TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

0.35.0 • Public • Published

🌲 Timber - Shared Typescript types

Beta: Ready for testing Speed: Blazing ISC License

New to Timber? Here's a low-down on logging in Javascript.


The Timber JS library packages are written in Typescript.

Various types are shared between multiple packages. Those shared types have been separated out into their own package, to make it easier for importing.

That's what you'll find in this package.

Importing types

You can import a shared type into a Typescript project by importing directly from this package:

// For example, `ITimberLog`
import { ITimberLog } from "@timberio/types";



Config options for the Timber Base class for creating a Timber client instance.

export interface ITimberOptions {
   * Endpoint URL for syncing logs with Timber.io
  endpoint: string;

   * Maximum number of logs to sync in a single request to Timber.io
  batchSize: number;

   * Max interval (in milliseconds) before a batch of logs proceeds to syncing
  batchInterval: number;

   * Maximum number of sync requests to make concurrently (useful to limit
   * network I/O)
  syncMax: number;

   * Boolean to specify whether thrown errors/failed logs should be ignored
  ignoreExceptions: boolean;


Enum representing a log level between debug -> error:

enum LogLevel {
  Debug = "debug",
  Info = "info",
  Warn = "warn",
  Error = "error"


You can add meta information to your logs by adding a string, boolean, Date or number to a string field (or any nested object containing fields of the same.)

We call this 'context' and these are the types:

 * Context type - a string/number/bool/Date, or a nested object of the same
export type ContextKey = string | number | boolean | Date;
export type Context = { [key: string]: ContextKey | Context };


The log object which is implicitly created by calling .log() (or any explicit log level function - e.g. .info()), and is passed down the chain for Timber middleware before syncing with Timber.io

interface ITimberLog {
  dt: Date;
  level: LogLevel; // <-- see `LogLevel` above
  message: string;
  [key: string]: ContextKey | Context; // <-- see `Context` above


A type representing a Middleware function passed to .use() (or .remove())

type Middleware = (log: ITimberLog) => Promise<ITimberLog>;


The type of the function passed to .setSync(), for syncing a log with Timber.io:

Note: Differs from the Middleware type because it receives - and resolves to a Promise of - an array of batched ITimberLog.

Sync = (logs: ITimberLog[]) => Promise<ITimberLog[]>



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  • zsherman