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0.3.4 • Public • Published


This library was build for and is used by Appunto for its own internal projets.


API on JSON is a Node library that allows the creation of generic REST APIs from a simple JSON configuration file.

The library was initially though to expose simple MongoDB data models through REST APIs. It was designed to use a descriptive rather than imperative approach: basically you describe your MongoDB data structure in a JSON file, the library does the rest.

It then evolved into a general purpose library that supports real time, custom callbacks, access control, etc.

Disclaimer : JSON configuration files are technically JS files. We still call them JSON because at the beginning of the projets we only used JSON files.


The library is structured around three main classes: Server, ApiModel and DataModel.

Server creates an ExpressJS server.

ApiModel describes the structure of the API. This is passed to the Server to create API routes.

DataModel is used for the particular (yet common) case where you need to create a API that access data stored in a DB. This class delegates the actual DB access to an external class that implements the vendor specifics CRUD operations. Two DB classes are available : MongoDB and RethinkDB (for real time use cases).

Sister libraries

  • upload-models
  • accounts-models
  • aoj-admin

Full features example

const { DataModel } = require('@appunto/api-on-json');
const { Mongo }     = require('@appunto/api-on-json');

const mongoUri = 'http://localhost:27017';

const dataModels = {
    'cars': {
      schema: {
        'brand' : {type : 'String', 'required' : true},
        'model' : {type: 'String', 'default' : 'Default Model'},
        'speed' : {type: 'Number', 'min': 0, 'max': 300},
        'buyable' : {type: 'Boolean'},
        'constructor_id' : {type : 'Id', collection : 'constructors'}
      options: {
        searchableFields: ['brand']
    'otherTable': {
      schema: {
        'color' : {type: 'String'},
        'whatever' : [{type : 'String'}]
    'constructors': {
      schema: {
        'name': {type: "String"},
        'models': [
          {'car_id': {type: 'Id', collection: 'cars'}}

const db = new Mongo(mongoUri, options);

const opt = {
  realTime: false

const dataModel = new DataModel(dataModels);

await db.connect();
await db.init(dataModel);

const apiModel = dataModel.toApi(opt);

const env = {
  db        : db,
  jwtSecret : "--your-jwt-secret-key--"

const server = apiModel.toServer(env);
await server.listen(8081);


npm install @appunto/api-on-json


Simple MongoDB Api

To be documented

Extending Api



new Server(apiModel, [environment])

Creates a new Server instance. In practice you will probably prefer to use ApiModel.toServer(...).


  • apiModel is a instance of ApiModel
  • environment (optional) is an object that can be used to hold environment variables. environment object is passed to all Api handlers (see Api)


const { Server } = require('@appunto/api-on-json');

const apiModel = new ApiModel(/* see ApiModel doc */);
const environment = {
  VARIABLE : 'value'

const server = new Server(apiModel, environment);


Starts a server.


  • port the port to which the server listen to


const server = new Server(apiModel, environment);


Stops a server.



const server = new Server(apiModel, environment);


JSON model

JSON Api model describes the behavior of the API.

A JSON Api model is composed by a set of route definitions

const model = {
  '/route1' : {/* definition */},
  '/route2' : {/* definition */},

Each route shall begin with a '/'.

Route can contain :

  • auth multiple authentication rules for each method:

    • requiresAuth boolean, true if an authentication is needed or false if not
    • requiresRoles list of string enumerating the roles that can be authenticated
    • policies list of function called at the server creation
  • handlers multiple functions executed for each method

  • filters multiple functions executed before each method

  • realTime multiple functions needed for real-time api:

    • connect list of function called at socket connection
    • message list of function called at socket update
    • disconnect list of function called at socket disconnection
  • cors multiple options pass to HelmetJS (see Helmet doc for more information)


const model = {
  '/route1' : {
    auth     : {
      "GET"     : {requiresAuth:false, requiresRoles:false, policies:[policy1]},
      "HEAD"    : {requiresAuth:true, requiresRoles:['role1'], policies:[policy1]},
      "OPTIONS" : {requiresAuth:true, requiresRoles:false, policies:[policy1]},
      "POST"    : {requiresAuth:true, requiresRoles:false, policies:[policy1]},
      "PUT"     : {requiresAuth:true, requiresRoles:false, policies:[policy1]},
      "PATCH"   : {requiresAuth:true, requiresRoles:false, policies:[policy1]},
      "DELETE"  : {requiresAuth:true, requiresRoles:false, policies:[policy1]},
      realTime  : {requiresAuth:true, requiresRoles:false, policies:[policy1]}
    handlers : {
      "GET" : [handler1]
    filters  : {
      "POST" : [filter1]
    realTime : {
      "connect" : [connectHandler1, connectHandler2],
      "message" : [messageHandler1, messageHandler2],
      "disconnect" : [disconnectHandler1, disconnectHandler2]
    cors     : {
      methods              : "GET, HEAD, PUT, PATCH, POST, DELETE",
      optionsSuccessStatus : 204,
      origin               : "*",
      preflightContinue    : false

new ApiModel(...apiModels)

Creates a new ApiModel instance.


