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SDK for consuming Waykes e-commerce APIs

This project aims to provide a simple, yet powerful, way to integrate Waykes e-commerce functionality into retailers own websites.


npm i --save @wayke-se/ecom


The SDK exposes several namespaces, each containing functionality for a specific set of use cases. The namespaces are:

  • config
  • customers
  • insurances
  • orders
  • vehicles
  • bankid


By default the library reads an environment variable called WAYKE_ECOM_API_ADDRESS to know the location of the restful API. However, this is not always possible or the desired behavior - so as an alternative configuration option, a SDK consumer can manually bind an address for the API. This should preferrably be done in a setup file in the consuming project, and only run once:

import { config } from "@wayke-se/ecom";

const newConfig = {
    api: {
        address: "[ECOM_API_URL]",

The [ECOM_API_URL] is either of the following urls:

Environment Url
Test https://ecom.wayketech.se
Production https://ecom.wayke.se

The library also tries to guess the origin of the runtime application, to mark where an order originates (when creating it). By default it uses window.location.host to create what's called a "topic". A "topic" is a categorization for an order origin. Parallell with the "topic", a "channel" is also automatically created for the origin. This value is Web when window.location.host is available during the runtime.

To manually set these values, to enable a more granular control over the order origins, a configuration takes these parameters as:

import { config } from "@wayke-se/ecom";

const newConfig = {
    api: {
        address: "[ECOM_API_URL]",
    origin: {
        topic: "[Dealer Specific Topic]",
        channel: "[Ecom Channel Name]",
    bankIdThumbprint: "[Dealer Specific BankId Certificate Thumbprint]"

As an example, orders originating from https://www.wayke.se will have a topic Wayke and a channel wayke.se. For orders originating from the Wayke iOS app, the topic will be Wayke and the channel iOS-app. For Android, the channel will be Android-app.

Swedish BankId Thumbprint

By default Wayke's BankId certificate is used to verify customer identity. There is an optional configuration property bankIdThumbprint which allows for dealers to use their own BankId certificate. If the certificate's thumbprint is set that certificate will be used instead, given that it is correctly setup in the Dealer back-office.


The information flow between clients and Wayke should be in a specific order. First of all we should retrieve all order options available for a vehicle, to know how to set up the rest of the information flow.

Retrieving order options

We start off by creating a request builder, which will - when built - return an valid IOrderOptionsRequest object:

import { orders } from "@wayke-se/ecom";

const request = orders.newOptionsRequest()

The resulting request object can now be used to communicate with Waykes e-com API:

const response = await orders.getOptions(request);

The returned IOrderOptionsResponse exposes helper methods to select partial data points:

  • .requiresDealerSelection() returns true when more than one dealer site is available
  • .getOrderVehicle() returns a IOrderVehicle
  • .getDealerSites() return a IDealerOption[] with all available dealer sites
  • .getPaymentOptions() returns a IPaymentOption[]
  • .getDeliveryOptions() returns a IDeliveryOption[]
  • .getAccessories() returns a IAccessory[]
  • .getInsuranceOption() returns a IInsuranceOption if available
  • .getOrderConditions() returns a string with conditions for possible orders
  • .getOrderReturnConditions() returns a string with return conditions for possible orders
  • .getConditionsPdfUri() returns a string with a URI to a PDF containing the conditions
  • .getContactInformation() returns a IContactInformation if available
  • .allowsTradeIn() returns true/false if the retailer allows a trade-in vehicle for possible orders
  • .isUnavailable() returns boolean defining if the vehicle is unavailable for purchase.
  • .isPaymentRequired() returns boolean defining if payment is required for purchase.

These values should provide enough information to continue the boarding process for the customer.

If .requiresDealerSelection() returns truthy, the customer should be displayed a list of all available dealer sites from .getDealerSites(). When the customer has made a selection for his or hers preferred dealer site, a new order option request should be made:

const request = orders.newOptionsRequest()

Retrieving insurance options

The customer might want to sign up for an insurance as well, and to select a suitable insurance we need to know which payment type the customer would like to proceed with. Payment types are availble from the IPaymentOptions, and should be added to the request object - as well as the customers swedish personal number, the current selected vehicle, and an estimated driving range (per year).

import { insurances, DrivingDistance } from "@wayke-se/ecom";

const request = insurances.newInsuranceOptionsRequest()
    .forDealer("DEALER-ID-SELECTION") // optional, should be applied when there's multiple dealer sites available for a vehicle

const response = await insurances.getOptions(request);

The returned IInsuranceOptionsResponse exposes only one method:

  • .getInsuranceOptions() returns a IInsuranceOption[].

