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This program can compare the strength of two Go (围棋, 囲碁, 바둑) engines that are GTP-compatible by running a batch of games between them. It can also compare the strength under different options of the same engine.


  • Node.js 8 or higher installed.


Add a file config.json, then run:

npx go-engine-tester config.json

config.json example:

    "first": {
        "command": "./leelaz",
        "args": ["-w", "network-173.gz", "--gtp", "--noponder"],
        "initialGtpCommands": [
            {"name": "komi", "args": ["7.5"]},
            {"name": "time_settings", "args": ["0", "0", "1"]},
            {"name": "boardsize", "args": ["19"]}
    "second": {
        "command": "./leelaz",
        "args": ["-w", "network-157.gz", "--gtp", "--noponder"],
        "initialGtpCommands": [
            {"name": "komi", "args": ["7.5"]},
            {"name": "time_settings", "args": ["0", "0", "1"]},
            {"name": "boardsize", "args": ["19"]}
    "times": 30

This will play 30 games between the two engines, alternating black and white for each game, and finally print the result. Note that the path in command is relative to the working directory not the config file. Also note that on Windows, use \\ not \ for path separator, or just use /.

For details of GTP commands such as time_settings, click here.

There's an in-process mode, in which it won't start 2 new processes on each game, but instead run all games in the same 2 processes:

    "first": {
        "command": "./leelaz",
        "args": ["-w", "network-173.gz", "--gtp", "--noponder"],
        "initialGtpCommands": [
            {"name": "komi", "args": ["7.5"]},
            {"name": "time_settings", "args": ["0", "0", "1"]},
            {"name": "boardsize", "args": ["19"]}
            {"name": "lz-reset_all"}
    "second": {
        "command": "./leelaz",
        "args": ["-w", "network-157.gz", "--gtp", "--noponder"],
        "initialGtpCommands": [
            {"name": "komi", "args": ["7.5"]},
            {"name": "time_settings", "args": ["0", "0", "1"]},
            {"name": "boardsize", "args": ["19"]}
            {"name": "lz-reset_all"}
    "times": 30,
    "inProcess": true

This can speed up the test especially when moves are very fast and the loading of the neural network takes much time. Note that while in in-process mode, both engines must support some kind of "reset all" features to reset all states including all caches in the previous game in order to make the next game fair. In the above example, lz-reset_all is just an imaginary GTP command. You should replace it with the real GTP command that does this behavior.

You may do tests on a computer that can shut down at any random time. An example is EC2 Spot Instances. In this situation, you may want to send reports regularly to a server to prevent data loss. The optional report property is for that:

    "report": {"minutes": 10, "uriPrefix": "https://example.com/report"}

Every 10 minutes, it will send an HTTP GET request to https://example.com/report?testerId=<testerId>&firstWins=<firstWins>&total=<total>, where <testerId> is a random (but fixed during the tester process) string. Note that in this report, <total> is always an even number. The report reflects the last state when <total> is even.

There's an optional spawnOptions property, so that it could pass environment variables to the engine processes. For example:

    "first": {
        "command": "./leelaz",
        "args": ["-w", "network-173.gz", "--gtp", "--noponder"],
        "initialGtpCommands": [
            {"name": "komi", "args": ["7.5"]},
            {"name": "time_settings", "args": ["0", "0", "1"]},
            {"name": "boardsize", "args": ["19"]}
        "spawnOptions": {
            "env": {
                "DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH": "/Users/your-name/boost_1_67_0/lib"
    "second": {
        "command": "./leelaz",
        "args": ["-w", "network-157.gz", "--gtp", "--noponder"],
        "initialGtpCommands": [
            {"name": "komi", "args": ["7.5"]},
            {"name": "time_settings", "args": ["0", "0", "1"]},
            {"name": "boardsize", "args": ["19"]}
        "spawnOptions": {
            "env": {
                "DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH": "/Users/your-name/boost_1_67_0/lib"
    "times": 30

For details of spawnOptions, click here.


Q: Why does it restart the process for each game by default? Process initialization can be slow!

A: This ensures that each game is treated equally. A lot of programs are so smart that they can cache the previous calculation to speed up calculations for the next game. We must avoid that, otherwise the result may be biased. However, we do have an inProcess option, which can speed up the test if the engines support it.

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