
2.0.0 • Public • Published

BareBonesMarkup (BBM) v2.0.0

BareBonesMarkup is the renamed second iteration of the lightweight markup language markup language BakaBakaMark.

BareBonesMarkup a plain text markup language. It's designed to be easily read and written with just a plain text editor independent of proprietary rendering software. Moreover, it's also meant to be easily interpreted without ambiguity, while leaving plenty of room for further customization.

BareBonesMarkup is a also tool, a compiler to transform plain text written in this language into a syntax tree, customize it, before finally outputting strictly valid (X)HTML, which can be rendered by web browsers for a much better viewing experience.

Finally, BareBonesMarkup is an experiment to the following problem:

Is it possible to have a lightweight markup language that has just enough basic features, can be customized, produce valid output, and is unambiguous for any given texual input?



Grab a built bundle in the dist/ folder, then use a <script> tag to include the library.

<!-- Namespace: jQuery, $ -->
<script src="jquery.min.js"></script>

<!-- Namespace: bbm -->
<script src="bbm.min.js"></script> 

// Install BBM as a static jQuery plugin.
// Install BBM as a jQuery method.

(function ($, BBM){
 "use strict";
 var mailtoRegex = /^([a-z0-9_\.-]+)@([\da-z\.-]+)\.([a-z\.]{2,6})$/;
 var httpsRegex = /^([\da-z\.-]+)\.([a-z\.]{2,6})([\/\w \.-]*)*\/?$/;

 $.BBM = BBM;
 $.fn.BBM = function (bbmText)
  // 1. Parse plain text (string) into AST (Abstract syntax tree).
  // 2. Add "mailto:" and "https://" prefixes to links in the AST.
  // 3. Convert the AST into HTML string.
  return this.html(BBM.parse(bbmText).eachPre(autolink).toHTML());

 function autolink(node)
  var href = node.attr("href") || "";
  if (mailtoRegex.test(href))
   href = "mailto:" + href;
  if (httpsRegex.test(href))
   href = "https://" + href;
  if (href)
   node.attr("href", href);

}(jQuery, BBM));

// textarea value to HTML string, then inserted inside a DOM element.



npm install BBM
var BBM = require("BBM");
var fs = require("fs");
var text = fs.readFileSync("./article-in-bbm.txt");
var html = BBM.parse(text).eachPre(autolink).toHTML();

function autolink(node)
 var href = node.attr("href") || "";
 if (mailtoRegex.test(href))
  href = "mailto:" + href;
 if (httpsRegex.test(href))
  href = "https://" + href;
 if (href)
  node.attr("href", href);

//Process the HTML string...


No External Dependency

It's just one built bundle; Simple as that.

Simple Grammar & Semantics

The language itself is simple to parse, comprehend, and leaves virtually no room for ambiguity.


Bullet & Numbered Lists, Tables, Definition Lists, and preformatted blocks, BareBonesMarkup has the all essentials of a plain text markup language.

Solid Test Suite

A set of carefully designed test cases provide excellent defenses against regressions from upgrading & refactoring, and a reference for alternative implementations.

Abstract Syntax Tree API

Finally, BareBonesMarkup has its own simple abstract syntax tree API, leaving it plenty of room for custom plugins, processing, augmentation, and even outputs to different markup languages.

API Reference Conventions

Given a class name or namespace, The conventions for methods, constants and such are as follows, using Fruit as an example:

  • Methods: They'll be attached under the namespace .fn, which is the class prototype, followed by a pair of round brackets enclosing the expected parameters.


  • Static Constants: All upper-case English letters. e.g:


  • Static Methods: Directly attached to the namespace, followed by a pair of round brackets enclosing the expected parameters.


  • Optional Parameters: Surrounded by a pair of square brackets. May have an equal sign immediately after, which denotes the default parameter value.

    Fruit.weigh(Scale, [weightUnit=8, [anotherOptional=100]])

  • Private Properties & Variables: Prefixed with an underscore.

    Fruit._weight, {"_PrivateType" : "_PrivateType"}.

API Reference

Class BBM

BBM (BareBonesMarkup) is the class for BareBonesMarkup abstract syntax tree node objects, which represent a node within the abstract syntax tree under its own grammar ready for transformation.

