
2.0.4 • Public • Published

Podcast API JavaScript Library

Node.js CI Cloudflare Workers CI npm

The Podcast API JavaScript library provides convenient access to the Listen Notes Podcast API from applications written in JavaScript, including

Simple and no-nonsense podcast search & directory API. Search the meta data of all podcasts and episodes by people, places, or topics. It's the same API that powers the best podcast search engine Listen Notes.

Note: We don't recommend using our Podcast API in client-side JavaScript in the browser, because it'll leak your API key in the code.

If you have any questions, please contact hello@listennotes.com

Table of Contents


Install the official NPM package of the Listen Notes Podcast API:

npm install podcast-api --save
# or
yarn add podcast-api


  • Node 18 or higher


The library needs to be configured with your account's API key which is available in your Listen API Dashboard. Set apiKey to its value:

// If you use our Podcast API with Node.js or browser javascript, then use the Client class.
const { Client } = require('podcast-api');
const client = Client({
  apiKey: process.env.LISTEN_API_KEY || null,

// If you use our Podcast API with Cloudflare Workers / Pages, then use the ClientForWorkers class.
// Please make sure you store LISTEN_API_KEY as a secret. See example code: 
//   - https://github.com/ListenNotes/podcast-api-js/blob/main/examples/PodcastAppForWorkers/src/index.js
// const { ClientForWorkers } = require('podcast-api');
// const client = ClientForWorkers({
//  apiKey: env.LISTEN_API_KEY || null,
// });

  q: 'elon musk',
}).then((response) => {
}).catch((error) => {
  if (error.response) {
    switch (error.response.status) {
      case 404:
        // Endpoint not exist or podcast / episode not exist
      case 401:
        // Wrong API key, or your account is suspended
      case 400:
        // Invalid parameters
      case 500:
        // Server-side error
        // Unknown errors
  } else {
    // Failed to connect to Listen API servers

If apiKey is null, then we'll connect to a mock server that returns fake data for testing purposes.

API Reference

Each function is a wrapper to send an HTTP request to the corresponding endpoint on the API Docs.

Full-text search

Function Name: search

Full-text search on episodes, podcasts, or curated lists of podcasts. Use the offset parameter to paginate through search results. The FREE plan allows to see up to 30 search results (or offset < 30) per query. The PRO plan allows to see up to 300 search results (or offset < 300) per query. The ENTERPRISE plan allows to see up to 10,000 search results (or offset < 10000) per query.


const { Client } = require('podcast-api');

// If api_key is null, the sdk will connect to a mock server that'll
// return fake data for testing purpose
const client = Client({
  apiKey: process.env.LISTEN_API_KEY || null,

client.search({ q: 'elon musk', sort_by_date: 1, only_in: 'title,description' }).then((response) => {
}).catch((error) => {

See all available parameters on the API Docs page.

