
0.5.30 • Public • Published

Z1 Lib UI Box

Tailwind css is the best fit for the Z1 system, as it allows styling to be schema and data driven. However managing functional css class name strings is complex and labour intensive at scale. UI Box manages Tailwind class name mutations with a familiar css-in-js interface for ergonmic development.



yarn add @z1/lib-ui-box
npm i --save @z1/lib-ui-box


import { uiBox, toCss } from '@z1/lib-ui-box'

// or with default

import ubx, { toCss } from '@z1/lib-ui-box'

Top level functions

interface UiBox = {
  create: (box: CssProps) => UiBox;
  next: (box: CssProps) => UiBox;
  toBox: () => CssProps;
  toCss: () => string;
declare function toCss(box: CssProps): string {}


import { toCss, uiBox } from '@z1/lib-ui-box'

const baseElement = uiBox.create({
  display: 'flex',
  flexDirection: ['col', { md: 'row' }],
  alignItems: 'center',
  justifySelf: 'stretch',
  borderWidth: true,
  borderRadius: [
    { topLeft: 'sm', bottomRight: 'sm' },
      md: { topLeft: 'lg', bottomRight: 'lg' },
  borderColor: ['blue-500', { hover: 'transparent' }],
  bgColor: [null, { hover: 'blue-500' }],
  color: ['blue-500', { hover: 'white' }],
  className: 'element',
const defaultClassNames = baseElement.toCss()
// outputs: 'flex flex-col md:flex-row items-center border rounded-tl-sm rounded-br-sm md:rounded-tl-lg md:rounded-br-lg border-blue-500 hover:border-transparent hover:bg-blue-500 text-blue-500 hover:text-white element'

const warningClassNames = baseElement
    borderColor: ['orange-500', { hover: 'transparent' }],
    bgColor: [null, { hover: 'orange-500' }],
    color: ['orange-500', { hover: 'white' }],
    className: 'warning',
// outputs: 'flex flex-col md:flex-row items-center border rounded-tl-sm rounded-br-sm md:rounded-tl-lg md:rounded-br-lg border-orange-500 hover:border-transparent hover:bg-orange-500 text-orange-500 hover:text-white warning'

const dangerElement = baseElement.next({
  borderColor: ['red-500', { hover: 'transparent' }],
  bgColor: [null, { hover: 'red-500' }],
  color: ['red-500', { hover: 'white' }],
  fontWeight: 'bold',
  className: 'danger',

const successElement = baseElement.next({
  borderColor: ['green-500', { hover: 'transparent' }],
  bgColor: [null, { hover: 'green-500' }],
  color: ['green-500', { hover: 'white' }],
  fontWeight: 'bolder',
  className: 'success',

// Mutate the box state before rendering
const infoProps = {
  borderColor: ['teal-500', { hover: 'transparent' }],
  bgColor: [null, { hover: 'teal-500' }],
  color: ['teal-500', { hover: 'white' }],
const infoClassNames = successElement
    fontWeight: 'medium',
    className: 'info',
// outputs: 'flex flex-col md:flex-row items-center border rounded-tl-sm rounded-br-sm md:rounded-tl-lg md:rounded-br-lg border-teal-500 hover:border-transparent hover:bg-teal-500 text-teal-500 hover:text-white info font-medium'

const fontProps = {
  fontWeight: 'bolder',
  fontSize: ['xl', { md: '2xl' }],
const noticeClassNames = dangerElement
    borderColor: 'yellow-500',
    bgColor: 'yellow-500',
    color: 'gray-900',
    className: 'notice',
// outputs: 'flex flex-col md:flex-row items-center border rounded-tl-sm rounded-br-sm md:rounded-tl-lg md:rounded-br-lg border-yellow-500 bg-yellow-500 text-gray-900 notice font-bolder text-xl md:text-2xl'

// Shorthand render
const classNames = toCss({
  display: ['block', { sm: 'inline-block' }],
  borderColor: 'blue-500'
// outputs: 'block border-blue-500 sm:inline-block'


An object representing the root classNames and their variations of properties.

