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0.0.1 • Public • Published
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lincle generates a reactive graph.

Please see the various testing demos for examples.

If you require an interactive diagram, checkout @lincle/interactive.

Installation & Setup

Install @lincle/react-web-base and the peer dependencies react, react-dom:

npm install react react-dom @lincle/react-web-base

Also include the provided styles file. For example:

import '@lincle/react-web-base/dist/main.min.css';

Simple Example

The following example will generate this diagram:


/* styles.css */

.App {
	position: absolute;
	overflow: hidden;
	width: 100%;
	height: 100%;

.node {
	display: flex;
	align-items: center;
	justify-content: center;
	width: calc(100% - 2px);
	height: calc(100% - 2px);
	border: 1px solid black;
	background-color: white;
	box-shadow: 0 3px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.16), 0 3px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.23);

.node-oval {
	border-radius: 50%;
import React, { FunctionComponent, ReactElement } from "react";
import { Edge, Edges, Graph, Node, Nodes } from "@lincle/react-web-base";
import "@lincle/react-web-base/dist/main.min.css";
import "./styles.css";

const App: FunctionComponent = (): ReactElement => {
  return (
    <div className="App">
      <Graph id="SimpleDiagram" key="1" nodeHeight={50} nodeWidth={50}>
          <Node id={1} key={1} x={50} y={50}>
            <div className="node">Node 1</div>
            <div className="node node-oval">Node 2</div>
          <Node id={3} key={3} shape="oval" x={150} y={350}>
            <div className="node node-oval">Node 3</div>
          <Edge id={1} key={1} sourceId={1} targetId={2}>
            <circle fill="white" r="3" stroke="black" strokeWidth={2}>
          <Edge id={2} key={2} line="direct" sourceId={2} targetId={3} />

export default App;

Component API's

* bolded parameters are required


Parameters Type Default Description
id string | number The unique ID of the graph
edgeFrequency number 16 Frequency of edge updates during node movements (in ms)
grid false | [number, number] [16, 16] The background grid space; false to disable.
line "curve" | "direct" | "step" "step" The default curve for the edges
nodeFrequency number 500 Frequency of node movements reported (in ms, aside from edges)
nodeHeight number 50 The default height for nodes (in px)
nodeWidth number 50 The default width for nodes (in px)
shape "oval" | "rectangle" "rectangle" The default shape for nodes


Parameters Type Default Description


Parameters Type Default Description
id string | number The unique ID of the node
x number 0 The initial x coordinate of the node
y number 0 The initial y coordinate of the node
The following override the defaults provided by <Graph />
height number 50 The node height
shape 'oval' | 'rectangle' rectangle The shape of the node
width number 50 The node width


Parameters Type Default Description
dash boolean | undefined undefined Whether dash should be enabled. Defaults to hover only.


Parameters Type Default Description
id string | number The unique ID for the edge
dash boolean | undefined undefined Whether dash should be enabled. Defaults to hover only.
line 'curve' | 'direct' | 'step' direct The line shape (overrides default) and not applicable if custom path generator is used.
markerEnd string Passed to the default path generated <path> SVG
markerStart string Passed to the default path generated <path> SVG
path path function - see below Use to generate a custom path component.
sourceId string | number ID for the source node
targetId string | number ID for the target node

Note: The child of <Edge /> is intended to be an element at the center of the path. The child will be inside an <SVG /> element and should be an SVG type or wrapped in a <foreignObject /> element. See examples for details.

Path function

Instead of using the @lincle/react-web-base provided edges (curve, line, & step), you may opt to generate your own path component:

	source: {
		height: number,
		id: string | number,
		shape: 'oval' | 'rectangle',
		width: number,
		x: number,
		y: number
	target: {
		height: number,
		id: string | number,
		shape: 'oval' | 'rectangle',
		width: number,
		x: number,
		y: number
	children?: ReactNode
) => Component<SVG type>


Parameters Type Default Description
children SVG <circle> The repeated SVG
scale number 1 Scales the grid
xOffset number 0 Translates the grid left/right
yOffset number 0 Translates the grid up/down


<Context>'s can be taken advantage of to extend the functionality of @lincle/react-web-base:

Context Provides Description
<GraphContext> {diagramId: ReactText, nodePosition: NodePositions, edgeSubscriber: EdgeSubscriber, defaultSettings: DefaultSettings} Provides the current diagramId and default settings along with classes to subscribe to <Node> and <Edge> events.
<GridContext> [number, number] Provides the current grid dimensions.

Package Sidebar


npm i @lincle/react-native-base

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