Retrieving a customers address based on his or hers personal number

Wayke provides functionality to lookup a customers address, in an anonymized form. This reduces the risk for errors when entering these details by hand, and it lessens the input required to proceed with the order.

import { customers } from "@wayke-se/ecom";

const request = customers.newAddressLookupRequest()

const response = await customers.lookupAddress(request);

lookupAddress returns a IAddressLookupResponse object, exposing:

  • .getAddress() returns the address for the customer, in an anonymized form.

Looking up a vehicle for trade-in

When a customer wants to submit a vehicle for trade-in with the order, we need to look it up through Wayke before hand.

import { vehicles } from "@wayke-se/ecom";

const request = vehicles.newLookupRequest()

const response = await vehicles.lookupVehicle(request);

To include a valuation for the vehicle in question, add a mileage and a VehicleCondition to the request:

const request = vehicles.newLookupRequest()

The returned IVehicleLookupResponse exposes only one method:

  • .getVehicle() returns a IVehicle object containing manufacturer, model series, model name, and optionally valuation for the vehicle.

Retrieve payment data for vehicle

Wayke exposes functionality to calculate interest rates, fees, etc, for a vehicle - given a few parameters such as payment duration (in months) and a down payment.

import { payments } from "@wayke-se/ecom";

const request = payments.newLookupRequest()
    .forDealer("DEALER-ID-SELECTION") // optional, should be applied when there's multiple dealer sites available for a vehicle
    .withResidualValue(0.2) // optional

const response = await payments.lookupPayment(request);

The returned IPaymentLookupResponse exposes methods to retrieve financial data:

  • .getCosts() returns a IPaymentCosts object containing a monthly cost and a total cost.
  • .getFees() returns a IPaymentFees object containing setup fee and administration fee.
  • .getInterests() returns a IPaymentInterests object containing the interest and effective interest.
  • .getDownPaymentSpec() returns a IPaymentRangeSpec defining the ranges for a down payment.
  • .getDurationSpec() returns a IPaymentRangeSpec defining the ranges for a duration.
  • .getResidualValueSpec() returns a IPaymentRangeSpec defining the ranges for a residual value.
  • .getPrice() returns a number defining the price of the vehicle.
  • .getCreditAmount() returns a number defining the total credit amount used.
  • .hasPrivacyPolicy() returns a boolean defining if the financial provider has a privacy policy.
  • .getPrivacyPolicyUrl() returns a string defining if the financial provider's privacy policy.
  • .shouldUseCreditScoring() returns a boolean defining if the vehicle is configured to use real time credit assessments (described below).
  • .getFinancialProductCode() returns a string defining if the financial product code (used by real time credit assessments).

Creating order details and an order

To create a valid order we should use appropriate builders, and specify our data in batches:

import { customers, orders, vehicles } from "@wayke-se/ecom";

const customer = customers.newCustomer()
    .withPhoneNumber("0707-123 123")

const creditAssessment = orders.newCreditAssessment() // Only required for orders using credit assessment

const payment = orders.newPayment()
    .withDuration(36) // months, only applicable when payment type === PaymentType.Loan
    .withDownPayment(25000) // only applicable when payment type === PaymentType.Loan
    .withResidualValue(20000) // only applicable when payment type === PaymentType.Loan
    .withExternalId("some-id") // only applicable when payment type === PaymentType.Loan
    .withCreditAssessment(creditAssessment) // only applicable for orders that should use credit assessment

const insurance = orders.newInsurance()
    .withAddOns(["Add On 1", "Add On 2"]) // optional

const tradein = vehicles.newVehicleTrade()
    .withComment("A very nice car for daily commute!") // optional

const request = orders.newCreateRequest()
    .withInsurance(insurance) // optional
    .withTradeIn(tradein) // optional
    .withAccessories(accessories) // optional
    .withUrls(redirectURL, paymentURL) // optional

const response = await orders.create(request);

As one can see, splitting up the builders over multiple frontend components/views is easy (and encouraged!) to do.

Authenticating using Swedish BankId

Bank id authentication is performed using three methods: auth, collect and cancel. In short, auth starts a authentication process, collect retrieves status information about the process and cancel aborts a process. More information about this can be found here..

