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3.0.5 • Public • Published

Reusable Nodejs Library

This is a repository for Reusable Nodejs library, covering authentication, response model, Error handling, validation e.t.c


Run npm i @wbc-nodejs/core to install with npm or yarn add @wbc-nodejs/core to install with yarn

Required Environment Variables



corsOptions(config) ⇒ CorsOptions

Kind: global function
Returns: CorsOptions - Cors Option

Param Type Description
config Object the cors configuration
[config.whitelist] Array.<string> Array of url to whitelist
[config.whitelistRegEx] Array.<RegExp> Array of url to whitelist using matching
config.appURL string The application url
[config.exposedHeaders] Array The application url

CorsOptions : Object

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Description
credentials boolean The cors credentials.
exposedHeaders Array.<string> The headers to expose
origin function The origin function


Kind: global constant

Name Type


Kind: global constant

Name Type
URL RegExp

Error Classes




Kind: global class

new CustomError(message, [config])

Param Type
message string
[config] Object
[config.httpStatusCode] number
[config.stackTrace] string
[config.subCode] number
[config.reason] *


Kind: global class

new RequestValidationError(message, [config])

Param Type
message string
[config] Object
[config.subCode] number
[config.reason] *


Kind: global class

new AuthenticationError(message, [config])

Param Type
message string
[config] Object
[config.subCode] number
[config.reason] *


Kind: global class

new AuthorizationError(message, [config])

Param Type
message string
[config] Object
[config.subCode] number
[config.reason] *


Kind: global class

new NotFoundError(message, [config])

Param Type
message string
[config] Object
[config.subCode] number
[config.reason] *


Kind: global class

new ConflictError(message, [config])

Param Type
message string
[config] Object
[config.subCode] number
[config.reason] *

Utility Functions


env : Object.<string, *>


isTypeOf(varToCheck, type)* | boolean
getEnv()Object.<string, *>

get all the system environment variables


set a new environment variable or update existing one


Paginates model

removeFileExtension(fileName)string | *

To remove extension from a file

isValidBase64Image(base64)string | *

Check if a string is a valid base64

pickFromObject(obj, acceptedKeys)Object | *

To create a new object containing a specified key from an existing object

discardFromObject(obj, forbiddenKeys)Object | *

To create a new object that does not contain a specified key from an existing object


To get base domain from a giving url


To get cookie domain

getTokensFromRequest(req, [config])Object

To get tokens from request

setTokensToResponse(res, tokens, [config])string

To set token to response

normalizePort(port)boolean | number | *
updateQueryParams(route, params, [customIdentifier])string
base64Encode(val, [urlEncode])string
base64Decode(val, [urlEncoded])string
convertToSlug(text)string | *



env : Object.<string, *>

Kind: global constant

isTypeOf(varToCheck, type) ⇒ * | boolean

Kind: global function
Returns: * | boolean - check - the strict type of a variable

Param Type Description
varToCheck * variable to check its type
type string The type to check against

getDistinctFrequency(array) ⇒ Object

Kind: global function
Returns: Object - Frequency counter

Param Type Description
array Array | string The port to normalize

getEnv() ⇒ Object.<string, *>

get all the system environment variables

Kind: global function
Returns: Object.<string, *> - Environment variables

setEnv(newEnv) ⇒ null

set a new environment variable or update existing one

Kind: global function
Returns: null - Null

Param Type Description
newEnv Object The new environment variable(s) as object

paginate(model) ⇒ PaginationFunction

Paginates model

Kind: global function
Returns: PaginationFunction - Function to paginate the specified model

Param Type Description
model Object model to add pagination to
[model.findAndCountAll] function inbuilt model function

removeFileExtension(fileName) ⇒ string | *

To remove extension from a file

Kind: global function
Returns: string | * - Name without extension

Param Type Description
fileName string The name of the file to remove its extension

isValidBase64Image(base64) ⇒ string | *

Check if a string is a valid base64

Kind: global function
Returns: string | * - If the string is base64 formatted

Param Type Description
base64 string the base 64 string

pickFromObject(obj, acceptedKeys) ⇒ Object | *

To create a new object containing a specified key from an existing object

Kind: global function
Returns: Object | * - Newly created object

Param Type Description
obj Object object to pick key value pair from
acceptedKeys Array.<string> the keys to pick from the object

discardFromObject(obj, forbiddenKeys) ⇒ Object | *

To create a new object that does not contain a specified key from an existing object

