
1.1.1 • Public • Published

GAZ ( Standard lib )

Codeship Status for megadoomer/gaz The standard lib package supplies a large set of helper and utility code to normalize implementation code within the spiritshop application suite. It provides

  • Class & Configuration
  • number utilities
  • array utilities
  • object utilities
  • Generic collection utilities
  • Iter - complex iteration patterns & generators
  • function utilities
  • time utilies
  • date utilities
  • string utilities
  • Exception / Error facilities

Defining MGMT Commands

Magement commands are away to abstract common and repetitive tasks into configurable, executable and interactive scripts. The managment harness uses the seeli module as the bases for defining and registering commands.

Any package under the packages directory can ship an arbitrary number of commands that is specific to it's functionality domain. Modules found in a top level folder called commands will be automatically registered when the hive CLI tool is executed and usable. For example, the standard lib folder structure looks like such:

└── commands
    ├── repl.js
    └── version.js

Each of the modules, repl and version export an instance of a seeli.Command or an instance of a subclass of seeli.Command. In the simplest case, you need only implement the run method on the command instance, and excute the done callback when your command has finished.

var cli = require("seeli")
var Hello;
Hello = new cli.Command({
    run: function(cmd, data, done ){
        done(null, "Hello world")
module.exports = Hello

The command class supports flags, shorthands, defaults, array values, interactive feedback

Example - Hello World

// hello.js
var cli = require("seeli")
var Hello = new cli.Command({
    description:"diaplays a simple hello world command"
        cli.bold("Usage: ") + "cli hello --interactive",
        cli.bold("Usage: ") + " cli hello --name=john",
        cli.bold("Usage: ") + " cli hello --name=john --name=marry --name=paul -v screaming"
            type:[ String, Array ]
            ,description:"The name of the person to say hello to"
        ,excited: {
            ,shorthand: 'e'
            ,description:"Say hello in a very excited manner"
            ,choices:['normal', 'screaming']
    ,run: function( cmd, data, cb ){
        var out = [];
        for( var x =0; x<; x++ ){
            var value = "Hello, " +[x]
            if( data.excited ){
                value += '!'
            out.push( value );
        out = out.join('\n');
        out = data.value == 'screaming' ? out.toUpperCase() : out;
        cb( null, out );
module.exports = Hello;

now you will have a fully functional hello command with help and an interactive walk through

hive help world
hive world --help
hive world --interactive
hive world --name=Mark --name=Sally --no-excited )

Executes The command line interface


List of all top level registered commands

Seeli.exitOnError <Boolean>

If set to turn seeli will exit the process when it encouters an error. If false, it will leave error handling up to the parent application

Seeli.use( name <string>, cmd <Command> )

var cli = require('seeli')
var Cmd = new cli.Command();
cli.use('test', Cmd )

Registers a new command under the specified name where the hame will envoke the associated command

Seeli.bold( text <string>)

wraps text in the ansi code for bold text <string>)

cwraps text in the ansi code for green text <string>)

wraps text in the ansi code for blue text <string>)

wraps text in the ansi code for red

Seeli.yellow( text <string>)

cowraps text in the ansi code for yellow

Seeli.cyan( text <string>)

wraps text in the ansi code for cyan

Seeli.magenta( text <string>)

wraps text in the ansi code for magenta

Command( options <object> )


name type default description
description String "" Used to render help output
args Array null if supplied, agrs will be used instead of process.argv
interactive Boolean true If set to false, the flag will be excluded from the interactive prompts
usage String / Array "" A string or array of strings used to generate help text
flags Object {} key value pairs used to control the command where keys are the name of the flag and the values is a configuration object for the flag
run Function no-op A function used as the body of the command. it will be passed a name, a data object containing the processed values from the command input and a done function to be called when the command is done.

Flag Options

name required type description
type true string The type of input that is expected. Boolean types to not expect input. The present of the flag implies true. Additionally, boolean flags allow for --no-<flag> to enforce false. If you want to accept muliple values, you specify type as an array with the first value being the type you which to accept. For example [String, Array ]**** means you will accept multiple string values.
descrption false string a description of the flag in question.
required false boolean If set to true a RequiredFieldError will be emitted
shorthand false string An options short hand flag that will be expanded out to the long hand flag.
default false mixed A value to return if the flag is omitted.
choices false array Used only during an interactive command. Restricts the users options only to the options specified
skip false boolean interactive mode only - if set to true this flag will be omitted from the interactive command prompts
event false boolean if set to true the command will emit an event withe the same name as the flag with the value that was captured for that flag
when false function interactive mode only Receives the current user answers hash and should return true or false depending on whether or not this question should be asked.
valdate false function interactive mode only - recieves user input and should return true if the value is valid, and an error message (String) otherwise. If false is returned, a default error message is provided.
filter false function interactive mode only Receives the user input and return the filtered value to be used inside the program. The value returned will be added to the Answers hash.

Auto Help

Seeli will generate help from the usage string and flags. You can help as a command seeli help <command> or as a flag seeli <command> --help


Your defined run function will be passed a done function to be called when your command has finished. This allows you to do complex async operations ond I/O. The done callback accepts an error, if their is one, and the final output to be displayed for your command.


Instances of the seeli Command or Commands the inherit from it as also instances of the EventEmitter class. By default any flag that has its event option set to true will emit an event with the value of of the flag before the run function is executed.

var EventCommand = new cli.Command({
    args:[ '--one', '--no-two']
  , flags:{
  , run: function( cmd, data, done ){
   done( null, && data.two )
EventCommand.on('one', function( value ){
    assert.equal( true, value );
EventCommand.on('two', function( value ){
    assert.equal( false, value )
EventCommand.on('content', function( value ){
    assert.equal( false, value );
}); null );


Errors are handled by Node's error domains. Each command will run inside of its own domain and will emit an error event if and error is passed to the done callback from the run method. Seeli will supress trace messages by default. You can use the --traceback flag on any command to surface the full stack trace. If the error object emitted has a code property that is a non zero value, seeli will forcefully exit the process with the error code.

var cli = require("seeli")
var ErrCmd = new cli.Command({
    run: function(){
        var e = new Error("Invalid Command")
        e.code = 10;

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