  • apiModels 0 or more apiModels, either in JSON or of ApiModel class


  • ApiModel Returns the ApiModel instance newly created



  • None


  • Returns a merged and compiled apiModel of current state


Adds apiModels to the ApiModel instance.


  • apiModels 0 or more apiModels, either in JSON or of ApiModel class


  • ApiModel Returns the ApiModel instance


const apiModel = new ApiModel();
apiModel.addModel(/* your models */);

ApiModel.addRoute(route, definition)

Add a new route or modify current route's definition.


  • route path to where to add the definition
  • definition different handlers and authentication rules which indicates how the route is handled


  • ApiModel Returns the ApiModel instance


const apiModel = new ApiModel();
apiModel.addRoute('/route1', {/*...*/});


Remove the route in the ApiModel instance.


  • route path to the location to be removed


  • ApiModel Returns the ApiModel instance


const apiModel = new ApiModel();

ApiModel.addHandler(route, method, handlers)

Adds one or more handlers to the route for the method


  • route path to the location
  • method method in which the handlers will go
  • handlers a function or an array of functions to handle the route


  • ApiModel Returns the ApiModel instance


const apiModel = new ApiModel();
apiModel.addHandler('/users', 'GET', [handler1, handler2]);

ApiModel.addFilter(route, method, filters)

Adds one or more filters to the route for the method


  • route path to the location
  • method the method in which the filters will go
  • filters a function or an array of functions to filter the method at route


  • ApiModel Returns the ApiModel instance


const apiModel = new ApiModel();
apiModel.addFilter('/users', 'GET', filter);

ApiModel.setAuth(route, auth)


  • route path to the location
  • auth definition of the authentication to access route


  • ApiModel Returns the ApiModel instance


const apiModel = new ApiModel();
apiModel.setAuth('/users', {requiresAuth: true, requiresRoles: ['admin']});

ApiModel.setRequiresAuth(route, value)


  • route path to the location
  • value boolean to able authentication or disable it


  • ApiModel Returns the ApiModel instance


const apiModel = new ApiModel();
apiModel.setRequiresAuth('/users', false);

ApiModel.setRequiresRoles(route, roles)


  • route path to the location
  • roles a string or an array of strings to add roles which can access the route


  • ApiModel Returns the ApiModel instance


const apiModel = new ApiModel();
apiModel.setRequiresRoles('/users', ['admin', 'user']);

ApiModel.addPolicies(route, policies)


  • route path to the location
  • policies a function or an array of functions which will be called at the Server creation


  • ApiModel Returns the ApiModel instance


const apiModel = new ApiModel();
apiModel.addPolicies('/users', [policy]);

ApiModel.addRealTimeHandler(route, realTimeHandlers)


  • route path to the location
  • realTimeHandlers a function or an array of functions which will be called with the socket in realTime


  • ApiModel Returns the ApiModel instance


const apiModel = new ApiModel();
apiModel.addRealTimeHandler('/users', {connect: connectHandler, disconnect: disconnectHandler1});

ApiModel.addConnectHandler(route, connect)


  • route path to the location
  • connect a function or an array of functions which will be called at the socket connection in realTime


  • ApiModel Returns the ApiModel instance


const apiModel = new ApiModel();
apiModel.addConnectHandler('/users', connectHandler);

ApiModel.addMessageHandler(route, message)


  • route path to the location
  • message a function or an array of functions which will be called on socket message in realTime


  • ApiModel Returns the ApiModel instance


const apiModel = new ApiModel();
apiModel.addMessageHandler('/users', [messageHandler1]);

ApiModel.addDisconnectHandler(route, disconnect)


  • route path to the location
  • disconnect a function or an array of functions which will be called at the socket disconnection in realTime


  • ApiModel Returns the ApiModel instance


const apiModel = new ApiModel();
apiModel.addDisconnectHandler('/users', [disconnectHandler1, disconnectHandler2]);


Merges and compiles the model to create a Server from an ApiModel instance.


  • env object which contains if needed the db and a secret key for JWT


  • Server Returns the server created


const server = apiModel.toServer(environment);


JSON data model

JSON Data model describes the shape of the data in the database.

A JSON Data model is composed by a set of schema and options.

const model = {
  'collection1' : {
    schema: {/* definition */},
    options: {/* definition */}
  'collection2' : {
    schema: {/* definition */},
    options: {/* definition */}

Each collection can contain a schema and some options.

