
0.3.0 • Public • Published


Uniform access to a bunch of continuous integration providers.

Supported providers

Adapter API


Return a Promise and resolve it with an object containing information about the adapter instance.

adapter.getInfo().then(function (info) {
// {
//   "name": "Travis CI - your_account (",
//   "url": "",
//   "html_url": "",
//   "builders_url": "{/name}{?ids}",
//   "builders": [ "your_repo", "your_other_repo" ],
//   "data": { ... }
// }

getBuilders( info )

Return a Promise and resolve it with a list of builders that are known to this adapter. A "builder" may be called differenty by your CI solution, for example, Travis CI mainly talks about "repositories" while Jenkins calls them "jobs".

adapter.getBuilders(info).then(function (builders) {
// [
//   {
//     "name": "your_repo",
//     "url": "",
//     "html_url": "",
//     "builds_url": "{?number,after_number}",
//     "builds": [ 120, 119, 118, 117, 116 ],
//     "data": { ... }
//   },
//   {
//     "name": "your_other_repo",
//     "url": "",
//     "html_url": "",
//     "builds_url": "{?number,after_number}",
//     "builds": [ 174, 173, 172, 171, 170 ],
//     "data": { ... }
//   }
// ]

getBuilds( builder )

Return a Promise and resolve it with a list of builds that were run by the given builder.

adapter.getBuilds( builder ).then(function (builds) {
// [
//   {
//     "name": "your_repo",
//     "number": 120,
//     "url": "",
//     "html_url": "",
//     "state": "success",
//     "start": Sat Oct 26 2015 01:20:00 GMT-0800 (PST),
//     "end": Sat Oct 26 2015 01:21:00 GMT-0800 (PST),
//     "data": { ... }
//   }
// ]


The returned responses contain URIs (RFC 3986) and URI templates (RFC 6570). Since this library provides no HTTP endpoint in and of itself, these URIs point to the respective service the adapter is connected to. That is, the url field of a build object obtained from the Travis adapter will point to the Travis API endpoint endpoint of the given build.

Each object has an html_url property that points to an HTML representation of the given object. For example the build-results page on Travis or the job overview page on a Jenkins server.

Further, objects may link to sub resources, such as the builder linking to its builds. In that case the property is to be interpreted as a URI template. The object should provide a set of possible substitutions for the given template. In case of the builder example above, the builder would have a builds_url property which accepts a number variable. The number variable can then be expanded with the values of the builds array.

const builds_url = builder.builds_url; // "{?number}"
const builds = builder.builds; // [ 15, 14, 13, 12 ]
const template = urltemplate(builds_url);
const urls = => template.expand({ number }));
// [
//   "",
//   "",
//   "",
//   ""
// ]

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