Click to see example response
  "took": 0.133,
  "count": 10,
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      "title_highlighted": "<span class=\"ln-search-highlight\">Star</span> <span class=\"ln-search-highlight\">Wars</span> - The Force Awakens",
      "description_original": "<p>In this episode of The Rough Cut we close out our study of the final Skywalker trilogy with a look back on the film that helped the dormant franchise make the jump to lightspeed, <a href=\"https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2488496/\">Episode VII - The Force Awakens</a>.\u00a0 Recorded in Amsterdam in front of a festival audience in 2018, editor <a href=\"https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0104783/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0\">Maryann Brandon ACE</a> recounts her work on <em>The Force Awakens</em> just as she was about to begin editing what would come to be known as <a href=\"https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2527338/?ref_=nm_flmg_edt_1\">Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker</a>.</p> <p>\u00a0</p> <p>Go back to the beginning and listen to our <a href=\"http://theroughcutpod.com/paul-hirsch/\">podcast with Star Wars and 'Empire' editor, Paul Hirsch</a>.</p> <p>Hear editor Bob Ducsay talk about cutting <a href=\"http://theroughcutpod.com/last-jedi/\">The Last Jedi</a>.</p> <p>Listen to Maryann Brandon talk about her work on <a href=\"http://theroughcutpod.com/star-wars/\">The Rise of Skywalker</a>.</p> <p>Get your hands on the non-linear editor behind the latest Skywalker trilogy,\u00a0 <a href=\"https://www.avid.com/video-editor-right-for-you\">Avid Media Composer!</a></p> <p><a href=\"http://theroughcutpod.com/subscribe/\">Subscribe to The Rough Cut</a> for more great interviews with the heroes of the editing room!</p> <p>\u00a0</p> <p>\u00a0</p>",
      "description_highlighted": "...Go back to the beginning and listen to our podcast with <span class=\"ln-search-highlight\">Star</span> <span class=\"ln-search-highlight\">Wars</span> and 'Empire' editor, Paul Hirsch. \nHear editor Bob Ducsay talk about cutting The Last Jedi....",
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      "description_original": "A just for fun episode.  Time to punish Matt for his sins against baby yoda<br /><br />This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at <a href=\"https://www.spreaker.com/show/3200822/advertisement\">https://www.spreaker.com/show/3200822/advertisement</a>",
      "description_highlighted": "...A just for fun episode.  Time to punish Matt for his sins against baby yodaThis show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at https://www.spreaker.com/show/3200822/advertisement...",
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      "description_highlighted": "...Because <span class=\"ln-search-highlight\">Star</span> <span class=\"ln-search-highlight\">Wars</span> is hitting the critical mass point for 2019, we figured we\u2019d add to the fun with an episode that looks at the Galaxy Guides series of sourcebooks for the West End Games <span class=\"ln-search-highlight\">Star</span> <span class=\"ln-search-highlight\">Wars</span> Role...",
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      "title_original": "Star Wars Theory: The Great Star Wars Ice Cream Conspiracy",
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      "title_highlighted": "<span class=\"ln-search-highlight\">Star</span> <span class=\"ln-search-highlight\">Wars</span> Theory: The Great <span class=\"ln-search-highlight\">Star</span> <span class=\"ln-search-highlight\">Wars</span> Ice Cream Conspiracy",
      "description_original": "<p>Hurry to <a href=\"https://www.youtube.com/redirect?q=http%3A%2F%2Fupstart.com%2FSCB&amp;redir_token=7amGNOaR8D8jg7lSuoxwd30QvaB8MTU3OTExMTA1MkAxNTc5MDI0NjUy&amp;v=qmB4icIp8JM&amp;event=video_description\">http://upstart.com/SCB</a> to find out HOW LOW your Upstart rate is.</p> <p>\u00a0</p> <p>The Mandalorian has introduced to us some brand new Star Wars Jargon. In the very first episode we learn about a special metal called Beskar that can be melted down and reinforce the Mandalorian\u2019s armor. We also know that if he can complete his mission he has an ENTIRE CAMONTO of the stuff waiting for him upon delivery of the Young Orphan Darling Asset, aka LIL YODA. But how much is a camtono? And how on TATOOINE could it have anything to do with ICE CREAM!?</p>",
      "description_highlighted": "...The Mandalorian has introduced to us some brand new <span class=\"ln-search-highlight\">Star</span> <span class=\"ln-search-highlight\">Wars</span> Jargon....",
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      "title_highlighted": "The <span class=\"ln-search-highlight\">Star</span> <span class=\"ln-search-highlight\">Wars</span> Saga Ranked",
      "description_original": "The circle is now complete. The Film Threat staff discusses all nine episodes of the Star Wars saga and ranks the best films, characters and now that we've seen them all, debates which is the best trilogy.",
      "description_highlighted": "...The Film Threat staff discusses all nine episodes of the <span class=\"ln-search-highlight\">Star</span> <span class=\"ln-search-highlight\">Wars</span> saga and ranks the best films, characters and now that we've seen them all, debates which is the best trilogy....",
      "transcripts_highlighted": []
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      "listennotes_url": "https://www.listennotes.com/e/a5ae21acf75a43538b635cf6b089f0b3/",
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      "title_highlighted": "Is <span class=\"ln-search-highlight\">Star</span> <span class=\"ln-search-highlight\">Wars</span> Overrated?",
      "description_original": "<p>In this episode, we discuss whether or not Star Wars is overrated. Let us know your thoughts. </p><p> </p><p>Learn more about your ad choices. Visit <a href=\"https://megaphone.fm/adchoices\">megaphone.fm/adchoices</a></p>",
      "description_highlighted": "...In this episode, we discuss whether or not <span class=\"ln-search-highlight\">Star</span> <span class=\"ln-search-highlight\">Wars</span> is overrated. Let us know your thoughts. \n \nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices...",
      "transcripts_highlighted": []
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      "rss": "https://snlafterparty.libsyn.com/rss",
      "link": "https://snlpodcast.com/episodes/2019/12/24/sample-star-wars-tv-talk-podcast?utm_source=listennotes.com&utm_campaign=Listen+Notes&utm_medium=website",
      "audio": "https://www.listennotes.com/e/p/6280a11466dd407e99c66130f203167a/",
      "image": "https://production.listennotes.com/podcasts/saturday-night-live-snl-afterparty-john-sEoTraLnKPB-_iOE4lLZ2pD.1400x1400.jpg",
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        "listennotes_url": "https://www.listennotes.com/c/09b986e503d4448ab0b625f6233bdd65/",
        "title_highlighted": "Saturday Night Live (SNL) Afterparty",
        "publisher_original": "John Murray / Spry FM",
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      "thumbnail": "https://production.listennotes.com/podcasts/saturday-night-live-snl-afterparty-john-wm1CtQVkRfy-_iOE4lLZ2pD.300x300.jpg",
      "pub_date_ms": 1576989000072,
      "guid_from_rss": "98206b6e-fc6e-45a5-85a6-e54eb4657299",
      "title_original": "Sample: Star Wars TV Talk Podcast",
      "listennotes_url": "https://www.listennotes.com/e/6280a11466dd407e99c66130f203167a/",
      "audio_length_sec": 1690,
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      "title_highlighted": "Sample: <span class=\"ln-search-highlight\">Star</span> <span class=\"ln-search-highlight\">Wars</span> TV Talk Podcast",
      "description_original": "<p>While John is hard at work editing our coverage of Eddie Murphy's triumphant return to Studio 8H, please enjoy this excerpt from the Star Wars TV Talk podcast\u2014on which John is regularly featured.</p> <p>This excerpt is from their discussion of the Disney+ streaming series The Mandalorian chapter 3: \"The Sin\", and contains heavy spoilers.</p> <p>John's take on all things Star Wars TV, can be heard weekly at <a href=\"https://starwarstvtalk.com\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">starwarstvtalk.com</a> or by subscribing to \"Star Wars TV Talk\" wherever better podcasts can be found.</p> Get Our Full-Length Episodes on Patreon <ul> <li><a href=\"https://www.patreon.com/snlpodcast\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">Patreon</a>: Become a patron to access our full-length, ad-free episodes and other exclusive member rewards.</li> </ul> Notes <ul> <li><a href=\"https://darylsbars.com/ref/john/\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">Daryl's All Natural Protein Bars</a>: Wholesome, nutritious, great tasting, gluten free, low-carb protein bars.</li> </ul> <ul> <li>Connect with us at: <ul> <li><a href=\"http://snlpodcast.com\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">snlpodcast.com</a></li> <li>Patreon: <a href=\"https://www.patreon.com/snlpodcast\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">snlpodcast</a></li> <li>Twitter: <a href=\"https://twitter.com/snlpodcast\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">@snlpodcast</a></li> <li>Instagram: <a href=\"https://www.instagram.com/snlpodcast/\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">snlpodcast</a></li> <li>Facebook: <a href=\"https://www.facebook.com/snlpodcast/\" rel=\"noopener\" target=\"_blank\">@snlpodcast</a></li> <li><a href=\"mailto:feedback@snlpodcast.com\">feedback@snlpodcast.com</a></li> </ul> </li> </ul>",
