
0.2.2 • Public • Published

Tender CLI

A command line tool for interacting with ENTP's Tender API.


  • List and filter discussions from the command line
  • Output discussion lists in a variety of formats, including JSON and CSV
  • Show discussion details and comments
  • Create and reply to discussions
  • Resolve, acknowledge, queue and more actions are all supported
  • Credentials can be stored in a local configuration file for ease of use


Install with npm:

$ npm install -g tender-cli

If you don't already have Node.js installed, download and install it first.


Usage: tender [options] [command]


  list [options]            List discussions with optional filters
  show [options] [id]       Show single discussion with comments
  create [options]          Create a new discussion
  reply [options] [id]      Reply to an existing discussion
  ack [id]                  Acknowledge a discussion
  resolve [id]              Close a discussion
  reopen [id]               Reopen a discussion
  queue [options] [id]      Assign a discussion to a queue
  unqueue [options] [id]    Remove a discussion from a queue
  categorize [options] [id] Change a discussion's category
  delete [id]               Delete a discussion
  restore [id]              Restore a deleted discussion
  toggle [id]               Toggle a discussion from public to private   


  -h, --help                   output usage information
  -V, --version                output the version number
  -u, --username <name>        set Tender username
  -p, --pass <password>        set Tender password
  -a, --api <token>            set Tender API token
  -d, --subdomain <subdomain>  set Tender subdomain name

Basic example

$ tender list --state pending

│ Id       │ Title                                       │ Author         │ State    │ Age      │
│ 1234567  │ Login issue                                 │ John Smith     │ pending  │ 1 hour   │
│ 1234567  │ All of my permissions are gone!             │ Jane Smith     │ pending  │ 2 days   │


Authentication via username/password or API token are both supported. These can either be specified on the command line itself or stored in a .tenderrc file located in your home directory. The file should follow the below format, though note that only username/password or token are required, not both.

  "subdomain": "your-sub-domain",
  "username": "someone@somewhere.com",
  "password": "supersecret",
  "token": "your-api-token",

Example of command line auth:

$ tender list --subdomain your-sub-domain --token your-api-token

Listing discussions

Usage: list [options]


  -h, --help             output usage information
  -q, --queue <name>     filter by queue
  -s, --state <name>     filter by state
  -c, --category <name>  filter by category
  -t, --title <pattern>  filter by title pattern
  -m, --max <number>     max records to retrieve (defaults to 1000)
  -r, --reporter <name>  Specify the reporter to use
  -o, --output <name>    specify file name for csv reporters 
  --reporters            List available reporters

Several filters and reporters are available for selecting discussions. Below are examples of some common filtering actions.

List all pending discussions

$ tender list -s pending

List all open discussions in "Test" queue

$ tender list -s open -q test

List discussions in the "Bar" queue with "Foo" in the title

$ tender list -t foo -q bar

List all assigned discussions in the "Problems" category

$ tender list -c problems -s assigned

Discussion details

Use the show command to get additional details on a specific discussion, including the comments.

Usage: show [options] [id]


  -h, --help             output usage information
  -r, --reporter <name>  Specify the reporter to use
  --reporters            List available reporters


$ tender show 1234567

Discussion #1234567
Title    : Login issue
Author   : John Smith (john@smith.com)
Created  : 11/15/2012 15:11 pm
URL      : https://test.tenderapp.com/discussions/1234567
State    : open
Comments : 1
Details  : [acknowledged] [responded] [public] [via web] 


I can't login to my account! Help!

Creating discussions

Usage: create [options]


  -h, --help             output usage information
  -t, --title <name>     title for the new discussion [required]
  -c, --category <name>  category to post under [required]
  -b, --body <text>      the body of the new discussion [required]
  --private              set discussion to private
  -n, --name <name>      Name to create discussion under
  -e, --email <email>    Email to create discussion under


$ tender create -c 'Problems' -t 'Big issue' -b 'The sky is falling!'

Replying to discussions

Usage: reply [options] [id]


    -h, --help           output usage information
    -b, --body <text>    the body of the reply [required]
    --internal           set reply to internal
    -n, --name <name>    Name to reply from
    -e, --email <email>  Email to reply from


$ tender reply 10672812 -b 'This is a public reply'
$ tender reply 10672812 -b 'This is an internal only reply' --internal

Discussion actions

All discussion actions are supported through individual subcommands. For more information on each action, please see the discussion API documentation


$ tender acknowledge 10672629
$ tender resolve 10672631
$ tender queue 10672632 -q critical
$ tender delete 10672633

Discussion list reporters


This reporter displays discussions in a table format with a few key columns. This is the default reporter.

│ Id       │ Title                                       │ Author         │ State    │ Age      │
│ 1234567  │ Login issue                                 │ John Smith     │ pending  │ 1 hour   │
│ 1234567  │ All of my permissions are gone!             │ Jane Smith     │ pending  │ 2 days   │


This reporter displays a very simple list of discussion ids and titles.

(2) discussions: 

#1234567: Login issue
#1234567: All of my permissions are gone!


This reporter outputs a vertical list of discussions with a few key fields.

Displaying (2) discussions: 

Discussion #1234567
Title  : Login issue
State  : pending
Author : John Smith
Age    : 1 hour

Discussion #1234567
Title  : All of my permissions are gone!
State  : pending
Author : Jane Smith
Age    : 2 days 


This reporter will output a JSON file with all available columns. The file name defaults to tender_output.jsonin the current working directory, but can be specified with the --output command line option.


This reporter will output a CSV file with the same columns as the default Table reporter. The file name defaults to tender_output.csv in the current working directory, but can be specified with the --output command line options.


Same as above, but will output all available columns.

Discussion detail reporters


This reporter will output the basic headers as well as the first comment on the discussion.


This is identical to the basic reporter but will show all comments on the discussion.

$ tender show 1234567

Discussion #1234567
Title    : Login issue
Author   : John Smith (john@smith.com)
Created  : 11/15/2012 15:11 pm
URL      : https://test.tenderapp.com/discussions/1234567
State    : open
Comments : 1
Details  : [acknowledged] [responded] [public] [via web] 


I can't login to my account! Help!

Date: 11/15/2012 15:15 pm                                  [internal]
From: Support One (support@company.com) 

Can someone look at this please?

Date: 11/15/2012 15:19 pm                                  
From: Support Two (supportone@company.com) 

Hi John, do you actually have an account here?

Running the tests

To run the test suite, invoke the following commands in the repository:

$ npm install
$ npm test




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  • cmoncrief