
1.0.8 • Public • Published




This module allows you to validate express requests without the hassle of re-writing validation code for every route in your API.



Express-request-modeler was born in mid-winter 2018 when I was doing web-APIs for the first time in my life. I got sick and tired of copy-pasting slightly different versions of the same code in to every post request, but every route was just different enough that I had no other choice. I ultimately made the precursor to this module (Express-Request-Checker; not to be confused with pastgift's npm module of the same name). That being said anyone who isn't an absolute newbie could see that my module was a horrifying mess. Now that it's mid-winter 2020 I'm coming back to writing web-APIs and have run into the same problem, so now with experience and hindsight on my side I've decided to create this improved module for me and others who need a simple and easy to implement request validator/modeler.


How to Use

Express-request-modeler is an Express middleware meant to be implemented at the router level. Below you can find a simple example.

const app = require('express')();
const reqModel = require('express-request-modeler');

        body: {
          message: {
            rcRequired: true,
            rcType: 'string'
    (req, res) => {
      //...push message to database...

In the example above the request will never hit the (req, res) => {} function below reqModel unless there is a field called message within the body whos value is has a type of string.


Validation Options

Below you can find a list of different options for validation.

Key Name Expected Input About
rcRequired <boolean>: true/false If set to true the request MUST contain this key-value pair or the request bounces.
rcType <string>: string, number, boolean, object, array If the parent key is present in the request and the parent key's value type does not match rcType the request will bounce.
rcMatching <string, number, boolean>: ANY VALUE If the parent key is present in the request and its value does not match rcMatching the request will bounce.
rcFunc <function> If the parent key is present in the request the function provided to rcFunc will run on the value to decide if it's valid or not. The user-provided function is expected to return true or false (if you don't your requests will start to hang). Currently doesn't work with async functions.


Advanced Example

const app = require('express')();
const reqModel = require('express-request-modeler');

        headers: {
          'content-type': {
            rcMatching: 'application/json',

        body: {
          message: {
            rcRequired: true,
            rcType: 'string',
            rcFunc: (val) => {
              if (val.length < 220) {
                return true;
              return false;
            rcRejectStatus: '400',
            rcRejectMessage: 'Your message is too long!',
    (req, res) => {
      //...push message to database...


Planned features

  • Allow a custom reject message for every rejection type.
  • Suppress detailed rejection messages.
  • An alternative to rcFunc that can mutate the request value.
  • Allow users to change the order in which validation checks occur.
  • Allow rcFunc to be an Async function (so that it can be used for things like validating user sessions or querying a database for validation.)

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  • daviddavydovtech