A schema is composed of multiple fields which are made from a name and some specifications

Specifications can contain:

  • type the type of the field, it can be:

    • String indicates that the field is a string
    • Number indicates that the field is a number, integer or float
    • Date indicates that the field is a date
    • Boolean indicates that the field is a boolean, either true or false
    • Id indicates that the field is an id pointing to another collection
    • Mixed indicates that the field is not one of the above
  • For all types:

    • required boolean which indicates either this field is required or not for validation
    • default an object of the same type that in type, use when no value is set for this field
    • unique indicates that this field can't have duplicate value
    • index indicates that the field can be used as an index in the database
  • For String:

    • lowercase apply toLowerCase() to the string value
    • uppercase apply toUpperCase() to the string value
    • trim apply trim() to the string value
    • match add a validator to the string value and a regex
    • minlength add a minimum validator to the string length
    • maxlength add a maximum validator to the string length
  • For Number:

    • min : indicates the minimum valid number
    • max : indicates the maximum valid number
  • For Date:

    • min : indicates the minimum valid date
    • max : indicates the maximum valid date
  • For Id:

    • collection : string which indicates the collection in which the id is pointing

Options can contain :

  • timestamps allows to disable or modify the dates createdAt and updatedAt of the data
  • typeKey indicates the key used as type in the schema.
  • searchableFields an array of collection's name that are searchable. An empty array means you can't do research in the database.


const dataModels = {
    'collection1': {
      schema: {
        'field1' : {type : 'String', 'required' : true},
        'field2' : {type: 'String', 'default' : 'Default Model'},
        'field3' : {type: 'Number', 'min': 0, 'max': 300},
        'field4' : {type : 'Id', collection : 'collection3'}
      options: {
        searchableFields: ['field1']
    'collection2': {
      schema: {
        'field1' : {type: 'String'},
        'field2' : [{type : "String"}]
    'collection3': {
      schema: {
        'field1': {type: "String"},
        'field2': [
          {'subField1': {type: 'Id', collection: 'cars'}}

new DataModel(...dataModels)

Creates a new DataModel instance.


  • dataModels 0 or more dataModels, either in JSON or from DataModel class


  • DataModel Returns the DataModel instance newly created


const dataModel = new DataModel(/* your models */);



  • None


  • Returns a merged and compiled data model of current state


const dataModel = new DataModel(/* your models */);
const merged = dataModel.get();


Adds data models to the DataModel instance.


  • dataModels 0 or more data models, either in JSON or in DataModel class


  • DataModel Returns the DataModel instance


const dataModel = new DataModel(/* your models */);
dataModel.addModel(/* your models */);

DataModel.addCollection(collection, definition)

Adds a new collection to the DataModel instance.


  • collection the name of the collection
  • definition the fields of the collection


  • DataModel Returns the DataModel instance


const dataModel = new DataModel();
dataModel.addCollection('cars', {
    'model' : { type: 'String' }
  options: {
    searchableFields: ['model']

DataModel.addField(collection, field, definition)

Adds a new field at collection in the DataModel instance.


  • collection the name of the collection in which the field will be added
  • field the name of the field
  • definition the specifications of the field


  • DataModel Returns the DataModel instance


const dataModel = new DataModel();
dataModel.addField('cars', 'brand', {type: String, required: true});


Removes a collection in the DataModel instance.


  • collection the name of the collection to be removed


  • DataModel Returns the DataModel instance


const dataModel = new DataModel();

DataModel.removeField(collection, field)

Removes a collection in the DataModel instance.


  • collection the name of the collection in which the field will be removed
  • field the name of the field to be removed


  • DataModel Returns the DataModel instance


const dataModel = new DataModel();
dataModel.removeField('users', 'old_username');

DataModel.setOptions(collection, options)

Sets the options of the collection in the DataModel instance.

If the collection doesn't exist it creates it.


  • collection the name of the collection
  • options the options to be set


  • DataModel Returns the DataModel instance


const dataModel = new DataModel();
dataModel.setOptions('users', {searchableFields: ['username', 'name']});

DataModel.setType(collection, field, type)

Sets the type of a field in the given collection in the DataModel instance.


  • collection the name of the collection
  • field the name of the field
  • type the new type of the field


  • DataModel Returns the DataModel instance


const dataModel = new DataModel();
dataModel.setType('users', 'username', 'String');

DataModel.setRequired(collection, field, value)

Sets if the field in collection is required or not in the DataModel instance.


  • collection the name of the collection
  • field the name of the field
  • value boolean, true if it is required, false if it is not required


  • DataModel Returns the DataModel instance


const dataModel = new DataModel();
dataModel.setRequired('users', 'username', true);

DataModel.setUnique(collection, field, value)

Sets if the field in collection is unique or not in the DataModel instance.