Starting a BankId authentication process

    const request = bankid

    try {
        await bankid.auth(request);
        // Do something with response.
    } catch (e) {
        // Handle errors.

The response of auth contains an order ref. This id is used to track an authentication process and must be included in collect and cancel request.

interface IBankIdAuthResponse {
    isQrCode: () => boolean;
    isSameDevice: () => boolean;
    getOrderRef: () => string;
    getQrCode: () => string | undefined;
    getAutoLaunchUrl: () => string | undefined;
    getMethod: () => AuthMethod;

The qr code from getQrCode() is base64 encoded. It can be rendered in an img tag:

    const qrCode = authResponse.getQrCode();
    <img src="data:image/png;base64, {qrCode}" />;

Collecting status information from a BankId process

Once a authentication process is started, a collect request should be made approximatelly every 2 seconds.

    const request = bankid

    try {
        await bankid.collect(request);
        // Do something with response.
    } catch (e) {
        // Handle errors.

A collect response have a function isPedning(). While this returns true, additional collect requests should be performed. Additionally, if shouldRenew() returns true a new auth request should be performed (For example because of an expired qr code).

isComplete: When this is true, the authentication is succesful and getPersonalNumber() and getAddress() should return personal data.

interface IBankIdCollectResponse {
    getOrderRef: () => string;
    getStatus: () => AuthStatus;
    isPending: () => boolean;
    getHintCode: () => string | undefined;
    hasMessage(): boolean;
    getMessage(): string;
    shouldRenew(): boolean;
    isCompleted(): boolean;
    getPersonalNumber(): string | undefined;
    getAddress(): IAddress | undefined;

Refresh a BankId QR code

Once an authentication process is started with QR code support, the QR code should be refreshed continuously every second.

    const cancellation = setInterval(() => {
        const request = bankid

        try {
            const response = await bankid.qrcode(request);
            // update displayed QR code for consumer
        } catch (e) {
            // Handle errors.
    }, 1000);

    // When an authentication is successful, clear the interval
    // clearInterval(cancellation);

The response of qrcode contains an orderRef and a base64 encoded QR code.

interface IBankIdQrCodeResponse {
    getOrderRef: () => string;
    getQrCode: () => string;

The qr code from getQrCode() is base64 encoded. It can be rendered in an img tag:

    const qrCode = qrcodeResponse.getQrCode();
    <img src="data:image/png;base64, {qrCode}" />;

Assess a customers credit

This feature is currently limited to some specific financial providers. This feature is currently limited to loans. Credit inquiries for leases are not yet supported.

For some financial providers it is possible to do a real time credit assessment for a loan. The prerequisites for using real time credit assessments are:

  1. The dealer that sells the vehicle must have a financial option with credit assessments activated for the vehicle. This includes defining a payment option that:
  • Should be a loan.
  • Should have an externalId.
  • Should have a financialProductCode.
  • Should have set the useCreditScoring flag to true.

The steps of this process are:

  1. Perform a payment lookup request returns a IPaymentLookupResponse (described above). This response has a method shouldUseCreditScoring() that indicates if credit scoring is available for the vehicle. The response also contains a method getFinancialProductCode(). This methods returns the financial product code of the payment option, which is required for the credit inquiry.
  2. Create the credit assessment case. This includes various household information such as monthly income as well as social id, email and phone number. The provided social id will be used for the bank id signing that is required for the order to be processed.
  3. The credit assessment case is signed by the customer using Swedish bank id. The signing is towards the financial provider that performs the credit assessment. The status of the signing can be polled using the creditAssessment.getStatus(caseId) method.
  4. The credit assessment is performed by the financial provider. The status of the scoring can be polled using the creditAssessment.getStatus(caseId) method. Once complete, a result of the inquiry is provided in the status response.
  5. Finally, in order to accept the credit assessment, the case is accepted by the creditAssessment.accept(caseId) method.
  • If a started case should be abandoned or cancelled for any reason, the creditAssessment.decline(caseId) method should be called. This is needed for the financial provider to cancel the case in their systems.
  • Note that if the credit assessment flow replaces the bank id flow described above. Both flows can not be used for the same Ecom order.

Starting a new credit assessment cases

Start a new credit inquiry using the financial provider of the vehicle.

const inquiry = {...} // Specify inquiry.

try {
        const case = await creditAssessment.newCase(inquiry);
        // Do something with response.
    } catch (e) {
        // Handle errors.

