
0.0.2 • Public • Published


Checks for common sources of bugs and logic errors


You'll first need to install ESLint with NPM, Yarn, or your favorite package manager:

$ npm i eslint --save-dev
$ yarn add --dev eslint

Next, install eslint-plugin-checkbugs:

$ npm install eslint-plugin-checkbugs --save-dev
$ yarn add --dev eslint-plugin-checkbugs

Note: If you installed ESLint globally (using the -g flag) then you must also install eslint-plugin-checkbugs globally.


Add checkbugs to the plugins section of your .eslintrc configuration file. You can omit the eslint-plugin- prefix:

    "plugins": [

Then you may extend from presets and/or configure the individual rules you want to use under the rules section.

    "extends": [
    "rules": {
        "checkbugs/rule-name": 2

Supported Rules

Rule Name Added in Recommended
no-backwards-assign-ops 0.0.1 Warn
no-bad-odd-checks 0.0.1 Error
no-bool-math 0.0.1 Error
no-bool-num-compares 0.0.1 Error
no-comma-in-indexing 0.0.1 Error
no-double-comparison 0.0.1 Error
no-emptyexpr-choice-loop 0.0.1 Error
no-identical-bitwise-sides 0.0.1 Error
no-identical-comparison-sides 0.0.1 Error
no-identical-logical-sides 0.0.1 Error
no-identical-math-sides 0.0.1 Warn
no-invalid-sharedlogic-part 0.0.1 Error
no-modulo-one 0.0.1 Warn
no-modulo-then-multiply 0.0.1 Warn
no-overwritten-increment 0.0.1 Error
no-same-assignment 0.0.1 Error
no-same-if-else-blocks 0.0.1 Warn
no-same-if-elseif-condition 0.0.1 Error
no-same-switchcase-blocks 0.0.1 Warn
no-same-switchcase-condition 0.0.1 Error
no-similar-compare-expression 0.0.1 Error
no-triple-negation 0.0.1 Error
no-ungrouped-bshift-add 0.0.1 Warn
no-useless-zeros 0.0.1 Warn

Included rules built-in to ESLint

Rule Name Options Added in
no-compare-neg-zero 0.0.1
no-cond-assign 0.0.1
no-constant-condition 0.0.1
no-control-regex 0.0.1
no-dup-args 0.0.1
no-dup-keys 0.0.1
no-empty 0.0.1
no-empty-character-class 0.0.1
no-ex-assign 0.0.1
no-extra-boolean-cast 0.0.1
curly 0.0.1
no-func-assign 0.0.1
no-inner-declarations 0.0.1
no-invalid-regexp 0.0.1
no-irregular-whitespace 0.0.1
no-obj-calls 0.0.1
no-regex-spaces 0.0.1
no-sparse-arrays 0.0.1
no-unexpected-multiline 0.0.1
no-unreachable 0.0.1
no-unsafe-finally 0.0.1
no-unsafe-negation 0.0.1
use-isnan 0.0.1
valid-typeof 0.0.1
array-callback-return 0.0.1
block-scoped-var 0.0.1
no-case-declarations 0.0.1
no-empty-pattern 0.0.1
no-global-assign 0.0.1
no-new-wrappers 0.0.1
no-octal 0.0.1
no-redeclare 0.0.1
no-unused-expressions {allowShortCircuit: true} 0.0.1
no-unmodified-loop-condition 0.0.1
no-unused-labels 0.0.1
no-useless-concat 0.0.1
no-useless-escape 0.0.1
no-delete-var 0.0.1
no-shadow-restricted-names 0.0.1
no-undef 0.0.1
no-unused-vars 0.0.1
no-use-before-define {functions: false, classes: false} 0.0.1
constructor-super 0.0.1
no-class-assign 0.0.1
no-confusing-arrow 0.0.1
no-const-assign 0.0.1
no-dupe-class-members 0.0.1
no-duplicate-imports 0.0.1
no-new-symbol 0.0.1
no-this-before-super 0.0.1
no-useless-computed-key 0.0.1

Package Sidebar


npm i eslint-plugin-checkbugs

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  • hallm