
1.0.2 • Public • Published


Loads XQuery modules into fontoxpath and does something with the result. Can be easily configured to load that module from disk, or from a REST endpoint, or whatever else async stuff you have.

Exposes the evaluateXPath function which is similar to fontoxpath.evaluateXPath, except that you give it the location of your "main" XQuery module and it will try to resolve any "library" XQuery modules from there.


import { evaluateXPath, eva } from 'fontoxpath-module-loader';

const result = await evaluateXPath(
	// Given a target location and referrer, return the location.
	(referrer, target) => path.resolve(path.dirname(referrer), target),

	// Given a target location, return the contents of that XQuery module
	(target) => fs.readFileSync(target, 'utf8'),

	// The location of the main XQuery module

Where my-module-file.xqm could contain, for example:

import module namespace foo = "" at "./my-other-xquery-example.xql";



Runs a query and returns the result to you. Is the same as fontoxpath.evaluateXPath with exception of the first three arguments:

n Name & type Description
1. resolveLocation (referrer: string, target: string): Promise<string> Translates a potentially relative file reference to an absolute file reference. Used to resolve one module referring to another one. May return a promise.
2. resolveContent (target: string): Promise<string> Download/steal/borrow the XQuery module source that belongs to the given target location. May return a promise.
3. location: string The location of your main XQuery module.

Please revise the fontoxpath documentation for the other arguments of evaluateXPath:

n Name & type Description
4. contextNode?: fontoxpath.Node Is exactly the contextNode argument that would normally be passed to fontoxpath.evaluateXPath.
5. domFacade?: fontoxpath.IDomFacade Is exactly the domFacade argument that would normally be passed to fontoxpath.evaluateXPath.
6. variables?: object Is exactly the variables argument that would normally be passed to fontoxpath.evaluateXPath.
7. returnType?: number Is exactly the returnType argument that would normally be passed to fontoxpath.evaluateXPath.
8. options?: any Is exactly the options argument that would normally be passed to fontoxpath.evaluateXPath. The language property defaults to fontoxpath.evaluateXPath.XQUERY_3_1_LANGUAGE

Returns a node, string, boolean, number, array, object or null based on the expression in your XQuery module file.


Runs a query, updates the given DOM in place, and potentially also returns a result to you. Is the same as fontoxpath.evaluateUpdatingExpression with exception of the first three arguments:

n Name & type Description
1. resolveLocation (referrer: string, target: string): Promise<string> Translates a potentially relative file reference to an absolute file reference. Used to resolve one module referring to another one. May return a promise.
2. resolveContent (target: string): Promise<string> Download/steal/borrow the XQuery module source that belongs to the given target location. May return a promise.
3. location: string The location of your main XQuery module.

Please revise the fontoxpath documentation for the other arguments of evaluateUpdatingExpression:

n Name & type Description
4. contextNode?: fontoxpath.Node Is exactly the contextNode argument that would normally be passed to fontoxpath.evaluateXPath.
5. domFacade?: fontoxpath.IDomFacade Is exactly the domFacade argument that would normally be passed to fontoxpath.evaluateXPath.
6. variables?: object Is exactly the variables argument that would normally be passed to fontoxpath.evaluateXPath.
7. options?: any Is exactly the options argument that would normally be passed to fontoxpath.evaluateXPath.

Will apply any updates as per your XQUF expression to the given contextNode. Additionally, your XQUF may return something which results in this function resolving to that node, string, number, similar to what evaluateXPath would return.




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