
1.1.1 • Public • Published



Nathan Mersha


Gen node is available on npm, type:

$ sudo npm i -g gennode

and install it globally, now you can use it from the command line.

New on 1.0.0

  • Added gennode_authorization features as describe here


Following the trendy naming paradigm of * aa * , here comes another one Server as a configuration. So what is SAAC about, well a very simple CRUD server has a set of properties that can be described in a simple configuration file. This properties could be one of the ones described below. This information is almost always found in the documentation accompanying the server. However there is an obvious limitation for documentations as such, and with good reason. That is one can read the in's and out's of the server, but one can't recreate it directly from the documentation (say if one wishes to spin up a new server with minor modifications to the first.) The main purpose of this module is to aid the developer to spin up a new REST CRUD project in less than a minute with all the durgeroies completed.


GenNode is short for Generate NodeJS.

Prerequisite and Note

  1. An installation of mongodb on the running machine is required for the tests to pass, and for the server to start. Make sure the mongod server is up and running. Guide on how to install and run MongoDB can be found here.
  2. Make sure to have a version of NodeJS above or equal to Version 4. Get NodeJs here
  3. The reverse proxy value in environment will be used inside a docker container, so avoid using values like 'http://localhost' or ', since this would effectively point to the container itself.
  4. Server and model names will be changed to their corresponding cammel case format according to this module.


RUN $ gennode --help for a list of available commands.

initialize (init)

$ gennode init

Creates a new genNode configuration file with interactive prompt.

sample (s)

$ gennode s

Generates a sample genNode configuration file for a hero academy.

generate (gen)

$ gennode gen -i <configFilePath> -o <outputPath>

Initializes a new server by the provided gennode config file.


--input, -i (Required) : Input to the gennode config file path, sample for a config file can be found below or simply run $ gennode init

--output, -o (Required) : Output path where the server files will be generated in.


The gennode configuration file is a simple javascript file exporting an object. Default name gennode.config.js


On some debian platforms there seems to be a problem while installing dependencies, generating apidoc and running test. So after you generated all the files run the following commands inside the root folder of the generated code in order.

$ npm install

$ npm run apidoc

$ npm run test

This will insure all of the files are generated.


Main configuration field options.

Option Description Default Type
serviceName Name of the service Sample gen node server String
serviceDescription A small description of what your service does This service is generated by gennode... String
author Service author Gen Node String
copyright Copyright Copyright : Current Date String
runningMode Service running mode test_mode String
licence Service Licence MIT String
version Version 0.0.1 String
repoURL Repository url String
baseURL Version /service String
runServer Runns server after file generation is completed. false Boolean
models List of models [] Array
dependantServices Dependant services Default values here Object
environment Envrionment variables Default values here Object
authentication Header authentication type Default values here Object
includeApiReqLib Api request library true Boolean
certificatePath Path to root and client certificate Default path here Object
mongodb Includes mongodb docker file in server configuration true Boolean
nginx Generates a nginx proxy configuration file true Boolean
test Tests the generated api, creates test and coverage report using Mocha, Chai and Mochawesome true Boolean
docker Tests docker files for the server. true Boolean
jenkins Generates CI pipeline for the server. true Boolean
postman Generates postman collection file true Boolean
elkLogger Inserts elk stack logger using the bunyan lib false Boolean
enableProxy Generate Nginx configuraiton file true Boolean
readMe Generates readme file for the server. true Boolean
documentation Generates documentation powered by ApiDoc true Boolean
instance App instance (A value of 0 will run the server in cluster mode utilizing all logical cores) 1 Number
commit Commits the generated file. true Boolean
Dependant Services

Dependant service

Option Description Default Type
endPoints List of endpoint to ping before initializing the service [] Array [String]
abortIfFail If true server wont start if ping response code is 4** or 5** false Boolean

Authentication options

Option Description Default Type
type Authentication type Bearer String
headerKey Authentication header key Authentication String

Certificates path

Option Description Default Type
root Path to root certificate null String
client Path to client certificate null String
clientKey Path to client key null String

Envrionment variables passed

Option Description Default Type
DEBUG Console output view for valid values * String
PORT Server running port 3300 Number
MODE Server running mode test_mode String
MONGODB_URL Mongodb running url mongodb://localhost:27017/service String
REVERSE_PROXY Reverse proxy address http://localhost String
COLLECTION_RETURN_SIZE Collection return size 24 Number
ELEMENT_IN_PAGE Elements in pagination return default value 12 Number
ELASTIC_SEARCH_URL Elastic search endpint http://localhost:9200 String
LOG_STASH_PORT Log stash port 5000 Number

Note You can add other environment variables here too.


Model configuraion field options.

Option Description Default Type
options options Options field Object
fields default fields firstModified : {type : Date}, lastModified : {type : Date} Object

Model options (Valid option for model options key)

Option Description Default Type
enableRoute If true the model will have a CRUD endpoint. options Boolean


Model field configuration options.

