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focus - simplicity - productivity


Unit.js is a lightweight HTML-first UI framework designed to bring focus, simplicity, and enhanced developer productivity to your projects. Powered by Vite, Unit.js encourages a streamlined development experience with a unique approach to components.

Define state and components once, reuse them wherever.

Note: ⚠️ This project is still under development.


Demo link: Click here.

Key Features

  • [x] Focus on Simplicity: Unit.js embraces simplicity as a core principle, making it easy for developers to create and manage UI components effortlessly.

  • [x] File-based Components: Components in Unit.js are represented as files ending with the .unit extension. This convention simplifies organization and encourages a modular structure in your project. You can import .unit files into another .unit file.

  • [x] HTML Build Output: Generate fully-rendered pages of your website at build time.

  • [x] Reactive by Choice: Leverage the expressive syntax of reactivity-powered libraries like Alpine.js to create components reactive at runtime.

Note: Unit.js is powered by Vite and so most features can be used directly in your project for example asset handling.


Basic understanding of HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Node.js (npm or pnpm) is required.

Getting Started

  1. Installation

    Create a new project, my_app using your preferred package manager.

     npx create unit my_app
     # pnpm dlx create-unit my_app

    Navigate to your project and install dependencies

    cd my_app
    npm install
    # pnpm install
  2. Create Your First Component

    Start building your UI component by simply create a new file hello.unit under the src/components/ folder.

    <!-- hello.unit -->
    <h1>Hello, Unit.js!</h1>

    Import it into the src/pages/index.unit and you're ready to go live.

    <!-- index.unit -->
    import Hello from "../components/hello.unit";
    <Hello />
  3. Run the Development Server

    Start the development server to see your changes in real-time.

    npm run dev
    # pnpm dev
  4. Build for Production

    When you're ready to deploy your application, build for production to optimize and minimize your code.

    npm run build
    # pnpm build
  5. Deployment

    After building your project, production files exist in the dist folder at the root of your project. Check out Vite's deployment guide.

File Structure

  • .vscode/: contains settings and recommended extensions for Visual Studio Code users
  • src/: all your project source files here
  • src/components/: contains reusable .unit files
  • src/data/: contains composable and state scripts
  • src/pages/: contains only .unit files for corresponding html pages
  • src/public/: contains assets to be served at the root like favicon.png
  • src/template.html: used to generate html pages from every .unit file in src/pages/ folder on build time
  • src/main.js: common script for all pages placed in the src/template.html. For a different script per page, create another script and add a script tag in the corresponding .unit file under the src/pages/ folder
  • src/global.css: Shared CSS styles


Contributions are welcome to make Unit.js even better! Feel free to open issues or submit pull requests.


Unit.js is released under the MIT License.

Copyright © 2024-present, Henry Hale

Enjoy the focus, simplicity, and increased productivity that Unit.js brings to your UI development!

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  • devhenryhale