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Aurelia Content Loader

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SVG-Powered component to easily create placeholder loadings (like Facebook's cards loading).


Getting Started

npm i aurelia-content-loader --save


yarn add aurelia-content-loader


In your aurelia main.js add:



Option Type Default Description
animate Boolean false Optional. Activate animations with true, 1, any.
animate-duration String 1s Optional. Change to any time value. i.e. 10s.
css-class String Optional. Additional CSS classes to add on the main container of the component.
css-class-inner String Optional. Additional CSS classes to add on the inner container of the component.
height Number 110 Optional. Represents the max height of the <svg />.
image-radius Number 30 Optional. Radius of the main image (see Facebook or Instagram components) - does not matter if the image is a square. If square, image width/height will be the diameter (2 * radius).
image-as-circle Boolean false Optional. Activate circle image with true, 1, any.
line-height Number 7 Optional. Used for components like (Facebook, List and Code), represents the height of the lines representing texts. Can be changed to any number.
line-max-number Number 5 Optional. Used for components like (Facebook, List and Code), represents the maximum number of rendered text lines. If given a very large number, the text lines will fill all the available space according to svg height.
line-padding Number 5 Optional. Used for components like (Facebook, List and Code), represents the top/bottom padding of the lines representing texts. Can be changed to any number.
line-width-randomize Boolean false Optional. Used for components like (Facebook, List), allows 'text' lines to have random widths.
width Number 320 Optional. Represents the max width of the <svg />.
svg-direction Number ltr Optional. Defines the orientation of the <svg />. Can be changed to rtl.
svg-preserve-aspect-ratio String none Optional. Defaults to none. Read more in the preserveAspectRatio attribute documentation.


Facebook Component


Instagram Component


Code Component


Additional Options

Option Type Default Description
max-code-cuhnks Number 5 Optional. Number of chunks in a line.

List Component


Additional Options

Option Type Default Description
bullets Boolean false Optional. Activate bullets with true, 1, any.
bullets-as-squares Boolean false Optional. Activate rendering bullets as squares with true, 1, any.
bullet-radius Number 5 Optional. Set the radius of the list's bullets.

Bullet list Style


Custom Component

  <rect x="0" y="0" rx="3" ry="3" width="60" height="60"></rect>
  <rect x="70" y="15" rx="3" ry="3" width="250" height="7"></rect>
  <rect x="70" y="37" rx="3" ry="3" width="200" height="7"></rect>
  <rect x="0" y="75" rx="3" ry="3" width="320" height="7"></rect>
  <rect x="0" y="92" rx="3" ry="3" width="320" height="7"></rect>

Extending component

Javascript Class

Let's say ./resources/elements/custom-loader.js.

import { bindable, containerless, customElement, inlineView } from 'aurelia-templating';
import { SvgContentLoader } from 'aurelia-content-loader/content-loader';
import { template } from 'aurelia-content-loader/template';
/** @var {String} */
const divTemplate = '';
/** @var {String} */
const svgTemplate = `<rect x="0" y="0" rx="3" ry="3" width="60" height="60"></rect>
<rect x="70" y="15" rx="3" ry="3" width="250" height="7"></rect>
<rect x="70" y="37" rx="3" ry="3" width="200" height="7"></rect>
<rect x="0" y="75" rx="3" ry="3" width="320" height="7"></rect>
<rect x="0" y="92" rx="3" ry="3" width="320" height="7"></rect>`;
@inlineView(template(divTemplate, svgTemplate))
export class SvgCustomLoader extends SvgContentLoader { }

Importing new component

Add to ./resources/index.js.

import { PLATFORM } from 'aurelia-pal';
export function configure(aurelia) {

Using within HTML Templates


Similar packages


Fork the repo then clone it

$ git clone && cd aurelia-content-loader

yarn global add gulp-cli (or $ npm install --global gulp-cli): Install Gulp cli tool.

$ yarn (or $ npm i): Install the dependencies;

$ yarn build (or $ npm run build): Build to production;

$ yarn dev: Run the docz to see your changes;

Momentarely I do not use the testing environment. I'm using this project to develop. You're all invited to help with the unit tests, if you wish to.

$ yarn test: Run all tests: type checking and unit tests;

$ yarn test:watch: Watch unit tests;

$ yarn tsc: Typescript checking;

$ yarn tsc:watch: Typescript checking with watching;





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