
0.3.0 • Public • Published



The @rgbpp-sdk/service package provides a wrapped class to interact with Bitcoin/RGB++ Assets Service (BtcAssetsApi). It offers various features for interacting with Bitcoin and RGB++ assets:

  • Retrieve Blockchain Information including Bitcoin chain info, blocks, headers, transactions, addresses, and RGB++ assets
  • Handle transactions by posting to /bitcoin/v1/transaction or /rgbpp/v1/transaction/ckb-tx
  • Generate Bitcoin transaction Proof via /rgbpp/v1/btc-spv/proof through Bitcoin SPV Service on CKB
  • Simplify RGB++ assets workflows with RGB++ CKB transaction Queue and cron jobs
  • More detailed API documentation can be found on Testnet and Mainnet

[!NOTE] Bitcoin/RGB++ Assets Service is designed to streamline the transaction workflow. Developers have the option to implement its features by themselves without limitation.


# Install via npm:
$ npm i @rgbpp-sdk/service
# Install via yarn:
$ yarn add @rgbpp-sdk/service
# Install via pnpm:
$ pnpm add @rgbpp-sdk/service

Get started

Get an access token


You can get a testnet access token through the /token/generate API directly.


The mainnet BtcAssetsApi is currently limited to verified apps only.

When your app development is ready on testnet, and requires a mainnet access token, please email us at f@cell.studio to request a mainnet JWT token.

In the email, please provide the following information about your app:

  • name: Your app name, e.g. "rgbpp-app"
  • domain: Your app domain, e.g. "rgbpp.app" (without protocol prefix and port suffix)

Initialize the service


Initialize BtcAssetsApi service with your access token:

import { BtcAssetsApi } from '@rgbpp-sdk/service';

const service = BtcAssetsApi.fromToken('https://your-btc-assets-api.url', 'your_access_token');


You should pass origin when initializing BtcAssetsApi service in Node.js:

import { BtcAssetsApi } from '@rgbpp-sdk/service';

const service = BtcAssetsApi.fromToken('https://your-btc-assets-api.url', 'your_access_token', 'https://your.app');

The origin prop is used to verify your token's corresponding domain. For example, if your token was generated in the domain of your.app, you should pass https://your.app as the origin prop. Otherwise, the service will reject your request.

Note the format difference domain and origin:

  • domain: your.app, without protocol (https://, http://, etc.)
  • origin: https://your.app, with protocol https://

Start using the service

Once the initialization is complete, you can query from the service:

// Query the balance of an address
const res = await service.getBalance('tb1qm06rvrq8jyyckzc5v709u7qpthel9j4d9f7nh3');

// {
//   address: 'tb1qm06rvrq8jyyckzc5v709u7qpthel9j4d9f7nh3',
//   satoshi: 72921,
//   pending_satoshi: 0,
//   utxo_count: 5
// }

All available APIs in the BtcAssetsApi section.

Handling service errors

You can identify the error by its code and message, or by its detailed context:

import { BtcAssetsApiError, ErrorCodes } from '@rgbpp-sdk/service';

try {
} catch (e) {
  if (e instanceof BtcAssetsApiError) {
    // check error code
    console.log(e.code === ErrorCodes.ASSETS_API_UNAUTHORIZED); // true
    // print the whole error
      "message": "BtcAssetsAPI unauthorized, please check your token/origin: (401) Authorization token is invalid: The token header is not a valid base64url serialized JSON.",
      "code": 2,
      "context": {
        "request": {
          "url": "https://btc-assets-api.url/bitcoin/v1/info"
        "response": {
          "status": 401,
            "data": {
            "message": "Authorization token is invalid: The token header is not a valid base64url serialized JSON."



declare class BtcAssetsApi extends BtcAssetsApiBase implements BtcApis, RgbppApis {
  static fromToken(baseUrl: string, token: string, origin?: string): BtcAssetsApi;


declare class BtcAssetsApiBase implements BaseApis {}


interface BaseApis {
  request<T>(route: string, options?: BaseApiRequestOptions): Promise<T>;
  post<T>(route: string, options?: BaseApiRequestOptions): Promise<T>;
  generateToken(): Promise<BtcAssetsApiToken>;
  init(force?: boolean): Promise<void>;

interface BaseApiRequestOptions extends RequestInit {
  params?: Record<string, any>;
  method?: 'GET' | 'POST';
  requireToken?: boolean;

interface BtcAssetsApiToken {
  token: string;