A className property can either be the xs size or multiple sizes and modifiers as a Tuple with the head being the xs size and the tail being an object of modifiers.

type ClassNameType = boolean | string | number | object

interface CommonModifiers = {
  sm?: classNameType;
  md?: classNameType;
  lg?: classNameType;
  xl?: classNameType;
  hover?: classNameType;

let classNameTuple: [ ClassNameType, CommonModifiers]

Available CssProp Types

// color range depends on your Tailwind config
type ColorName = string | null

// layout
type Container = boolean | null
type Display = 'hidden'
  | 'block'
  | 'flex'
  | 'inline-flex'
  | 'inline'
  | 'table'
  | 'table-row'
  | 'table-cell'
  | null
type Clearfix = boolean | null
type Float = 'right'
  | 'left'
  | 'none'
  | null
type ObjectFit = 'contain'
  | 'cover'
  | 'fill'
  | 'none'
  | 'scale-down'
  | null
type ObjectPosition = 'bottom'
  | 'center'
  | 'left'
  | 'left-bottom'
  | 'left-top'
  | 'right'
  | 'right-bottom'
  | 'right-top'
  | 'top'
  | null
type Overflow = 'auto'
  | 'visible'
  | 'hidden'
  | 'scroll'
  | null
type Scrolling = 'touch' | 'auto' | null
type Position = 'static'
  | 'fixed'
  | 'absolute'
  | 'relative'
  | 'sticky'
  | null
type Inset = 0 | 'auto' | null
interface Pin = {
  top?: boolean;
  right?: boolean;
  bottom?: boolean;
  left?: boolean;
} | null
type Visible = boolean | null
type ZIndex = 'auto'
  | 0
  | 10
  | 20
  | 30
  | 40
  | 50
  | null

// borders
type BorderColor = ColorName | null
type BorderStyle = 'solid'
  | 'dashed'
  | 'dotted'
  | 'double'
  | 'none'
  | null
type BorderWidthRange = boolean
  | 1
  | 0
  | 2
  | 4
  | null
interface BorderWidthSides = {
  top?: BorderWidthRange;
  right?: BorderWidthRange;
  bottom?: BorderWidthRange;
  left?: BorderWidthRange;
type BorderWidth = BorderWidthRange | BorderWidthSides
type RadiusRange = boolean
  | 'none'
  | 'sm'
  | 'md'
  | 'lg'
  | 'full'
  | null
interface RadiusSides = {
  top?: RadiusRange;
  right?: RadiusRange;
  bottom?: RadiusRange;
  left?: RadiusRange;
  topRight?: RadiusRange;
  bottomRight?: RadiusRange;
  bottomLeft?: RadiusRange;
  topLeft?: RadiusRange;
type BorderRadius = RadiusRange | RadiusSides

// sizing
type Width = 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 8
  | 10 | 12 | 16 | 20 | 24
  | 32 | 40 | 48 | 56 | 64
  | 'auto'
  | 'px'
  | '1/2' | '1/3' | '2/3'
  | '1/4' | '2/4' | '3/4'
  | '1/5' | '2/5' | '3/5' | '4/5'
  | '1/6' | '2/6' | '3/6' | '4/6' | '5/6'
  | '1/12' | '2/12' | '3/12' | '4/12' | '5/12' | '6/12'
  | '7/12' | '8/12' | '9/12' | '10/12' | '11/12'
  | 'full'
  | 'screen'
  | null
type MinWidth = 0 | 'full' | null
type MaxWidth = 'xs'
  | 'sm'
  | 'md'
  | 'lg'
  | 'xl'
  | '2xl'
  | '3xl'
  | '4xl'
  | '5xl'
  | '6xl'
  | 'full'
  | null
type Height = 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 8
  | 10 | 12 | 16 | 20 | 24
  | 32 | 40 | 48 | 56 | 64
  | 'auto'
  | 'px'
  | 'screen'
  | null
type MinHeight = 0 | 'full' | 'screen' | null
type MaxHeight = 'full' | 'screen' | null

