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0.1.9 • Public • Published


A simple rest api testing package. Crafted with easy to use method call and method chaining, so you can write clean api testing automation scripts in javascript and typescript.

🛠️ This project is still in alpha stage and there might be breaking changes in stable release. 🛠️


  • Easily test entire api workflows.
  • Define testing steps directly in json file.
  • Log request and response.
  • Capture time and performance.
  • Load testcase data.
  • Load request and data templates.
  • Query data easily with jmespath or jsonata.
  • Extend functionality using custom functions.

Table of Contents


Install into an new or existing javascript/typescript project.

npm i @9paradox/apitester


  1. Initial step is to create a testcase using one of the following way:
    • apitester.createTestCase function to write testcase through code.
    • apitester.createTestCaseFromJsonFile function to build testcase from json file.
    • apitester.getJsonTestCasesFromFolder function to get all json testcases from a folder.
  2. The testcase can perform multiple steps/actions.
  3. Each step/action requires input data. Some of the steps can use output data from previous step as input.
  4. Finally we call test() function to start executing the testcase, which returns a Promise.
    • In case of apitester.getJsonTestCasesFromFolder, we use apitester.runTestCases(testcases) to execute multiple testcases.

Simple example to get started with apitester.createTestCase.

const { apitester } = require('@9paradox/apitester');

const testcase = apitester.createTestCase({
  title: 'verify todos endpoint returns status 200',

  //step 1. get results form /todos

  //step 2. verify the status is success
  .pickAndVerify({ query: 'status', expected: 200 })

  //perform the test
  .then((testResult) => {
    console.log('Testcase success:- ', testResult.success);
    if (!testResult.success) {
      console.log('Testcase failed:- ', testResult.error);
      console.log('Testcase steps:- ', testResult.steps);
  .catch((err) => console.log(err));

to run the file

node simple_test.js

We can use apitester in any nodejs test project such as jest or xv. There are some more examples in the examples folder. PRs adding more examples are very welcome!

Try online

Check out these demo testcase to get started with apitester.

Method Reference


Create new testcase.

const testcase = apitester.createTestCase({...}: TestCaseOptions);


Parameter Type Required Description
title string no Title for the test case.
dataFilePath string no File path for JSON data key-value file.
steps StepOptions[] no Add steps while creating testcase. Check type reference.
logPath string no Logging folder path.
logEachStep boolean no Used to enable logging each step.
callback (data: CallbackData) => Promise<void> no Callback function called before and after each step.


Create new testcase from json test-case file.

const testcase = apitester.createTestCaseFromJsonFile(

Make sure the json test case file follows TestCaseOptions schema.

  "title": "running apitester from example-test-case.json file",
  "steps": [
      "action": "get",
      "inputData": "https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos/"
      "action": "pickAndVerify",
      "inputData": {
        "query": "status",
        "expected": 200,
        "toBe": "=="

apitester.getJsonTestCasesFromFolder(..) and apitester.runTestCases(..)

  • We can test multiple json testcase from a given folder.
  • Testcase file name must end with .test.json, for example simple-testcase.test.json, or else custom file extension list can be provided to apitester.getJsonTestCasesFromFolder(..)
  • apitester.runTestCases(..) returns MultiTestCaseResult.
//example folder with testcase
//  path-to/
//    -- json-testcases/
//        -- my-testcase.test.json
//        -- other_scenario.test.json

const testCases = apitester.getJsonTestCasesFromFolder(
  //,['.test.json', '.apitester'] //custom file extensions (optional)

const multiTestCaseResult = await apitester.runTestCases(testCases);

if (!multiTestCaseResult.success) {
  console.log('Testcases failed: ' + multiTestCaseResult.failedTestCases);
  • apitester.runTestCases(testCases, callback) also supports callback (data: TestCaseCallbackData) => Promise<void>.

Quester - vscode extension

Create and run apitester testcases directly in vscode now. Install Quester for vscode from Visual Studio Code marketplace.

Quester - vscode extension


Now easily create testcases with the online drag-and-drop tool - apitester-creator.


Export json testcases and run them using apitester.getJsonTestCasesFromFolder(..) and apitester.runTestCases(..).

Action/Step methods

Once a new testcase is created, we can perform multiple steps/actions and finally call test() method to execute the test.

Action (ActionName) Input Type Return Type Description
get GetOptions TestCase Perform GET http request.
post PostOptions TestCase Perform POST http request.
axios AxiosOptions TestCase Perform http request based on AxiosRequestConfig.
inputData any TestCase Holds input data for next step.
pickData string TestCase Perform json query to pick data from last step.
buildData BuildDataOptions TestCase Build and merge your data from different steps using json query.
formatData string TestCase Render string template based on input data from last step using Eta.js.
formatTemplate FormatTemplateOptions TestCase Render template file based on input data from last step using Eta.js.
pickAndVerify PickAndVerifyOptions TestCase Perform json query to pick data from last step and do a test assert.
verify VerifyOptions TestCase To assert data from last step.
verifyTimeTaken VerifyTimeTakenOptions TestCase To assert time taken for last step.
pickStep number TestCase To pick output data from specific step. Also supports negative index from current step.
addStep StepOptions TestCase Add a steps from JSON object.
customFn CustomFnOptions TestCase Run custom function as a step.
customFnFrom CustomFnFromOptions TestCase Run custom function from a javascript file as a step.
log - TestCase Last steps will be logged to a file.
getStep number Step Returns the specific step with its input and output data.

Type Reference


Create steps from JSON object.

