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Welcome to cmcd-validator-library. The cmcd-validator is an easy-to-use npm package that enables video developers to set up a service for validating the Common-Media-Client-Data (CMCD) standard implementation (CTA-5004) of any player in real-time, with any type of content. It supports queries, headers and JSON format.

Whether you're building a video player from scratch or updating an existing one, this package is an essential addition to any video developer's toolkit.

If you just want to play with this library, you can try the demo app which validates CMCD requests generated by Video.js, Dash.js, Hls.js and Shaka Player.

Table of contents


You can use the CDN version of the validator adding this tag to your document's <head>. Then the window.CMCDValidator object will be available to use

<script src='https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@montevideo-tech/cmcd-validator@latest/dist/cmcd-validator.min.js'></script>

or install it with npm if you are creating a Node.js application.

npm install @montevideo-tech/cmcd-validator

Basic Example

This simple example shows how to check a CMCD request in standard JavaScript using the 3 main functions of the library:

  • CMCDQueryValidator
  • CMCDHeaderValidator
  • CMCDJsonValidator
    <!-- Import the cmcd-validator library-->
    <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@montevideo-tech/cmcd-validator@latest/dist/cmcd-validator.min.js"></script>

    <script type="module">
      // Validate a request with CMCD params
      var queryValidation = window.CMCDValidator.CMCDQueryValidator("https://dash.akamaized.net/akamai/bbb_30fps/bbb_30fps_3840x2160_12000k/bbb_30fps_3840x2160_12000k_0.m4v?CMCD=br%3D3200%2Ccid%3D%2221cf726cfe3d937b5f974f72bb5bd06a%22%2Cot%3Di%2Csf%3Dd%2Csid%3D%22b248658d-1d1a-4039-91d0-8c08ba597da5%22%2Cst%3Dv%2Csu")

      // Validate CMCD headers in a HTTP request
      var headerValidation = window.CMCDValidator.CMCDHeaderValidator('GET /akamai/bbb_30fps/bbb_a64k/bbb_a64k_10.m4a HTTP/1.1\nAccept: */*\nAccept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br\nAccept-Language: es-ES,es;q=0.9\nCMCD-Object: br=67,d=4011,ot=a,tb=67\nCMCD-Request: bl=31700,dl=31700,mtp=10600,nor="..%2F300kbps%2Fsegment35.m4v"\nCMCD-Session: sf=d,sid="b62ac932-1967-4368-8e9a-31df70ef2bc5",st=v\nCMCD-Status: rtp=100\nConnection: keep-alive\nHost: dash.akamaized.net\nOrigin: https://reference.dashif.org\nReferer: https://reference.dashif.org/\nSec-Fetch-Dest: empty\nSec-Fetch-Mode: cors\nSec-Fetch-Site: cross-site\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36\nsec-ch-ua: "Not_A Brand";v="99", "Google Chrome";v="109", "Chromium";v="109"\nsec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0\nsec-ch-ua-platform: "Linux"\n')

      // Validate a JSON String with CMCD parameters
      var jsonValidation = window.CMCDValidator.CMCDJsonValidator('{"br": 3200,"bs":true,"d": 4004,"mtp": 25400, "ot": "v", "rtp":15000,"sid": "6e2fb550-c457-11e9-bb97-0800200c9a66","tb":6000}')



How to import the library

To import this library in your project, you can do it in the following way:

import { CMCDQueryValidator, CMCDHeaderValidator, CMCDJsonValidator } from "@montevideo-tech/cmcd-validator";

How to call the functions to validate CMCD

The media client data can be sent by one of three means:

  • As a custom HTTP request header,
  • As a HTTP query argument,
  • As a JSON object independent of the HTTP object request.

It is for this reason that the library has three main functions:

  • CMCDHeaderValidator
  • CMCDQueryValidator
  • CMCDJsonValidator

Input of the library

Each of these functions receive the following parameters in the following order:

  • query, header or json: string where there are the CMCD parameters to check.
  • config: json where you can define:
    • specific keys: the list of CMCD keys that you want to check for any errors.
    • custom keys: personal customizable keys that you want to validate.
      • key: name of the key.
      • type: type of the key (bool, string, token, number).
      • header: which CMCD header your custom key will be sent in, in case a header request is used.
  • warningFlag: this flag needs to be true in order to see the warnings in the library output.

