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4.3.0 • Public • Published


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Polymorpheus is a tiny library for polymorphic templates in Angular.

It is 1 KB gzip, dependency free and allows you to make pretty cool things.

What does it do?

It abstracts over different ways of view customization in Angular with one simple structural directive:

<ng-container *polymorpheusOutlet="content as text; context: context">{{text}}</ng-container>

Content accepts:

  • primitives like number or string
  • functions that take context as argument and return a primitive
  • templates that get instantiated with given context
  • components that would get context injected through DI

Context is optional when you need your content to adapt to the situation

How to use it?

Typical use case would be a component that accepts visual customization and defines context by itself. Say a menu list where you can configure how each item should look like by passing a template. And context would be item itself and, for example, whether it is focused or not.

Please see extensive demo.

You can also read about this concept in detail.

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