
0.1.5 • Public • Published

Mangrove module generator Build Status

A Yeoman generator for modules with requirejs, grunt, bower, connect, live-reload, jsdoc, mocha, sinon, chai, mocha-phantomjs with usefull tasks such as browser-ready and node-ready standalone files build

Not ready

This generator is currently in development, use it only if you now what you're doing.
It has never been use for a real use case.


With sudo

$ npm install -g yo  
$ npm install -g generator-mangrove-module
$ mkdir [module_name] 
$ cd [module_name]
$ yo mangrove-module

Usual flow

mkdir [module_name] && cd [module_name]
yo mangrove-module --config_file [../config-file-path].json # ( see below  )
grunt inject_rjsconfig # inject requirejs paths config into app/main.js and test/test_main.js
grunt test # run test with phantomjs and mocha
grunt git:install # git init; create github repository; git remote add origin git@github ..
# subl .
# code ...
bower install anothermodule
grunt inject_rjsconfig
# code .. 
git add . 
git commit -m "foo"
grunt publish # publish into npm and bower registry
grunt release # create and push tag, build standalone, run tests, send new version to npm


  • Create app directory tree
  • Install dependencies and configure package.json, bower.json
  • Install phantomjs with a postinstall script (run sudo npm install)
  • Initialize git & remote
  • Create config.json file & inject it in grunt
  • Add requirejs paths configuration thanks to grunt-bower-requirejs
  • Create ready-to-use test files for phantomjs, mocha, chai, requirejs
  • Create export file for node.js
  • Build standalone dist files ( almond.js )
  • Simple connect server ( useless ? )

To do

  • Fix travis build & add Saucelabs tests
  • Extract tasks and put them in ( grunt ) module ?
  • Test Generator ( hard ? )
  • Clean server & livereload ( working ? )
  • Is running npm install -g in a postinstall script dirty ?
  • Reduce size when installed ( feasible ? node_modules 51MB, bower_components 19MB wtf ? )
  • Check if English is correct ( any help would be welcomed )

Config file

Instead of rewriting the same config entries over and over ( github account, email .. ), you can just specify a config file.
For example, my base config file is:

    "name": {
        "raw": "<%= moduleName %>",
        "camel": "<%= moduleName %>",
        "snake": "<%= moduleName %>"
    "github": {
        "user": "cagosta",
        "path": "cagosta/<%= moduleName %>"
    "livereloadPort": 35729,
    "author": { 
        "name": "Cyril Agosta",
        "email": ""
    "deploy": { // for rsync deployment
        "host": "",
        "dir": "/var/www/",
        "user": "cyril"
    "cachedDeps": false,
    "moduleName": "<%= moduleName %>",
    "isFrontEndApp": true

and I store it into ~/default-mangrove-module.config.json


Run your test suites with:

$ grunt test 

which is just an alias for

$ grunt headless_test

It will run your tests in a headless browser (phantomjs) with mocha

Or run your tests in the browser:

  • go to ./test/index.html or
  • start the server with
$ grunt server

and then

$ grunt test:browser

Beta: run your tests with saucelabs:

  • add your saucelabs credentials into .credentials.json
    "saucelabs": {
        "username": "",
        "key": ""


configure the browser your want your tests to run on in config.json and then:

grunt test:sauce


Build standalone files for the browser with a lighweight AMD loader and expose window[ moduleName ]

grunt build 


Generate jsdoc with

grunt generate_doc


An empty git repository and a remote pointing at github:<%= githubUser %>/<%= moduleName %> are automatically added.
Create a github repository with:

grunt git:create_github_repo


Deploy via rsync with

grunt deploy

This will rsync the dist/build folder to the host you specified in config.json


See grunt-release

Generate stylus stylesheet

In case of frontEndApp, generate .css file from .stylus with

grunt make_stylesheet


This is a Yeoman generator

If you'd like to get to know Yeoman better and meet some of his friends, Grunt and Bower, check out the complete Getting Started Guide.


MIT License




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npm i generator-mangrove-module

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Last publish


  • cagosta