interface BtcApis {
  getBtcBlockchainInfo(): Promise<BtcApiBlockchainInfo>;
  getBtcBlockByHash(blockHash: string): Promise<BtcApiBlock>;
  getBtcBlockHeaderByHash(blockHash: string): Promise<BtcApiBlockHeader>;
  getBtcBlockHashByHeight(blockHeight: number): Promise<BtcApiBlockHash>;
  getBtcBlockTransactionIdsByHash(blockHash: number): Promise<BtcApiBlockTransactionIds>;
  getBtcRecommendedFeeRates(): Promise<BtcApiRecommendedFeeRates>;
  getBtcBalance(address: string, params?: BtcApiBalanceParams): Promise<BtcApiBalance>;
  getBtcUtxos(address: string, params?: BtcApiUtxoParams): Promise<BtcApiUtxo[]>;
  getBtcTransactions(address: string, params?: BtcApiTransactionParams): Promise<BtcApiTransaction[]>;
  getBtcTransaction(txId: string): Promise<BtcApiTransaction>;
  sendBtcTransaction(txHex: string): Promise<BtcApiSentTransaction>;

interface BtcApiBlockchainInfo {
  chain: string;
  blocks: number;
  headers: number;
  bestblockhash: number;
  difficulty: number;
  mediantime: number;

interface BtcApiBlock {
  id: string;
  height: number;
  version: number;
  timestamp: number;
  tx_count: number;
  size: number;
  weight: number;
  merkle_root: string;
  previousblockhash: string;
  mediantime: number;
  nonce: number;
  bits: number;
  difficulty: number;

interface BtcApiBlockHash {
  hash: string;

interface BtcApiBlockHeader {
  header: string;

interface BtcApiBlockTransactionIds {
  txids: string[];

interface BtcApiBalanceParams {
  min_satoshi?: number;
  no_cache?: boolean;

interface BtcApiBalance {
  address: string;
  // @deprecated Use available_satoshi instead
  satoshi: number;
  total_satoshi: number;
  available_satoshi: number;
  pending_satoshi: number;
  rgbpp_satoshi: number;
  dust_satoshi: number;
  utxo_count: number;

interface BtcApiUtxoParams {
  only_non_rgbpp_utxos?: boolean;
  only_confirmed?: boolean;
  min_satoshi?: number;
  no_cache?: boolean;

interface BtcApiUtxo {
  txid: string;
  vout: number;
  value: number;
  status: {
    confirmed: boolean;
    block_height: number;
    block_hash: string;
    block_time: number;

interface BtcApiSentTransaction {
  txid: string;

export interface BtcApiTransactionParams {
  after_txid?: string;

interface BtcApiTransaction {
  txid: string;
  version: number;
  locktime: number;
  vin: {
    txid: string;
    vout: number;
    prevout: {
      scriptpubkey: string;
      scriptpubkey_asm: string;
      scriptpubkey_type: string;
      scriptpubkey_address: string;
      value: number;
    scriptsig: string;
    scriptsig_asm: string;
    witness: string[];
    is_coinbase: boolean;
    sequence: number;
  vout: {
    scriptpubkey: string;
    scriptpubkey_asm: string;
    scriptpubkey_type: string;
    scriptpubkey_address: string;
    value: number;
  weight: number;
  size: number;
  fee: number;
  status: {
    confirmed: boolean;
    block_height: number;
    block_hash: string;
    block_time: number;


interface RgbppApis {
  getRgbppPaymasterInfo(): Promise<RgbppApiPaymasterInfo>;
  getRgbppTransactionHash(btcTxId: string): Promise<RgbppApiCkbTransactionHash>;
  getRgbppTransactionState(btcTxId: string): Promise<RgbppApiTransactionState>;
  getRgbppAssetsByBtcTxId(btcTxId: string): Promise<Cell[]>;
  getRgbppAssetsByBtcUtxo(btcTxId: string, vout: number): Promise<Cell[]>;
  getRgbppAssetsByBtcAddress(btcAddress: string, params?: RgbppApiAssetsByAddressParams): Promise<Cell[]>;
  getRgbppSpvProof(btcTxId: string, confirmations: number): Promise<RgbppApiSpvProof>;
  sendRgbppCkbTransaction(payload: RgbppApiSendCkbTransactionPayload): Promise<RgbppApiTransactionState>;
  retryRgbppCkbTransaction(payload: RgbppApiRetryCkbTransactionPayload): Promise<RgbppApiTransactionRetry>;

type RgbppTransactionState = 'completed' | 'failed' | 'delayed' | 'active' | 'waiting';

interface RgbppApiPaymasterInfo {
  btc_address: string;
  fee: number;

interface RgbppApiCkbTransactionHash {
  txhash: string;

interface RgbppApiTransactionState {
  state: RgbppTransactionState;

interface RgbppApiAssetsByAddressParams {
  type_script?: string;
  no_cache?: boolean;

interface RgbppApiSpvProof {
  proof: string;
  spv_client: {
    tx_hash: string;
    index: string;

interface RgbppApiSendCkbTransactionPayload {
  btc_txid: string;
  ckb_virtual_result: {
    ckbRawTx: CKBComponents.RawTransaction;
    needPaymasterCell: boolean;
    sumInputsCapacity: string;
    commitment: string;

interface RgbppApiRetryCkbTransactionPayload {
  btc_txid: string;

interface RgbppApiTransactionRetry {
  success: boolean;
  state: RgbppTransactionState;




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