TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

5.15.15 • Public • Published


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Manage dev and build tools, their configuration, and commands in a single centralized repository. Lumos aims to solve the multi-project maintenance fatigue by removing the following burdens across all projects: config and dotfile management, multiple config patterns, up-to-date development dependencies, continuous copy and paste, and more.

Built on and powered by Beemo.


npm install --save-dev @oriflame/lumos

Or yarn

yarn add --dev @oriflame/lumos


Create lumos.ts in .config folder.

Example configuration

import type { LumosConfig } from '@oriflame/lumos';

const config: LumosConfig = {
  module: '@oriflame/lumos',
  drivers: [
    ['typescript', { declarationOnly: true, buildFolder: 'dts' }],
  settings: {
    react: true,
    library: true,
    future: true,
    coverage: 97,
    node: true,
    buildFolder: 'esm',

export default config;



  • buildFolder(string) - Build folder
  • esmBuildFolder(string) - Es modules build folder
  • coverage(number) - Code coverage
  • env(LumosEnvSetting) - Babel env settings (see: preset-env#options)
  • graphql(boolean) - Enable graphql support
  • library(boolean) - Enable optimizations for library
  • future(boolean) - Enable support for esnext javascript
  • node(boolean) - Enable node optimizations
  • react(boolean) - Enable react support and optimizations
  • nextjs(boolean) - Enable nextjs support
  • srcFolder(string) - Source folder
  • testsFolder(string) - Test folder
  • typesFolder(string) - Types folder
  • declarationFolder(string) - Output declaration folder
  • entryPoint(string) - Webpack entry point
  • publicPath(string) - Webpack public path
  • root(string) - Change root folder
  • declarationOnly(boolean) - Enable declaration only for typescript
  • allowJs(boolean) - Allow js in typescript
  • skipLibCheck(boolean) - Skip library check in typescript
  • emptyBabelConfig(boolean) - Enable empty babel configuration
  • enableSharedModules(boolean) - Enable shared modules
  • enableConsoleMocks(boolean) - Enable jest console mocks
  • sharedModulesManifestPath(string) - Path to shared module manifest relative to package
  • sharedModulesPackage(string) - Shared module package
  • assumptions(Assumptions) - Babel assumptions (see: compiler assumptions, preset-env#loose)
  • checkedFolders (string[]) - List of extra folder names (relative to root) to be checked with eslint and tsc (excluded from build)


Creating configs

Executing a driver will dynamically create a configuration file at runtime. If you'd like to create the config manually outside of executing a driver, you can use the lumos create-config.

# All drivers
lumos create-config

# Only babel and jest
lumos create-config babel jest

Overriding configs

Your configuration module may now house and provide all configurations, but that doesn't mean it's applicable to all consuming projects. To accommodate this, Beemo supports overriding of driver config on a project-by-project basis through a local .config/lumos/<driver>.(js|ts) file.


import { ESLintConfig } from '@oriflame/lumos';

const config: ESLintConfig = {
  rules: {
    'no-param-reassign': 0,

export default config;

Custom configs with templates

Lumos provides sane defaults for all official drivers and attempts to standardize the configuration process as much as possible. However, it's not perfect, and may not work for all consumers. To mitigate this problem, each driver supports a template based strategy, in which a custom template function can be used to handle the config generation (custom merging, etc), and the destination file path.

To use templates, set the driver configStrategy option to "template", and the template option to a file path for the template function (relative to the .config folder).


import { LumosConfig } from '@oriflame/lumos';

const config: LumosConfig = {
  module: '@oriflame/lumos',
  drivers: [
        configStrategy: 'template',
        template: './path/to/custom/template.ts',

export default config;

The template is merely a function that receives a list of config objects from multiple sources, and must return a single config object (or string), and an optional destination path. It also receives an options object with helpful information about the current process.

To demonstrate the power of templates, let's write a custom template that generates a YAML configuration file for ESLint.


import { yaml } from '@boost/common';
import { ConfigObject, ConfigTemplateResult, ConfigTemplateOptions } from '@oriflame/lumos';

export default function customTemplate(
  configs: ConfigObject[],
  options: ConfigTemplateOptions,
): ConfigTemplateResult {
  // Manually merge the list of configs into a single config object
  // using the rules of the driver, or ones unique to your project.
  const config = mergeConfigs(configs);

  // A template must return a `config` property, which can be an object
  // that will be formatted as JSON/JS, or a string which will be written as-is.
  // It can also return an optional `path` property, allowing the destination
  // config file path to be customized.
  return {
    config: yaml.stringify(config),
    path: options.context.cwd.append('.eslintrc.yaml'),


Scaffolding dotfiles

Lumos can scaffold projects through the amazing hygen library. Hygen separates templates into groupings of "generators" and "actions", coupling a front matter concept with ejs, to deliver a powerful and convenient experience.

npx lumos scaffold project dotfiles


Config babel

Applicable settings

  • env
  • esm
  • graphql
  • library
  • node
  • react
  • empty
  • srcFolder

Cli scripts

Options that are added automatically.

