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2.0.3 • Public • Published


Library for plugin style CLI creation. Highly inspired to the vite plugin system.


$ npm i -S @pastweb/cli


import { argv } from 'node:process'; // node or bun
import { getCommandInput, defineHooks, loadPlugins, runCommand, runPluginsHooks } from '@pastweb/cli';

(async () => {
  const commandInput = getCommandInput(argv.slice(2));

  const hooks = defineHooks({
    // hooks configuration
  const { commands, pluginHooks } = loadPlugins([
    // cli plugins
  if (await runCommand(commands, commandInput)) {
    await runPluginsHooks(hooks, pluginHooks);



The goal of the project is to give a tool mainly for cli definition, anyway there is no any dependecy to any specific platform, so the library could be used even just a plugin manager system, even in client side. The main functions are used to define your own cli as the above example. All the base functionlities must be defined in an async function. In the example above is considerate the impementation in the index file or, anyway, in the main function program entry point. The cli support the commands definition via plugin, you can find more information in commands and plugin section. After the hooks definition, the loadPlugins function normalize the commands and the hooks defined in the plugins ready to run. The runCommand function returns a boolean from the command function execution as some command could not need to run any plugin hook called from the runPluginHooks function. If no any command definition want to be supported the just skip the runCommand function implementation as in the example below.

import { defineHooks, loadPlugins, runPluginsHooks } from '@pastweb/cli';

(async () => {
  const hooks = defineHooks({
    // hooks configuration
  const { commands, pluginHooks } = loadPlugins([
    // cli plugins
  await runPluginsHooks(hooks, pluginHooks);


For plugin hooks definition, you must define the hooks using the defineHooks function passing an Object as paramenter with the hook name as key and an hook definition Object as value. The hooks functions are executed in the same order definition. Below the table of the hooks types:

type async definition
sequential sync / async each hook function is executed sequentially and gets as arguments the values defined in the args hook definition property if any.
parallel async each hook function is executed in parallel and gets as arguments the values defined in the args hook definition property if any.
waterfall sync / async each hook function is executed sequentially and gets as arguments the returned value from the previous hook function. The first hook function will gets as argument the value defined in the args hook definition property if any.

The hook definition Object is a javascript object with the following properties:

name type definition optional default
type string sequencial/parallel/waterfal no sequencial
args any[] Array of arguments passed to the hook function yes []
callback function hook callback function called after the hook function call and get as argument the value returned from the hook function yes (...args: any[]) => void
final function final callback function called after the hooks function call iteration and get as argument the hook order and the args present in the hook definition, if any, for sequential and 'parallel' hooks, or the result for the waterfall hooks. yes (order: string, ...args: any[] or result: any) => void


import { defineHooks } from '@pastweb/cli';
import config, { normalizeConfig } from 'config'; // this is just as example

let normalizedConfig = config;

const hooks = defineHooks({
    firstHookName: {
    type: 'sequential',
  secondHookName: {
    type: 'parallel',
    args: [ config ],
    callback: (config) => console.log(config),
  thirdHookName: {
    type: 'waterfall',
    args: () => config,
    final (finalConfig) => {
        normalizedConfig = normalizeConfig(finalConfig);
Hook function

The hook functions are grouped from the loadPlugins function in 3 order groups pre, default and post before to be executed from the runPluginHooks function. You can find more information about how to enforce the plugin order in the plugin section.

Hook name

The hook name is an arbitrary name you can set in the hooks definition and it will be used later from the cli user in the Plugin definition. There are private names you cannot use as hook function name which are: name, apply, enforce and commands. You can find more info about these special names in the following plugin section. You can use the commands name, into the hooks definition Object to pass arguments to che command function when the loadPlugins function is executed via the args property. If you mant to pass additional arguments just to a specific plugin commands function, you can define the additional args using the plugin name as key in the commands definition Object as in the example below.

const hooks = defineHooks({
    commands: {
        args: 'arg1',
        plugin1: ['arg2', 'arg3'],
        plugin2: () => ['arg4', 'arg5'],
    // other hooks definition

In the axample above all the plugins commandsHook function will receive commands(commandInput, 'arg1'), the pligin1 commands(commandInput, 'arg1', 'arg2', 'arg3'), the pligin2 commands(commandInput, 'arg1', 'arg4', 'arg5'),

Hook args

The args property is used to pass arguments to the hook function and it can be a single value, an array of values or a function which returns one of the previous types.

Keep in mind:

  • The array of values will be spreaded in the hook function call as separated arguments.
  • The args function will be executed just before the hook function call.
  • For waterfall hooks you can pass just a single argument or a function which returns a single argument. If you pass an array, just the first value will be passed as argument.
Hook callback

The callback function is called after the hook function and gets as argument the value retured from the hook function if any.

Hook final

The final function will be executed after the hook functions call iteration and gets as first argument the plugin order: pre or default or post, and the arguments defined in the args hook definition property for sequential and parallel hooks or the returned value from the last hook function (if any) from waterfall hooks.