// typography
type Color = ColorName | null
type FontFamily = 'sans' | 'serif' | 'mono' | null
type FontSize = 'xs'
  | 'sm'
  | 'md'
  | 'lg'
  | 'xl'
  | '2xl'
  | '3xl'
  | '4xl'
  | '5xl'
  | '6xl'
  | 'base'
  | null
type FontSmoothing = boolean | 'subpixel' | null
type FontStyle = 'normal' | 'italic' | null
type FontWeight = 'hairline'
  | 'thin'
  | 'light'
  | 'normal'
  | 'medium'
  | 'semibold'
  | 'bold'
  | 'extrabold'
  | 'black'
  | null
type LetterSpacing = 'tighter'
  | 'tight'
  | 'normal'
  | 'wide'
  | 'wider'
  | 'widest'
  | null
type LineHeight = 'none'
  | 'tight'
  | 'snug'
  | 'normal'
  | 'relaxed'
  | 'loose'
  | null
type ListType = 'none'
  | 'disc'
  | 'decimal'
  | null
type ListPosition = 'inside' | 'outside' | null
type TextAlignX = 'left'
  | 'center'
  | 'right'
  | 'justify'
  | null
type TextAlignY = 'baseline'
  | 'top'
  | 'middle'
  | 'bottom'
  | 'text-top'
  | 'text-bottom'
  | null
type TextDecoration = 'underline'
  | 'none'
  | 'line-through'
  | null
type TextTransform = 'normal'
  | 'uppercase'
  | 'lowercase'
  | 'capitalize'
  | null
type Whitespace = 'normal'
  | 'no-wrap'
  | 'pre'
  | 'pre-line'
  | 'pre-wrap'
  | null
type WordBreak = 'normal'
  | 'words'
  | 'all'
  | 'truncate'
  | null

// flexbox
type Flex = 1
  | 'auto'
  | 'initial'
  | 'none'
  | null
type FlexDirection = 'row'
  | 'row-reverse'
  | 'col'
  | 'col-reverse'
  | null
type FlexWrap = boolean | 'reverse' | null
type AlignItems = 'stretch'
  | 'start'
  | 'center'
  | 'end'
  | 'baseline'
  | null
type AlignContent = 'start'
  | 'center'
  | 'end'
  | 'between'
  | 'around'
  | null
type AlignSelf = 'auto'
  | 'start'
  | 'center'
  | 'end'
  | 'stretch'
  | null
type JustifyContent = 'start'
  | 'center'
  | 'end'
  | 'between'
  | 'around'
  | null
type FlexGrow = boolean | null
type FlexShrink = boolean | null
type FlexOrder = 'first'
  | 'last'
  | 'none'
  | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 8
  | 10 | 12
  | null

// tables
type TableCollapse = boolean | null
type TableLayout = 'auto' | 'fixed' | null

// backgrounds
type BgAttachment = 'fixed' | 'local' | 'scroll' | null
type BgColor = ColorName | null
type BgPosition = 'bottom'
  | 'center'
  | 'left'
  | 'left-bottom'
  | 'left-top'
  | 'right'
  | 'right-bottom'
  | 'right-top'
  | 'top'
  | null
type BgRepeat = 'repeat'
  | 'no-repeat'
  | 'repeat-x'
  | 'repeat-y'
  | 'repeat-round'
  | 'repeat-space'
  | null
type BgSize = 'auto' | 'cover' | 'contain' | null

// spacing
type PaddingRange =  0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 8
  | 10 | 12 | 16 | 20 | 24
  | 32 | 40 | 48 | 56 | 64
  | 'px'
  | null
interface PaddingSides = {
  x?: PaddingRange;
  y?: PaddingRange;
  top?: PaddingRange;
  right?: PaddingRange;
  bottom?: PaddingRange;
  left?: PaddingRange;
type Padding = PaddingRange | PaddingSides
type MarginRange = 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 8
  | 10 | 12 | 16 | 20 | 24
  | 32 | 40 | 48 | 56 | 64
  | 'auto'
  | 'px'
  | -1 | -2 | -3 | -4 | -5 | -6 | -8
  | -10 | -12 | -16 | -20 | -24
  | -32 | -40 | -48 | -56 | -64
interface MarginSides = {
  x?: MarginRange;
  y?: MarginRange;
  top?: MarginRange;
  right?: MarginRange;
  bottom?: MarginRange;
  left?: MarginRange;
type Margin = MarginRange | MarginSides

