
1.5.0 • Public • Published


Expresso machine



Expresso-machine is a CLI utility to generate an express js app featuring:

  • Express application skeleton
  • REST API CRUD generation - GET, POST, PUT, DELETE HTTP methods implementation for each API endpoint defined in cli command
  • Generation of an initial SEQUELIZE model, migration, seed & configuration files for models defined in cli options
  • Dockerfile & docker-compose.yml files generated for out-of-the-box project docker virtualization
  • VISUAL CODE configuration for out-of-the-box debugging
  • JWT initial implementation for API endpoints protection
  • Validation schema initial definition for each RESTFUL endpoint generated
  • eslint configuration
  • prettier configuration
  • 'expresso-machine' (alias 'em') command line interface to generate a brand new application express-app
  • 'expresso-machine-add-api-endpoints' (alias 'em-add-api-endpoints') cli to add extra endpoints to an existing project (api implementation, JWT protection and Sequelize models/migration/seeder files)
  • 'expresso-machine-add-sq-association' CLI (alias 'em-add-sq-association') to create an extra sql association between tables
  • Generation of a number of jest/supertest files within the created app's /test/routers folder


As expresso-machine dockerizes the generated expressjs app, it would be beneficial to have the docker and docker-compose cli commands installed in your machine. In windows environents when working with bash I suggest using Window's Power Shell

em-machine CLI ( alias 'em')


npm install -g expresso-machine

This will install the cli expresso command at global level. Once the installation process completes run the following command:

expresso-machine -h

You should get the following output or similar:

Usage: expresso-machine -i my-app l- product,category

  -V, --version                output the version number
  -i, --init <projectname>     Creates a project named <projectname> (default: "my-app")
  -p, --port [port]            Set the port the node app is exposed on [port] (default: 3000)
  -P, --dbport [dbport]        Set the port database is exposed on [dbport] (default: 5433)
  -o, --overwrite              Overwrite project folder if already existing
  -d, --dbDialect [dbDialect]  Enter the database [dbDialect] you would like to use: postgres, sqlite, mssql or mysql (default: "postgres")
  -l, --list <apiEndpoints>    A list of api properties <apiEndpoints>, comma-separated (default: ["product","category"])
  -h, --help                   output usage information


At this point you are ready to start generating express js apps! Take a look at the following example command to run:

expresso-machine -i my-app -l dog,cat

terminal screenshot

This command will create a 'my-app' folder with a ready to run dockerized application. CD into the folder:

cd my-app

Run the following command as a background process:

npm run init &

This command will run docker-compose build and the overall app. Wait until this process completes in the background. When it does run:

npm run init-db

This will create a sequelize migration and create the Dog, Cat tables as well as the seeding process to create a record for each table.

The application exposes the following endpoints on default port 3000:

GET localhost:3000/dogs/ (all paginated dogs)
GET localhost:3000/dogs/:id (get a dog with id <:id>)
POST localhost:3000/dogs/ (create a dog, you must include the 'dog' object in the request body)
PUT localhost:3000/dogs/:id (update a dog, you must include the 'dog' object in the request body and 'id' <:id>)
DELETE localhost:3000/dogs/:id (delete dog with 'id' :id)

GET localhost:3000/cats/ (all paginated cats)
GET localhost:3000/cats/:id (get a cat with id <:id>)
POST localhost:3000/cats/ (create a cat, you must include the 'cat' object in the request body)
PUT localhost:3000/cats/:id (update a cat, you must include the 'cat' object in the request body and 'id' <:id>)
DELETE localhost:3000/cats/:id (delete cat with 'id' :id)


Once you seed the db an user is created with the following credentials:

You can use POSTMAN or another REST client to post to the credentials to the /auth/login endpoint. I.e.

Login with postman

Run the request and get the token:

Login with postman

Copy the the token and include it in an authorization header key and hit the GET endpoints to return all 'cats' (i.e. http://localhost:3000/cats) and get a seeded record as generated by expresso-machine:

Login with postman

'expresso-machine-add-api-endpoints' CLI (alias 'em-add-api-endpoints')

When you install expresso-machine another set of CLI command will be made available globally: expresso-machine-add-api-endpoints (alias em-add-api-endpoints) and expresso-machine-add-sq-association (alias em-add-sq-association)

Check it out:

em-add-api-endpoints -h
Usage: expresso-machine-add-api-endpoints l- product,category

  -V, --version              output the version number
  -l, --list <apiEndpoints>  A list of api properties <apiEndpoints>, comma-separated (default: [])
  -h, --help                 output usage information

Use this command when you cd into a project folder generated by expresso-machine

cd my-app

Then run the expresso-machine-add-api-endpoints command followed by the -l option with a comma-separated list of endpoint domains to add to your project i.e.

expresso-machine-add-api-endpoints -l product,category

expresso-machine will generate the following files within the my-app project directory:










will also be amended so the route will be added to the app.

terminal screenshot

'expresso-machine-add-sq-association' CLI (alias 'em-add-sq-association')

This very useful command creates migration files on the to create migration files to create association between tables. It does it interactively via the console in a very easy and comprehensive manner.

Just cd in your expresso-machine generated project folder anr run:


And you'll get the following:

terminal screenshot

  1. Basically you will be asked to pick one of the relationship types i.e.:
  • belongsTo
  • hasOne
  • hasMany
  • belongsToMany
  1. To pick a source model/table from the provided list
  2. To pick a target model/table from the provided list

Expresso-machine will create a brand new sequelize migration file, so to apply it just run:

npm run migrate

And changes will be applied to the DB.


  • npm run init - initialize project running docker-compose build && docker-compose up to install project dependencies and create docker containers and starts them
  • npm run init-db - short version to run database migrate and seed operations
  • npm test - runs jest tests
  • npm run test-coverage - produces a jest coverage report
  • npm run start - starts application with nodemon
  • npm run debug - starts application with nodemon & debugger for VS Studio code
  • npm run dockerbuild - runs docker-compose build
  • npm run dockerup - runs docker-compose up
  • npm run erase-db - runs the docker exec -it my-app_web_1 ./node_modules/.bin/sequelize db:migrate:undo:all from host OS into container and undoes SEQUELIZE migration
  • npm run migrate - runs the docker exec -it my-app_web_1 ./node_modules/.bin/sequelize db:migrate from host OS into container and generates SEQUELIZE migration
  • npm run seed - runs the docker exec -it my-app_web_1 ./node_modules/.bin/sequelize db:seed:all from host OS into container and performs SEQUELIZE database seed operation
  • npm run go-into-container - runs the docker exec -it my-app_web_1 /bin/ash to log into the docker container via shell


When expresso-machine generates an application it also creates a couple of nunjucks templates in the ./views folder as well as a base template using bootstrap.


Whenever you create a brand new application by running expresso-machine or em and subsequently expresso-machine-add-api-endpoints or alias em-add-api-endpoints a test file for each endpoint domain you created will be generated within the ./test/routers folder of your app.

For example if you run:

em -i my-app -l product

A file containing all initial tests for the product endpoint will be generated to ./test/routers/route-product.test.js


Get into the docker container by running the command

npm run go-into-container

then just run

npm test

All jest/supertests will be run in watch mode and re-run whenever file changes are detected


* Adding an extra CLI to dynamically add extra routes & templates.

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  • cesarecontini