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1.0.5 • Public • Published

Angular Dynamic Form Builder

Using Angular Reactive Forms Module


It Works with any type of inputs, textarea and selects and featured a custom type
called `select-with-input` that gives you a div contains an input field and select
to be used together ex. phone number
If you used Input Type File you can easily get
File object of your uploaded file and base64Url of this file
You can easily detect any changes happens in the form using
formChanges EventEmitter with detectChange boolean value equals true

Just install it and call the DynamicFormBuilderModule inside your module or standalone component then use the component

It Works Fine For Angular v14 and upper and compatible with SSR

for more Info Angular Dynamic Form Builder Repo for more Info Angular Dynamic Form Builder NPM

Note That All Styles Classe must be in styles.css or inside your component style using

:host ::ng-deep {
  // class names

Style Inputs

Input. Type Description
formClasses string set a class or more for the form tag
inputContainer string set class or more for div which include the div holds label and input and shared across all input types
inputFieldClasses string set a class or more for a div that contains label and input tag and this for all types of inputs except ('checkbox' , 'radio' , 'file' , 'select' , 'select-with-file')
radioFieldClasses string set a class or more for a div that contains label and input type radio
checkboxFieldClasses string set a class or more for a div that contains label and input type checkbox
fileFieldClasses string set a class or more for div that contains label, input file and button that trigger input incase you want to hide input and can by styled using parent class and the tag
selectFieldClasses string set a class or more for a div that contains label and select tag
selectWithInputClasses string set a class or more for a div that contains label and a another div contains select tag and input tag
requiredStarClasses string set a class or more for the required *
errorAndBtnClasses string set a class or more for a div outside the form that contains div for error messages and submit button
errorMsgClasses string set a class or more for a div that will contain the error message
buttonClasses string set a class or more for the submit button
inputTagClasses string set a class or more for input tag
radioTagClasses string set a class or more for radio input tag
checkboxTagClasses string set a class or more for checkbox input tag
selectTagClasses string set a class or more for select tag
inputTagLabelClasses string set a class or more for input tag label
radioTagLabelClasses string set a class or more for radio input tag label
checkboxTagLabelClasses string set a class or more for checkbox input tag label
selectTagLabelClasses string set a class or more for select tag label
fileTagLabelClasses string set a class or more for file input tag label
inputWithSelectTagLabelClasses string set a class or more for input with select tag label

Text Inputs

Input. Type Description
requiredStarContent string by default a * and can be changed and accept html tags and also accepts html input, ex. <span>**</span>
errorMsg string error msg that will be shown, ex. after submit and api return an error should create a variable that holds the error message and put it in this input
buttonText string inner text inside the submit button, by default Submit

Features For Form Inputs

Input. Type Description
formConfig FormConfig[] this is required to initiate the component and includes all inputs configs
resetAfterSubmit boolean if true it will reset the form after submit ex. you can set a variable to be true after submitting the form
detectChange boolean this is required with formChanges Output event
isDisabled boolean if true the submit button will be disabled
invalidDisable boolean if true the submit button will be disabled if the form is invalid


Output. Description
getFormData EventEmitter that gets FormGroup object on submit
formChanges EventEmitter that gets FormGroup object on every change but must detectChange input set to true
fileData EventEmitter that gets object from uploaded contains file and base64Url for it

FormConfig Interface

General Properties. Type Description
name string required for every input
type string required for every input
id string required for every input
label string require id if using with radio or checkbox
isRequired boolean set input required field and automatic display required star
placeholder string placeholder for each input
pattern string or RegExp Regex pattern for each input
value string or boolean or number if you want to set a value for the input ex. if you entered edit page that restore the data
minLength string or number min length of input
maxLength string or number max length of input
autocomplete string set autocomplete to off
Custom Properties. Type Description
isPassword boolean required if type is password and you'll use show hide for password
eyeShow string if wanna change img of show password
eyeHide string if wanna change img of hide password
iconUrl string if user wanna put icon inside input
options options[] required if type = radio or select
File Properties. Type Description
inputFileAccepts string accept attribute inside input file ex. 'image/*'
imgPickerBtnText string inner text inside upload button and also accept html tags
Select-Input Type Properties. Type Description
selectName string name of select inside select-input-field
selectValue string or number value of select inside select-input-field
inputName string name of input inside select-input-field
inputValue string or number value of input inside select-input-field
Options Interface. Type Description
name string name of option
value any value of option
isDisabled boolean if you want to disable a single option
export interface FormConfig {
  name: string; // required
  type: string; // required
  id: string; // required

  isPassword?: boolean; // required if type is password and you'll use show hide for password
  eyeShow?: string; // if wanna change img of show password
  eyeHide?: string; // if wanna change img of hide password
  iconUrl?: string; // if user wanna put icon inside input

  label?: string; // require id if using with radio or checkbox
  options?: options[]; // required if type = radio
  value?: string | boolean | number;
  isRequired?: boolean;
  placeholder?: string;
  pattern?: string | RegExp;

  inputFileAccepts?: string;
  imgPickerBtnText?: string;

