This package has been deprecated

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Renamed to @fluent/react 0.9.0

DefinitelyTyped icon, indicating that this package has TypeScript declarations provided by the separate @types/fluent-react package

0.9.0 • Public • Published


fluent-react provides React bindings for Project Fluent, a localization framework designed to unleash the expressive power of the natural language.


fluent-react can be used both on the client-side and the server-side. You can install it from the npm registry or use it as a standalone script (as the FluentReact global).

npm install fluent-react

Integrating with React apps

fluent-react takes advantage of React's Components system and the virtual DOM. Translations are exposed to components via the provider pattern.

There are many approaches to fetching and storing translations. To allow maximum flexibility, fluent-react expects the developer to write a little bit of a setup code related to language negotiation and translation fetching. It makes fluent-react unopinionated and suitable for many different scenarios. You will likely also need to install a few other packages: fluent, fluent-langneg and intl-pluralrules.

Consult the wiki for documentation on how to set up and use fluent-react.


For legacy browsers, the compat build has been transpiled using Babel's env preset:

import 'fluent-react/compat';

In some cases, using the compat build may be needed even if you target modern browsers. For instance, the create-react-app boilerplate uses UglifyJS to minify its files. As of November 2017, UglifyJS doesn't support some of the new JavaScript syntax features. By using the compat build of all fluent packages you can ensure that the minifiction works properly.

Learn more

Find out more about Project Fluent at, including documentation of the Fluent file format (FTL), links to other packages and implementations, and information about how to get involved.

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