The new operator is not required. Instance properties prefixed with an underscore are meant for private use.

  • Property String _type

    The node's type name, which should be one of the enumerable types from BBM.ENUM.

  • Property Array.BBM _nodes

    An array of child nodes contained by this instance.

  • Property BBM _parent

    The node's parent node.

  • Property Object _attr

    Attribute key-value (String-String) pairs for this specific node. The following attributes are defined for the following types of nodes for a freshly parsed tree:

    • All (Global attributes; Optional)

      • id The CSS Identifier of this node.
      • class The CSS Class of this node.

      href The link target's URL.

    • LINK_IMG

      • src The image's URL.
      • alt The alternative text to display.

Coming up next, some types of nodes will contain instance properties in addition to ones common in all nodes. A node's type is determined by the return value of the method BBM.fn.type().


  • Property Number level

    Denotes the header node's importance level; A level 1 header translates to the most important header, which is <h1> in HTML, while higher level headers (N) are less important <hN> headers.


  • Property Object symTable

    A symbol table of reference identifiers to URLs. This map is used to substitute identifiers of the href and src attributes of hyperlink and image elements with the actual URL they're supposed to point to.

    The URL substitution is already completed, if this subtree is generated through either the method BBM.fn.parse() or its static counterpart, BBM.parse(). No manipulation to this table should be necessary.


Enumerator Object representing a list of node types that are legally allowed and reproduceable within the BareBonesMarkup grammar. Node types prefixed an underscore are meant for private use.

 "_DT": "_DT",
 "_DD": "_DD",
 "_TH": "_TH",
 "_TD": "_TD",
 "_TR": "_TR",
 "_LI_UL": "_LI_UL",
 "_LI_OL": "_LI_OL",
 "_ID": "_ID",
 "_CLASS": "_CLASS",
 "_DUMMY": "_DUMMY",
 "ROOT": "ROOT",
 "P": "P",
 "PRE": "PRE",
 "DIV": "DIV",
 "LI": "LI",
 "UL": "UL",
 "OL": "OL",
 "DT": "DT",
 "DD": "DD",
 "DL": "DL",
 "TH": "TH",
 "TD": "TD",
 "HR": "HR",
 "TR": "TR",
 "DEL": "DEL",
 "U": "U",
 "SUB": "SUB",
 "SUP": "SUP",
 "EM": "EM",
 "BOLD": "BOLD",
 "CODE": "CODE",


Checks whether the given parameter is an instance of BBM Object.

  • Static

  • Param Anything target

    The object to check its type of.

  • Return Boolean

    True if the target is an instance of BBM. False otherwise.

BBM.parse(bbmStr, [maxDepth=8])

Parses a piece of text into its abstract syntax tree representation for further processing, manipulation, and eventual output.

  • Static

  • Param String bbmStr

    The BareBonesMarkup text to be parsed.

  • Param Number [maxDepth=8]

    The maximum allowed nesting level. Text blocks exceeding this nesting limit shall be interpreted as paragraphs.

  • Return BBM

    The root node of the abstract syntax tree obtained from the parsing run. The root node will have the type "ROOT".

    The tree nodes, in addition to their the base instance properties, shall have the following properties for specific types of nodes:

    • HEADER: (Number) level; The heading level of the node. "1" denotes the most important heading, while "6" is the least important.

    • ROOT: (Object) symTable; A ID-URL mapping key-value for URL substitution in LINK_INT, LINK_EXT, LINK_WIKI and LINK_IMG elements.

BBM.fn.parse(bbmStr, [maxDepth=8])

Replaces the node's content with the parsed syntax tree obtained from BBM.parse().

  • Param String bbmStr

    The BareBonesMarkup text to be parsed.

  • Param Number [maxDepth=8]

  • Return BBM

    The current node with its child nodes replaced by the children of the newly parsed subtree, without the wrapping "ROOT" node.

    var rawText = [
    var blockquote = BBM(BBM.ENUM.BLOCKQUOTE).parse(rawText);
    blockquote.first().type() === BBM.ENUM.P; //true
    blockquote.last().type() === BBM.ENUM.P; //true
    blockquote.last() === blockquote.first(); //false
  • See BBM.parse()


Transforms the current subtree into Standards-Compliant (X)HTML text.

