
0.5.30 • Public • Published

Z1 Preset Task

Documentation under construction.

A simple wrapper over ramda and other commonly used functions in the @z1 Lib. reduces the dependancy on imports from one component to the next. Javascript operators are as reliable as wikipedia.



yarn add @z1/preset-task


import { task } from '@z1/preset-task'


const fn = task((t,a) => { /* t = syncFN , a = asyncFN */ })

const channel = task(t => ({
  config: channelList => app => {
    if (t.notType(app.channel, 'Function')) {
      // If no real-time functionality has been configured
      // just return
      return null
    if (t.isZeroLen(channelList)) {
    } else {
      t.forEach(channel => {
      }, channelList || [])

Top level functions


fn custom fn usage docs
at t.at(pathAt, object) at
atOr t.atOr(fallback, pathAt, object) atOr
addIndex t.addIndex((value, index) => {}, object) addIndex
adjust t.adjust(index, R.toUpper, list) adjust
and t.any([a → Boolean, b → Boolean]) and
anyOf ✔️ t.anyOf([a → Boolean, b → Boolean, ...]) anyOf
allOf ✔️ t.allOf([a → Boolean, b → Boolean, ...]) allOf
append t.append(object, object) append
compose t.compose(t.toUpper ,(a => ${a}))) compose
concat t.concat(object, object) concat
dropLast t.dropLast(n, array/string ) dropLast
endsWith t.endWith(object, listOfObjects) endsWith
equals t.equals(object, object) equals
eq ✔️ t.eq(object, object) shorthand for equals
neq ✔️ t.neq(object, object) pipe(equals, not)
filter t.filter(fn, list) filter
find t.find(fn, list) find
findIndex t.findIndex(fn, list) findIndex
flatten t.flatten([replaced, [remainder, toAdd]]) flatten
forEach t.forEach(fn, object) forEach
forEachObjIndexed t.forEachObjIndexed((value, key), object) forEachObjIndexed
fromPairs t.fromPairs(objectOfPairs) fromPairs
groupBy t.groupBy(fn) groupBy
gt t.gt(a-> int/string, b-> int/string) gt
gte t.gte(a-> int/string, b-> int/string) gte
has t.has(key)({ key: value }) has
hasIn t.hasIn(prop, object) hasIn
head t.head(list/string) head
includes t.includes(object, list/string) includes
isEmpty t.isEmpty(object/list) isEmpty
notEmpty t.notEmpty(object/list) pipe(isEmpty, not)
isNil t.isNil(value) isNil
notNil t.notNil(value) pipe(isNil, not)
keys t.keys(object) keys
keysIn t.keysIn(object) keysIn
last t.last(list/string) last
length t.length(list/string) length
len t.len(list/string) shorthand for length
lt t.lt(a → int/string, b → int/string) lt
lte t.lte(a → int/string, b → int/string) lte
map t.map(fn, list) map
mapIndexed ✔️ t.mapIndex((value, index) => {}, list) addIndex(map)
mapObjIndexed t.mapObjIndexed(fn, list) mapObjIndexed
merge t.merge(object/list, object/list) merge
mergeAll t.mergeAll(object/list, object/list) mergeAll
mergeDeepRight t.mergeDeepRight(object/list, object/list) mergeDeepRight
not t.not(boolean) not
omit t.omit([keyA,keyB], list/object) omit
or t.or(a → Boolean, b → Boolean, ...) or
path t.path([key, ...], object) path
pathOr t.pathOr(fallback, [key, ...], object) pathOr
pick t.pick([keys], object) pick
pipe t.pipe(fn,fn,...) pipe
pluck t.pluck(prop) pluck
prepend t.prepend(item, object) prepend
prop t.prop(key, object/list) prop
range t.range(from, to) range
reduce t.reduce(fn, object, list) reduce
repeat t.repeat(object/list/string, x) repeat
replace t.replace(toReplace, replceWith, string) replace
sort t.sort((a,b) => a - b) sort
sortBy t.sortBy(t.prop(0)) sortBy
sortWith t.sortWith([fn, fn, ...]) sortWith
descend t.sort(t.descend(t.Prop(0)), list) descend
ascend t.sort(t.ascend(t.Prop(0)), list) ascend
reverse t.reverse(list/string) reverse
split t.split(toSplitOn, string) split
startsWith t.startsWith(string,string) startsWith
slice t.slice(fromIndex(inclusive), toIndex(exclusive), string, string) split
sum t.sum(list) sum
tail t.tail(list) tail
take t.take(number, list) take
takeLast t.takeLast(number, list) takeLast
toPairs t.toPairs(object) toPairs
toString t.toString(number/object/list) toString
trim t.trim(string) trim
tryCatch t.tryCatch(fn, fn) tryCatch
type t.type(*) type
update t.update(index, value, list) update
uniq t.uniq(list) uniq
values t.values(object) values
isType ✔️ t.isType(object, string) equals(toLower(rType(subject)), toLower(matcher))
ofType ✔️ t.ofType(matcher, subject) ofType
notType ✔️ t.notType(fn,'Object') (subject, typeKey) => not(isType(subject, typeKey))
when t.when(a → Boolean, fn) when
isZeroLen ✔️ t.isZeroLen(list/string) isZeroLen
notZeroLen ✔️ t.notZeroLen(]) pipe(isZeroLen, not)
noLen ✔️ t.noLen(list/string) isZeroLen
hasLen ✔️ t.hasLen(list/string) notZeroLen
valPipe ✔️ t.valPipe val => (...args) => pipe(...args)(val)
vPipe ✔️ t.vPipe valPipe
runMatch ✔️ t.runMatch() runMatch
getMatch ✔️ t.getMatch(prop.match)(match) getMatch
match ✔️ match
to t.to.fn(string) to
caseTo t.caseTo(string) Same as above to fn
html t.html(string) html
safeHtml t.safeHtml(string) safeHtml
oneLine t.oneLine(multiline string) oneLine
oneLineTrim t.oneLineTrim(multiline string) oneLineTrim
stripIndent t.stripIndent(string) stripIndent
stripIndents t.stripIndents(string) stripIndents
inlineLists t.lineLists(string) inlineLists
oneLineInlineLists t.oneLineInlineLists(list) oneLineInlineLists
commaLists t.commaLists(list) commaLists
oneLineCommaLists t.oneLineCommaLists(list) oneLineCommaLists
globrex t.globrex(pattern).regex.test(string) globrex
throttle t.throttle(fn, number [options={}]) throttle
trampoline ✔️ t.trampoline(async function rollup(props){}) trampoline