      "description_highlighted": "...John's take on all things <span class=\"ln-search-highlight\">Star</span> <span class=\"ln-search-highlight\">Wars</span> TV, can be heard weekly at starwarstvtalk.com or by subscribing to \"<span class=\"ln-search-highlight\">Star</span> <span class=\"ln-search-highlight\">Wars</span> TV Talk\" wherever better podcasts can be found....",
      "transcripts_highlighted": []
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      "description_highlighted": "...Snl <span class=\"ln-search-highlight\">wars</span>. \n\n--- \n\nSend in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/drzeuspodcast/message...",
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      "description_original": "<p>With the release of Rise of Skywalker, I just had to include a round on the most recent Star Wars movies at my live events last week, and now, on the podcast! Grab a wookie and play!</p> <p>Question of the Day brought to you by Funky Monkey Design of San Dimas, CA:\u00a0 What network originally aired Eureka's castle? Tweet me your answer @ryanbudds or email <a href=\"mailto:ryanbudds@gmail.com\">ryanbudds@gmail.com</a>\u00a0to be eligible for a prize!\u00a0</p> <p>Yesterday's QotD answer:\u00a0 Terry Trivia Team Name of the Day:\u00a0 Bob's Wahlburgers  Funky Monkey Designs:\u00a0 <a href=\"http://fmdesignsinc.com/\">http://fmdesignsinc.com/</a></p> <p>Save 25% site wide when using the code BUDDS25 on <a href=\"http://www.DrewBlank.com!\">www.DrewBlank.com!</a> This guy makes the best pop culture art around. Grab some Office, Parks and Rec, Big Lebowski, Bill Murray, and Horror Icon coloring books for the ones you love, along with hundreds of other great creations, all for 1/4th off!\u00a0</p> <p>THE FIRST TRIVIA QUESTION STARTS AT 03:53 Theme song by <a href=\"http://www.soundcloud.com/Frawsty\">www.soundcloud.com/Frawsty</a></p> <p>Bed Music:\u00a0 \"Misuse\" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/</p> <p><a href=\"http://TriviaWithBudds.com\">http://TriviaWithBudds.com</a><a href=\"http://facebook.com/TriviaWithBudds\">http://Facebook.com/TriviaWithBudds </a> <a href=\"http://twitter.com/ryanbudds\">http://Twitter.com/ryanbudds</a>  <a href=\"http://instagram.com/ryanbudds\">http://Instagram.com/ryanbudds</a></p> <p>Book a party, corporate event, or fundraiser anytime by emailing <a href=\"mailto:ryanbudds@gmail.com\">ryanbudds@gmail.com</a> or use the contact form here: <a href=\"https://www.triviawithbudds.com/contact\">https://www.triviawithbudds.com/contact</a></p> <p>SUPPORT THE SHOW:\u00a0<a href=\"http://www.Patreon.com/TriviaWithBudds\">www.Patreon.com/TriviaWithBudds</a></p> <p>Send me your questions and I'll read them/answer them on the show. Also send me any topics you'd like me to cover on future episodes, anytime! Cheers.\u00a0</p> <p><em>SPECIAL THANKS TO ALL MY PATREON SUBSCRIBERS INCLUDING:</em>\u00a0 Chris Adams, Christopher Callahan, Veronica Baker, Manny Majarian, Greg Bristow, Brenda Martinez, Alex DeSmet, Joe Finnie, Manny Cortez, Sarah McKavetz, Simon Time, Mo Martinez, Randy Tatum, Joan Bryce, Katie Christofferson, Denise Leonard, Jen Wojnar, Sarah Guest, Jess Whitener, Kyle Bonnin, Dan Papallo, Robert Casey, Ian Schulze, Casey O'Connor, Marissa Cuthbertson, Kyle Aumer, Taryn Napolitano, Matthew Frost, Katie Smith, Brian Salyer, Megan Acuna, Anna Evans, Jim Fields, Lauren Ward, Greg Heinz, Wreck My Podcast, Douglas French, Erika Cooper, Mark Haas, Sarah Haas, Katelyn Reik, Casey Becker, Paul McLaughlin, Amy Jeppesen, Melissa Chesser, Shaun Delacruz, Feana Nevel, Cody Welter, Paul Doronila, Kathryn Mott, Luke McKay, Ricky Carney, Kyle Hendrickson, Willy Powell, Myke Edwards, Joe Jermolowicz, Joey Mucha, Mona Bray, and Russ Friedewald! YOU GUYS ROCK!\u00a0</p>",
      "description_highlighted": "...With the release of Rise of Skywalker, I just had to include a round on the most recent <span class=\"ln-search-highlight\">Star</span> <span class=\"ln-search-highlight\">Wars</span> movies at my live events last week, and now, on the podcast! Grab a wookie and play!...",
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      "title_highlighted": "Answering <span class=\"ln-search-highlight\">Star</span> <span class=\"ln-search-highlight\">Wars</span> Questions from <span class=\"ln-search-highlight\">Star</span> <span class=\"ln-search-highlight\">Wars</span> 7\u00d77 Patrons!",
      "description_original": "<p>Patrons of Star Wars 7x7 at the \"Vader's Fist\" level and above can submit questions for me to answer on the show every month! In this installment, we'll be talking about an aspect of the Millennium Falcon as it appears in The Rise of Skywalker; why Ben Solo may or may not have talked to his Force-ghost grandfather; and favorite Star Wars Halloween costumes. Punch it!</p> <p>***I'm listener supported! Join the community at http://Patreon.com/sw7x7 to get access to bonus episodes and other insider rewards.***\u00a0</p>",
      "description_highlighted": "...Patrons of <span class=\"ln-search-highlight\">Star</span> <span class=\"ln-search-highlight\">Wars</span> 7x7 at the \"Vader's Fist\" level and above can submit questions for me to answer on the show every month!...",
      "transcripts_highlighted": []
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                "example": "815: <span class=\"ln-search-highlight\">Star</span> <span class=\"ln-search-highlight\">Wars</span> 2020 Movie and Beyond!",
                "description": "Highlighted segment of this episode's title"
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                "example": "Yeah, Star Wars Celebration Orlando is 32 days away, but what's the scoop on Celebration 2018? Plus, Rebels Day is Saturday, and much more in our update. Punch it! ***We're listener supported! Go to http://Patreon.com/sw7x7 to donate to the Star Wars 7x7 podcast, and you\u00e2\u20ac\u2122ll get some fabulous rewards for your pledge.***  Check out SW7x7.com for full Star Wars 7x7 show notes and links, and to comment on any of the content of this episode! If you like what you've heard, please leave us a rating or review on iTunes or Stitcher, which will also help more people discover this Star Wars podcast. Don't forget to join the Star Wars 7x7 fun on Facebook at Facebook.com/SW7x7, and follow the breaking news Twitter feed at Twitter.com/SW7x7Podcast. We're also on Pinterest and Instagram as \"SW7x7\" too, and we'd love to connect with you there!\n",
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                  "example": "00:21:27  when Disney bought the <span class=\"ln-search-highlight\">Star</span> <span class=\"ln-search-highlight\">Wars</span> franchise from George Lucas they had a plan lots of <span class=\"ln-search-highlight\">Star</span> <span class=\"ln-search-highlight\">Wars</span> movies new <span class=\"ln-search-highlight\">Star</span> <span class=\"ln-search-highlight\">Wars</span> movies every month another one was just released while I was talking\n"
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                "type": "integer",
                "example": 81,
                "description": "The estimated popularity score of a podcast compared to all other rss-based public podcasts in the world on a scale from 0 to 100.\nIf the score is not available, it'll be null. Learn more at listennotes.com/listen-score\n"
              "title_original": {
                "type": "string",
                "example": "Star Wars 7x7 | Star Wars News, Interviews, and More!",
                "description": "Plain text of podcast name."
              "total_episodes": {
                "type": "integer",
                "example": 324,
                "description": "Total number of episodes in this podcast."
              "listennotes_url": {
                "type": "string",
                "example": "https://www.listennotes.com/c/4d3fe717742d4963a85562e9f84d8c79/",
                "description": "The url of this podcast on [ListenNotes.com](https://www.ListenNotes.com)."
              "audio_length_sec": {
                "type": "integer",
                "example": 1291,
                "description": "Average audio length of all episodes of this podcast. In seconds."
              "explicit_content": {
                "type": "boolean",
                "example": false,
                "description": "Whether this podcast contains explicit language."
              "latest_episode_id": {
                "type": "string",
                "example": "d057092e57cc4ced80e0efaa196593d9",
