
0.2.0 • Public • Published


This is a repo with some fun Halloween-themed components. It was made to support the Halloween section of If you scroll to the bottom of that page, you can see the Haunted and Eyes components in-action. You can see the LightsOut component on the Halloween Houses page, and the MagicalText component in the app's title bar.

Currently this library is still in a 0.* version, so its APIs may change. However, I feel pretty confident in what I have now, and I'm debating moving to version 1.0.0 in my next release.


framer-motion is a peer-dependency.

  npm install framer-motion react-halloween



To see a storybook, which contains demos of all of the components do the following: Clone the repo, install the deps, and then run the storybook.

  npm ci
  npm run storybook


<Eyes />

A set of eyes which open and close and follow the cursor. This component accepts the following props:

Name Type Default Description
animationTime number 0.75 Time it takes for the eyes to open or close in seconds.
eyeBallColor string "white" CSS color for the eyeball.
eyeLayout string or object 'unfriendly' Defines the shape of the eye. Either a string representing a preset ("unfriendly", "menacing", "neutral"), or an object defining the details. See here for more info.
follow boolean true If the eyes should follow the cursor.
irisColor string "#333" CSS color for the iris.
open boolean true Indicates if the eyes are open.
style object {} Style props to spread onto the container.
pupilColor string "white" CSS color for the pupil.
pupilSize number 1 Number between 0 and 2, representing the pupil size.
width number 200 The width of the component. The underlying SVGs will size themselves depending on this.

<Eye />

An eye which can open and close and can follow the cursor. This component accepts the following props:

Name Type Default Description
animationTime number 0.75 Time it takes the eye to open or close.
closedClipPath string 'M 0 4 C 3 4 7 4 10 4 C 7 4 3 4 0 4' Clip path for a closed eye.
eyeBallColor string 'white' CSS color of the eye.
follow boolean true If the eye should follow the cursor.
irisColor string '#333' CSS color of the iris.
open boolean true Indicates if the eye is open.
openedClipPath string 'M 0 4 C 3 7 7 7 10 4 C 7 1 3 1 0 4' Clip path for an opened eye.
pupilColor string 'black' CSS color of the pupil.
pupilCoords object {cx:5,cy:4} The coordinates of the pupil.
pupilSize number 1 Pupil size. Should be a number between 0 and 2.
width number 50 Width of the eye.

<Haunted />

A container which creatures (by default ghosts) will fly out of and which will glow when the cursor is hovered over it. This component accepts the following props:

Name Type Default Description
Creature component see here Prop for overriding the creature that flies out of the container.
creatureOptions object see here Options for the creatures that fly out of the container.
creatureOptions.animationTime number 1.5 Fly-out time in seconds.
creatureOptions.numberOf number 6 Number of creatures/ghosts to fly out.
creatureOptions.distance number 200 Distance creature should travel in pixels.
creatureOptions.dimensions object { width: 44, height: 44 } The height and width of the creature/ghost.
disableFun boolean false true to turn off the effects.
glowOptions object see here Options for the glow effect.
glowOptions.animationTime number 3 Duration of glow in seconds.
glowOptions.boxShadowOff string "0px 0px 0px rgba(255,0,0,0)" Box-shadow value when at glow lowest point.
glowOptions.boxShadowOn string "0px 0px 40px rgba(255,0,0,1)" Box-shadow value when at glow highest point.
style object {} Style props to spread over the container.

<LightsOut />

Puts a website into darkness and creates a spotlight around the mouse. This should not be used for mobile/touch devices. This component accepts the following props:

Name Type Default Description
size number 300 Size of the spotlight around the mouse.
darkColor string 'rgba(0,0,0,0.9)' Color of the backdrop.
clickToTurnOnLights boolean false true to turn off the effects.
zIndex number 100000 z-index of overlay

<MagicalText />

Not your granddaddy's color faded text, this component creates a gradient that moves and has (optional) sparkles or other adornments (such as ghosts or hearts). Initial idea was inspired by a Hyperplexed video. The adornments which appear around the text are simple SVG components. This library contains several which can be used with this component. You can see what these look like here.

This component accepts the following props:

Name Type Default Description
text string '' The text to display.
animationTime number 10 Length of the fade animation in seconds.
colors Array ['darkorange', 'purple'] Array of CSS colors to fade.
fadeText boolean true true if text should be color faded, false otherwise.
disableFun boolean false true to disable fade and adornment effects.
style object {} Style props to spread over the container.
Adornment Component StarCrossSVG Component to use as the adornment. Several come from the library. See examples.
showAdornments boolean true If the adornments/sparkles should be shown.
adornmentOptions Object Options to customize the adornment.
adornmentOptions.animationType One of: 'sparkle', 'scale' 'sparkle' How the adornment will be animated.
adornmentOptions.width number 16 Width of adornment.
adornmentOptions.height number 16 Height of adornment.
adornmentOptions.opacity number 0.7 Opacity of adornment.
adornmentOptions.duration number 1 Duration of adornment in seconds.
adornmentOptions.numberOf number 3 Number of adornments.




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npm i react-halloween

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  • patorjk