  • --copy-files
  • --out-dir
  • when typescript is used --extensions ts,tsx is added

Cli options:

  • --[no-]clean
  • --esm
  • --workspaces=*
  • --copy-files
  • --extensions
lumos babel
lumos babel --esm
lumos babel --clean
lumos babel --workspaces=*

Overriding config


import type { BabelConfig } from '@oriflame/lumos`;

const config: BabelConfig = {
  plugins: ['babel-plugin-typescript-to-proptypes'],

export default config;

Config eslint

Applicable settings

  • future
  • node
  • nextjs

Cli scripts

Options that are added automatically.

  • --cache
  • --color
  • when typescript is used --ext ts,tsx is added

Cli options:

  • --ext extensions
  • --color
  • --workspaces
lumos eslint
lumos eslint --workspaces=*
lumos eslint

Overriding config


import type { ESLintConfig } from '@oriflame/lumos`;

const config: ESLintConfig = {
  rules: {
    semi: 'off',

export default config;

Config jest

Applicable settings

  • graphql
  • node
  • react
  • threshold
  • testResultFileName
  • enableConsoleMocks

Cli scripts

Options that are added automatically.

  • --logHeapUsage
  • --color
  • when coverage is used --detectOpenHandles is added
  • when esm is enabled NODE_OPTIONS --experimental-vm-modules is used
lumos jest
lumos jest --coverage

Overriding config


import type { JestConfig } from '@oriflame/lumos';

const config: JestConfig = {
  coveragePathIgnorePatterns: ['stories/', 'internals/', 'test-utils/', 'fonts/', '__fixtures__/'],

export default config;

Config Prettier

Cli scripts

Options that are added automatically.

  • --write
lumos prettier
lumos prettier --write .

Overriding config


import type { PrettierConfig } from '@oriflame/lumos';

const config: PrettierConfig = {
  semi: false,

export default config;

Config typescript

Synchronizing project configs isn't automatic and has to be done via the script.

lumos typescript:sync-project-refs

Applicable settings

  • library
  • future
  • react
  • srcFolder
  • allowJs
  • skipLibCheck
  • sourceMaps

Cli scripts

Cli options:

  • --noEmit
  • --build
lumos typescript
lumos typescript --noEmit
lumos typescript --build
lumos typescript:sync-project-refs

Overriding config


import type { TypeScriptConfig } from '@oriflame/lumos';

const config: TypeScriptConfig = {
  compilerOptions: {
    lib: ['DOM'],

export default config;

Config webpack

Applicable settings

  • buildFolder
  • react
  • sourceMaps
  • parallel
  • root
  • publicPath
  • srcFolder
  • entryPoint
  • host
  • devServerContentBase
  • enableSharedModules
  • sharedModulesManifestPath
  • sharedModulesPackage

Cli scripts

Options that are added automatically.

  • --colors
  • --progress
  • --bail

Cli options:

  • --sourceMaps
  • --analyze
  • --parallel
  • --buildFolder
    • default: build
  • --entryPoint
lumos webpack
lumos webpack --analyze
lumos webpack --sourceMaps=false
lumos webpack --root=./packages/test
lumos webpack build --workspaces=*

Start application with webpack lumos create-config webpack && lumos-webpack-server

⚠️ When using webpack in workspaces packages needs to have packages/<Package Name>/.config/lumos.ts

Webpack cli options:

Webpack cli options can be find here: OPTIONS.md

Webpack cli commands:

Available Commands

  build|bundle|b                                        Run webpack (default command, can be omitted).
  help|h [command] [option]                             Display help for commands and options.
  info|i [options]                                      Outputs information about your system.
  version|v [commands...]                               Output the version number of 'webpack', 'webpack-cli' and 'webpack-dev-server' and commands.


Cli options:

  • --root(string) - relative path to package
  • --port(number) - dev server port
    • default: 3000
  • --entryPoint(string) - webpack entry point relative to root
  • --env(string) - Node env
    • default: development
lumos-webpack-server --port=3001
lumos-webpack-server --root=./packages/root

lumos webpack server can be run from workspace package yarn workspace @app/my-app run start and start script lumos-webpack-server. Lumos will try to find webpack.config.js in parent directories up to 5 levels.

Overriding config


import type { WebpackConfig } from '@oriflame/lumos';

const config: WebpackConfig = {
  entry: './src/index.js',
  output: {
    path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist'),
    filename: 'bundle.js',

export default config;

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npm i @oriflame/lumos

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  • samanekm
  • ondrej_langr.oriflame
  • jan.novotny.oriflame
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  • ori-development