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Buckwheat is a TypeScript assertion library for writing useful unit tests faster. Less time spent writing unit tests means more time writing production code or being outdoors.

const tarzan: User = {
  userId: 123,
  name: "Tarzan",
  quote: "AAAAaAaAaAyAAAAaAaAaAyAAAAaAaAaA",
  pets: [
      name: "Cheeta",
      heightInMeters: 1.67,
      picture: "🐒",

  name: "Tarzan",
  quote: /^A/, // must start with the letter A
  pets: [
      name: "Cheeta",
      heightInMeters: near(1.6, 0.01),
  // `userId` is not specified so it can be anything

When running this unit test with a framework like Mocha, the console output is:

  AssertionError: the actual value is:

      name: "Tarzan",
      quote: "AAAAaAaAaAyAAAAaAaAaAyAAAAaAaAaA",
      pets: [
          name: "Cheeta",
-         heightInMeters: 1.67,
+         // ^ expected to be near 1.6 ± 0.01

Key features

Compose matchers to test complex objects

Buckwheat makes it simple to create matchers for complex values.

If T is an object, any object whose keys are a subset of the keys of T and whose values are matchers for the values of T is a matcher for T. If T is an array of Items, any array of matchers for Item is a matcher for T. Finally, for every possible T, T itself is a matcher for T.

This grammar allows you to test a complex object with a single call to expect. It offers several advantages over testing frameworks which ask you to write one expect for every property and nested property of the complex object. See this example in the official Jest documentation.

// Test properties one by one (bad)

expect(tarzan.pets[0].lengthInMeters).toBeCloseTo(1.6, 0.01);

That approach has a couple flaws. First, it takes more time to write unit tests this way. Second, if one expectation fails, the console output will only show the value of the corresponding property as opposed to the value of the whole object, and the other expectations will not be tested until the first one is fixed. These flaws can result in you spending more time on unit tests than you should.

Only test fields explicitly set in the matcher

Comparing the expected value and the actual value using deep object equality is not the best practice in unit tests, because it means that when you add a field to a class, you will need to update all the unit tests which look at instances of the class so they pass. This is not only laborious, this goes against a principle of unit testing: each unit test should be focused on a specific piece of logic.

When testing objects, Buckwheat only looks at properties explicitly set in the matcher. The other properties present in the object being tested are ignored. To check that a property is not set in the object being tested, simply set the property to undefined in the matcher:

  name: "Tarzan",
  // Will fail if Tarzan has a social security number.
  ssn: undefined,

Type safety

Buckwheat was written with type safety in mind. Misspelling a property within a nested object or assigning a matcher for type A to a property of type B will make the compiler unhappy.

  pets: [
      name: near(1.6, 0.01), // COMPILER ERROR: expects a string matcher
      height: 1.67, // COMPILER ERROR: did you mean `heightInMeters'?

Although type safety might seem less relevant in the context of unit testing than in production code, it helps improve productivity in two ways. First, it allows you to catch errors in your unit tests before running them. Second, it greatly improves the quality of autocompletion in the IDE. Both things can help you save precious time, which is the primary goal of Buckwheat.

Copy from the console output, paste to your unit test

Sometimes when a unit test fails, the actual value is in fact correct and it's the matcher which is wrong. When this happens, Buckwheat makes it easy to update the matcher: it prints the actual value as valid JavaScript code (when possible). You can then replace the argument of the toMatch() method with the value copied from the console output and make some edits if needed.

You can even take this idea one step further, and skip the part where you try to write a correct matcher in the first place. Write for example:

// Tip: wrap the actual value inside a singleton array so the console output
// shows all the properties of the object. Otherwise the console output will
// only show properties set in the matcher.

Running this failing unit test will output:

  AssertionError: the actual value is:

-     {
-       userId: 123,
-       name: "Tarzan",
-       quote: "AAAAaAaAaAyAAAAaAaAaAyAAAAaAaAaA",
-       pets: [
-         {
-           name: "Cheeta",
-           heightInMeters: 1.67,
-           picture: "🐒",
-         },
-       ],
-     },
+     // ^ unexpected item at index 0

Copy the value in red into toMatch(), remove the square brackets around tarzan and you will end up with a working unit test:

    userId: 123,
    name: "Tarzan",
    quote: "AAAAaAaAaAyAAAAaAaAaAyAAAAaAaAaA",
    pets: [
        name: "Cheeta",
        heightInMeters: 1.67,
        picture: "🐒",

Although this practice might seem heretic because you are more likely to let errors in your code slip through, it can also help you save a lot of time. In some situations it's worth the trade-off. If you decide to go this way, make sure you carefully look at the actual value before copying it to your unit test.

Works with any testing framework

Buckwheat is not a framework, it's a simple assertion library. It can be used within any testing framework. We recommend Mocha.


Buckwheat is not a validation library for checking user inputs or inputs passed to an API. Buckwheat is only meant to be used in unit tests.