Kind: global function
Returns: Object | * - Newly created object

Param Type Description
obj Object Object to create from
forbiddenKeys Array.<string> the keys that should not exist in the new object

getBaseDomainFromUrl(url) ⇒ string

To get base domain from a giving url

Kind: global function
Returns: string - The base domain

Param Type Description
url string The url to extract base domain from

getCookieDomain(req) ⇒ string

To get cookie domain

Kind: global function
Returns: string - The base domain

Param Type Description
req Object Express request object

getTokensFromRequest(req, [config]) ⇒ Object

To get tokens from request

Kind: global function
Returns: Object - Token Object

Param Type Description
req Object Express request object
[config] Object key to find accessToken
[config.accessTokenKey] string key to find accessToken
[config.refreshTokenKey] string key to find accessToken

setTokensToResponse(res, tokens, [config]) ⇒ string

To set token to response

Kind: global function
Returns: string - Referer Url

Param Type Description
res Object Express response object
tokens Object The tokens to set
[tokens.access] string The access token to set
[tokens.refresh] string The access token to set
[config] Object Other configurations
[config.cookieDomain] string The domain to set the token cookies on
[config.accessTokenKey] string The key to use for accessToken
[config.refreshTokenKey] string The key to use for refreshToken
[config.cookieLifeInDays] number The number of days before cookie expires

normalizePort(port) ⇒ boolean | number | *

Kind: global function
Returns: boolean | number | * - Normalized port

Param Type Description
port string | number The port to normalize

updateQueryParams(route, params, [customIdentifier]) ⇒ string

Kind: global function
Returns: string - The updated url with the query params attached

Param Type
route string
params Object
[customIdentifier] string

base64Encode(val, [urlEncode]) ⇒ string

Kind: global function
Returns: string - The encoded string

Param Type
val *
[urlEncode] boolean

base64Decode(val, [urlEncoded]) ⇒ string

Kind: global function
Returns: string - The decoded string

Param Type
val *
[urlEncoded] boolean

convertToSlug(text) ⇒ string | *

Kind: global function
Returns: string | * - slug

Param Type
text string

PaginationFunction ⇒ Object

Kind: global typedef
Returns: Object - Paginated data

Param Type Default Description
[page] string | number 1 page to query
[limit] string | number 10 limit for the query
[options] Object Options for the model

JWT Helper





To get user data to be used to regenerate token


jwt~makeToken(user, [lifeSpan]) ⇒ undefined | string

To generate a jwt

Kind: inner method of jwt
Returns: undefined | string - The generated token string

Param Type Description
user Object The user to create a token for
[lifeSpan] string The lifespan of the token to be created

jwt~verifyToken(token, [includeSignature]) ⇒ Object

To verify a given jwt

Kind: inner method of jwt
Returns: Object - the user object

Param Type Default Description
token String the access token string
[includeSignature] Boolean true Whether or not to include signature

jwt~generateTokens(user) ⇒ Object

To generate both access and refresh token for a given user

Kind: inner method of jwt
Returns: Object - The generated token object containing access token and refresh token

Param Type Description
user Object The user to generate tokens for

jwt~renewAccessToken(refreshToken, getUser) ⇒ Promise.<Array>

To get new access token from a refresh token

Kind: inner method of jwt
Returns: Promise.<Array> - The new access token and the user data

Param Type Description
refreshToken string the refresh token
getUser RefreshTokenGetUser | function Function to get user

