
0.8.1 • Public • Published

GRAD Vehicle Spawner




  1. Create a folder in your mission root folder and name it modules. Then create one inside there and call it grad-vehicleSpawner.
  2. Download the contents of this repository ( there's a download link at the side ) and put it into the directory you just created.
  3. Append the following lines of code to the description.ext:
#include "modules\grad-vehicleSpawner\grad_vehicleSpawner.hpp"
class CfgFunctions {
    #include "modules\grad-vehicleSpawner\cfgFunctions.hpp"

Via npm

for details about what npm is and how to use it, look it up on

  1. Install package grad-vehicleSpawner : npm install --save grad-vehicleSpawner
  2. Append the following lines of code to the description.ext:
#define MODULES_DIRECTORY node_modules
#include "node_modules\grad-vehicleSpawner\grad_vehicleSpawner.hpp"
class CfgFunctions {
    #include "node_modules\grad-vehicleSpawner\cfgFunctions.hpp"


Add the class cfgGradVehicleSpawner to your description.ext. This is entirely optional. Default values will be used unless set by config. Use the following attributes to configure the module:


Attribute Default Value Explanation
abandonedTime 1200 Number - Time in seconds after which a vehicle will count as abandoned and will be deleted. (30s accuracy)
maxVehicles 40 Number - Global threshold of spawned vehicles, after which empty vehicles will be deleted instantly.
maxVehiclesUser 5 Number - Threshold of total vehicles per user, after which his oldest vehicles will be deleted instantly.
eventParams [] Array - Parameters that will be passed to events below.
onDisplayOpen "" Statement - Will be executed locally where dialog is openend. Passed parameters are [display,eventParams]
onDisplayClose "" Statement - Will be executed locally where dialog is closed. Passed parameters are [display,eventParams]
onSpawn "" Statement - Will be executed on server when vehicle is spawned. Passed parameters are [vehicle,textures,animations,netID of spawning player (remoteExecutedOwner),eventParams]


class cfgGradVehicleSpawner {
    abandonedTime = 1500;
    maxVehicles = 100;
    maxVehiclesUser = 10;
    eventParams[] = {};
    onDisplayOpen = "systemChat 'hi!'";
    onDisplayClose = "systemChat 'bye bye!'";
    onSpawn = "(_this select 0) disableTIEquipment true";


Add an ACE-Interaction to an object to open the vehicle spawner dialog.

[object,actionName,condition,vehicleTypes,spawnPositions,onDisplayOpen,onDisplayClose,eventParams,onSpawn] call grad_vehicleSpawner_fnc_addInteraction

Parameter Explanation
object Object - The object to add the interaction to
actionName String - The name of the action
condition Code - Condition for the action to be visible. Passed parameters are [target, caller].
vehicleTypes Array - Sets which vehicles can be chosen from. "ALL" or empty array for all vehicles. "ALLWHEELED","ALLTRACKED","ALLHELIS","ALLPLANES","ALLBOATS" for all vehicles of the respective category. Classnames for only specific vehicles (all version that share the same model will be available).
spawnPositions Array - Array of 5 Spawnpositions (one for each vehicle type)
onDisplayOpen Code - See config attribues. Overrides config value.
onDisplayClose Code - See config attribues. Overrides config value.
onSpawn Code - See config attribues. Overrides config value.
eventParams Any - See config attribues. Overrides config value.

Spawnpositions Array

Spawnpositions have to be in order: [Wheeled,Tracked,Rotary Wing,Fixed Wing,Naval]
Allowed data types are:

  • String - markername - direction of marker determines spawn direction
  • Object - vehicles will spawn on or around given object - object direction determines spawn direction
  • Array - format Pos2D, Pos3D, [x,y,z,direction,searchRadius,increment] or array of multiple position in that format (will be prioritized in the same order as given)
    • x,y - x and y coordinates
    • z (optional) - z above terrain (default: 0)
    • direction (optional) - direction in which vehicles will spawn here, 0 is most reliable (default: 0)
    • searchRadius (optional) - radius around this position which will be searched for available empty spawn positions (make this small to force exact position; default: 20)
    • increment (optional) - the smaller this is, the slower the function, but the more likely the vehicle will spawn close to center (default: 5)
  • Code - Has to return [Pos3d,Direction]. Position [0,0,0] will mean no valid position was found. Params passed are [class of vehicle].
    • if you want to use list _trigger to check for any objects which might block a spawn, make sure to filter objNull as well as grad_vehicleSpawner_target and grad_vehicleSpawner_localVeh, which are a helper object and the local vehicle preview


_spawnLand = [3200,1200,0];
_spawnTracked = [[2500,1200,0,0,5,1],[2600,1200,0,0,5,1]];  // tracked vehicles will spawn max 5m from the first position - if first position is full, second position will be used
_spawnAir = [3500,1600,0,128];  // spawndirection is 128 >> in direction of my imaginary runway
    "GRAD Vehicle Spawner",
    {diag_log ["Vehiclespawner opened. Display:",_this select 0]},
    {diag_log format ["Vehiclespawner closed. Was open for %1s seconds.",CBA_missionTime - (_this select 1 select 0)]},
    {(_this select 0) disableTIEquipment true}
] call grad_vehicleSpawner_fnc_addInteraction;


  • select a vehicle from the left sidebar to preview it (local to your client)

  • see preview information on the information tab on the right sidebar

  • select vehicle components and textures from the variants and textures tabs on the right sidebar

  • spawn a vehicle with the spawn button below the left sidebar (this will spawn the vehicle on the server)

  • manage your spawned vehicles in the my vehicles section on the right sidebar

  • drag the camera by holding RMB and moving your mouse

  • zoom in and out with mouse wheel

  • hide the UI with backspace

  • close the spawner with escape




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  • gruppe-adler-admin