TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.18.50 • Public • Published


How to Manage this Repo

When you would like to make an edit to one of the lists in this repo, please only edit the .ts files. This is for better type control and to reduce the chance of errors. To apply the changes run yarn build (which also includes yarn legacy-build) in the console.

For example, to edit a farm:

  1. Open the constants/farms.ts file
  2. Make the edits & save
  3. Run yarn build to apply these changes to the corresponding JSON files
  4. Run yarn test to make sure the JSON files are valid
  5. Commit to the Github repo

Humans interact with the TypeScript files & our services pull in the JSON files! ❤️

Testing Locally

  1. yalc publish (in package)
  2. yalc add <package-name> (in package consumer repo)
    • yalc link is another option
  3. yalc remove <package-name>
    • yalc remove --all another option

yalc installation

Using NPM:
npm i yalc -g
Using Yarn:
yarn global add yalc

npm link

  1. yarn (Install latest deps)
  2. Update lists as needed
  3. yarn build
  4. npm link
  5. Go to frontend repo locally npm link @ape.swap/apeswap-lists

Updating while linked

  1. Update lists as needed
  2. yarn build
  3. The changes should then be reflected on the local linked repo.


  1. Go to frontend repo locally npm unlink @ape.swap/apeswap-lists
  2. Still on local frontend: yarn install (Reinstall package)
  3. npm unlink

Publishing Test Packages

Sometimes a package needs to be deployed with test tokens. We suggest using a --tag test tag scheme to denote this packages have test tokens included in them

# no need to run yarn build as it's included in the prepublishOnly script
yarn publish --tag test

yarn publish command will prompt you for a new version. We suggest using X.X.X-test.0 version scheme. It will automatically bump the version for you and create a commit with the new version.

Publishing Alpha Packages

We could apply the same logic to deploy alpha packages with --tag alpha and so on.

# no need to run yarn build as it's included in the prepublishOnly script
yarn publish --tag alpha

yarn publish command will prompt you for a new version. We suggest using X.X.X-alpha.0 version scheme. It will automatically bump the version for you and create a commit with the new version.



This is the current interface of Token

export interface Token {
  symbol: string
  address: Partial<Record<ChainId, string>>
  active: boolean
  decimals?: Partial<Record<ChainId, number | null>>
  dontFetch?: boolean
  lpToken?: boolean
  price?: number
  liquidityDex?: Partial<Record<ChainId, LiquidityDex>>
  getLpUrl?: Partial<Record<ChainId, string>>

With more recently added properties liquidityDex and getLpUrl


This property was added because of us introducing different non ApeLP bonds. For example QS (Algebra) and PCS. This is a way of telling FE that the bond is a non ApeLP and the pricing of the LP should be retrieved differently. Besides that we also have different zapping strategies so this also makes sure the right zap strategy is used.

liquidityDex: {
      [ChainId.BSC]: LiquidityDex.PancakeSwapV2,
      [ChainId.Polygon]: LiquidityDex.Algebra,


For some non ApeLP bonds we don't have a working zap strategy and we should send users to an external url to get the right LPs. This is the url the users will be send to.

Only used and a must when zap version for liquidityDex is ZapVersion.External. Check dexToZapMapping.ts for what strategy is used for what LiquidityDex.

getLpUrl: {
      [ChainId.BSC]: "https://www.{url}.com",
      [ChainId.Polygon]: "https://www.{url}.com",

Example config

  pcsBnbUsdt: {
    symbol: 'BNB-USDT',
    address: {
      [ChainId.BSC]: '0x16b9a82891338f9bA80E2D6970FddA79D1eb0daE',
    decimals: {
      [ChainId.BSC]: 18,
    active: false,
    lpToken: true,
    liquidityDex: {
      [ChainId.BSC]: LiquidityDex.PancakeSwapV2,
    getLpUrl: {
      [ChainId.BSC]: 'https://pancakeswap.finance/v2/add/0x55d398326f99059fF775485246999027B3197955/0xbb4CdB9CBd36B01bD1cBaEBF2De08d9173bc095c',


This is the current interface for Bills

export interface BillsConfig {
  index: number
  contractAddress: Partial<Record<ChainId, string>>
  billVersion: BillVersion
  billType: 'liquidity' | 'reserve' | 'launch'
  token: Token
  quoteToken: Token
  lpToken: Token
  earnToken: Token
  billNnftAddress: Partial<Record<ChainId, string>>
  inactive?: boolean
  projectLink?: string
  twitter?: string
  initTime?: Partial<Record<ChainId, number>>
  initPrice?: Partial<Record<ChainId, number>>
  audit?: string
  soldOut?: boolean
  billArt?: {
    collection: BillArtCollection // i.e. BillArtCollection.ApeSwap_Collection1

With more recently added property billArt


This property was added to be able to support multiple bond arts. Currently the supported bill arts are ApeSwap and Quickswap with default ApeSwap if nothing is specified.

export enum BillArtCollection {
  ApeSwap_Collection1 = 'ApeSwap_Collection1',
  Quickswap_Collection1 = 'Quickswap_Collection1',
billArt: {
  collection: BillArtCollection.Quickswap_Collection1


    index: 16543,
    contractAddress: {
      [ChainId.MATIC]: '0xa54d14007bdc29d1d2ff0607efac0bae9ecaf9b9',
    billType: 'liquidity',
    billVersion: BillVersion.V2,
    token: tokens.quick,
    quoteToken: tokens.wmatic,
    lpToken: tokens.quickMatic,
    earnToken: tokens.TTT,
    billNnftAddress: {
      [ChainId.MATIC]: '0xa1c78af783fb9ea7be790cbbd01abff63beae769',
    inactive: false,
    projectLink: 'https://www.quickswap.app/',
    twitter: 'https://twitter.com/',
    audit: 'Add audit link',
    initTime: { [ChainId.MATIC]: 1690287710 },
    initPrice: { [ChainId.MATIC]: 0.00123 },
    billArt: { collection: BillArtCollection.Quickswap_Collection1 },




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