
1.0.0 • Public • Published

Tax ID Validator


Tax ID Validator is a robust tool designed for validating various tax identification numbers (TINs), such as GSTIN in India, UEN in Singapore, etc. The tool uses regular expressions and specific validation logic for each type of TIN, ensuring that the input adheres to the expected format and structural rules of the respective issuing authority.


  • Supports multiple countries and TIN types.
  • Uses precise regular expressions for format validation.
  • Implements checksum logic for countries that incorporate checksum characters in their TINs.
  • Easy to integrate and use in various JavaScript environments.


  • Node.js (v14 or newer recommended)


You can install the package via npm:

npm install corporate-taxid-checker-js


The tool can be used by importing the main validator function and then calling it with the appropriate parameters.

Here's a basic example:

const { validateTaxId } = require('corporate-taxid-checker-js');

const taxId = '1234567890';
const countryCode = 'IN'; // Use the appropriate country code

const result = validateTaxId(taxId, countryCode);
console.log(result); // logs true if valid, false if invalid

Validation Levels

For enhanced accuracy and reliability, our tool offers three levels of TIN validation for several countries:

  1. Regex Check: This initial check ensures the TIN adheres to the expected format using precise regular expressions.
  2. Checksum Validation: Based on the guidelines from the OECD, this check verifies the integrity of the TIN using its checksum.
  3. Authority Lookup (Available for EU countries and Australia): This advanced check confirms the validity of the TIN by directly querying the respective country's tax authority website.

Supported Countries and TINs

The Tax ID Validator currently supports tax identification number validation for the following countries:

Country Code Country Regex Check Checksum Check Online Check
AD Andorra
AE United Arab Emirates
AL Albania
AM Armenia
AR Argentina
AT Austria
AU Australia
AZ Azerbaijan
BD Bangladesh
BE Belgium
BG Bulgaria
BO Bolivia
BR Brazil
BY Belarus
BZ Belize
CA Canada
CH Switzerland
CL Chile
CN China
CO Colombia
CR Costa Rica
CY Cyprus
CZ Czech Republic
DE Germany
DK Denmark
DO Dominican Republic
DZ Algeria
EC Ecuador
EE Estonia
EG Egypt
ES Spain
FI Finland
FR France
FO Faroe Islands
GB United Kingdom
GE Georgia
GH Ghana
GN Guinea
GR Greece
GT Guatemala
HK Hong Kong
HR Croatia
HU Hungary
ID Indonesia
IE Ireland
IL Israel
IN India
IS Iceland
IT Italy
JP Japan
KE Kenya
KH Cambodia
KR South Korea
LI Liechtenstein
LT Lithuania
LU Luxembourg
LV Latvia
MA Morocco
FR Monaco
MD Moldova
ME Montenegro
MK North Macedonia
MT Malta
MX Mexico
MY Malaysia
NG Nigeria
NL Netherlands
NO Norway
NZ New Zealand
PE Peru
PH Philippines
PL Poland
PT Portugal
PY Paraguay
RO Romania
RS Serbia
RU Russia
RW Rwanda
SA Saudi Arabia
SE Sweden
SG Singapore
SI Slovenia
SK Slovakia
SM San Marino
SV El Salvador
TH Thailand
TN Tunisia
TR Turkey
TW Taiwan
UA Ukraine
US United States
UY Uruguay
VE Venezuela
VN Vietnam
ZA South Africa
AD Andorra
AE United Arab Emirates
AL Albania
AM Armenia
AR Argentina
AT Austria
AU Australia
AZ Azerbaijan
BD Bangladesh
BE Belgium
BG Bulgaria
BO Bolivia
BR Brazil
BY Belarus
BZ Belize
CA Canada
CH Switzerland
CL Chile
CN China
CO Colombia
CR Costa Rica
CY Cyprus
CZ Czech Republic
DE Germany
DK Denmark
DO Dominican Republic
DZ Algeria
EC Ecuador
EE Estonia
EG Egypt
ES Spain
FI Finland
FR France
FO Faroe Islands
GB United Kingdom
GE Georgia
GH Ghana
GN Guinea
GR Greece
GT Guatemala
HK Hong Kong
HR Croatia
HU Hungary
ID Indonesia
IE Ireland
IL Israel
IN India
IS Iceland
IT Italy
JP Japan
KE Kenya
KH Cambodia
KR South Korea
LI Liechtenstein
LT Lithuania
LU Luxembourg
LV Latvia
MA Morocco
FR Monaco
MD Moldova
ME Montenegro
MK North Macedonia
MT Malta
MX Mexico
MY Malaysia
NG Nigeria
NL Netherlands
NO Norway
NZ New Zealand
PE Peru
PH Philippines
PL Poland
PT Portugal
PY Paraguay
RO Romania
RS Serbia
RU Russia
RW Rwanda
SA Saudi Arabia
SE Sweden
SG Singapore
SI Slovenia
SK Slovakia
SM San Marino
SV El Salvador
TH Thailand
TN Tunisia
TR Turkey
TW Taiwan
UA Ukraine
US United States
UY Uruguay
VE Venezuela
VN Vietnam
ZA South Africa


To run the included tests:

npm run test


Contributions are welcome. Please fork the repository and submit a pull request with your changes. Ensure that your PR includes detailed information about the changes, including any new dependencies, environment variables, or required context.


This project is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) - see the LICENSE file for details.

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  • aashishvanand