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1.0.8 • Public • Published

Crypto API SDK for JavaScript

Develop and deploy applications, mobile and web, with popular JavaScript Frameworks using Crypto API SDK for JavaScript.


npm i cryptodatapi
# or
yarn add cryptodatapi

Usage Example

All methods support await/async.

import { sdk, livePrice, gainers, losers, historical, derivatives, spot, dex, lending, news } from "cryptodatapi";

// First, authentication
await sdk.auth("<username>", "<password>"); 

// Save token for next time
const token = sdk.getToken();

// Or, you can set token directly
sdk.setToken("<Token here>");

// Second, call the api which you need
// For example, Retrieve Real-Time Prices (Live Prices) Data
await livePrice.getAll();
await livePrice.getById("<id>");
await livePrice.getBySymbol("<symbol>");

// Retrieve Cryptocurrency Top Gainers Data
await gainers.getAll();
await gainers.getById("<id>");

// Retrieve Cryptocurrency Top Losers Data
await losers.getAll();
await losers.getById("<id>");

// Retrieve 2021 Cryptocurrency Historical Data
await historical.getAll(2021);
await historical.getById(2021, "<id>");
await historical.getBySymbol(2021, "<symbol>");

// Retrieve 2022 Cryptocurrency Historical Data
await historical.getAll(2022);
await historical.getById(2022, "<id>");
await historical.getBySymbol(2022, "<symbol>");

// Retrieve 2023 Cryptocurrency Historical Data
await historical.getAll(2023);
await historical.getById(2023, "<id>");
await historical.getBySymbol(2023, "<symbol>");

// Retrieve Cryptocurrency Derivatives Exchanges Data
await derivatives.getAll();
await derivatives.getById("<id>");

// Retrieve Cryptocurrency Decentralized Exchanges Data
await dex.getAll();
await dex.getById("<id>");

// Retrieve Cryptocurrency Lending Exchanges Data
await lending.getAll();
await lending.getById("<id>");

// Retrieve Cryptocurrency Spot Exchanges Data
await spot.getAll();
await spot.getById("<id>");

// Retrieve Cryptocurrency Latest News Data
await news.getAll();
await news.getById("<id>");

The Crypto API documentation is available here. If you need further assistance, don't hesitate to contact us.


This project is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License.

(c) 2020 - 2023 Hori Systems Limited.

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