TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

4.40.0 • Public • Published


Status of the GitHub Workflow: bevry NPM version NPM downloads
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The definitive collection of badges for rendering


Complete API Documentation.

import { renderBadges } from 'badges'

// Listing of badges to output
const list = [
    // Custom Badges
    ['badge', { image: 'image', alt: 'alt' }],
    ['badge', { image: 'image', alt: 'alt', url: 'url', title: 'title' }],
            left: 'left',
            right: 'right',
            alt: 'alt',
            url: 'url',
            title: 'title',
            left: 'left',
            right: 'right',
            color: 'red',
            alt: 'alt',
            url: 'url',
            title: 'title',
    // Development Badges
    // Testing Badges
    // Funding Badges
    // Social Badges

// Configuration for the badges
const config = {
    npmPackageName: 'badges',

    saucelabsUsername: 'bevry',
    saucelabsAuthToken: '123',
    codeshipProjectUUID: '123',
    codeshipProjectID: '123',
    githubSlug: 'bevry/badges',
    nodeicoQueryString: { downloads: true, compact: true, height: 2 },

    sixtydevstipsID: 'd2dcf439c9759e88f3ccec1cef394c10',
    patreonUsername: 'bevry',
    opencollectiveUsername: 'bevry',
    gratipayUsername: 'bevry',
    flattrUsername: 'balupton',
    paypalURL: '',
    paypalButtonID: 'QB8GQPZAH84N6', // another option instead of paypalURL
    paypalUsername: 'bevry', // another option instead of paypalURL
    bitcoinURL: '',
    wishlistURL: '',

    slackinURL: '',
    gaTrackingID: 'UA-XXXXX-XX',
    homepage: '',
    facebookApplicationID: '123123',
    facebookUsername: 'balupton',
    twitterUsername: 'bevryme',
    githubUsername: 'balupton',
    quoraUsername: 'Benjamin-Lupton',
    quoraRealname: 'Benjamin Arthur Lupton', // optional, will extract from username

// Options for rendering the badges
const options = {
    // Filter Category
    // When set to a string, will only render badges from the list that of the specified category
    // Values can be 'development', 'testing', 'funding', or 'social'
    // E.g. to render only funding badges, set to 'funding'
    filterCategory: false,

    // Filter Scripts
    // When true, do not render any badges from the list that are scripts
    filterScripts: false,

// Render the badges to a string
const result = renderBadges(list, config, options)

// Output the result

If you want to render badges inside your own project's readme files, check out the meta builder projectz which uses this package for badge rendering.

Not all the badges are showcased in the above example. Browse the Complete API Documentation instead.



  • Install: npm install --save badges
  • Import: import * as pkg from ('badges')
  • Require: const pkg = require('badges')


import * as pkg from '^4.40.0/edition-deno/index.ts'


<script type="module">
    import * as pkg from '//^4.40.0'


<script type="module">
    import * as pkg from '//^4.40.0'


<script type="module">
    import * as pkg from '//'


This package is published with the following editions:

  • badges/source/index.ts is TypeScript source code with Import for modules
  • badges/edition-browsers/index.js is TypeScript compiled against ES2022 for web browsers with Import for modules
  • badges aliases badges/edition-es2022/index.js
  • badges/edition-es2022/index.js is TypeScript compiled against ES2022 for Node.js 10 || 12 || 14 || 16 || 18 || 20 || 21 with Require for modules
  • badges/edition-es2022-esm/index.js is TypeScript compiled against ES2022 for Node.js 12 || 14 || 16 || 18 || 20 || 21 with Import for modules
  • badges/edition-types/index.d.ts is TypeScript compiled Types with Import for modules
  • badges/edition-deno/index.ts is TypeScript source code made to be compatible with Deno


Discover the release history by heading on over to the file.

Adding a badge

If you there is a badge that you believe will be common enough for others to benefit from, send in a pull request. Each pull request should:

  1. Add the badge rendering code to the appropriate category section inside source/badges.js
  2. If your badge requires a script to run, it should have badgeScript = true - see other badges for an example
  3. Also remember to export your badge
  4. Add the badges test data to the test file source/test.js
  5. Add the badge configuration information to this readme file
  6. Add the badge name to the keyword field of package.json

These changes can be done in multiple commits or the same, it doesn't matter, as we will squash the commits on merge. We will also the changelog entry, so you don't need to do.



Discover how to contribute via the file.





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  • Andrew Nesbitt — Software engineer and researcher
  • Balsa — We're Balsa, and we're building tools for builders.
  • Codecov — Empower developers with tools to improve code quality and testing.
  • Poonacha Medappa
  • Rob Morris
  • Sentry — Real-time crash reporting for your web apps, mobile apps, and games.
  • Syntax — Syntax Podcast



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  • bevryme