                "description": "The id of the most recently published episode of this podcast, which can be used to further fetch detailed episode metadata via `GET /episodes/{id}`."
              "title_highlighted": {
                "type": "string",
                "example": "<span class=\\\"ln-search-highlight\\\">Star</span> <span class=\\\"ln-search-highlight\\\">Wars</span> 7x7 | <span class=\\\"ln-search-highlight\\\">Star</span> <span class=\\\"ln-search-highlight\\\">Wars</span> News, Interviews, and More!",
                "description": "Highlighted segment of podcast name."
              "latest_pub_date_ms": {
                "type": "integer",
                "example": 1557499770000,
                "description": "The published date of the latest episode of this podcast. In milliseconds"
              "publisher_original": {
                "type": "string",
                "example": "Star Wars Daily, by Allen Voivod",
                "description": "Plain text of this podcast's publisher name."
              "description_original": {
                "type": "string",
                "example": "The Star Wars 7x7 Podcast is Rebel-rousing fun for everyday Jedi, between 7 and 14 minutes a day, 7 days a week. Join host Allen Voivod for Star Wars news, history, interviews, trivia, and deep dives into the Star Wars story as told in movies, books, comics, games, cartoons, and more. Subscribe now for your daily dose of Star Wars joy. It's destiny unleashed! #SW7x7\n",
                "description": "Plain text of podcast description"
              "earliest_pub_date_ms": {
                "type": "integer",
                "example": 1470667902000,
                "description": "The published date of the oldest episode of this podcast. In milliseconds"
              "publisher_highlighted": {
                "type": "string",
                "example": "<span class=\\\"ln-search-highlight\\\">Star</span> <span class=\\\"ln-search-highlight\\\">Wars</span> Daily, by Allen Voivod",
                "description": "Highlighted segment of this podcast's publisher name."
              "update_frequency_hours": {
                "type": "integer",
                "example": 168,
                "description": "How frequently does this podcast release a new episode? In hours. For example, if the value is 166, then it's every 166 hours (or weekly)."
              "description_highlighted": {
                "type": "string",
                "example": "...Join host Allen Voivod for <span class=\"ln-search-highlight\">Star</span> <span class=\"ln-search-highlight\">Wars</span> news, history, interviews, trivia, and deep dives into the <span class=\"ln-search-highlight\">Star</span> <span class=\"ln-search-highlight\">Wars</span> story as told in movies, books, comics, games, cartoons, and more.\n",
                "description": "Highlighted segment of podcast description"
              "listen_score_global_rank": {
                "type": "string",
                "example": "0.5%",
                "description": "The estimated popularity ranking of a podcast compared to all other rss-based public podcasts in the world.\nFor example, if the value is 0.5%, then this podcast is one of the top 0.5% most popular shows out of all podcasts globally, ranked by Listen Score.\nIf the ranking is not available, it'll be null. Learn more at listennotes.com/listen-score\n"
            "description": "When **type** is *podcast*."
            "type": "object",
            "properties": {
              "id": {
                "type": "string",
                "example": "Vb017Sx3l8F",
                "description": "Curated list id, which can be used to further fetch detailed curated list metadata via `GET /curated_podcasts/{id}`."
              "total": {
                "type": "integer",
                "example": 25,
                "description": "The total number of podcasts in this curated list."
              "podcasts": {
                "type": "array",
                "items": {
                  "type": "object",
                  "properties": {
                    "id": {
                      "type": "string",
                      "example": "4d3fe717742d4963a85562e9f84d8c79",
                      "description": "Podcast id, which can be used to further fetch detailed podcast metadata via `GET /podcasts/{id}`."
                    "image": {
                      "type": "string",
                      "example": "https://cdn-images-1.listennotes.com/podcasts/exponent-ben-thompson-james-allworth-OaJSjb4xQv3.1400x1400.jpg",
                      "description": "Image url for this podcast's artwork. If you are using PRO/ENTERPRISE plan, then it's\na high resolution image (1400x1400). If you are using FREE plan, then it's the same as **thumbnail**,\nlow resolution image (300x300).\n"
                    "title": {
                      "type": "string",
                      "example": "Star Wars 7x7 | Star Wars News, Interviews, and More!",
                      "description": "Podcast name."
                    "publisher": {
                      "type": "string",
                      "example": "Planet Broadcasting",
                      "description": "Podcast publisher name."
                    "thumbnail": {
                      "type": "string",
                      "example": "https://cdn-images-1.listennotes.com/podcasts/exponent-ben-thompson-james-allworth-OaJSjb4xQv3.300x300.jpg",
                      "description": "Thumbnail image url for this podcast's artwork (300x300)."
                    "listen_score": {
                      "type": "integer",
                      "example": 81,
                      "description": "The estimated popularity score of a podcast compared to all other rss-based public podcasts in the world on a scale from 0 to 100.\nIf the score is not available, it'll be null. Learn more at listennotes.com/listen-score\n"
                    "listennotes_url": {
                      "type": "string",
                      "example": "https://www.listennotes.com/c/4d3fe717742d4963a85562e9f84d8c79/",
                      "description": "The url of this podcast on [ListenNotes.com](https://www.ListenNotes.com)."
                    "listen_score_global_rank": {
                      "type": "string",
                      "example": "0.5%",
                      "description": "The estimated popularity ranking of a podcast compared to all other rss-based public podcasts in the world.\nFor example, if the value is 0.5%, then this podcast is one of the top 0.5% most popular shows out of all podcasts globally, ranked by Listen Score.\nIf the ranking is not available, it'll be null. Learn more at listennotes.com/listen-score\n"
                "description": "Up to 5 podcasts in this curated list."
              "source_url": {
                "type": "string",
                "example": "https://parade.com/718913/ashley_johnson/7-bookish-podcasts-for-avid-readers-on-the-go/",
                "description": "Url of the source of this curated list."
              "pub_date_ms": {
                "type": "integer",
                "example": 1556843484301,
                "description": "Published date of this curated list. In milliseconds."
              "source_domain": {
                "type": "string",
                "example": "parade.com",
                "description": "The domain name of the source of this curated list."
              "title_original": {
                "type": "string",
                "example": "What are some good Star Wars Podcast to listen to?",
                "description": "Plain text of this curated list's title"
              "listennotes_url": {
                "type": "string",
                "example": "https://www.listennotes.com/curated-podcasts/7-bookish-podcasts-for-avid-readers-on-H2r-TCWai8K/",
                "description": "The url of this curated list on [ListenNotes.com](https://www.ListenNotes.com)."
              "title_highlighted": {
                "type": "string",
                "example": "What are some good <span class=\"ln-search-highlight\">Star</span> <span class=\"ln-search-highlight\">Wars</span> Podcast to listen to?\n",
                "description": "Highlighted segment of this curated list's title"
              "description_original": {
                "type": "string",
                "example": "Star Wars fans in Reddit shared their favorite podcasts.",
                "description": "Plain text of this curated list's description"
              "description_highlighted": {
                "type": "string",
                "example": "...<span class=\"ln-search-highlight\">Star</span> <span class=\"ln-search-highlight\">Wars</span> fans in Reddit shared their favorite podcasts.",
                "description": "Highlighted segment of this curated list's description"
            "description": "When **type** is *curated*."
      "description": "A list of search results."
    "next_offset": {
      "type": "integer",
      "example": 10,
      "description": "Pass this value to the **offset** parameter to do pagination of search results."