Option Description Default Type
type Field type, any Mongoose type is valid "String" String
queryUsing If true, will be able to query using this key in get requests true Boolean
publicVisibility If true, field will be visible on public call, will be hidden otherwise. true Boolean
verifyOnCreate If true, field will be verified on create. false Boolean
editableOnUpdate If true, field will be editable on update call. true Boolean
visibleOnPagination If true, field will be visible in pagination calls. true Boolean
es_indexed If true, field will be indexed in elasticsearch true Boolean

Naming Conflict

Model names are converted to camel case, view this module for how the conversion happends. This could create conflict when at runtime when the naming is clearly not similar at configuration. (_example sample-name and sample_name will both be converted to sampleName at runtime) So avoid using similar names as such.

Sample Configuration

Sample gennode configuration file Postman documentation for my hero academy can be found here


 * @author              Gen Node
 * @name                Gen Node
 * @module              gennode.config.js
 * @description         Default gennode configuration file
 * @kind                Config
 * @copyright           2018 Gen Node

module.exports = {

    serviceName : 'Hero Academia',
    serviceDescription : "Teacher and student hero registry for Hero Academia",
    author : 'Young Midoria',
    copyright : `Copyright : 2018`,
    runningMode : 'test_mode',
    licence : 'MIT',
    version : '0.0.1',
    repoURL : "",
    baseURL : '/heroAcademia',
    runServer : false,
    models : [
            options : {
                name : 'Teacher'
            fields  : {
                name : {type : "Number" , es_indexed : true},
                age : {type : "Number", es_indexed : true},
                gender : {type : "String"},
                followers : {type : "Array"},
                superPower : {type : "String" , es_indexed : false},
                costume : {type : "String"},
                powerGrade : {type : "String"},
                tournament : {type : "ObjectId", ref: "Tournament"},
                history : {type : "ObjectId", ref: "History"},   angerLevel : {type : "Number"},
                optimismLevel : {type : "Number"}

            options : {
                name : 'Student'
            fields  : {
                name : {type : "Number" , es_indexed : true},
                age : {type : "Number", es_indexed : true},
                gender : {type : "String"},
                powerClass : {type : "String"},
                superPower : {type : "String" , es_indexed : false},
                costume : {type : "String"},
                powerGrade : {type : "String"},
                tournament : {type : "ObjectId", ref: "Tournament"},
                history : {type : "ObjectId", ref: "History"},
                wins : {type : "Number"},
                loss : {type : "Number"},
                draw : {type : "Number"}

            options : {
                name : 'Tournament'
            fields  : {
                name : {type : "Number" , es_indexed : true},
                wins : {type : "Number"},
                loss : {type : "Number"},
                draw : {type : "Number"}

            options : {
                name : 'History'
            fields  : {
                angerLevel : {type : "Number"},
                optimismLevel : {type : "Number"},
                enemyDefeat : {type : "Number"},
                archNemesis : {type : "String"},
                battleGroundDefeat : {type : "Number"},
                enemyCapture : {type : "Number"},
                alive : {type : "Boolean"}


    dependantServices       : { // todo dependant services goes here
        endPoints               : [
        abortIfFail             : false

    environment             : {
        DEBUG : "*",
        PORT : 3300,
        MODE : "test_mode",
        MONGODB_URL : "mongodb://localhost:27017/heroAcademia",
        REVERSE_PROXY : "http://localhost",
        ELEMENT_IN_PAGE : "12",
        ELASTIC_SEARCH_URL : "http://localhost:9200"


    // Defines authentication header key and type for api requests
    authentication          : {
        type : 'Bearer',
        headerKey : 'Authentication'

    includeApiReqLib        : true, // If true will include library for requesting outside api call
    certificate             : {
        root : null,
        client : null,
        clientKey : null
    }, // Some path to a certificate if request will be made using https.

    // Defines related containers
    elasticSearch : true,
    mongodb : true,
    nginx : true,

    minify : false,

    test : true,
    docker : true,
    jenkins : true,
    elkLogger : true,
    enableProxy : true,
    readMe : true,
    documentation : true,
    instance : "1",
    commit : true,
    commitMessage : 'Initial commit, generated by gennode.'


Generated files

Gennode generated files and directories.

Name Description
apidocs Generated api documentation
config Generated server configuration file
controller Route controller files
coverage Test coverage report
dal Data access layer for models
lib Libraries
lib-constant Error codes and other service related constants.
lib-helper Api requester and controller helper modules
lib-helper-api Api requester libraries, if certificate is provided it will be copied in the cert directory.
lib-helper-others Controller helper module
lib-middlewares Initializer middleware
model Generated models
node_modules Node modules
report Test report
test Test suite files (dummy data and url generator module is also located here)
.dockerignore Docker ignore file
.env Environment file
.gitignore Git ignore file
app.js Application start file
docker-compose.yml Docker compose file
Dockerfile Docker file
package.json Package file

Upcoming features

  • Multilevel schema support
  • User management service
  • Minify
  • Stress test


If you have anything in mind, that you think is would be awesome to include in the generated server files, feel free to create an issue here, or fork the project.

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npm i gennode

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  • nathanmersha