
1.1.0 • Public • Published

Github DataBase

Github DataBase

Status GitHub Issues GitHub Pull Requests License

github repository database

📝 Table of Contents

🧐 About

use github repository as database

🏁 Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


yarn add @sl-code-lords/github-db


npm i @sl-code-lords/github-db

🎈 Usage

var Github_db = require('@sl-code-lords/github-db')
var config={ github_token: 'token', user_name:'user_name', repo:'test_github_db',is_private_repo:true }
var git = new Github_db(config)


const config = {
    github_token, // your github token
    user_name, // your github username
    repo, // repo name for github db
    commit_message, // commit massage
    committer_mail, // mail of any github account for commit
    committer_name, // name for committer
    use_template, // if you have template repo use_template : 'username/repo'
    is_private_repo // if true repo will gen as private


const is_conn = await git.connect()

File Model

//init new file
var File = git.File('hello.txt','Init','Files/')
// upload file to github
var init = await File.upload_data(Buffer.from('test file upload', 'utf-8'))
//delete File From Github
var del = await File.delete_file()


String Model

var password = '' // password for enc file method

//init new String Model
var session = git.stringModel('session','Init','DB/',password)

// add new string
var add = await session.update_data('Hello I Am Ravindu Manoj -')

// + add string
var second_add = await session.update_data('@ravindu01manoj')

// replace new string
var third_add = await session.update_data('replacement add',true)

// get data from model
var get_data = await session.get_data()

// delete model
var del = await session.delete_model()
Hello I Am Ravindu Manoj -

Hello I Am Ravindu Manoj -@ravindu01manoj

replacement add

replacement add


Array Model

var password = '' // password for enc file method

//init new Array Model
var list = git.arrayModel('list','Init','DB/',password)

// add new array
var add = await list.update_data([1,'mango'])

// + add array
var second_add = await list.update_data(['banana','apple'])

// replace new array
var third_add = await list.update_data(['cat','dog','ant'],true)

// get data from model
var get_data = await list.get_data()

// delete model
var del = await list.delete_model()
[ 1, 'mango' ]

[ 1, 'mango', [ 'banana', 'apple' ] ]

[ 'cat', 'dog', 'ant' ]

[ 'cat', 'dog', 'ant' ]


Object Model

var password = '' // password for enc file method

//init new Object Model
var item = git.objectModel('item','Init','DB/',password)

// add new object
var add = await item.update_data({name : 'Ravindu',age:'21'})

// + add object
var second_add = await item.update_data({country : 'sri_lanka',age:22,language : 'sinhala'})

// replace new object
var third_add = await item.update_data({game:'cricket',year: 2023},true)

// get data from model
var get_data = await item.get_data()

// delete model
var del = await item.delete_model()
{ name: 'Ravindu', age: '21' }

{ name: 'Ravindu', age: 22, country: 'sri_lanka', language: 'sinhala' }

{ game: 'cricket', year: 2023 }

{ game: 'cricket', year: 2023 }


✍️ Authors

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.

Package Sidebar


npm i @sl-code-lords/github-db

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56.9 kB

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  • sisulaw
  • blackamda
  • ravindu01manoj
  • sanuwa