Typeahead search

Function Name: typeahead

Suggest search terms, podcast genres, and podcasts.


const { Client } = require('podcast-api');

// If api_key is null, the sdk will connect to a mock server that'll
// return fake data for testing purpose
const client = Client({
  apiKey: process.env.LISTEN_API_KEY || null,

client.typeahead({ q: 'startup', show_podcasts: 1 }).then((response) => {
}).catch((error) => {

See all available parameters on the API Docs page.

Click to see example response
  "terms": [
    "star wars"
  "genres": [
      "id": 160,
      "name": "Star Wars",
      "parent_id": 68
  "podcasts": [
      "id": "ca3b35271db04291ba56fab8a4f731e4",
      "image": "https://production.listennotes.com/podcasts/rebel-force-radio-star-wars-podcast-star-wars-GSQTPOZCqAx-4v5pRaEg1Ub.1400x1400.jpg",
      "thumbnail": "https://production.listennotes.com/podcasts/rebel-force-radio-star-wars-podcast-star-wars-Na1ogntxKO_-4v5pRaEg1Ub.300x300.jpg",
      "title_original": "Rebel Force Radio: Star Wars Podcast",
      "explicit_content": false,
      "title_highlighted": "Rebel Force Radio: <span class=\"ln-search-highlight\">Star</span> <span class=\"ln-search-highlight\">Wars</span> Podcast",
      "publisher_original": "Star Wars",
      "publisher_highlighted": "<span class=\"ln-search-highlight\">Star</span> <span class=\"ln-search-highlight\">Wars</span>"
      "id": "8e90b8f0c9eb4c11b13f9dc331ed747c",
      "image": "https://production.listennotes.com/podcasts/inside-star-wars-wondery-F8ZBEqObITM-e8ydUYnAOJv.1400x1400.jpg",
      "thumbnail": "https://production.listennotes.com/podcasts/inside-star-wars-wondery-2Ep_n06B8ad-e8ydUYnAOJv.300x300.jpg",
      "title_original": "Inside Star Wars",
      "explicit_content": false,
      "title_highlighted": "Inside <span class=\"ln-search-highlight\">Star</span> <span class=\"ln-search-highlight\">Wars</span>",
      "publisher_original": "Wondery",
      "publisher_highlighted": "Wondery"
      "id": "e8bdeb557c194bb9a97f8e1835a405b0",
      "image": "https://production.listennotes.com/podcasts/star-wars-stuff-podcast-star-wars-N2eYaLJWtk8-4-E8Ab7PQ_B.1400x1400.jpg",
      "thumbnail": "https://production.listennotes.com/podcasts/star-wars-stuff-podcast-star-wars-TOvDUaL7l3m-4-E8Ab7PQ_B.300x300.jpg",
      "title_original": "Star Wars STUFF Podcast",
      "explicit_content": false,
      "title_highlighted": "<span class=\"ln-search-highlight\">Star</span> <span class=\"ln-search-highlight\">Wars</span> STUFF Podcast",
      "publisher_original": "Star Wars",
      "publisher_highlighted": "<span class=\"ln-search-highlight\">Star</span> <span class=\"ln-search-highlight\">Wars</span>"
      "id": "699701ca2479411f9c0bbf8dd85323e8",
      "image": "https://production.listennotes.com/podcasts/star-wars-explained-alex-mollie-MKIbl7dwVTC-zuwl0R2DOjf.1400x1400.jpg",
      "thumbnail": "https://production.listennotes.com/podcasts/star-wars-explained-alex-mollie-2_yoeSVtXOM-zuwl0R2DOjf.300x300.jpg",
      "title_original": "Star Wars Explained",
      "explicit_content": false,
      "title_highlighted": "<span class=\"ln-search-highlight\">Star</span> <span class=\"ln-search-highlight\">Wars</span> Explained",
      "publisher_original": "Alex & Mollie",
      "publisher_highlighted": "Alex & Mollie"
      "id": "46c50b17a1c6474fb77e21f438ccd78d",
      "image": "https://production.listennotes.com/podcasts/skytalkers-charlotte-caitlin-star-wars-S7L8tE_nIaZ--hNC10LzS4A.1400x1400.jpg",
      "thumbnail": "https://production.listennotes.com/podcasts/skytalkers-charlotte-caitlin-star-wars-DEIoXLeJOM9--hNC10LzS4A.300x300.jpg",
      "title_original": "Skytalkers",
      "explicit_content": false,
      "title_highlighted": "Skytalkers",
      "publisher_original": "Star Wars",
      "publisher_highlighted": "<span class=\"ln-search-highlight\">Star</span> <span class=\"ln-search-highlight\">Wars</span>"
Click to see response schema
  "type": "object",
  "required": [
  "properties": {
    "terms": {
      "type": "array",
      "items": {
        "type": "string"
      "example": [
        "startup sales",
        "star wars"
      "description": "Search term suggestions."
    "genres": {
      "type": "array",
      "items": {
        "type": "object",
        "example": {
          "id": 140,
          "name": "Web Design",
          "parent_id": 127
        "properties": {
          "id": {
            "type": "integer",
            "example": 93,
            "description": "Genre id"
          "name": {
            "type": "string",
            "example": "Business",
            "description": "Genre name."
          "parent_id": {
            "type": "integer",
            "example": 95,
            "description": "Parent genre id."
      "description": "Genre suggestions. It'll show up when the **show_genres** parameter is *1*."
    "podcasts": {
      "type": "array",
      "items": {
        "type": "object",
        "properties": {
          "id": {
            "type": "string",
            "example": "4d3fe717742d4963a85562e9f84d8c79",
            "description": "Podcast id, which can be used to further fetch detailed podcast metadata via `GET /podcasts/{id}`."
          "image": {
            "type": "string",
            "example": "https://cdn-images-1.listennotes.com/podcasts/exponent-ben-thompson-james-allworth-OaJSjb4xQv3.1400x1400.jpg",
            "description": "Image url for this podcast's artwork. If you are using PRO/ENTERPRISE plan, then it's\na high resolution image (1400x1400). If you are using FREE plan, then it's the same as **thumbnail**,\nlow resolution image (300x300).\n"
          "thumbnail": {
            "type": "string",
            "example": "https://cdn-images-1.listennotes.com/podcasts/exponent-ben-thompson-james-allworth-OaJSjb4xQv3.300x300.jpg",
            "description": "Thumbnail image url for this podcast's artwork (300x300)."
          "title_original": {
            "type": "string",
            "example": "Star Wars 7x7 | Star Wars News, Interviews, and More!",
            "description": "Plain text of podcast name."
          "explicit_content": {
            "type": "boolean",
            "example": false,
            "description": "Whether this podcast contains explicit language."
          "title_highlighted": {
            "type": "string",
            "example": "<span class=\\\"ln-search-highlight\\\">Star</span> <span class=\\\"ln-search-highlight\\\">Wars</span> 7x7 | <span class=\\\"ln-search-highlight\\\">Star</span> <span class=\\\"ln-search-highlight\\\">Wars</span> News, Interviews, and More!",
            "description": "Highlighted segment of podcast name."
          "publisher_original": {
            "type": "string",
            "example": "Star Wars Daily, by Allen Voivod",
            "description": "Plain text of this podcast's publisher name."
          "publisher_highlighted": {
            "type": "string",
            "example": "<span class=\\\"ln-search-highlight\\\">Star</span> <span class=\\\"ln-search-highlight\\\">Wars</span> Daily, by Allen Voivod",
            "description": "Highlighted segment of this podcast's publisher name."
      "description": "Podcast suggestions. It'll show up when the **show_podcasts** parameter is 1."

