormen.subSchema( schema , 'key2' ) ,
) ;
	doormen.subSchema( schema , 'key3' ) ,
) ;
doormen.shouldThrow( () => doormen.subSchema( schema , 'unexistant' ) ) ;
	doormen.subSchema( schema , 'key3.subkey1' ) ,
) ;
	doormen.subSchema( schema , 'key4.anything' ) ,
) ;
	doormen.subSchema( schema , 'key4.anythingelse' ) ,
) ;
doormen.shouldThrow( () => doormen.subSchema( schema , 'unexistant.unexistant' ) ) ;
	doormen.subSchema( schema , 'key2.unexistant' ) ,
) ;
doormen.shouldThrow( () => doormen.subSchema( schema , 'key3.unexistant' ) ) ;

	doormen.subSchema( schema , 'key5.0' ) ,
	{ type: 'string' , more: 'data' }
) ;
	doormen.subSchema( schema , 'key5.1' ) ,
	{ type: 'string' , more: 'data' }
) ;

	doormen.subSchema( schema , 'key6.0' ) ,
	{ type: 'string' , custom: '0' } ,
) ;
	doormen.subSchema( schema , 'key6.1' ) ,
	{ type: 'number' , custom: '1' } ,
) ;
	doormen.subSchema( schema , 'key6.2' ) ,
	{ type: 'boolean' , custom: '2' } ,
) ;

doormen.shouldThrow( () => doormen.subSchema( schema , 'key6.3' ) ) ;

// Test the noSubmasking option
	doormen.subSchema( schema , '' , true ) ,
) ;
	doormen.subSchema( schema , 'key4' , true ) ,
) ;
	doormen.subSchema( schema , 'key4.anything' , true ) ,
) ;
schema.noSubmasking = true ;
	doormen.subSchema( schema , '' , true ) ,
) ;
	doormen.subSchema( schema , 'key4' , true ) ,
) ;
	doormen.subSchema( schema , 'key4.anything' , true ) ,
) ;

Extract constraint-only schema


MongoDB's ObjectID

should validate MongoDB's ObjectID.

var mongodb ;
			doormen( { type: 'mongoId' } , '1234567890abcd1234567890' ) ;
			try {
				mongodb = require( 'mongodb' ) ;
			catch ( error ) {
				//console.log( 'WARNING: MongoDB module not found, the end of the test is skipped.' ) ;
				return ;
			}	// skip the remaining tests if the module is not found
			doormen( { type: 'mongoId' } , new mongodb.ObjectID() ) ;

should sanitize string to MongoDB's ObjectID.

var mongodb ;
			try {
				mongodb = require( 'mongodb' ) ;
			catch ( error ) {
				//console.log( 'WARNING: MongoDB module not found, the end of the test is skipped.' ) ;
				return ;
			}	// skip the remaining tests if the module is not found
			doormen( { instanceOf: mongodb.ObjectID } , doormen( { type: 'mongoId' , sanitize: 'mongoId' } , '1234567890abcd1234567890' ) ) ;


should support custom data in the schema for third party lib.

			{ a: 1 , b: 'text' } ,
				custom: 'field' ,
				another: { custom: 'field' } ,
				properties: {
					a: {
						type: 'number' ,
						yet: 'another custom field'
					} ,
					b: {
						type: 'string'
		) ;

real world use case.

doormen.typeCheckers.password = function( data ) {
	if ( typeof data !== 'string' ) { return false ; }
	if ( data.length < 8 ) { return false ; }
	if ( ! data.match( /[a-z]/ ) || ! data.match( /[A-Z]/ ) || ! data.match( /[0-9.,;!?*%$#+-]/ ) ) { return false ; }
	return true ;
} ;
var userSchema = {
	type: 'object' ,
	properties: {
		id: { type: 'string' } ,
		name: {
			type: 'string' ,
			minLength: 2 ,
			maxLength: 50
		} ,
		email: { type: 'email' } ,
		password: { type: 'password' } ,
		contact: {
			optional: true ,
			type: 'object' ,
			properties: {
				address: { optional: true , type: 'string' } ,
				phone: { optional: true , type: 'string' } ,
				fax: { optional: true , type: 'string' }
		} ,
		custom: {
			optional: true ,
			type: 'object' ,
			of: { type: 'string' }
} ;
doormen( userSchema , {
	id: 'alacon' ,
	name: 'Doug' ,
	email: '' ,
	password: 'myJavaCodeIsFasterThanYourC!'
} ) ;
doormen( userSchema , {
	id: 'alanoix' ,
	name: 'Étienne Jabert' ,
	email: '' ,
	password: 'superJabert!' ,
	contact: {
		fax: '0142559833'
} ) ;

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