
1.1.0 • Public • Published

Installation as a user

Follow these steps if you would like to use the linting and formatting rules in your own JavaScript project:

Step 1: Install this repository as a dev dependency:

npm install -D \
	eslint \

Step 2: Create a file called .prettierrc.js in the root of your project, and give it the following contents:

module.exports = require('@wvbe/eslint-config/prettier');

Step 3: Create a file called .eslintrc.js in the root of your project, and give it the following contents:

module.exports = {
	extends: ['@wvbe/eslint-config/vanilla'],

Step 4: Update .eslintrc.js to extend linting rules specific to your project type. Add any amount of the following strings to the extends array:

  • @wvbe/eslint-config/vanilla, linting rules that apply to any JavaScript project.
  • @wvbe/eslint-config/jest, for the Jest test framework.
  • @wvbe/eslint-config/node, for NodeJS.
  • @wvbe/eslint-config/typescript, for TypeScript. Requires the typescript peer dependency.

Step 5: Remove any JS formatting-related configuration from .editorconfig.

If you haven't already, consider installing the recommended IDE plugins in the next section.

IDE plugins

Although ESLint can fix a bunch of warnings/errors for you automatically, it pays to have a dedicated IDE plugin for Prettier. This is usually a lot faster than running code formatting through ESLint.

In VS Code, the following plugins are recommended;

If you must, you can run all linting and formatting rules via command line yourself;

npx eslint .
npx prettier . --write

Installation as a repository contributor

Follow these steps if you want to contribute to the rules in @wvbe/eslint-config:

Step 1: Clone this repository and run npm install && npm link

Step 2: In a test project, follow all of the Installation as a user steps.

Step 3: In the same test project, run npm link @wvbe/eslint-config.

Your test project now has all (transitive) dependencies installed, and the rulesets that Total Design controls are symlinked here. Note that you may have to repeat some of these steps if @wvbe/eslint-config's dependencies change.




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