
2.0.1 • Public • Published


mongoose-mimic is a simple (but powerful) Node.js library to generate test data for Mongoose using only the schema definition.



  • Generate random values depending on primitive data types (string, number, boolean, date...)
  • Generate random values that meet constraints (uppercase, lowercase, max...)
  • Generate custom values for specific fields
  • Generate custom values that match non-primitive data types (email, phone, address...)
  • Ignore fields
  • Generate dates as object or string


npm install @genially/mongoose-mimic


mimic(model, opts)

Generates a mimetic document from model

  • model: Mongoose schema object
  • opts: Generation options, where the options are in the following format:
          ignore: Array,
          applyFilter: Boolean,
          returnDate: Boolean,
          custom: {
             field: {
               value: Any,
               type: String
Option Type Usage
ignore Array It can contains string paths or RegExp of fields to ignore during generation
applyFilter Boolean Apply lowercase, uppercase, and trim filters on generated object if defined in the path
returnDate Boolean Return dates as Date or String
custom Object Special generator for specific fields
custom.field.value Any Predefined value to the given field
custom.field.type String Data type to generate to the given field, in the format: "type.subtype". Examples: "internet.email" or "address.city". See Faker.js methods to know all supported data types

Usage Example

const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const mimic = require('@genially/mongoose-mimic');
const ignoredFields = ['_id','created_at', '__v', /detail.*_info/];
const genderValues = ['Male', 'Female']
const schemaDefinition = new mongoose.Schema({
    name: {
        type: String,
        required: true,
        lowercase: true,
        trim: true
    email: {
        type: String,
    phones: {
        type: [String],
    birth_date: {
        type: Date
    gender: {
        type: String,
        enum: genderValues
    data: {
        type: Object,
        default: null
    results: [
            score: Number,
            course: Number
    is_student: {
        type: Boolean
    parent: {
        type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId
    detail: {
        main_info: String,
        some_info: String,
        none_match: String
    created_at: {
        type: Date,
        default: Date.now
const model = mongoose.model('Student', schemaDefinition);
const randomObject = mimic(model, {
    ignore: ignoredFields,
    returnDate: true,
    custom: {
      name: {
        value: 'Mimic',
      email: {
        type: 'internet.email'
      phones: {
        type: 'phone.phoneNumber'
      birth_date: {
        value: () => new Date('December 25, 1995 23:15:30')

/* Result:
    "name": "Mimic",
    "data": {
        "az": {
            "name": "Kayden Oberbrunner",
            "email": "Esteban_Bernier@gmail.com",
            "phone": "1-160-514-5977",
            "posts": [{
                "words": "maxime quia sit",
                "sentence": "Fuga vel in architecto ut modi sequi aliquam debitis.",
                "sentences": "Reprehenderit ratione consequuntu.."
            }, {
                "words": "dignissimos qui qui",
                "sentence": "Eveniet est unde quis sit et ab.",
                "sentences": "Sit eos quaerat aut quisquam unde..",
                "paragraph": "Quasi et numquam cumque neque rerum aliquam ullam.."
            "address": {
                "geo": {
                    "lat": "25.9144",
                    "lng": "6.0991"
                "city": "Amaraville",
                "state": "Indiana",
                "streetA": "O'Conner Prairie",
                "streetB": "5722 Shane Grove",
                "streetC": "8040 Hane Roads Suite 402",
                "streetD": "Apt. 816",
                "country": "Kenya",
                "zipcode": "74052"
            "website": "santina.org",
            "company": {
                "bs": "cross-platform facilitate deliverables",
                "name": "Morissette LLC",
                "catchPhrase": "Self-enabling intangible methodology"
            "username": "Euna44",
            "accountHistory": [{
                "amount": "473.69",
                "date": "2012-02-01T22:00:00.000Z",
                "business": "Lang, Hudson and Heller",
                "name": "Savings Account 3906",
                "type": "invoice",
                "account": "60253551"
            }, {
                "amount": "824.69",
                "date": "2012-02-01T22:00:00.000Z",
                "business": "Rice - Price",
                "name": "Credit Card Account 8924",
                "type": "withdrawal",
                "account": "62599733"
    "email": "Jacinto.Runolfsdottir@hotmail.com",
    "gender": "Male",
    "parent": "59d0ff689b95b02fec446c55",
    "results": [{
        "score": 87467,
        "course": 56396
    }, {
        "score": 728,
        "course": 80047
    "birth_date": "1995-12-25T22:15:30.000Z",
    "phones": [
      '(857) 375-1663',
      '(601) 926-2014',
      '(705) 324-8873 x9541',
      '(693) 690-3304 x99775',
      '1-088-666-8801 x6452',
      '228.058.0088 x91535'
    "is_student": true,
    "detail": {
        "none_match": "Eugenia_Kuvalis"


To run the test cases use npm test

Related packages

mongoose-mimic API is inspired by mongoose-dummy, which provides a more limited capability to customize generated values.

Other similar packages to generate test data for Mongoose are:


Licensed under MIT

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npm i @genially/mongoose-mimic

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