  // select with input custom type
  selectName?: string;
  inputName?: string;
  inputValue?: string | number;
  selectValue?: string | number;

  minLength?: string | number;
  maxLength?: string | number;
  autocomplete?: string | any;
export interface options {
  name: string;
  value: any;
  isDisabled?: boolean;


First Import DynamicFormBuilderModule and FormConfig Interface In Your Module or Standalone Component
import { DynamicFormBuilderModule, FormConfig } from "dynamic-form-builder";

then use the component with inputs and outputs

<dynamic-form-builder [formConfig]="myInputsConfigArray"

<!-- Image Preview -->
<img class="img-preview" [src]="imgUrl" alt="" />

then adjust your ts file to fit the component

  email: FormConfig = {
    name: 'email',
    type: 'text',
    id: 'test',
    label: 'Email',
    isRequired: true,
    placeholder: 'Enter Your Email',
    pattern: new RegExp(/^\w+([\.-]?\w+)*@\w+([\.-]?\w+)*(\.\w{2,3})+$/),

  password: FormConfig = {
    name: 'password',
    type: 'password',
    id: 'password',
    label: 'Password',
    isRequired: true,
    placeholder: 'Enter Your Password',
    maxLength: '15',
    isPassword: true, // required to enable show and hide functionalities
    eyeShow: '', // img for password to automatically show password
    eyeHide: '', // img for password to automatically hide password

    description: FormConfig = {
    name: 'description',
    type: 'textarea',
    id: 'description',
    label: 'Description',
    isRequired: true,
    placeholder: 'Enter Your Bio',

  age: FormConfig = {
    name: 'age',
    type: 'number',
    id: 'age',
    label: 'Enter Your Age',
    isRequired: true,
    placeholder: 'Enter Your Age',

  country: FormConfig = {
    name: 'country',
    type: 'select',
    options: [
      { name: 'United Kindom', value: 'UK', isDisabled: true },
      { name: 'Egypt', value: 'EG', isDisabled: true },
      { name: 'Saudi Arabia', value: 'KSA' },
      { name: 'Emirates', value: 'UAE' },
      { name: 'Qatar', value: 'QA' },
    label: 'Select Your Country',
    id: 'country',
    isRequired: true,
    value: 'EG',

  checkbox: FormConfig = {
    name: 'accept',
    type: 'checkbox',
    isRequired: true,
    label: 'Do You Accept Our Terms & Conditions?',
    id: 'accept',
    value: true,

  work: FormConfig = {
    name: 'work',
    type: 'radio',
    id: 'work',
    label: "What's Your Current Work Type",
    isRequired: true,
    options: [
      { name: 'From Home', value: 'home' },
      { name: 'From Office', value: 'office' },
    value: 'home',

  color: FormConfig = {
    name: 'color',
    type: 'color',
    id: 'color',
    label: "What's your favorite color?",

  range: FormConfig = {
    name: 'range',
    type: 'range',
    id: 'range',
    label: 'How excited are you?',
    value: '20',

  time: FormConfig = {
    name: 'time',
    type: 'time',
    id: 'time',
    label: 'Select Time',

  // custom type
  PhoneWithSelectCountry: FormConfig = {
    name: 'phone-with-country',
    type: 'select-with-input',
    id: 'select-with-input',
    selectName: 'phone-select',
    inputName: 'phone-input',
    label: 'Phone Number',
    options: [
      { name: '<span>Code with flag</span>', value: '02' },
      { name: '991', value: '991' },
      { name: '996', value: '996' },
    selectValue: '991',
    inputValue: '123123123',

  ImgUploader: FormConfig = {
    name: 'img',
    type: 'file',
    label: 'Upload Your Img',
    id: 'img',
    imgPickerBtnText: 'Upload',
    inputFileAccepts: 'image/*',

  // with this format you can easily set the value for each input in edit mode for example
  myInputsConfigArray: FormConfig[] = [,

  incomingErrorAfterSubmit = '';
  imgUrl = '';

  getForm(form: FormGroup) {
    // Api calls for data
    // if error
    this.incomingErrorAfterSubmit = 'Invalid Data';

  detectChangeInForm(form: FormGroup) {
    // any change in the form it will be log here

  getFileData(event: any) {
    // if user upload a file (ex. image) it will be converted into a file and base64 Url
    // and it will be logged {file:File , base64Url: ''}
    this.imgUrl = event.base64Url;

Created By Shady Noor
LinkedIn Shady Noor
If you can improve it just pull it and do push a PR

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