
1.0.1 • Public • Published


Optimized for Google Cloud Run(especially for Anthos), this small package is intended to make any static website(ie: made of html, css, js and assets) to be served by nginx from a Docker container making it easy and fast to deploy.

How to use ?

1. Install

You can use npm

npm install static-dockerizer

Doing so should create a Dockerfile and a .dockerignore at the root of your project, feel free to edit the .dockerignore to fit the Docker context you want to send, the NGINX server has some basic caching settings but you can also edit the Dockerfile to fine-tune them.

If you don't feel like using npm, just download the zip tarball from this page, unzip it and copy the Dockerfile and .dockerignore into the root of your project, then edit them at your convenience.

2. Build the image

build the docker image

docker build -t my-static-site-image .

3. Run it locally

Run the image locally to test your site

docker run -p 8080:80 -d my-static-site-image

Then visit localhost:8080 from your browser to make sure it works.

4. Push

Push it to any registry for deployment

5. Notes

  • The container exposes port 80
  • The server expects a 404.html as 404 error page.

Package Sidebar


npm i gke-static-dockerizer

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  • alkaj