User guide

How matching works

The logic to determine if an actual value is as expected depends on the type of the matcher provided:

  • If matcher implements the Matcher abstract class, as is the case of all the ones listed in the Custom matchers section, Buckwheat applies the custom logic implemented by the matcher.
  • If matcher is an array, Buckwheat expects the actual value to be an array of same length as matcher, and each item in the actual array is matched against the item at the same index in matcher.
  • If matcher is a Set, Buckwheat expects the actual value to be a set containing the same elements.
  • If matcher is a Map, Buckwheat expects the actual value to be a map containing the same keys, and each value in the actual map is matched against the corresponding value in matcher.
  • If matcher is a Date, Buckwheat expects the actual value to be a date with the same timestamp.
  • If matcher is a RegExpr, Buckwheats expects there to be at least one match between the given pattern and the actual string.
  • If matcher is an Object, Buckwheat expects the actual value to be an object. For every property of matcher, the value of the actual object is matched against the value of matcher. If a property is missing from the actual object, the value resolves to undefined. Properties present in the actual object and missing from matcher are ignored.
  • Otherwise, Buckwheat compares the actual value against matcher using Object.is.

Buckwheat tries all these rules in order and stops at the first rule which triggers.

Custom matchers


export function is<T>(expected: T): Matcher<T>;

Returns a matcher which verifies that the actual value and expected are the same value, according to Object.is.


    pets: [
      // For the test to pass, `cheeta` and Tarzan's only pet must both
      // reference the same object in memory.


export function near(target: number, epsilon: number): Matcher<number>;

Returns a matcher which verifies that the absolute difference between the actual value and target is at most epsilon.


export function compares(
  operator: "<" | "<=" | ">" | ">=",
  limit: number | bigint,
): Matcher<number | bigint>;

Returns a matcher which verifies that the inequality relationship between the actual value and limit can be described with the given operator.


    pets: [
        // For the test to pass, Cheeta must be at least 1.5 meters tall.
        heightInMeters: compares(">=", 1.5),


export function keyedItems<Item, KeyProperty extends keyof Item>(
  keyProperty: KeyProperty,
  matchers: ReadonlyArray<AnyMatcher<Item> & Pick<Item, KeyProperty>>,
  toHashable: (item: Item[KeyProperty]) => unknown = (item) => item,
): Matcher<Array<Item>>;

Returns a matcher which verifies that the actual array has the same length as matchers, and that every item in the actual array matches the matcher with the same key in items. Items and matchers don't need to be in the same order.

The key is obtained by extracting the keyProperty from the item or matcher and optionally passing it to the toHashable function if provided.

  // For the test to pass, Tarzan must have exactly 2 pets in any order.
  // One pet must be named "Max" and its picture must be "🐶". The other pet must
  // be named "Cheeta" and its picture must be one of "🐒", "🙉", "🙈" or "🙊".
  pets: keyedItems(
        name: "Max",
        picture: "🐶",
        name: "Cheeta",
        picture: /^(🐒|🙉|🙈|🙊)$/,


export function satisfies<T>(
  predicate: (input: T) => boolean,
  description: string,
): Matcher<T>;

Returns a matcher which verifies that the predicate function returns true when applied to the actual value.


expect(24).toMatch(satisfies((n) => n % 2 === 0, "be even"));

Comparison with Earl

Earl is an awesome assertion library written in TypeScript. We tried it, but unfortunately we found that it has a couple design flaws which are serious enough to justify adding yet another assertion library to the TypeScript ecosystem, and this is why we wrote Buckwheat.

Type safety of functions returning matchers

Although Earl claims to be written with type safety in mind, the return type of all the functions creating matchers is never. This essentially disables compile-time type checking:

import { expect } from "earl";

// This compiles with Earl but probably should not.
  name: closeTo(3.14, 0.001),

It is justified by the fact that toEqual() expects a T, but it's not really a T because the value of each property within the object can be a matcher. If closeTo() returned a Matcher<number>, the compiler would not allow us to assign the matcher to a numeric field. By making the return type never, the compiler lets us assign the matcher to a numeric field, but also unfortunately to any non-numeric field.

Buckwheat uses mapped types and conditional types to work around this problem. The toMatch() method expects an AnyMatcher<T> instead of a T. This allows more errors to be detected at compile-time.

The better option than toEqual has weaker type safety

When testing objects, we think it's better to only look at properties explicitly set in the matcher than to use deep object equality. The reasons are outlined here. So Earl's toHaveSubset is often a better choice than toEqual, but unfortunately it has even weaker type safety: the compiler does not require the properties of the object matcher to be present in T.

import { expect } from "earl";

// This too compiles with Earl but probably should not.
  naem: "Waffles", // `name` is misspelled


... are welcome! Buckwheat is still very young and lacks many features that other assertion libraries have, but it was written with extensibility in mind.


Buckwheat was written by Tyler Fibonacci.


Published under the MIT License. Copyright © 2023 Gepheum.

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