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0.29.65 • Public • Published

OriginByte JS SDK

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Javascript/Typescript SDK to work with Origin Byte NFT protocol.

Please note: The project is in an active development stage. Hence, some methods might change dramatically.


yarn add @originbyte/js-sdk


npm add  @originbyte/js-sdk


The main point of the SDK is NftClient class. It provides all necessary methods to fetch the data from the blockchain and build transactions to interact with the contract. However, under the hood, the NftClient data fetcher uses the idea of a parsers' approach: you can create your own parser and fetch any data from the blockchain - by user wallet address or directly by Object ID.

The parser, by itself, is an object which implements an interface:

export interface SuiObjectParser<RpcResponse, DataModel> {
  parser: (
    typedData: RpcResponse,
    suiObject: SuiObject,
    rpcResponse: GetObjectDataResponse
  ) => DataModel | undefined; // Parsing function, which takes RPC response and transform it into the plain JS object.
  regex: RegExp; // Regular expression to filter objects

Example of the parser:

export const CollectionParser: SuiObjectParser<
> = {
  parser: (
    data: NftCollectionRpcResponse,
    suiData: SuiObject,
    rpcResponse: GetObjectDataResponse
  ) => ({
    name: data.name,
    description: data.description,
    creators: data.creators,
    symbol: data.symbol,
    currentSupply: data.cap.fields.supply.fields.current,
    totalSupply: data.cap.fields.supply.fields.cap,
    receiver: data.receiver,
    type: suiData.data.dataType,
    id: suiData.reference.objectId,
    tags: data.tags.fields.enumerations.fields.contents.map(
      (_) => _.fields.value
    rawResponse: rpcResponse,
    /0x[a-f0-9]{40}::collection::Collection<0x[a-f0-9]{40}::[a-zA-Z]{1,}::[a-zA-Z]{1,}, 0x[a-f0-9]{40}::std_collection::StdMeta, 0x[a-f0-9]{40}::cap::[a-zA-Z]{1,}>/,

Besides of that, the SDK provides predefined parsers and methods to interact with Origin Byte's NFT protocol. Next methods are available:

  • fetchAndParseObjectsById
  • fetchAndParseObjectsForAddress
  • getMintAuthoritiesById
  • getMarketsByParams
  • getCollectionsById
  • getCollectionsForAddress
  • getNftsById
  • getNftsForAddress
  • getNftCertificatesById
  • getNftCertificatesForAddress

Take a look at Examples for more details.


Fetch Onchain Data: Collection and NFTs

import { NftClient } from "@originbyte/js-sdk";

const getNfts = async () => {
  const client = new NftClient();
  const collection = await client.getCollectionsById({
    objectIds: ["0xfc18b65338d4bb906018e5f73b586a57b777d46d"],
  const nfts = await client.getNftsForAddress(
  console.log("nfts", collection, nfts);


Mint new NFT

const mintToLaunchpad = async () => {
  const collections = await client.getCollectionsForAddress(

  const collectionsForWallet = collections.filter(
    (_) => _.packageObjectId === PACKAGE_OBJECT_ID

  console.log("collectionForWallet", collectionsForWallet);
  if (collectionsForWallet.length) {
    const collection = collectionsForWallet[0];
    const mintNftTransaction = NftClient.buildMintNftTx({
      mintAuthority: collection.mintAuthorityId,
      moduleName: "suimarines",
      name: "My First NFT",
      description: "My First NFT",
      packageObjectId: collection.packageObjectId,
      url: "https://i.imgur.com/D5yhcTC.png",
      attributes: {
        Rarity: "Ultra-rare",
        Author: "OriginByte",
      launchpadId: LAUNCHPAD_ID,
    // console.log('signer', keypair.getPublicKey().toSuiAddress());
    const mintResult = await signer.executeMoveCall(mintNftTransaction);
    console.log("mintResult", mintResult);

More examples could be found there.


See the __tests__ directory. We deploy __tests__/assets/testract contract to the local validator. It is used to set resources up which would otherwise be beyond the scope of the test suite.

The __tests__/assets/.tmp directory

  • contains the localnet validator network;
  • originmate dependency;
  • ntf-protocol dependency.

Start the localnet validator network with $ ./bin/start-localnet.sh. Then, in a separate terminal, run the test suite with $ ./bin/test.sh.

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