  • Param Object options

    Configuration object for code generation. The following options are available:

    • [maxAttrChars=2048] Number

      The maximum number of characters allowed in attribute values and keys.

    • [headerOffset=0] Number

      Increments header tags' level in the output. E.g: For a headerOffset of 1, <h1> will become <h2>, and <h2> will become <h3>, and so on, up to a maximum of <h6>.

    • [xhtml=false] Boolean

      If true, output XHTML-compliant HTML.

    • [comments=false] Boolean

      If true, output HTML comments.

  • Return String

    The HTML Output of this subtree.


Eliminate duplicate CSS identifiers, perform hyperlink URL substitution, remove empty subtrees, transform incomplete tree structures and collapse consecutive text nodes.

  • Private

  • Return BBM

    The current node after its subtree have been validated & pruned.

BBM.fn.splice(from, [count, [elems]])

Low level method used to insert and delete child nodes.

  • Param Number from

    The index to start manipulating the child node list from.

  • Param Number [count]

    The number of child nodes to remove from this index.

    Param String | BBM | Array.String | Array.BBM [elems]

    One or more BBM nodes or text to insert into the starting index. Text inserted this way shall be treated as text nodes instead of being parsed by the syntax rules.

  • Return BBM

    The current node with new content inserted and child nodes detached.


Retrieves the node's parent node.

  • Return BBM | undefined

    Retrieves the parent node if it exists; undefined otherwise.


Retrieves the node's children list.

  • Param Boolean shallow

    If true, retrieves a shallow copy of the children array instead.

  • Return Array.BBM

    The Array used to hold the node's children.


Retrieves the number of child nodes the current node contains.

  • Return Number

    The number of children the node holds.


Retrieves the first child node of the current node.

  • Return BBM | undefined

    Retrieves the node if it exists; undefined otherwise.


Retrieves the last child node of the current node.

  • Return BBM | undefined

    Retrieves the node if it exists; undefined otherwise.


Checks whether the current node is the first child of its parent.

  • Return Boolean

    True if it has a parent and is the first child. False otherwise.


Checks whether the current node is the last child of its parent.

  • Return Boolean

    True if it has a parent and is the last child. False otherwise.


Removes the last child node of the current node.

  • Return BBM | undefined

    The removed child node, or undefined if there's no such node.


Removes the first child node of the current node.

  • Return BBM | undefined

    The removed child node, or undefined if there's no such node.


Adds one or more nodes to the end of this node's children list.

  • Param BBM | String | Array.BBM | Array.String [content]

    One or more BareBonesMarkup texts or node objects to add to the end of the node's children list. Text inserted this way shall be treated as text nodes instead of being parsed by the syntax rules.

  • Return BBM

    The current node with newly appended content.


Adds one or more nodes to the beginning of this node's children list.

  • Param BBM | String | Array.BBM | Array.String [content]

    One or more BareBonesMarkup texts or node objects to add to the beginning of the node's children list. Text inserted this way shall be treated as text nodes instead of being parsed by the syntax rules.

  • Return BBM

    The current node with newly prepended content.


Replaces the current node with some other content in its belonging subtree. If the current node has no parent, this operation does nothing.

  • Param BBM | String | Array.BBM | Array.String [content]

    One or more BareBonesMarkup texts or node objects to replace the current node's position. Text inserted this way shall be treated as text nodes instead of being parsed by the syntax rules.

  • Return BBM

    The current node removed from its belonging subtree.


The inverse operation of BBM.fn.replaceWith; The current node will take the place of the target node, if the target is a BBM instance and it has a parent node. Otherwise, this operation does nothing.

  • Param BBM [target]

    The target node to replace using the current node.

  • Return BBM

    The currend node attached to the target's subtree.


Detaches all child nodes from the current node.

  • Return BBM

    The current node with all child nodes removed.


Filters the node's children list, keeping ones that passes the callback check while discarding those otherwise.

  • Param function callback(node, index, sibs)

    The method to invoke upon visiting a child. Return a truthy value to keep the child; Falsy to discard.

    The callback function signature:

    • Context BBM

      The parent of these child nodes; It is initially empty, and will be appended of nodes that has passed the callback check.

    • Param BBM node

      The current node being visited.

    • Param Number index

      The index of the current node before it was removed.