Parameter Type Required Description
action ActionName yes Action name such as get,pickAndVerify etc.
inputData any yes Input data for the action. Check method reference.


User provided callback function which is called before and after each step.

Parameter Type Required Description
type before or after yes Used to identify if the callback is called before or after.
step Step yes Current step.
stepResult StepResult no Step success result updated in type 'after'.


User provided callback function which is called before and after each testcase running with apitester.runTestCases(...).

Parameter Type Required Description
type before or after yes Used to identify if the callback is called before or after.
filePath string yes Current testcase file path.
testCaseResult TestCaseResult no Testcase success result updated in type 'after'.


Create GetOptions using one of the following type.

Type Description
string String URL.
AxiosRequestConfig Axios Request config object.
undefined To pick string URL from last step.


Create PostOptions using one of the following type.

Type Description
SimplePostConfig Object with string url and any data.
AxiosRequestConfig Axios Request config object.
undefined To pick SimplePostConfig from last step.


Query data form different steps and merge into one object.

Parameter Type Required Description
queries QueryData[] yes Array of queries to merge data from multiple steps.


Parameter Type Required Description
step number yes Step number to perform json query on.
query string yes Json query.
name string yes Field name to store value into.


Create FormatTemplateOptions using one of the following type.

Type Description
string Template filepath.
{'filePath' : string, 'outputDataFormat' : string or number or 'boolean or object} Template filepath and render output type
undefined To take type from last step.


Perform json query to pick data from last step and verify the data against expected data.

Parameter Type Required Description
query string yes Query string to pick data.
expected any yes Expected data.
toBe ToBe no Comparison type.


Assertion to perform against expected data. == is default.

equal , == , notEqual , != , greaterThan , > , greaterThanOrEqual , >= , lessThan , < , lessThanOrEqual , <= , in , notIn , contains


Create VerifyOptions using one of the following type.

Type Description
string string data.
{'expected' : any, 'toBe' : ToBe or undefined} Expected data to be verified


Verify time taken by last step.

Parameter Type Required Description
expected number yes Expected time.
format ms or s yes Compare expected time against ms (milliseconds) or s (seconds) of actual time
toBe ToBe yes Comparison type.


User provided function to run as a step.

Parameter Type Required Description
stepType StepType yes Type of step.
fn CustomFunction yes Filepath of the javascript file.

CustomFunction structure

//custom function input parameter and return type structure
myFunction = async (testCase: TestCase, currentStep: Step, lastStep: Step) => {
	return {
		inputData: any;
		outputData: any;
		verification?: VerificationResult; //required when the step is Verification type


User provided function from a external file to run as a step. The user function should follow CustomFunction definition.

Parameter Type Required Description
stepType StepType yes Type of step.
filePath string yes Filepath of the javascript file.
functionName string yes Name of the function which is exported from the file.

An example of a custom function from a external javascript file.

//function should follow CustomFunction structure.
async function myCustomFunction(testCase, currentStep, lastStep) {
  var output = testCase.data('delectus_aut_autem');
  output = output.toUpperCase();
  var result = {
    inputData: lastStep.outputData,
    outputData: output,
  return result;

//should follow exporting the functionName
module.exports.myCustomFunction = myCustomFunction;


Used to indicate step operation type.

Values Description
Action To denote the step will perform some testcase related action.
Verification To denote the step will perform verification or assertion on action/s.
Logging To denote the step will perform logging action/s.


Return type for verification step.

Parameter Type Required Description
verified boolean yes To denote if the step has passed the assertion.
actualData any yes Actual data from the step used for assertion.
message string no Any message or verification error message.


Enum to identify which json query library to use.

Query string starts with Values Description
@jmespath jmespath To denote the query will be performed using jmespath.
@jsonata jsonata To denote the query will be performed using jsonata. Note: jsonata query are work in progress in current release.


Structure of a step.

Parameter Type Description
index number Step number starting from 1.
type StepType Type of step.
action ActionName Step/Action method name.
inputData any Input data/parameters provided to the action method.
outputData any Output/return data from the action method.
verified Optional<boolean> Indicator if the step has been verified against the assertion.
startedAt string Date time stamp of starting the step.
endedAt string Date time stamp of ending the step.
timeTaken { ms: number; s: number } Time taken to execute the step.


Return type for testcase test() method.

Parameter Type Required Description
success boolean yes Denotes if the testcase is successful.
totalSteps number yes Total number of steps.
executedSteps number yes Total number of steps are executed.
lastExecutedStep number yes Step number of last step that was executed.
totalVerificationSteps number yes Total number of verification type of steps .
executedVerificationSteps number yes Total number of verification type of steps that were executed.
totalSuccessfulVerificationSteps number yes Total number of verification type of steps that were executed and were successful.
lastVerificationStep number yes Step number of last verification type of step that was executed.
steps Step[] yes List of all steps in the testcase.
error Error no Error object containing error details.


Structure of multi testcase execution.

Parameter Type Required Description
success boolean yes Denotes if all the testcase are successful.
failedTestCases number yes Total number of failed testcases.
testCaseResults TestCaseResult[] yes List of all testcase result.
error Error no Error object containing error details.


Structure of testcase error.

Parameter Type Required Description
title string yes Error title with step number where the error occurred.
message string no More detail description of the error.
exception string no Exception in Json stringified form.
type error or exception no Denotes the type of error.


  • Refactor code to support plugin architecture
  • Add more actions
  • Update docs
  • Code refactor
  • Add more examples
  • Add support for XML.



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