Fetch detailed meta data and episodes for a podcast by id

Function Name: fetchPodcastById

Fetch detailed meta data and episodes for a specific podcast (up to 10 episodes each time). You can use the next_episode_pub_date parameter to do pagination and fetch more episodes.


const { Client } = require('podcast-api');

// If api_key is null, the sdk will connect to a mock server that'll
// return fake data for testing purpose
const client = Client({
  apiKey: process.env.LISTEN_API_KEY || null,

client.fetchPodcastById({ id: '4d3fe717742d4963a85562e9f84d8c79' }).then((response) => {
}).catch((error) => {

See all available parameters on the API Docs page.

Click to see example response
  "id": "4d3fe717742d4963a85562e9f84d8c79",
  "rss": "http://sw7x7.libsyn.com/rss",
  "type": "episodic",
  "email": "allen@sw7x7.com",
  "extra": {
    "url1": "",
    "url2": "",
    "url3": "",
    "google_url": "https://play.google.com/music/listen?u=0#/ps/I7gdcrqcmvhfnhh2cyqkcg32tkq",
    "spotify_url": "https://open.spotify.com/show/2rQJUP9Y3HxemiW3JHt9WV",
    "youtube_url": "https://www.youtube.com/sw7x7",
    "linkedin_url": "",
    "wechat_handle": "",
    "patreon_handle": "sw7x7",
    "twitter_handle": "",
    "facebook_handle": "sw7x7",
    "amazon_music_url": "",
    "instagram_handle": ""
  "image": "https://production.listennotes.com/podcasts/star-wars-7x7-the-daily-star-wars-podcast-HN08OoDE7pc-AIg3cZVKCsL.1400x1400.jpg",
  "title": "Star Wars 7x7: A Daily Bite-Sized Dose of Star Wars Joy",
  "country": "United States",
  "website": "https://sw7x7.com?utm_source=listennotes.com&utm_campaign=Listen+Notes&utm_medium=website",
  "episodes": [
      "id": "4e7c59e10e4640b98f2f3cb1777dbb43",
      "link": "https://sites.libsyn.com/55931/864-part-2-of-my-new-conversation-with-bobby-roberts?utm_source=listennotes.com&utm_campaign=Listen+Notes&utm_medium=website",
      "audio": "https://www.listennotes.com/e/p/4e7c59e10e4640b98f2f3cb1777dbb43/",
      "image": "https://production.listennotes.com/podcasts/star-wars-7x7-the/864-part-2-of-my-new--vDBMTjY_mK-2WVsxtU0f3m.600x315.jpg",
      "title": "864: Part 2 of My (New) Conversation With Bobby Roberts",
      "thumbnail": "https://production.listennotes.com/podcasts/star-wars-7x7-the/864-part-2-of-my-new-yqjrzNDEXaS-2WVsxtU0f3m.300x157.jpg",
      "description": "<p>The second half of my latest conversation with Bobby Roberts, Podcast Emeritus from Full of Sith and now Star Wars \"Podcast Force Ghost at Large.\" Punch it!</p> <p>***We\u2019re listener supported! Go to http://Patreon.com/sw7x7 to donate to the Star Wars 7x7 podcast, and you\u2019ll get some fabulous rewards for your pledge.***\u00a0</p> <p>Check out SW7x7.com for full Star Wars 7x7 show notes and links, and to comment on any of the content of this episode! If you like what you've heard, please leave us a rating or review on iTunes or Stitcher, which will also help more people discover this Star Wars podcast.</p> <p>Don't forget to join the Star Wars 7x7 fun on Facebook at Facebook.com/SW7x7, and follow the breaking news Twitter feed at Twitter.com/SW7x7Podcast. We're also on Pinterest and Instagram as \"SW7x7\" too, and we'd love to connect with you there!</p>",
      "pub_date_ms": 1479110402345,
      "guid_from_rss": "bbada2b3a99054ce93b0eb95dd762b4d",
      "listennotes_url": "https://www.listennotes.com/e/4e7c59e10e4640b98f2f3cb1777dbb43/",
      "audio_length_sec": 2447,
      "explicit_content": false,
      "maybe_audio_invalid": false,
      "listennotes_edit_url": "https://www.listennotes.com/e/4e7c59e10e4640b98f2f3cb1777dbb43/#edit"
      "id": "9ae0e2e49a9c477191263df90adf7f3e",
      "link": "https://sites.libsyn.com/55931/863-a-new-conversation-with-bobby-roberts-part-1?utm_source=listennotes.com&utm_campaign=Listen+Notes&utm_medium=website",
      "audio": "https://www.listennotes.com/e/p/9ae0e2e49a9c477191263df90adf7f3e/",
      "image": "https://production.listennotes.com/podcasts/star-wars-7x7-the/863-a-new-conversation-with-e_vHo9SM7ft-0YRBTlgiVeU.600x315.jpg",
      "title": "863: A (New) Conversation With Bobby Roberts, Part 1",
      "thumbnail": "https://production.listennotes.com/podcasts/star-wars-7x7-the/863-a-new-conversation-with-lcQsDS5uvYb-0YRBTlgiVeU.300x157.jpg",
      "description": "<p>An in-depth conversation about the Star Wars \"Story\" movies and so much more, featuring Bobby Roberts, Star Wars \"Podcast Force Ghost at Large.\" Punch it!</p> <p>***We\u2019re listener supported! Go to http://Patreon.com/sw7x7 to donate to the Star Wars 7x7 podcast, and you\u2019ll get some fabulous rewards for your pledge.***\u00a0</p> <p>Check out SW7x7.com for full Star Wars 7x7 show notes and links, and to comment on any of the content of this episode! If you like what you've heard, please leave us a rating or review on iTunes or Stitcher, which will also help more people discover this Star Wars podcast.</p> <p>Don't forget to join the Star Wars 7x7 fun on Facebook at Facebook.com/SW7x7, and follow the breaking news Twitter feed at Twitter.com/SW7x7Podcast. We're also on Pinterest and Instagram as \"SW7x7\" too, and we'd love to connect with you there!</p>",
      "pub_date_ms": 1479024002346,
      "guid_from_rss": "2c298fe68246aad30bd5afe0b79fdd76",
      "listennotes_url": "https://www.listennotes.com/e/9ae0e2e49a9c477191263df90adf7f3e/",
      "audio_length_sec": 2916,
      "explicit_content": false,
      "maybe_audio_invalid": false,
      "listennotes_edit_url": "https://www.listennotes.com/e/9ae0e2e49a9c477191263df90adf7f3e/#edit"
      "id": "98bcfa3fd1b44727913385938788bcc5",
      "link": "https://sites.libsyn.com/55931/862-assassin-clone-wars-briefing-season-3-episode-7?utm_source=listennotes.com&utm_campaign=Listen+Notes&utm_medium=website",
      "audio": "https://www.listennotes.com/e/p/98bcfa3fd1b44727913385938788bcc5/",
      "image": "https://production.listennotes.com/podcasts/star-wars-7x7-the/862-assassin-clone-wars-lP94b2q5iOz-jEcMAdTntzs.600x315.jpg",
      "title": "862: \"Assassin\" - Clone Wars Briefing, Season 3, Episode 7",
      "thumbnail": "https://production.listennotes.com/podcasts/star-wars-7x7-the/862-assassin-clone-wars-Uh3E0GwOQRX-jEcMAdTntzs.300x157.jpg",
      "description": "<p>The beginnings of the true power of the Force, revealed in \"Assassin,\" season 3, episode 7 of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars cartoon series. Punch it!</p> <p>***We\u2019re listener supported! Go to http://Patreon.com/sw7x7 to donate to the Star Wars 7x7 podcast, and you\u2019ll get some fabulous rewards for your pledge.***\u00a0</p> <p>Check out SW7x7.com for full Star Wars 7x7 show notes and links, and to comment on any of the content of this episode! If you like what you've heard, please leave us a rating or review on iTunes or Stitcher, which will also help more people discover this Star Wars podcast.</p> <p>Don't forget to join the Star Wars 7x7 fun on Facebook at Facebook.com/SW7x7, and follow the breaking news Twitter feed at Twitter.com/SW7x7Podcast. We're also on Pinterest and Instagram as \"SW7x7\" too, and we'd love to connect with you there!</p>",
      "pub_date_ms": 1478937602347,
      "guid_from_rss": "6f64d1b37c661bbd066e773ae3b72d5e",
      "listennotes_url": "https://www.listennotes.com/e/98bcfa3fd1b44727913385938788bcc5/",
      "audio_length_sec": 636,
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      "example": "Planet Broadcasting",
      "description": "Podcast publisher name."
    "thumbnail": {
      "type": "string",
      "example": "https://cdn-images-1.listennotes.com/podcasts/exponent-ben-thompson-james-allworth-OaJSjb4xQv3.300x300.jpg",
      "description": "Thumbnail image url for this podcast's artwork (300x300)."
    "is_claimed": {
      "type": "boolean",
      "example": true,
      "description": "Whether this podcast is claimed by its producer on [ListenNotes.com](https://www.ListenNotes.com)."
    "description": {
      "type": "string",
      "example": "<p>The Star Wars 7x7 Podcast is Rebel-rousing fun for everyday Jedi, between 7 and 14 minutes a day, 7 days a week. Join host Allen Voivod for Star Wars news, history, interviews, trivia, and deep dives into the Star Wars story as told in movies, books, comics, games, cartoons, and more. Subscribe now for your daily dose of Star Wars joy. It's destiny unleashed!</p>",
      "description": "Html of this episode's full description"
    "looking_for": {
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "guests": {
          "type": "boolean",
          "example": true,
          "description": "Whether this podcast is looking for guests."
        "cohosts": {
          "type": "boolean",
          "example": true,
          "description": "Whether this podcast is looking for cohosts."
        "sponsors": {
          "type": "boolean",
          "example": true,
          "description": "Whether this podcast is looking for sponsors."
        "cross_promotion": {
          "type": "boolean",
          "example": true,
          "description": "Whether this podcast is looking for cross promotion opportunities with other podcasts."
    "listen_score": {
      "type": "integer",
      "example": 81,
      "description": "The estimated popularity score of a podcast compared to all other rss-based public podcasts in the world on a scale from 0 to 100.\nIf the score is not available, it'll be null. Learn more at listennotes.com/listen-score\n"
    "total_episodes": {
      "type": "integer",
      "example": 324,
      "description": "Total number of episodes in this podcast."
    "listennotes_url": {
      "type": "string",
      "example": "https://www.listennotes.com/c/4d3fe717742d4963a85562e9f84d8c79/",
      "description": "The url of this podcast on [ListenNotes.com](https://www.ListenNotes.com)."
    "audio_length_sec": {
      "type": "integer",
      "example": 1291,
      "description": "Average audio length of all episodes of this podcast. In seconds."
    "explicit_content": {
      "type": "boolean",
      "example": false,
      "description": "Whether this podcast contains explicit language."
    "latest_episode_id": {
      "type": "string",
      "example": "d057092e57cc4ced80e0efaa196593d9",
      "description": "The id of the most recently published episode of this podcast, which can be used to further fetch detailed episode metadata via `GET /episodes/{id}`."
    "latest_pub_date_ms": {
      "type": "integer",
      "example": 1557499770000,
      "description": "The published date of the latest episode of this podcast. In milliseconds"
    "earliest_pub_date_ms": {
      "type": "integer",
      "example": 1470667902000,
      "description": "The published date of the oldest episode of this podcast. In milliseconds"
    "next_episode_pub_date": {
      "type": "integer",
      "example": 1470667902000,
      "description": "Passed to the **next_episode_pub_date** parameter of `GET /podcasts/{id}` to paginate through episodes of that podcast."
    "update_frequency_hours": {
      "type": "integer",
      "example": 168,
      "description": "How frequently does this podcast release a new episode? In hours. For example, if the value is 166, then it's every 166 hours (or weekly)."
    "listen_score_global_rank": {
      "type": "string",
      "example": "0.5%",
      "description": "The estimated popularity ranking of a podcast compared to all other rss-based public podcasts in the world.\nFor example, if the value is 0.5%, then this podcast is one of the top 0.5% most popular shows out of all podcasts globally, ranked by Listen Score.\nIf the ranking is not available, it'll be null. Learn more at listennotes.com/listen-score\n"

Fetch detailed meta data for an episode by id

Function Name: fetchEpisodeById

Fetch detailed meta data for a specific episode.


const { Client } = require('podcast-api');

// If api_key is null, the sdk will connect to a mock server that'll
// return fake data for testing purpose
const client = Client({
  apiKey: process.env.LISTEN_API_KEY || null,

client.fetchEpisodeById({ id: '6b6d65930c5a4f71b254465871fed370', show_transcript: 1 }).then((response) => {
}).catch((error) => {

See all available parameters on the API Docs page.

