
0.0.3 • Public • Published



doesn't rely on getComputedStyle() or other functions that cause reflow

npm install css-var-listener


import cssVarListener from "css-var-listener"
cssVarListener.add("--yourvar", callback, options)


  • "--yourvar" is any custom property you want to add functionality to
  • callback is a function that takes 1 argument, wich is an object containing:
    • target - the element your CSS is applying "--yourvar" to
    • value - the value of "--yourvar" as determined by the document's stylesheets (see Value determination and specificity at the bottom of this readme)
    • oldValue - the previous value of "--yourvar" if a change in the DOM, :hover states, or stylesheet adding/removal caused it to change
    • compiledValue - the value of "--yourvar" with any var(--dep) replaced with its value as determined by the document's stylesheets
    • oldCompiledValue - the previous compiled value
    • prop - the css variable name "--yourvar"
  • options is an object with optional properties:
    • ignoreAttr: "data-optional-ignore-attr" causes DOM changes within to be ignored (see Ignoring Observer Changes below)


  • when cssVarListener is called with a prop, it searches the style tags and link'd stylesheets for that prop and caches selectors that set it (plus the specificity and the var value of that rule).
  • The callback is called for every element it applies to initially - just once with the final value.
  • Rules in the CSS with :hover selectors (that set your var) will result in mouseenter and mouseleave events being attached so the var value will be recalculated as needed (and callbacks will be called if/when the var's value changes for an element)
    • CSS selectors with unnecessary/extra :hover at multiple levels are not currently supported
    • for example: div:hover > a:hover is not supported
    • but div:hover > a, div > a:hover is fine
  • an internal observer watches for elements or attributes to be added/changed/removed from the DOM. On any change, it runs the selector cache to determine any callbacks that need to happen
  • if an element is removed or otherwise has your var no longer applied, the callback will be called with the element and undefined for the newValue
  • When a style tag or link'd stylesheet is added or removed, the selector cache is rebuilt and callbacks are called only for elements with a changed value
  • ::pseudo-elements aren't captured by document.querySelectorAll so no callbacks happen for these rules

Ignoring Observer Changes

You can use the built in data-css-var-listener-ignore to ignore all element changes within for all vars enhanced with cssVarListener. This prevents the cascade from checking if the cached selectors apply (or stop applying) to new/different elements.

The ignore attribute is especially important to add to javascript animation containers since every DOM change is observed.

Adding ignoreAttr to cssVarListener's options param (ignoreAttr: "data-optional-ignore-attr") allows specific callbacks (or depentant packages) to individually opt-out of cascade checks from dom changes if needed.

Note: Initial callbacks and initially applied :hover checks for your CSS var still happen if they apply to elements within. Only further changes are ignored. Stylesheets added within are still tracked.

Ignoring styleSheets

Putting data-css-var-listener-ignore-stylesheets on a stylesheet's element or ancestor will cause the stylesheet to be ignored. This prevents newly added or removed stylesheets from rebuilding the selector cache (and subsequent cascade check).

Value determination and specificity

  • If your style has a space ( between: these; ), the value will start with the space. All values are strings (or undefined)
  • !important flag is ignored in the specificity calculation
  • Inline styles (style attribute on the element) are not considered (your callback could override the var inline without blocking potential future callbacks)
  • Any other deviation from CSS in specificity is unintentional, please file an issue if you encounter one

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  • james0x57
  • janeori