
1.0.8 • Public • Published

Safle Token Swaps

Safle Token Swap SDK

Disclaimer - This is WIP, and release in beta.

Token Swaps

Single transaction swaps inside the safle identity wallet, the user just selects swap pairs and the tokens get swapped. We use aggregator model powered with Kyber.network's smart contracts to provide high liquidity, and minimal fees on the swaps.

All this is decentralised in nature, the user is always in control and ownership of their assets and the swap is initialised and the assets are received in the Safle identity wallet itself.

No need to hop transactions/screens to use dApps.

Happy #BUIDLing

Installation and Usage


Install the package by running the command,

npm install @getsafle/safle-token-swaps

Import the package into your project using,

const safleTokenSwaps = require('@getsafle/safle-token-swaps');

Token Swap


Initialise the constructor using,

const tokenSwapWidget = new safleTokenSwaps.Widget({rpcURL, env, etherscanSecret}); 

  • env - API environments (eg. dev, test)
  • etherscanSecret - Etherscan secret key
  • web3URL - Web3 RPC provider URL

Serve the widget on your application by calling the initTokenSwap method


Widget Event Listeners

Successful widget initialization

tokenSwapWidget.on(keylessWidget.EVENTS.TOKEN_SWAP_WIDGET_INITIALISED, (data) => { console.log(data) });

Widget close

tokenSwapWidget.on(keylessWidget.EVENTS.TOKEN_SWAP_WIDGET_CLOSED, (data) => { console.log(data) });

Transaction success

tokenSwapWidget.on(keylessWidget.EVENTS.TOKEN_SWAP_TRANSACTION_SUCCESSFUL, (data) => { console.log(data) });

Sign and send Transaction Failure

tokenSwapWidget.on(keylessWidget.EVENTS.TOKEN_SWAP_TRANSACTION_FAILED, (data) => { console.log(data) });

SDK methods


Initialise the constructor using,

const swap = new TokenSwap('rpcUrl', 'etherscanSecret');

Swap Tokens

This method can be used to swap a given pair of tokens.

const tokenSwap= await swap.swapTokens({ srcTokenAddress, dstTokenAddress, srcDecimal, srcQty, privateKey, wallet, userAddress});

  • srcTokenAddress - source token contract address
  • dstTokenAddress - destination token contract address
  • userAddress - user's public address
  • srcDecimal - decimal of source tokens,
  • srcQty - source token quantity,
  • wallet - wallet type, (valid values: handlename, keyStore, privateKey, metamask)
  • privateKey - user's private key (only req. of wallet type is privateKey/keystore)

Get rates

This method can be used to get expected and slippage rates.

const rates= await swap.getRates(srcTokenAddress, dstTokenAddress, srcQtyWei);

  • srcTokenAddress - source token contract address
  • dstTokenAddress - destination token contract address
  • srcQtyWei - source token quantity in wei,

Convert eth to wei

This method can be used to convert amount in eth to wei

const qtyInEth= await swap.convertEthToWei(srcQty);

srcQty - source token quantity in eth

Get wallet balance

This method can be used to get user's ether balance

const balance = await swap.getWalletBalance(walletAddress);

walletAddress - user's public address

Get slippage percentage

This method can be used get slippage percentage

const slippage= await swap.getSlippage(srcTokenAddress, dstTokenAddress, srcQty);

  • srcTokenAddress - source token contract address
  • dstTokenAddress - destination token contract address
  • srcQty - source token quantity in eth

Get Token Balance

This method can be used to get balance of a particular token.

const tokenBalance= await swap.getTokenBalance(srcTokenAddress, userAddress);

  • srcTokenAddress - source token contract address
  • userAddress - public address of user

Get exchange rates

This method can be used to get exchange rate.

const rate= await swap.getExchangeRates(srcTokenAddress, dstTokenAddress, srcDecimal, dstDecimal)

  • srcTokenAddress - source token contract address
  • dstTokenAddress - destination token contract address
  • srcDecimals - decimals of source token
  • dstDecimals - decimals of destination token

Sign and send transaction

This method can be used to sign and send a transaction

const transaction= await swap.signAndSendTransaction({ wallet, rawTx });

  • wallet - wallet type, (valid values: handlename, keyStore, privateKey, metamask)
  • rawTx - raw transaction

Get tokens list

This method can be used to get list of supported tokens.

const tokenList= await swaps.getTokensList()

Get gas limit

This method can be used to get gas limit for swap transaction

const gasLimit= await swaps.getGasLimit(srcTokenAddress, dstTokenAddress, amount);

  • srcTokenAddress - source token contract address
  • dstTokenAddress - destination token contract address
  • amount - source token amount

Helper methods

Get destination quantity

This method can be used to get the destination quantity.

const destQty= await safleTokenSwaps.getDstQty(srcQty, srcDecimals, dstDecimals, rate);

  • srcQty - number of source tokens to be swapped
  • srcDecimals - decimals of source token
  • dstDecimals - decimals of source token
  • rate - exchange rate

Get source quantity

This method can be used to get the source quantity.

srcQty= await safleTokenSwaps.getSrcQty(dstQty, srcDecimals, dstDecimals, rate);

  • dstQty - number of source tokens to be swapped
  • srcDecimals - decimals of source token
  • dstDecimals - decimals of source token
  • rate - exchange rate

Get wallet

This method can be used to get user's wallet details.

const wallet= await safleTokenSwaps.getWallet({ wallet, infuraKey, keystoreJson, passphrase, privateKey});

  • wallet - wallet type, (valid values: keyStore, privateKey, metamask)
  • infuraKey - infura key (only req. if wallet type is privateKey),
  • keystoreJson - user's wallet encrypted JSON(only req. if wallet type is keyStore),
  • passphrase - password to decrypt keystore json(only req. if wallet type is keyStore)
  • privateKey - user's private key(only req. if wallet type is privateKey),


Want to contribute, we would ❤️ that!

We are a Global 🌏🌍🌎 team! 💪

Write to dev@getsafle.com, or follow us on twitter, https://twitter.com/getsafle




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