Click to see example response
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    "description": "A Winning Mindset, an award-winning partnership between the International Paralympic Committee and Allianz, is a fascinating journey into the minds of Paralympians, with experiences that can benefit your own personal and professional life.\n\nThe official podcast of the Paralympic Games provides a platform for Para athletes to talk about their empowering and inspirational stories and allows each athlete to showcase their true personalities.\n\nWINNER OF BEST BRANDED PODCAST AT THE 2021 WEBBY AWARDS\nWINNER OF BEST PODCAST AT 2021 DIGIDAY MEDIA EUROPE AWARDS\nWINNER OF BEST SPORT PODCAST AT 2021 SPORT INDUSTRY AWARDS\nWINNER OF BEST BRAND PARTNERSHIP AT 2022 DIGIDAY MEDIA EUROPE AWARDS\n\nEpisodes go beyond Paralympic stories by covering a range of educational, mental health and self-improvement themes.\u00a0 Athletes also tackle subjects that are close to their hearts and of interest to fans. Issues explored include finding purpose, wellbeing, motivation, changing attitudes, overcoming failure, support systems, resilience, positivity, diversity and inclusion, body confidence and many more.\n\nAllianz is a long-standing partner of the International Paralympic Committee. Together, we bring you this series of podcasts. We will introduce you to stories with Paralympians that will spark confidence in your everyday life. Stories of challenges, ups and downs, determination, and excellence. Stories that demonstrate the true power of having the right team behind you. And prepare you for what\u2019s ahead.\n\nThe Paralympic podcast series is presented by British broadcaster Andy Stevenson, who has reported on the Paralympic Games since 2012 for BBC and Channel 4.\n\nFeatured athletes include Tatyana McFadden, Jonnie Peacock and Arly Velasquez. Make sure you subscribe to hear upcoming episodes from athletes including Marcel Hug and Anastasia Pagonis.",
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  "transcript": "\nA Paralympic skiier from Mexico isn\u2019t something you expect to see too often. But Arly Velasquez doesn\u2019t believe in expectations. \n\nVelasquez, one of a select few to ever represent Mexico at a Winter Paralympic Games, discusses the role of risk in his life - and how we can all learn to manage it.\u00a0\n\n\u201cI have developed because of taking decisions where I have no idea. It\u2019s a matter of 'does it feel right or not?'\" he said.\n\n\"I don't see it as a risk, I see that when I am in the mountain on a sit ski, I just feel the most free.\u201d\u00a0\n\nThe former BMX champion also discusses the risks he took when leaving Mexico on the spur of a moment, building a new life on the ski slopes in Canada. \u00a0\n\n\u201c(Skiing) gave me the belief to go back to Mexico, sell all my stuff,\u00a0 sell my car and pretty much fly to the border,\" he said.\u00a0\n\n\"It's very, rare that there are moments in your life where you are feeling and your gut tells you that you are in the right place. That you are doing the right thing and that it's something that you want to keep doing in your life. That's what I felt for the first time.\u201d\u00a0\n\nLearning topics for this episode include managing risk, how to build a brand, self-understanding, defiance, thrill-seeking and exploration. \u00a0\n\nAllianz is a long-standing partner of the International Paralympic Committee. Together, we\u2019re proud to bring you A Winning Mindset: Lessons From The Paralympics. We aim to help you move forward in all aspects of your personal and professional life.\u00a0\n\nBy hearing from Paralympic stars, you\u2019ll be introduced to stories that inspire and change the way you think. Stories of facing life\u2019s challenges with confidence, determination and excellence, and the true power of having the right team behind you.\u00a0",
  "description": "<div>\n<strong>A Paralympic skiier from Mexico isn\u2019t something you expect to see too often. But Arly Velasquez doesn\u2019t believe in expectations. </strong><br />\n<br />\nVelasquez, one of a select few to ever represent Mexico at a Winter Paralympic Games, discusses the role of risk in his life - and how we can all learn to manage it.\u00a0<br />\n<br />\n\u201cI have developed because of taking decisions where I have no idea. It\u2019s a matter of 'does it feel right or not?'\" he said.<br />\n<br />\n\"I don't see it as a risk, I see that when I am in the mountain on a sit ski, I just feel the most free.\u201d\u00a0<br />\n<br />\nThe former BMX champion also discusses the risks he took when leaving Mexico on the spur of a moment, building a new life on the ski slopes in Canada. \u00a0<br />\n<br />\n\u201c(Skiing) gave me the belief to go back to Mexico, sell all my stuff,\u00a0 sell my car and pretty much fly to the border,\" he said.\u00a0<br />\n<br />\n\"It's very, rare that there are moments in your life where you are feeling and your gut tells you that you are in the right place. That you are doing the right thing and that it's something that you want to keep doing in your life. That's what I felt for the first time.\u201d\u00a0<br />\n<br />\nLearning topics for this episode include managing risk, how to build a brand, self-understanding, defiance, thrill-seeking and exploration. \u00a0<br />\n<br />\nAllianz is a long-standing partner of the International Paralympic Committee. Together, we\u2019re proud to bring you A Winning Mindset: Lessons From The Paralympics. We aim to help you move forward in all aspects of your personal and professional life.\u00a0<br />\n<br />\nBy hearing from Paralympic stars, you\u2019ll be introduced to stories that inspire and change the way you think. Stories of facing life\u2019s challenges with confidence, determination and excellence, and the true power of having the right team behind you.\u00a0</div>",
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Click to see response schema
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      "description": "Episode id, which can be used to further fetch detailed episode metadata via `GET /episodes/{id}`."
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      "example": "https://www.npr.org/2020/01/22/798532179/soleimanis-iran",
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      "example": "Celebration Recap, Jason Fry and Christian Blauvelt Interviews \u2013 SWBW #101",
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          "description": "Image url for this podcast's artwork. If you are using PRO/ENTERPRISE plan, then it's\na high resolution image (1400x1400). If you are using FREE plan, then it's the same as **thumbnail**,\nlow resolution image (300x300).\n"
        "title": {
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          "example": "Star Wars 7x7 | Star Wars News, Interviews, and More!",
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        "description": {
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          "example": "<p>The Star Wars 7x7 Podcast is Rebel-rousing fun for everyday Jedi, between 7 and 14 minutes a day, 7 days a week. Join host Allen Voivod for Star Wars news, history, interviews, trivia, and deep dives into the Star Wars story as told in movies, books, comics, games, cartoons, and more. Subscribe now for your daily dose of Star Wars joy. It's destiny unleashed!</p>",
          "description": "Html of this episode's full description"
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              "description": "Whether this podcast is looking for cohosts."
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          "description": "The estimated popularity score of a podcast compared to all other rss-based public podcasts in the world on a scale from 0 to 100.\nIf the score is not available, it'll be null. Learn more at listennotes.com/listen-score\n"
        "total_episodes": {
          "type": "integer",
          "example": 324,
          "description": "Total number of episodes in this podcast."
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          "example": "https://www.listennotes.com/c/4d3fe717742d4963a85562e9f84d8c79/",
          "description": "The url of this podcast on [ListenNotes.com](https://www.ListenNotes.com)."
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          "example": 1291,
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          "description": "The id of the most recently published episode of this podcast, which can be used to further fetch detailed episode metadata via `GET /episodes/{id}`."
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          "description": "The published date of the latest episode of this podcast. In milliseconds"
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          "description": "The published date of the oldest episode of this podcast. In milliseconds"
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          "description": "How frequently does this podcast release a new episode? In hours. For example, if the value is 166, then it's every 166 hours (or weekly)."
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          "description": "The estimated popularity ranking of a podcast compared to all other rss-based public podcasts in the world.\nFor example, if the value is 0.5%, then this podcast is one of the top 0.5% most popular shows out of all podcasts globally, ranked by Listen Score.\nIf the ranking is not available, it'll be null. Learn more at listennotes.com/listen-score\n"
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      "example": "https://cdn-images-1.listennotes.com/podcasts/exponent-ben-thompson-james-allworth-OaJSjb4xQv3.300x300.jpg",
      "description": "Thumbnail image (300x300) url for this episode.\nIf an episode doesn't have its own image, then this field would be the url of the podcast artwork thumbnail image.\n"
    "transcript": {
      "type": "string",
      "example": "00:00:07 Welcome to this podcast...\n",
      "description": "The transcript of this episode, in plain text (with the newline character \\n). If there's not transcript, it is null. This field is available only in the PRO/ENTERPRISE plan."
    "description": {
      "type": "string",
      "example": "<p>Disney chief Bob Iger shared news about Star Wars movies in 2020 and beyond, but some media outlets gave conflicting reports about it. Here's the real scoop. Punch it!</p> <p>***We\u2019re listener supported! Go to http://Patreon.com/sw7x7 to donate to the Star Wars 7x7 podcast, and you\u2019ll get some fabulous rewards for your pledge.***\u00a0</p> <p>Check out SW7x7.com for full Star Wars 7x7 show notes and links, and to comment on any of the content of this episode! If you like what you've heard, please leave us a rating or review on iTunes or Stitcher, which will also help more people discover this Star Wars podcast.</p> <p>Don't forget to join the Star Wars 7x7 fun on Facebook at Facebook.com/SW7x7, and follow the breaking news Twitter feed at Twitter.com/SW7x7Podcast. We're also on Pinterest and Instagram as \"SW7x7\" too, and we'd love to connect with you there!</p>\n",
      "description": "Html of this episode's full description"
    "pub_date_ms": {
      "type": "integer",
      "example": 1474873200000,
      "description": "Published date for this episode. In millisecond."
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      "example": "https://www.listennotes.com/e/4d82e50314174754a3b603912448e812/",
      "description": "The url of this episode on [ListenNotes.com](https://www.ListenNotes.com)."
    "audio_length_sec": {
      "type": "integer",
      "example": 567,
      "description": "Audio length of this episode. In seconds."
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      "type": "boolean",
      "example": false,
      "description": "Whether this podcast contains explicit language."
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      "type": "boolean",
      "example": false,
      "description": "Whether or not this episode's audio is invalid. Podcasters may delete the original audio."
    "listennotes_edit_url": {
      "type": "string",
      "example": "https://www.listennotes.com/e/11b34041e804491b9704d11f283c74de/#edit",
      "description": "Edit url of this episode where you can update the audio url if you find the audio is broken."