// interactivity
type Appearance = 'none' | null
type Cursor = 'auto' 
  | 'default'
  | 'pointer'
  | 'wait'
  | 'text'
  | 'move'
  | 'not-allowed'
  | null
type Outline = 'none' | null
type PointerEvents = 'none' | 'auto' | null
type Resize = boolean | 'none' | 'x' | 'y' | null
type UserSelect = 'none' 
  | 'text' 
  | 'all' 
  | 'auto' 
  | null

// misc
type Shadow = boolean 
  | 'md'
  | 'lg'
  | 'xl'
  | '2xl'
  | 'inner'
  | 'outline'
  | 'none'
  | null
type Opacity = 0 
  | 25
  | 50
  | 75
  | 100
  | null
type Fill = boolean | null
type Stroke = boolean | null

// extra classNames to add to output
type ClassName = string | null

CssProps Interface

type Mod = 'sm' 
  | 'md' 
  | 'lg' 
  | 'xl' 
  | 'hover'
  | 'focus'
  | 'active'
  | 'disabled'
  | 'visited'
  | 'first'
  | 'last'
  | 'odd'
  | 'even'
  | 'group-hover'
  | 'focus-within'

interface CssProps = {
   // layout
  container?: Container | [Container, { [key: Mod]: Container; }];
  display?: Display | [Display, { [key: Mod]: Display; }];
  clearfix?: Clearfix | [Clearfix, { [key: Mod]: Clearfix; }];
  float?: Float | [Float, { [key: Mod]: Float; }];
  objectFit?: ObjectFit | [ObjectFit, { [key: Mod]: ObjectFit; }];
  objectPosition?: ObjectPosition | [ObjectPosition, { [key: Mod]: ObjectPosition; }];
  overflow?: Overflow | [Overflow, { [key: Mod]: Overflow; }];
  overflowX?: Overflow | [Overflow, { [key: Mod]: Overflow; }];
  overflowY?: Overflow | [Overflow, { [key: Mod]: Overflow; }];
  scrolling?: Scrolling | [Scrolling, { [key: Mod]: Scrolling; }];
  position?: Position | [Position, { [key: Mod]: Position; }];
  inset?: Inset | [Inset, { [key: Mod]: Inset; }];
  insetX?: Inset | [Inset, { [key: Mod]: Inset; }];
  insetY?: Inset | [Inset, { [key: Mod]: Inset; }];
  pin?: Pin | [Pin, { [key: Mod]: Pin; }];
  visible?: Visible | [Visible, { [key: Mod]: Visible; }];
  zIndex?: ZIndex | [ZIndex, { [key: Mod]: ZIndex; }];
   // borders
  borderColor?: BorderColor | [BorderColor, { [key: Mod]: BorderColor; }];
  borderStyle?: BorderStyle | [BorderStyle, { [key: Mod]: BorderStyle; }];
  borderWidth?: BorderWidth | [BorderWidth, { [key: Mod]: BorderWidth; }];
  borderRadius?: BorderRadius | [BorderRadius, { [key: Mod]: BorderRadius; }];
   // sizing
  width?: Width | [Width, { [key: Mod]: Width; }];
  minWidth?: MinWidth | [MinWidth, { [key: Mod]: MinWidth; }];
  maxWidth?: MaxWidth | [MaxWidth, { [key: Mod]: MaxWidth; }];
  height?: Height | [Height, { [key: Mod]: Height; }];
  minHeight?: MinHeight | [MinHeight, { [key: Mod]: MinHeight; }];
  maxHeight?: MaxHeight | [MaxHeight, { [key: Mod]: MaxHeight; }];
  // typography
  color?: Color | [Color, { [key: Mod]: Color; }];
  fontFamily?: FontFamily | [FontFamily, { [key: Mod]: FontFamily; }];
  fontSize?: FontSize | [FontSize, { [key: Mod]: FontSize; }];
  fontSmoothing?: FontSmoothing | [FontSmoothing, { [key: Mod]: FontSmoothing; }];
  fontStyle?: FontStyle | [FontStyle, { [key: Mod]: FontStyle; }];
  fontWeight?: FontWeight | [FontWeight, { [key: Mod]: FontWeight; }];