    • Param Array.BBM sibs

      The removed children Array that contained the nodes the current node used to contain.

  • Return BBM

    The current node with child nodes removed for failing the callback check.


Empties the node's children list, then iterates through the former list to rebuild the node's children.

  • Param function callback(parent, node, index, sibs)

    The method to invoke upon visiting a child. To add a particular child node back, invoke the parent node's manipulation method explicitly. e.g:

    var root = BBM.parse(input).rebuildChild(function (parent, node){
     if (node.type() === "P")

    The callback function signature:

    • Param BBM parent

      The parent of these child nodes.

    • Param BBM node

      The current node being visited.

    • Param Number index

      The index of the current node before it was removed.

    • Param Array.BBM sibs

      The removed children Array that contained the nodes the current node used to contain.

  • Return BBM

    The current node with explicitly re-attached child nodes.

BBM.fn.eachPre(callback, [params])

Iterates the node's subtree using depth-first, pre-order traversal, executing the callback once per node including the current node.

  • Param function callback(node, params)

    The method to invoke upon visiting a node. It'll have the following signature:

    • Context BBM

      The root of the subtree that started this function call.

    • Param BBM node

      The current node being visited.

    • Param Anything params

      A single extra parameter passed along with the callback function.

  • Param Anything params

    An extra parameter to pass into the callback function.

  • Return BBM

    The node that started the subtree traversal.

BBM.fn.find(callback, [params])

As BBM.fn.eachPre(callback. [params]), but returns a list of nodes the callback returns a truthy value for.

  • Param function callback(node, params)

    The method to invoke upon visiting a node. Return a truthy value to add to the result list; Falsy otherwise. It'll have the following signature:

    • Context BBM

      The root of the subtree that started this function call.

    • Param BBM node

      The current node being visited.

    • Param Anything params

      A single extra parameter passed along with the callback function.

  • Param Anything params

    An extra parameter to pass into the callback function.

  • Return Array.BBM

    An Array of pointers to nodes that passed the callback filtering.

BBM.fn.eachPost(callback, [params])

Iterates the node's subtree using depth-first, post-order traversal, executing the callback once per node including the current node.

  • Param function callback(node, params)

    The method to invoke upon visiting a node. It'll have the following signature:

    • Context BBM

      The root of the subtree that started this function call.

    • Param BBM node

      The current node being visited.

    • Param Anything params

      A single extra parameter passed along with the callback function.

  • Param Anything params

    An extra parameter to pass into the callback function.

  • Return BBM

    The node that started the subtree traversal.


Retrieves or sets the text value of this node. If the text value retrieved is not the empty String "", this node is considered a text node.

  • Param String | Number [val]

    The text value to set the node's value into. If this value is not omitted and it's not an empty string, it will transform the current node into a text node, effectively discarding its type name.

  • Return String | BBM

    • If no parameter, returns the text value of the current node. A non-empty string (That is, not "") means the node is a text node.

    • Returns the current node with newly set text value otherwise.

BBM.fn.attr([key, [val]])

Retrieves or sets the attributes of this node.

  • Param String | Object [key]

    • If an object, copies the direct properties of that object onto the node's attribute map.

    • If a string, sets the attribute key with the second parameter, val.

    • If omitted, does nothing.

  • Param String | Number [val]

    The attribute value to set under a given key, if the first parameter is a string.

  • Return Object | String | BBM

    • If no parameter is supplied, returns the node's attribute object.
    • If only the key is supplied and it's not an object, returns the corresponding attribute value.
    • Returns the current node (Possibly modified) otherwise.


Removes one, or all attribute key value pairs from the current node.

  • Param String | Number [key]

    The attribute key to remove. If omitted, all attributes in this node shall be removed.

  • Return [BBM]

    The current node with attributes removed.


Retrieves or sets the node's type.

  • Param String [newType]

    The type value to set the node into. If absent, does nothing.

  • Return [BBM | String]

    If a new type parameter is supplied, returns the modified node; Otherwise, returns the node's type name.


Helper method; Creates a shallow copy of the current node ready for conversion into JSON strings using JSON.stringify(). Use JSON.stringify(bbmNode) to obtain a JSON view of the current node and its subtree.

  • return Object

    The current node object without circular pointers.

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