Fetch a list of supported languages for podcasts

Function Name: fetchPodcastLanguages

Get a list of languages that are supported in Listen Notes database. You can use the language string as query parameter in GET /search.


const { Client } = require('podcast-api');

// If api_key is null, the sdk will connect to a mock server that'll
// return fake data for testing purpose
const client = Client({
  apiKey: process.env.LISTEN_API_KEY || null,

client.fetchPodcastLanguages().then((response) => {
}).catch((error) => {

See all available parameters on the API Docs page.

Click to see example response
  "languages": [
    "Any language",
    "Northern Sami",
Click to see response schema
  "type": "object",
  "required": [
  "properties": {
    "languages": {
      "type": "array",
      "items": {
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      "example": [
        "Any language",

Fetch a list of podcast genres

Function Name: fetchPodcastGenres

Get a list of podcast genres that are supported in Listen Notes. The genre id can be passed to other endpoints as a parameter to get podcasts in a specific genre, e.g., GET /best_podcasts, GET /search... You may want to cache the list of genres on the client side.


const { Client } = require('podcast-api');

// If api_key is null, the sdk will connect to a mock server that'll
// return fake data for testing purpose
const client = Client({
  apiKey: process.env.LISTEN_API_KEY || null,

client.fetchPodcastGenres({ top_level_only: 1 }).then((response) => {
}).catch((error) => {

See all available parameters on the API Docs page.

Click to see example response
  "genres": [
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      "name": "Personal Finance",
      "parent_id": 67
      "id": 151,
      "name": "Locally Focused",
      "parent_id": 67
      "id": 93,
      "name": "Business",
      "parent_id": 67
      "id": 77,
      "name": "Sports",
      "parent_id": 67
      "id": 125,
      "name": "History",
      "parent_id": 67
      "id": 122,
      "name": "Society & Culture",
      "parent_id": 67
      "id": 127,
      "name": "Technology",
      "parent_id": 67
      "id": 132,
      "name": "Kids & Family",
      "parent_id": 67
      "id": 168,
      "name": "Fiction",
      "parent_id": 67
      "id": 88,
      "name": "Health & Fitness",
      "parent_id": 67
      "id": 134,
      "name": "Music",
      "parent_id": 67
      "id": 99,
      "name": "News",
      "parent_id": 67
      "id": 133,
      "name": "Comedy",
      "parent_id": 67
      "id": 100,
      "name": "Arts",
      "parent_id": 67
      "id": 69,
      "name": "Religion & Spirituality",
      "parent_id": 67
      "id": 117,
      "name": "Government",
      "parent_id": 67
      "id": 68,
      "name": "TV & Film",
      "parent_id": 67
      "id": 82,
      "name": "Leisure",
      "parent_id": 67
      "id": 111,
      "name": "Education",
      "parent_id": 67
      "id": 107,
      "name": "Science",
      "parent_id": 67
      "id": 135,
      "name": "True Crime",
      "parent_id": 67
Click to see response schema
  "type": "object",
  "required": [
  "properties": {
    "genres": {
      "type": "array",
      "items": {
        "type": "object",
        "example": {
          "id": 140,
          "name": "Web Design",
          "parent_id": 127
        "properties": {
          "id": {
            "type": "integer",
            "example": 93,
            "description": "Genre id"
          "name": {
            "type": "string",
            "example": "Business",
            "description": "Genre name."
          "parent_id": {
            "type": "integer",
            "example": 95,
            "description": "Parent genre id."

Fetch a list of best podcasts by genre

Function Name: fetchBestPodcasts

Get a list of curated best podcasts by genre, which are curated by Listen Notes staffs based on various signals from the Internet, e.g., top charts on other podcast platforms, recommendations from mainstream media, user activities on listennotes.com... You can get the genre ids from GET /genres endpoint. This endpoint returns same data as https://www.listennotes.com/best-podcasts/


const { Client } = require('podcast-api');

// If api_key is null, the sdk will connect to a mock server that'll
// return fake data for testing purpose
const client = Client({
  apiKey: process.env.LISTEN_API_KEY || null,

client.fetchBestPodcasts({ genre_id: 93, page: 2, region: 'us' }).then((response) => {
}).catch((error) => {

See all available parameters on the API Docs page.

Click to see example response
  "id": 93,
  "name": "Business",
  "total": 746,
  "has_next": true,
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Click to see response schema
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          "title": {
            "type": "string",
            "example": "Star Wars 7x7 | Star Wars News, Interviews, and More!",
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            "description": "Website url of this podcast."
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              "cross_promotion": {
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                "example": true,
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            "type": "integer",
            "example": 81,
            "description": "The estimated popularity score of a podcast compared to all other rss-based public podcasts in the world on a scale from 0 to 100.\nIf the score is not available, it'll be null. Learn more at listennotes.com/listen-score\n"
          "total_episodes": {
            "type": "integer",
            "example": 324,
            "description": "Total number of episodes in this podcast."
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            "type": "string",
            "example": "https://www.listennotes.com/c/4d3fe717742d4963a85562e9f84d8c79/",
            "description": "The url of this podcast on [ListenNotes.com](https://www.ListenNotes.com)."
          "audio_length_sec": {
            "type": "integer",
            "example": 1291,
            "description": "Average audio length of all episodes of this podcast. In seconds."
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            "example": false,
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            "description": "The id of the most recently published episode of this podcast, which can be used to further fetch detailed episode metadata via `GET /episodes/{id}`."
          "latest_pub_date_ms": {
            "type": "integer",
            "example": 1557499770000,
            "description": "The published date of the latest episode of this podcast. In milliseconds"
          "earliest_pub_date_ms": {
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            "example": 1470667902000,
            "description": "The published date of the oldest episode of this podcast. In milliseconds"
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            "example": 168,
            "description": "How frequently does this podcast release a new episode? In hours. For example, if the value is 166, then it's every 166 hours (or weekly)."
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            "description": "The estimated popularity ranking of a podcast compared to all other rss-based public podcasts in the world.\nFor example, if the value is 0.5%, then this podcast is one of the top 0.5% most popular shows out of all podcasts globally, ranked by Listen Score.\nIf the ranking is not available, it'll be null. Learn more at listennotes.com/listen-score\n"
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      "description": "Url of the list of best podcasts on [ListenNotes.com](https://www.ListenNotes.com)."
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Fetch a list of supported countries/regions for best podcasts

Function Name: fetchPodcastRegions

It returns a dictionary of country codes (e.g., us, gb...) & country names (United States, United Kingdom...). The country code is used in the query parameter region of GET /best_podcasts.


const { Client } = require('podcast-api');

// If api_key is null, the sdk will connect to a mock server that'll
// return fake data for testing purpose
const client = Client({
  apiKey: process.env.LISTEN_API_KEY || null,

client.fetchPodcastRegions().then((response) => {
}).catch((error) => {

See all available parameters on the API Docs page.

Click to see example response
  "regions": {
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    "ar": "Argentina",
    "at": "Austria",
    "au": "Australia",
    "az": "Azerbaijan",
    "be": "Belgium",
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    "bo": "Bolivia",
    "br": "Brazil",
    "by": "Belarus",
    "bz": "Belize",
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    "ch": "Switzerland",
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    "cn": "China",
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    "gt": "Guatemala",
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    "ie": "Ireland",
    "il": "Israel",
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    "is": "Iceland",
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Click to see response schema
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Fetch recommendations for a podcast

Function Name: fetchRecommendationsForPodcast

Fetch up to 8 podcast recommendations based on the given podcast id.


const { Client } = require('podcast-api');

// If api_key is null, the sdk will connect to a mock server that'll
// return fake data for testing purpose
const client = Client({
  apiKey: process.env.LISTEN_API_KEY || null,

client.fetchRecommendationsForPodcast({ id: '25212ac3c53240a880dd5032e547047b' }).then((response) => {
}).catch((error) => {

See all available parameters on the API Docs page.

Click to see example response
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  • listennotes