To start a case, an ICreditAssessmentInquiry is required. This includes customer personal information, household finance information as well as information about the loan.

interface ICreditAssessmentInquiry {
    externalId: string; // Acquired in `IPaymentOption`
    customer: ICreditAssessmentCustomer;
    loan: ICreditAssessmentLoan;
    householdEconomy: ICreditAssessmentHouseholdEconomy;

interface ICreditAssessmentCustomer {
    socialId: string;
    email: string;
    phone: string;
    signerIp?: string;

interface ICreditAssessmentLoan { // Required data is acquired in `IPaymentLookupResponse`
    financialProductId: string;
    price: number;
    downPayment: number;
    credit: number;
    interestRate: number;
    monthlyCost: number;
    term: string; // See below

interface ICreditAssessmentHouseholdEconomy {
    maritalStatus: MaritalStatus;
    income: number;
    employment: Employment;
    householdChildren: number;
    householdIncome: number;
    householdHousingCost: number;

The newCase functions returns a ICreditAssessmentCase that has a case id that is used for all other credit assessment requests.

export interface ICreditAssessmentCase {
    caseId: string;

The term field required in ICreditAssessmentLoan is created from the duration of the loan:

const durationInMonths = 24;
const term = durationInMonths + "months";

for example:

  • The months in term must be a factor of 12.

The result of the request should be a credit assessment case id. This id is used for all following credit assessment requests.

Signing a credit assessment case with bank id

A credit asssessment case needs to be signed with Swedish bank id. The two supported signing methds are qr code and same device.

const request = {
    method: AuthMethod.QrCode,

    .then((response) => // Handle success)
    .catch((err) => // Handle failure);

The signCase function returns a ICreditAssessmentSignRespons that may include the qr code to display or the auto launch url.

export interface ICreditAssessmentSignResponse {
    isQrCode: () => boolean;
    isSameDevice: () => boolean;
    getQrCode: () => string | undefined;
    getAutoLaunchUrl: () => string | undefined;
    getMethod: () => AuthMethod;
    getCaseId: () => string;

To collect the results of signing process the getStatus method is used. This should be done approximately every two seconds, just like bank id collect.

    .then((status) => // Handle success)
    .catch((err) => // Handle failure);

The getStatus method returns a credit assessment status response:

interface ICreditAssessmentStatusResponse {
    getStatus: () => CreditAssessmentStatus;
    hasPendingSigning: () => boolean;
    getHintCode: () => string | undefined;
    getSigningMessage(): string;
    shouldRenewSigning(): boolean;
    isSigned(): boolean;
    getAddress(): IAddress | undefined;
    hasPendingScoring: () => boolean;
    isScored: () => boolean;
    hasScoringError: () => boolean;
    getScoringId: () => string | undefined;
    getRecommendation: () => CreditAssessmentRecommendation;
    getDecision: () => CreditAssessmentDecision;
    isAccepted: () => boolean;

During the signing the status should be SigningInitiated. Once the case is signed, the status shuld change to Signed or ScoringInitiated.

  • hasPendingSigning indicates that a signing is ongoing.
  • getHintCode returns the current bank id hint code of the signing process.
  • getSigningMessage returns the message that should be displayed for an ongoing sign process.
  • shouldRenewSigning indicates that a signing failed for some reason (for example time out) and should be restarted.
  • isSigned indicates that the user has successfully signed the credit assessment case using Swedish bank id.

It is also possible to cancel the signing process. This should be done if the user wants to change sign method (for example from qr code to same device) or if a new case should be created with new other information.

    .then(() => // Handle success)
    .catch((err) => // Handle failure);

Collecting the assessment result

To acquire the credit assessment result, simply use the getStatus method (the same one that was used to poll the status of the bank id signing) untill a status response is received with the status Scored. This response should also have a recommendation and possible a decision.

  • hasPendingScoring indicates that a scoring is ongoing.
  • isScored indicates that the case is scored.
  • getRecommendation provides the recommendation of the scoring.
  • getDecision provides the decision of the scoring.

Accepting a credit assessment result

The credit assessment won't be finalized unless it is accepted, which is possible once the case has the Scored status. This is done with using the accept method:

    .then(() => // Handle success)
    .catch((err) => // Handle failure);

The status returned from the creditAssessment.getStatus method should now be accepted:

  • isAccepted indicates that the case is accepted.

Declining the credit assessment result

Anytime during the credit assessment process, the case may be declined. To do this, use the decline method:

    .then(() => // Handle success)
    .catch((err) => // Handle failure);



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