The Plugin is an Object where the 'key' is a string according to the hooks definition and the value is the hook function. The Object must have a name portety for the pligin name, and can contains an apply and enforce properties too.

name type definition optional default
name string the plugin name no undefined
apply string | string[] | ((commadsInput: CommandsInput) => boolean) the command/commands name where apply the plugin hooks yes undefined
enforce string pre or post to mark the plugin order yes undefined
commands function (commandsInput: CommandsInput, ...args: any[]) => Commands yes undefined

The apply property is used to apply a plugin to a specific command. It accept a string or a string array with the commands names / separated for a more specific command selection. As example: build/website In this apply definition website is a section of the build command. If an array of commands is provided the plugin will be applied if any of the commands definition will match the cli input command. If a function is provided, the function will receive the commandInput object and expect a boolean to be returned for apply or not the plugin hooks.

The enforce property allow to mark the order of when the hooks should be called. The loadPlugins function will group by hookName for pre, post or default (if the enforce property is undefined). The commands hook is a special hook used to register new commands in order to be available before the cli command execution and will gets as arguments the commandInput object (previously generated from the getCommandInput function) and the values defined in the commands hooks args definition if any. The commands registration is applyed by the loadPlugins function and is indipendent from the enforce property, if the command name is already registered, the cli will print a warning and the command will be registered as <pluginName>:<commandName>.

const plugin = {
    name: 'myPlugin',
    apply: 'commandName/sectionCommand',
    enfore: 'post',
    myHookName() {
    // ...other hooks


The commands are defined via the command plugin hook, using a command definition Object with the following properties:

name type optional
command CommandFunction no
help Help yes

When the cli is called, the getCommandInput function get command line as string or a string array, generating a commandInput Object following the syntax as in the example below:

$ myCli command_1 --option1=val_1 -v=2 command_2 --option2=[ val2, 3 ] --opt3={ prop1: val }

The quotes single ' or doubble " are optional che the string values definition. The above command line will generate the following commandInput Object:

// commandInput
  command_1: {
    option1: 'val_1',
    v: 2
  command_2: {
    opt3: { prop1: val },
    option2: ['val2', 3]

The command options must start with -- or - as shotrcut. If the value is not defined in the command line, the option will have true by default as value in the commandInput Object, or will get de value defined in the command line after the =, which could be a string ,a number or a boolean, or an array of values or an Object key:vaule. In case of the Obeject definition the ' and " are not needed. Both, Object and array, definition are not nestable. If the first command has just options, in the commandInput Object the options will be available under the none key. If the command is loaded via plugin and is already registered, the Cli will print a warning and the command will be available with the syntax pluginName:command.

Command Function

The CommandFunction is the function called to execure the command, reveice the commandInput Object as first argument, and any other args if defined in the command hook explained below. As the CLI is extendable and it could load a command definition which don't needs, or don't want, runs the plugins hooks, is possible prevent this default behaviour just returning false from the CommandFunction execution.

Help Object

The help Object in the command definition has the following properties:

name type optional
commandName string no
description string / string[] no
The command description could be a string or a string array for output formatting and can follow the syntax:
`command` <param>

for text color. For preventing the commands loading via plugin you must set the preventCommandsLoading class property to true.


getCommandInput(argv: string | string[] = []) => CommandsInput

Gets as single paramenter a string, or an array of strings representing the the user command input and returns an object as described in the commands section.

defineHooks(hooks: Hooks): Hooks

Check and normalize the hooks definition.

loadPlugins<T extends Plugin = Plugin>(hooks: Hooks, plugins: T[], commandsInput: CommandsInput = {}, includePluginCommands: string | string[] = []): { commands: Commands; pluginsOrder: PluginsOrder; }

Loads the plugins grouping the hooks by order and the commands in a single Object. The commands arguments defined in the commands hook definition will be normalized when the loadPlugins function is called. Check the hooks section fore more info. The commands in any Plugin will be included if the includePluginCommand ( string or string[] ) parameter is not provided, or just the commands defined in the plugin with the corrispondant name in the parameter. The commandsInput parameter is optional, just in case you want to use the library as pluginManager without any command option.

runCommand(commands: Commands, commandsInput: CommandsInput): boolean | void

Runs the command defined in the commandInput Object, it will pass the commandInput object to the commandFunction as first argument and the other args defined in the commands hook if any.

async runPluginsHooks(hooks: Hooks, pluginOrder: PluginsOrder, includeHook: string | string[] | null | undefined = [],skipOrder: string | string[] | null | undefined = []): Promise<void>

Runs the Pligins hooks grouped by order included the hook defined in the includeHooks paramenter, all of them otherwise, and skipping the orders defined in the skipOrder parameter.

groupPlugins<T extends Plugin = Plugin>(plugins: T[], commandsInput: CommandsInput = {}): PluginGroups<T>

It groups the plugins by order: pre, default or post,

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