Output of the library

On the other hand, these functions have the same output:

 "valid": <bool>,
 "errors": [
      "type": <string>,
      "key": <string>,
      "value": <any-type>,
      "description": <string>,
  "warnings": [
      "type": <string>,
      "key": <string>,
      "value": <any-type>,
      "description": <string>
  "parsedData": <json>,
  "rawData": <string>


  • valid: true when there are no errors; false otherwise.
  • errors: an array of the errors present in the CMCD data that was sent, each object is a different error with the following structure:
    • type: the type of error encountered. This is a string that describes the error.
    • key: the key of the CMCD data that has the error.
    • value: the value of the CMCD data for that key.
    • description: a brief description of the error.
  • warnings: an array of the warnings present in the CMCD data that was sent, each object is a different warning with the following structure:
    • type: the type of warning encountered. This is a string that describes the warning.
    • key: the key of the CMCD data that has the warning.
    • value: the value of the CMCD data for that key.
    • description: a brief description of the warning.
  • parsedData: the CMCD data that was sent but in JSON format.
  • rawData: the library input.


In this section we will give an example of how to use the library.

Imagine we have the following query:


Our goal is to test all the CMCD's keys plus a personal custom key called com.qualabs-bs which is a bool. So if we want the library to include this custom key, we need to set the cofiguration as following:

config = 
  "customKey": [
      "key": 'com.qualabs-bs',
      "type": 'boolean',

So the code should look like this:

const cmcdQueryString = 'https://dash.akamaized.net/akamai/bbb_30fps/bbb_30fps_3840x2160_12000k/bbb_30fps_3840x2160_12000k_0.m4v?CMCD=com.qualabs-bs%3Dfalse%2Ccid%3D%2221cf726cfe3d937b5f974f72bb5bd06a%22%2Cot%3Di%2Csf%3Dd%2Csid%3D%22b248658d-1d1a-4039-91d0-8c08ba597da5%22%2Cst%3Dv%2Csu';

const config = 
  "customKey": [
      "key": 'com.qualabs-bs',
      "type": 'boolean',

const output = CMCDQueryValidator(cmcdQueryString, config, true)

For this case, our output is going to be:

output: {
      "valid": true,
      "errors": [],
      "warnings": [
          "type": "no-alphabetical-order",
          "key": undefined,
          "value": undefined,
          "description": "Keys are not arranged alphabetically",
      "parsedData": {
        "com.qualabs-bs": false,
        "cid": "21cf726cfe3d937b5f974f72bb5bd06a",
        "ot": "i",
        "sf": "d",
        "sid": "b248658d-1d1a-4039-91d0-8c08ba597da5",
        "st": "v",
        "su": true,

In this case we can see that we don't have any errors which means the query is valid. Even thought there's a warning telling us that Keys are not arranged alphabetically, this not affect the validity of the query. This can be seen in the paresedData.


We welcome contributions from the community. To contribute to the project, follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Check the active issues and project board to see what we're working on.
  3. Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
  4. Make your changes.
  5. Submit a pull request.

Repository content

This repository contains the following packages:

  • cmcd-validator-library: Library to validate CMCD standard queries, headers and JSON format .

  • cmcd-validator-demo-app: Is a test app that intercepts Shaka player queries and validate them using cmcd-validator-library.


To install all packages dependencies run:

$ npm install

To build all packages run:

$ npm run build


To build only the library run:

$ npm run build-library


To launch the demo app first you need to build the cmcd-validator-library and then run the following command:

$ npm run demo

How to report a bug

To report a bug please click on Get started in this link and fill the form.


The CMCD Validator is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.

Package Sidebar


npm i @montevideo-tech/cmcd-validator

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  • emilsas
  • coatesjuan
  • adriansqualabs
  • nicolaslevy
  • joaquinbch
  • maximiliano-qualabs