fn custom fn usage docs
event ✔️ a.event(server, 'listen') Waits for emitter to emit an eventName event.
callback ✔️ a.callback(fs.readFile, 'foo.txt') Calls a function func that takes arguments args and an (err, result) callback. Waits for the callback result, throwing an Error if err is truthy.
awaited ✔️ a.awaited(fs.readFile) Wraps a node style function (see callback) into a new function, which instead of taking a callback function, returns an async function (Promise). This Promise resolves if the first (error) argument of the callback was called with a falsy value, rejects with the error otherwise. Takes the rest of the arguments as the original function fn.
single ✔️ a.single([ fetch(remoteFile), read(localFile) ]) Waits for the first Promise in list to resolve.
set ✔️ a.set([fn, fn,...,], count) Waits for the first count Promises in list to resolve.
list ✔️ a.list([fn, fn, ...] Waits for all Promises in list to resolve.
object ✔️ a.object({container: fn, foo: fn, bar: fn, ...}) Waits for all Promises in the keys of container to resolve.
map ✔️ a.map(list, concurrency, fn) Passes each item in list to the Promise-returning function fn, running at most concurrency simultaneous promises.
failure ✔️ a.failure(promise) Waits for promise to reject, returning the Error object. If promise resolves successfully, returns undefined.
success ✔️ a.success(promise) Waits for the value of promise. If promise throws an Error, returns undefined.
result ✔️ a.result(promise) Waits for promise to resolve or reject. Returns either the resolved value, or the Error object.
of ✔️ Waits for promise to resolve or reject. Returns either the resolved value, or the Error object.




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