RefreshTokenGetUser ⇒ Object

To get user data to be used to regenerate token

Kind: global typedef
Returns: Object - the user

Param Type
id string

App Logger


Application logger

Kind: global constant

Name Type
stream *
add function
info function

Response Helper


response~render(req, res, template, [data], [statusCode]) ⇒ HTMLDocument

Kind: inner method of response
Returns: HTMLDocument - Full html content

Param Type Default Description
req Object Express request object
res Object Express response object
template String Http status code for the response
[data] Object Data to be return as part of response body
[statusCode] Number 200 Http status code for the response

response~success(res, statusCode, [data], [message]) ⇒ JSON

Kind: inner method of response
Returns: JSON - Formatted JSON server response

Param Type Description
res object Express response object
statusCode Number Http status code for the response
[data] object Data to be return as part of response body
[message] String Message accompanying the response data

response~ok(res, [data], [message]) ⇒ JSON

Kind: inner method of response
Returns: JSON - Formatted JSON server response

Param Type Description
res object Express response object
[data] object Data to be return as part of response body
[message] String Message accompanying the response data

response~created(res, data, [message]) ⇒ JSON

Kind: inner method of response
Returns: JSON - Formatted JSON server response

Param Type Description
res object Express response object
data object Data to be return as part of response body
[message] String Message accompanying the response data

response~redirect(res, url, [code]) ⇒ Null

Kind: inner method of response
Returns: Null - Null

Param Type Description
res object Express response object
url String url to redirect to
[code] Number 301 or 302 based on permanent or temporary



validator : object


ValidatorInstance : Object

validator : object

Kind: global namespace

validator.body : ValidatorInstance

Kind: static constant of validator

validator.param : ValidatorInstance

Kind: static constant of validator

validator.query : ValidatorInstance

Kind: static constant of validator

CustomValidator ⇒ *

Kind: global typedef
Returns: * - Validation chain

Param Type Description
[fieldName] string The field to validate
[message] string Error message

CustomConfirmValidator ⇒ *

Kind: global typedef
Returns: * - Validation chain

Param Type Description
[fieldName] string The field to validate
[benchmark] string What to benchmark against
[message] string Error message

CustomMatchPatterValidator ⇒ *

Kind: global typedef
Returns: * - Validation chain

Param Type Description
fieldName string The field to validate
pattern RegExp pattern to test for
[message] string Error message

CustomRequiredValidator ⇒ Array

Kind: global typedef
Returns: Array - Validation chain

Param Type Description
...fieldNames string Name of the required field(s)

ValidatorInstance : Object

Kind: global typedef

Name Type
email CustomValidator
password CustomValidator
confirm CustomConfirmValidator
matchPattern CustomMatchPatterValidator
required CustomRequiredValidator


decodeCurrentUser([accessTokenKey], [refreshTokenKey]) ⇒ function

Kind: global function
Returns: function - Express middleware function

Param Type Default Description
[accessTokenKey] string "accessToken" The accessToken key
[refreshTokenKey] string "refreshToken" The accessToken key

errorHandler([includeStackTrace]) ⇒ function

Kind: global function
Returns: function - Express middleware function

Param Type Description
[includeStackTrace] boolean Whether or not to include stack trace

requireAuthentication([message]) ⇒ function

Kind: global function
Returns: function - Express middleware function

Param Type Description
[message] string The message to display to user

preloadSwagger(documentation) ⇒ function

Kind: global function
Returns: function - Middleware to update documentation properties

Param Type Description
documentation Object Swagger json documentation

refreshAccessToken([config]) ⇒ function

Kind: global function
Returns: function - Middleware to refresh accessToken

Param Type Description
[config] Object Configuration object
[config.accessTokenKey] string key to find accessToken
[config.refreshTokenKey] string key to find refreshToken
[config.forceRefreshEvenIfNotExpire] boolean Whether or not to refresh even if the token has not yet expired
config.getUser RefreshTokenGetUser Function to get user data

requirePrivilege(requirements, [config]) ⇒ function

Kind: global function Returns: function - Privilege checker middleware

Param Type Default Description
requirements Object The requirements
[requirements.has] string | function Checks for this privilege
[requirements.hasAll] Array.<string> | function Checks for all privilege in this array
[requirements.hasAny] Array.<string> | function Checks for any privilege in this array
[config] Object other configurations
[config.errorMessage] string Error message to show user in case requirement not met
[config.privilegeKey] string "privilegeList" Key to check privilege list in req.user

validationResult([message]) ⇒ function

Kind: global function
Returns: function - Middleware to update documentation properties

Param Type Description
[message] string General error message to return

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