  letterSpacing?: LetterSpacing | [LetterSpacing, { [key: Mod]: LetterSpacing; }];
  lineHeight?: LineHeight | [LineHeight, { [key: Mod]: LineHeight; }];
  listType?: ListType | [ListType, { [key: Mod]: ListType; }];
  listPosition?: ListPosition | [ListPosition, { [key: Mod]: ListPosition; }];
  textAlignX?: TextAlignX | [TextAlignX, { [key: Mod]: TextAlignX; }];
  textAlignY?: TextAlignY | [TextAlignY, { [key: Mod]: TextAlignY; }];
  textDecoration?: TextDecoration | [TextDecoration, { [key: Mod]: TextDecoration; }];
  textTransform?: TextTransform | [TextTransform, { [key: Mod]: TextTransform; }];
  whitespace?: Whitespace | [Whitespace, { [key: Mod]: Whitespace; }];
  wordBreak?: WordBreak | [WordBreak, { [key: Mod]: WordBreak; }];
  // flexbox
  flex?: Flex | [Flex, { [key: Mod]: Flex; }];
  flexDirection?: FlexDirection | [FlexDirection, { [key: Mod]: FlexDirection; }];
  flexWrap?: FlexWrap | [FlexWrap, { [key: Mod]: FlexWrap; }];
  alignItems?: AlignItems | [AlignItems, { [key: Mod]: AlignItems; }];
  alignContent?: AlignContent | [AlignContent, { [key: Mod]: AlignContent; }];
  alignSelf?: AlignSelf | [AlignSelf, { [key: Mod]: AlignSelf; }];
  justifyContent?: JustifyContent | [JustifyContent, { [key: Mod]: JustifyContent; }];
  flexGrow?: FlexGrow | [FlexGrow, { [key: Mod]: FlexGrow; }];
  flexShrink?: FlexShrink | [FlexShrink, { [key: Mod]: FlexShrink; }];
  flexOrder?: FlexOrder | [FlexOrder, { [key: Mod]: FlexOrder; }];
  // tables
  tableCollapse?: TableCollapse | [TableCollapse, { [key: Mod]: TableCollapse; }];
  tableLayout?: TableLayout | [TableLayout, { [key: Mod]: TableLayout; }];
  // backgrounds
  bgAttachment?: BgAttachment | [BgAttachment, { [key: Mod]: BgAttachment; }];
  bgColor?: BgColor | [BgColor, { [key: Mod]: BgColor; }];
  bgPosition?: BgPosition | [BgPosition, { [key: Mod]: BgPosition; }];
  bgRepeat?: BgRepeat | [BgRepeat, { [key: Mod]: BgRepeat; }];
  bgSize?: BgSize | [BgSize, { [key: Mod]: BgSize; }];
  // spacing
  padding?: Padding | [Padding, { [key: Mod]: Padding; }];
  margin?: Margin | [Margin, { [key: Mod]: Margin; }];
  // interactivity
  appearance?: Appearance | [Appearance, { [key: Mod]: Appearance; }];
  cursor?: Cursor | [Cursor, { [key: Mod]: Cursor; }];
  outline?: Outline | [Outline, { [key: Mod]: Outline; }];
  pointerEvents?: PointerEvents | [PointerEvents, { [key: Mod]: PointerEvents; }];
  resize?: Resize | [Resize, { [key: Mod]: Resize; }];
  userSelect?: UserSelect | [UserSelect, { [key: Mod]: UserSelect; }];
  // misc
  shadow?: Shadow | [Shadow, { [key: Mod]: Shadow; }];
  opacity?: Opacity | [Opacity, { [key: Mod]: Opacity; }];
  fill?: Fill | [Fill, { [key: Mod]: Fill; }];
  stroke?: Stroke | [Stroke, { [key: Mod]: Stroke; }];
  className?: ClassName | [ClassName, { [key: Mod]: ClassName; }];

Converting Tailwind classNames into CssProps

Z1 Lib UI Box Reverse does the opposite of this lib. It takes a string of Tailwind classNames and returns a CssProps object.




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