
1.3.0 • Public • Published

Serverless Plugin: Support CloudFront Lambda@Edge

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What is it?

This is a plugin for the Serverless framework that adds support for associating a Lambda function with a CloudFront distribution to take advantage of the new Lambda@Edge features of CloudFront.

Unfortunately CloudFormation does not currently support Lambda@Edge. I have opened a ticket with them and hope they will eventually add support for it. Once they do, then the Serverless team can also add support for it (issue here).

A CloudFormation custom resource would not work well for this type of work because:

  1. The default policy that Serverless creates for Lambda functions won't work because when AWS replicates a function to be used for Lambda@Edge, it assigns it to different log group names than a typical Lambda function. Thus, the default policy needed to be updated before being submitted to CloudFormation
  2. Similarly, the AssumeRolePolicy on the role that Serverless creates for the Lambda to execute in needs the principal edgelambda.amazonaws.com added (it has just lambda.amazonaws.com).
  3. Also, the CloudFront distribution is managed by CloudFormation, and then for us to add our Lambda@Edge functions to it requires a second update. A custom resource can't take on management of a resource that's already managed within the stack, and we don't want to build a custom resource that has to entirely manage the CloudFront distribution.

Thus, the plugin will make the first two modifications to the CloudFormation template before Serverless writes it. It will also remove any environment variables from the Lambda function's CloudFormation resource because they are not supported by Lambda@Edge (it only does this on functions that will be associated with a CloudFront distribution). Then after the deploy is done, it will check to see if an update is needed to the CloudFront distribution, and if so, will update it to reference the latest versions of the Lambda function. Unfortunately this means that at times your CloudFront distribution will be updated twice in a row - and CloudFront distributions are extremely slow to update (approximately 15 minutes for each update). What can you do 🤷?

A Few Other Things to Keep In Mind

  1. As mentioned above, CloudFront distributions can take a long time to deploy, so you probably want to keep this separate from other "normal" serverless services.
  2. It does not appear that you can delete Lambda@Edge functions because they are replicated. You'll see an error like There was an error deleting this version: Lambda was unable to delete [some function ARN] because it is a replicated function. Here are a few links about it:

How do I use it?

There are three steps:

Install the Plugin as a Development Dependency

npm install --save-dev --save-exact serverless-plugin-cloudfront-lambda-edge

Telling Serverless to Use the Plugin

Simply add this plugin to the list of plugins in your serverless.yml file:

   - serverless-plugin-cloudfront-lambda-edge

Configuring Functions to Associate With CloudFront Distributions

Also in your serverless.yml file, you will modify your function definitions to include a lambdaAtEdge property. That object will contain two key/value pairs: distribution and eventType.

The distribution is the logical name used in your Resources section to define the CloudFront distribution.

The eventType is one of the four Lambda@Edge event types:

  • viewer-request
  • origin-request
  • viewer-response
  • origin-response

For example:

      name: '${self:custom.objectPrefix}-origin-request'
      handler: src/DirectoryRootOriginRequestRewriteHandler.handler
      memorySize: 128
      timeout: 1
         distribution: 'WebsiteDistribution'
         eventType: 'origin-request'

Example CloudFront Static Site Serverless Config

Here is an example of a serverless.yml file that configures an S3 bucket with a CloudFront distribution and a Lambda@Edge function:

service: static-site

   defaultRegion: us-east-1
   defaultEnvironmentGroup: dev
   region: ${opt:region, self:custom.defaultRegion}
   stage: ${opt:stage, env:USER}
   objectPrefix: '${self:service}-${self:custom.stage}'

   - serverless-plugin-cloudfront-lambda-edge

      - 'node_modules/**'

   name: aws
   runtime: nodejs6.10 # Because this runs on CloudFront (lambda@edge) it must be 6.10
   region: ${self:custom.region}
   stage: ${self:custom.stage}
   # Note that Lambda@Edge does not actually support environment variables for lambda
   # functions, but the plugin will strip the environment variables from any function
   # that has edge configuration on it
      SLS_SVC_NAME: ${self:service}
      SLS_STAGE: ${self:custom.stage}

      name: '${self:custom.objectPrefix}-origin-request'
      handler: src/DirectoryRootOriginRequestRewriteHandler.handler
      memorySize: 128
      timeout: 1
         distribution: 'WebsiteDistribution'
         eventType: 'origin-request'

         Type: 'AWS::S3::Bucket'
            BucketName: '${self:custom.objectPrefix}'
            AccessControl: 'PublicRead'
               IndexDocument: 'index.html'
               ErrorDocument: 'error.html'
         Type: 'AWS::CloudFront::Distribution'
                  TargetOriginId: 'WebsiteBucketOrigin'
                  ViewerProtocolPolicy: 'redirect-to-https'
                  DefaultTTL: 600 # ten minutes
                  MaxTTL: 600 # ten minutes
                  Compress: true
                     QueryString: false
                        Forward: 'none'
               DefaultRootObject: 'index.html'
               Enabled: true
               PriceClass: 'PriceClass_100'
               HttpVersion: 'http2'
                  CloudFrontDefaultCertificate: true
                     Id: 'WebsiteBucketOrigin'
                     DomainName: { 'Fn::GetAtt': [ 'WebsiteBucket', 'DomainName' ] }
                     S3OriginConfig: {}

And here is an example function that would go with this Serverless template:

'use strict';

module.exports = {

   // invoked by CloudFront (origin requests)
   handler: function(evt, context, cb) {
      var req = evt.Records[0].cf.request;

      if (req.uri && req.uri.length && req.uri.substring(req.uri.length - 1) === '/') {
         console.log('changing "%s" to "%s"', req.uri, req.uri + 'index.html');
         req.uri = req.uri + 'index.html';

      cb(null, req);


You can find more in the examples directory.

How do I contribute?

We genuinely appreciate external contributions. See our extensive documentation on how to contribute.


This software is released under the MIT license. See the license file for more details.

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npm i @taion/serverless-plugin-cloudfront-lambda-edge

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  • stephen_liu
  • monastic.panic
  • sloria
  • taion