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0.19.2 • Public • Published


Tools that enable running managed dAPIs where most of the data needed to accomplish this is stored on-chain.

In order to be able to make this possible, there needs to be different groups of "data owners" that will provide, review and sign specific sets of data. Other accounts need to provide and sign dAPI prices for different chains and so on.

These signed data sets (Merkle trees) will be stored in JSON files in this repo and can later be used by people with the right roles or permits to use it when calling functions on the data feed contracts from @api3/contracts package. This repo also provides a frontend app that can be used as interface between the mentioned JSON files and the contracts.

@phase21/dapi-management package

The package can be built by running yarn package:build and contains

  • dapis - list of all purchasable dAPIs
  • supportedChains - list of all supported networks
  • api3Chains - reexported @api3/chains package
  • api3Integrations - reexported @phase21/api-integrations package

GitHub Pages

GitHub pages gets updated using a github workflow github-pages.yml. This workflow will use scripts and data to generate the required github pages structure, details regarding the structure can be found at Workflows README.


Once there is a change that is merged to main that requires GitHub Pages to be deployed, a pull request can be made to merge main into production-gh-pages. When it is approved and merged it will trigger the GitHub Pages Workflow




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  • hiletmis