  • collection the name of the collection
  • field the name of the field
  • value boolean, true if it is unique, false if it is not unique


  • DataModel Returns the DataModel instance


const dataModel = new DataModel();
dataModel.setUnique('users', 'username', true);


Merges and compiles the model to create an ApiModel from a DataModel instance.


  • opt object which contains if needed the collections with realTime


  • ApiModel Returns the ApiModel created


const apiModel = dataModel.toApi({realTime: ['collection1', 'collection3']});


In api-on-json you can add the handling of your database.

By default the library handle MongoDB and RethinkDB.

You can add a DB of your own, you just have to create a new DB class and write those methods:

  • connect handle the connection with your db
  • init init the list of data models
  • create for POST request
  • remove for DELETE request
  • readOne for GET id request
  • readMany for GET request with queries
  • update for PUT request
  • patch for PATCH request
  • observe for realTime (if your db handle it)


The class which handles mongoDB Api


const db = new Mongo(/*mongoUri*/, options);


The class which handles rethinkDB Api


const db = new Rethink("localhost", "28015", "G");

How to create a new database class

Later on, you might want to use your favorite database for your api, and if we didn't implement it, you will need to add it yourself!

But don't worry, here is how to do it!

First Step: Make a constructor

First you will need a constructor to create your db instance

You will need 3 things:

  • all the parameters you need to connect to your db (an url, options ...)
  • a database field where you will put your db object (for mongoDB: mongoose, for rethinkDB: r)
  • a models list we will use it later, this will be the array where all the models used in your api will be
class YourDB {
  constructor(url, options) {
    this.url      = url;
    this.options  = { ...options};
    this.database = null;
    this.models   = [];

Second Step: Make a connect method

After that you will need a connect method, called by our library when the dataModel is compiled. You should set this.database to its value (return by the connection call of the database you are using).

Third Step: Make an init method

You will also need an init method, called by our library just after connect. Here the goal is to setup your database for the dataModel you have created before. That means if needed create:

  • tables
  • collection
  • schema
  • etc

Fourth Step: Create all CRUD actions

The final step and the hardest, you will have to create each of the following callbacks. All are required (except for observe which handles the realTime).

  • create(collection, data)

    Your create method is the one called on a POST request to your api.

    You will need to get the model corresponding to the collection first. Then verify that the data you received is according to your model (i.e type, options etc). If all was validate you can then add it to your database. If all went fine, you can return the JSON of the new entry added to your db.

  • remove(collection, id)

    Your remove method is the one called on a DELETE request to your api.

    You only need to request a deletion of the entry at the given id in the database.

  • readOne(collection, id)

    Your readOne method is the one called on a GET request with an id to your api.

    You need to return the entry at the given id in the database.

  • readMany(collection, query)

    Your readMany method is the one called on a simple GET request or on GET with query request to your api.

    You will first need to parse the query parameter. You will find different object.

    page and pageSize are used for pagination, the number of page is determined by the number of elements in the db and the pageSize.

    sort is a string looking like 'field,order' or an array of those string. The results returned by readMany should be sorted according to those strings, by field and either in descending or ascending order(ascending by default).

    cursor is used for pagination too, it is the last id or a combination of the last id and the sorting method used at the previous GET request.

    q is used for searching in the db all elements that have a field that match a value. For example all elements that have at least one field starting with 'Tar'. We would get 'Tartine', 'Tarami' etc. Note that you only have to search in the searchableFields, if the user wants to research an other fields he should use the f parameter described after.

    f allows to have all values between a min and a max, it's an array of a fieldName, a comparator from this list 'lt, le, gt, ge' and a val that will be the bound.

  • update(collection, id, data)

    Your update method is the one called on a PUT request.

    You will need to get the model corresponding to the collection first. Then verify that the data you received is according to your model (i.e type, options etc). If all was validate, you will have to replace the existing element in the db with the new one. Then return the newly created element.

  • patch(collection, id, data)

    Your update method is the one called on a PATCH request.

    You will need to get the model corresponding to the collection first. Then verify that the data you received is according to your model (i.e type, options etc). If all was validate, you will have to change the existing element in the db with only the fields in data. Meaning that it should not raise an error if a required field is omit in data, because this field will just keep its previous value Then return the newly created element.

  • observe(collection, query, params, socket, callback)

    This is the method use to put an observer to your db when you are using the realTime. Note that all database are not compatible with that features. In this method you will have to set up the way your realtime works (for example changefeeds in rethinkDB). Then the callback you will use is here to pair the socket for realTime.

    See observe in Rethink class for more information.


Different tests exist, to run the tests suite:

npm run test

You can also run a single test file with:

npm run single-test ${path}



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  • mattia.longhin